Paragon Fleet in STO

Ael Rhiana



Just wanted to let people know that at STO launch a bunch of CoH players made a fleet.

It is called Paragon Fleet. We are still up and running and currently growing. It is a welcoming place to be with like minded souls and refugees.

The best way to find us (if you are playing Star Trek Online) is to join the global chat channel:


(case sensitive). Just ask in there if anyone is around to send invites and we'll get you right on board.

Hope to hear from some CoH Captains soon.

BTW, I am @draugadan over there (and here, and in CO, go figure).

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Paragon Fleet still has members? Huh. A lot of us ended up leaving and forming a new one because the fleet's creator quit playing and didn't promote anyone to the top spot, so a lot of the permissions were locked.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



No, wait, I see what's going on. Yeah, the old fleet was Paragon Fleet, it has since been replaced by the Paragon Expeditionary Fleet.

We've gotten a few more active members since the CoH announcement, which is good for making progress on the fleet starbase (we're close to unlocking Tier 2). I'm hoping we'll be able to stage some fleet run events, like the Borg Special Task Forces. If anyone has tried STO and likes it, please do feel free to request an invite to PEF.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Just joined the chat channel. Although I'm already in a fleet on STO, its great to be able to chat with fellow CoH players, also being able to chat in CO as well is a plus, but 2 character slots ? Ergh!

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



Frankly, Star Trek was the game that made me take Cryptic seriously as a game designer again. Champions isn't BAD, but it's severely flawed, infinitely silly and, from comparing the before-and-after... Semi-abandoned. It has a decent character creator and means of picking powers, but there's so much about it that's still flawed. Star Trek is the game that takes itself seriously, offers good writing and actually pretty impressive graphics and gives us a fictional universe that's both relatively open and still filled with backstory.

And I know the CoX channel is cross-game, but it feels like it's mostly Champions players. Is there one that's more specific to Star Trek? I'd love to join that one and chat with you guys... Without necessarily joining fleet. I have a "thing" with in-game guilds in whatever name they take.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And I know the CoX channel is cross-game, but it feels like it's mostly Champions players. Is there one that's more specific to Star Trek? I'd love to join that one and chat with you guys... Without necessarily joining fleet. I have a "thing" with in-game guilds in whatever name they take.
For a while the CoX channel was basically the STO channel, and aside from periodic bursts of chatter (mostly complaining) it tended to be dead most of the time. At the moment there's nothing STO specific aside from the fleet chat, and while the fleet has picked up some new members, it's still pretty quiet. I suppose we could create a CoH STO channel, though, if you're absolutely dead set against joining the fleet. I know there are other CoH players who belong to other fleets, so it would be a good way to bring us together.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Hmmm, I may just look into that. I'm currently the owner of a fleet modeled after our supergroup here, but the fleet system in that game is painful for a really small group (read: 3 players, one playing only semi-regularly). Even If I keep our fleet, the community of familiar players to chat with would be definitely be nice. Thanks for the heads up!



Is this game good? Do I need to purchase it and then its free or do I just download it ??

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
Is this game good? Do I need to purchase it and then its free or do I just download it ??
You should be able to just download and play. I enjoy the game when I get around to playing, tho I admit I prefer the space combat over the ground combat.



Originally Posted by JC_THREE View Post
Hmmm, I may just look into that. I'm currently the owner of a fleet modeled after our supergroup here, but the fleet system in that game is painful for a really small group (read: 3 players, one playing only semi-regularly). Even If I keep our fleet, the community of familiar players to chat with would be definitely be nice. Thanks for the heads up!
Yeah, I know what you mean. For a while, Paragon Expeditionary Fleet had maybe four regularly active members. We made pretty good progress on unlocking tier 1 of all the starbase stuff, but slowed down at tier 2. We've had an uptick in activity since the Paragon closure announcement, though, and things are moving faster. We're close to filling out tier 2 of military and science, and once we get the T2 shipyard or comm array built (I'm hoping for the shipyard first) we'll get started on the T2 starbase.

I try not to even think about tier 3. Have you seen the requirements for those projects? I mean, good lord.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
Yeah, I know what you mean. For a while, Paragon Expeditionary Fleet had maybe four regularly active members. We made pretty good progress on unlocking tier 1 of all the starbase stuff, but slowed down at tier 2. We've had an uptick in activity since the Paragon closure announcement, though, and things are moving faster. We're close to filling out tier 2 of military and science, and once we get the T2 shipyard or comm array built (I'm hoping for the shipyard first) we'll get started on the T2 starbase.

I try not to even think about tier 3. Have you seen the requirements for those projects? I mean, good lord.

Hey. I may not play much but every time I'm on I contribute to the Fleet.



Are there different classes to play or species with different abilities?

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



I know you do, Forbin. But there was a period of time after the system was introduced when it was just me and a couple other people working on the fleet projects.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
Are there different classes to play or species with different abilities?
There are three classes, with each focusing on Engineering, Science, and Tactical combat. (each gold/blue/red respectively.) and it decides what powers/ships you get

alien races have like....small abilities too, but I really haven't noticed on anything.



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
Are there different classes to play or species with different abilities?
Here's a good primer on STO.

But, yes, there are three classes in each faction: Science, Engineer, and Tactical. Science is the closest there is to a healer class, but it has a lot of good debuffs available. Engineers are sort of the buff/pet class. Tactical is more or less the intended DPS/tank class. There's quite a bit of flexibility in the classes, though. It all depends on how you equip yourself for ground combat. And in space combat, it all depends on what kind of ship you're flying and what your Bridge Officer (BOff) load out is. Any class can fly any type of ship, and the ships themselves are designed to fit certain roles. Escorts are sort of the glass cannon, big on firepower but low on survivability (their BOff layout is tactical focused). Cruisers are the tanks, but can be set up to heal hulls (engineering BOff layout). And then you've got Science Ships, which are kind of a buff/debuff/shield healer hybrid. And that's not getting into the hybrid and specialty ships available in the game store.

Each of the playable species has different traits to pick from at character creation. Some species are slightly better suited to certain classes than others, but it doesn't actually make much of a difference. And you can make your own custom species if you don't want one of the existing ones.

So yeah, there is quite a bit of room for customization in STO.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



I was orignally in STO during beta and have been with a fleet since then, so I'm basically committed where I'm at. I did join the CoX channel though.

As for the game... meh. If you have to have everything canon... don't play it. It'll make you spit nails. The flawed canon is one reason why I originally stopped playing, the other was the fact that the game was just severely underwhelming for me. Playable Romulans would likely keep me interested, IF they were done right. The in-game lore for Romulans is so incredibly ridiculous that it's stupid. Major turn off for me. The game is set after the 09 reboot BS, and you have Data alive (didn't he like...explode in Nemesis?) the Duras sisters are alive and one has a child... (um...didn't they like...explode in Generations?) There are just lots of inconsistancies that really make no sense.

The C store. Oh. My. God. Can you get ANY more expensive? 50 bucks real cash for some of the ships. The store is insane, price-wise. There are many missions that are also horrendously bugged and have been since beta. GM's also seem to be non-existent. Tickets can remain open for months before you get a response. I've had a ticket open for almost a year with no response yet. If you're stuck or anything? drop the mission and restart, you won't get a GM response for days to weeks to months. It may be different if you pay for a sub, but from what I have read on the forums and experienced...not bloody likely.

It's an O.K game, but it's nothing even remotely mind blowing. It is also not team friendly. If you ask most people to team they treat you like you're stupid for asking. Also...don't get too far away from your squad leader and certainly don't load into the mission faster than them, it sets everything wonky. When I first got back into the game (a few weeks ago) I teamed with my husband and a friend, one of whom was a lvl 49. They loaded into the mission faster than me, by about a minute. (You have to patch maps and DL some files to come before you can even zone in...) I load in and suddenly we're all at my lvl - 10 - while facing lvl 49 enemy ships. We didn't last long.

The PvE events can be fun, but when you play them... KNOW what you're doing or you'll be verbally lashed and abused into the next year. All of my experiences with those events are as follows: Die even once; miss one objective at all and you will generally see the following:

EFFING NOOB!!! Go EFFING DIE STUPID NOOB. USELSS POS. GDAMN WORTHLESS EFFING NOOB.... And that is the tamer stuff. I almost quit again that day. STO seems to harbor either very immature people or those with a severe superiority complex who think they are the most uber elite gamer in the world. God I wish I was kidding.

I mainly only got back into it because my husband did.

There isn't much to do at max level either. Same old content that you can replay about 100000 times over. You can grind out dilithium...but there isn't much to do. Oh, and if you want quick XP, check the daily events for Mirror Universe runs. I went ftom 43 - 47 in one hour playing through 4 MU's in one hour. The team I was on was spectacular. It also groups you with people you're own level (seems to) so you won't get a ten paired with several 50's for example.

50 is also not that difficult to reach. I went from 3 - 50 in about a week and a half, and I didn't even play all that much. Some of the beginning missions will give you almost 2 levels after each one completes. But if you like playing an entire arc smoothly...WAIT until you're late 20's before starting the Romulan arc. Each mission is for a certain level only, and I was always left 2 - 4k xp short at the end of each, so I had to go grind out cluster missions or PvE crap until I got it. Then I could play the next. It sucked. Same for most of the arc missions really.

There is also so little to do on the KDF side that they start you out at lvl 20. Most of the red side players constantly complain about how little there is for KDF players to even do.

OKay...this turned out way longer than I initially thought it would. It's fine for F2P I suppose, but I sure as hell wouldn't pay for it.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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Star Trek was really my first "nerdy" love while I was growing up and still is. Downloaded STO shortly after the announcement. Now I've been spending a lot of time on STO and almost none on CoH the past week or two (and I've been feeling a bit guilty about it). Space combat is great and unique (as far as I've experienced anyway), and while some people dump on the ground combat I find it interesting. Since you've got an away team, it's a bit like playing a mastermind.

By the way, one correction--while ships are divided into 3-4 basic career types, any career can use any type of ship, so there are a lot of crossover possibilities there as well.

Also, we have catgirls! (Though you will need to spend 600 Zen--slightly more than a monthly stipend--to play as one.)



Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
As for the game... meh. If you have to have everything canon... don't play it. It'll make you spit nails. The flawed canon is one reason why I originally stopped playing, the other was the fact that the game was just severely underwhelming for me. Playable Romulans would likely keep me interested, IF they were done right. The in-game lore for Romulans is so incredibly ridiculous that it's stupid. Major turn off for me. The game is set after the 09 reboot BS, and you have Data alive (didn't he like...explode in Nemesis?) the Duras sisters are alive and one has a child... (um...didn't they like...explode in Generations?) There are just lots of inconsistancies that really make no sense.
Yeah, anyone who wants strict canon is going to have a meltdown trying to play STO. They use a lot of soft canon from the novels in the game, and they don't always use it well.

And yeah, Data's alive because of the whole B4 subplot in Nemesis, but he and the Enterprise-E are missing (I think because they don't have Brent Spiner's permission to use his likeness). The Duras sisters are still dead, actually, but the son one of them had managed to get it on with someone and keep the house going. But those aren't even the worst things they've done. I'd give that dishonor to Worf's decision to completely cut his ties with the Federation. That was just stupid.

edit: as for the other stuff, yeah, STO has problems. I can't say I've ever run into people hurling insults at me for dying in an event, but I've run into moochers and plenty of idiots.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
Yeah, anyone who wants strict canon is going to have a meltdown trying to play STO. They use a lot of soft canon from the novels in the game, and they don't always use it well.

And yeah, Data's alive because of the whole B4 subplot in Nemesis, but he and the Enterprise-E are missing (I think because they don't have Brent Spiner's permission to use his likeness). The Duras sisters are still dead, actually, but the son one of them had managed to get it on with someone and keep the house going. But those aren't even the worst things they've done. I'd give that dishonor to Worf's decision to completely cut his ties with the Federation. That was just stupid.
Yup. Wasn't one of the Duras sisters pregnant at the time of the explosion in Generations though? Forgive my Trekkie ignorance, I haven't seen Generations in forever and my memory is fuzzy these days.

And B4 isn't Data. They specifically (the game) make it out to be the original, like the ending of Nemeis never actually happened.

And the whole Romulan thing already had me melting down more than once. Sela is the Empress and lead of the Romulan Empire now. Um... *breaks down in a fit of laughter* Really, Cryptic? Even after the homeworld was destroyed (I still don't acknowledge that reboot as canon... sue me...) do you really think the survivors are going to allow a half-breed to run the Empire and rebuild it? Especially one that had already been exiled (according to game lore she was) and told never to return? Not likely at all. No Romulan is going to put any half-breed or exiled-one into a position of power. I'm aware that she just jumped in after the Praetor went missing and claimed the Empress seat as her own, but still... Blondie would have been assassinated quick smart I think. And let's not even go into the fact that they decided to borgify Donatra... Still not over that one. >.>

But yeah...if you are a stickler for canon then you will want to stay very far away from this game. It'll drive you bonkers.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
Yup. Wasn't one of the Duras sisters pregnant at the time of the explosion in Generations though? Forgive my Trekkie ignorance, I haven't seen Generations in forever and my memory is fuzzy these days.

And B4 isn't Data. They specifically (the game) make it out to be the original, like the ending of Nemeis never actually happened.
She gave birth, but actually I think we're both confusing her kid for Toral, her brother's illegitimate son. It's Toral's kid who we have to deal with in STO.

And it is Data, but restored in B-4's body. The way they played it was that Geordi did some work on B-4 so that Data's matrix (or whatever the hell), which he'd uploaded to B-4 before he blew up, would become fully active and take over.

edit: at any rate, as much as I enjoy STO, there are problems, especially with the writing. The Federation mission Divide et Impera stands out as one of the worst missions in any game ever.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
She gave birth, but actually I think we're both confusing her kid for Toral, her brother's illegitimate son. It's Toral's kid who we have to deal with in STO.

And it is Data, but restored in B-4's body. The way they played it was that Geordi did some work on B-4 so that Data's matrix (or whatever the hell), which he'd uploaded to B-4 before he blew up, would become fully active and take over.

I've been a Trekkie since like...age 8, and you know as many times as I've seen Nemesis...

That subplot went over my head... I never connected it the way that you just said. I think my brain is going in my old age of 33! lol

In all honesty it's mainly the Romulan lore that is driving me the most nuts.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



Oh, we all have our nerd-rage buttons. And STO is great in that it manages to press them in one way or another. My biggest problem tends to be the player ships. Cryptic has more or less given the green light to every ship that was ever in Trek (that CBS has rights to use). This leads having ships that are inappropriate for the time period, like the TOS Constitution and its refit, and the NX class from Enterprise. Then, of course, there's the current Temporal Lock Box thing (yeah, if you thought CoH nickle and dimed you, CoH ain't got nothin on STO), which has a chance to award a 31st Century Wells Class timeship. Because letting players use that thing totally makes sense in the context of the setting. And then you've got ship classes that, IMO, would've been retired from the active roster in favor of newer, more robust classes. For example, I always thought that the Excelsior class would eventually be phased out in favor of the Akira as the fleet's new workhorse.

I could go on, but instead I'll just repeat the MST3K mantra and think of something else.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
Yup. Wasn't one of the Duras sisters pregnant at the time of the explosion in Generations though? Forgive my Trekkie ignorance, I haven't seen Generations in forever and my memory is fuzzy these days.
Apparently this is one of those "fuzzy gray areas" of canon, and STO chose to have the son being born before she went and exploded.

Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
And B4 isn't Data. They specifically (the game) make it out to be the original, like the ending of Nemeis never actually happened.
Apparently, in the Countdown comics before the new (terrible) movie, B4 allowed his entire self to be "overwritten" with Data's somehow. After that, it seems he basically is just Data.

Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
And the whole Romulan thing already had me melting down more than once. Sela is the Empress and lead of the Romulan Empire now. Um... *breaks down in a fit of laughter* Really, Cryptic? Even after the homeworld was destroyed (I still don't acknowledge that reboot as canon... sue me...) do you really think the survivors are going to allow a half-breed to run the Empire and rebuild it? Especially one that had already been exiled (according to game lore she was) and told never to return? Not likely at all. No Romulan is going to put any half-breed or exiled-one into a position of power. I'm aware that she just jumped in after the Praetor went missing and claimed the Empress seat as her own, but still... Blondie would have been assassinated quick smart I think.
Haven't really thought about that that much, but she did seem to have a good group of followers during Unification.

Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
And let's not even go into the fact that they decided to borgify Donatra... Still not over that one. >.>
Haven't gotten to that part of the story yet, but I can't say Donatra is someone I remember from the series, so I probably don't have an opinion.

Originally Posted by Ael Rhiana View Post
But yeah...if you are a stickler for canon then you will want to stay very far away from this game. It'll drive you bonkers.
I would have included myself in the sticklers for canon, but maybe it's not so much as I thought. After the 2009 film, I guess anything set in the real ST universe gets my vote regardless. There's a lot that I would think would bother me, but it's just too cool flying around in a Miranda-class, even if it's somehow nearly as powerful as a modern ship. And all the references to the various series, whether it's seeing the kids from DS9 and Voyager (who all coincidentally seem to have joined Starfleet!), traveling back in time and helping out Scott and McCoy (with genericed faces for legal reasons), breeding Tribbles... it's a lot of fun.

There are some problems, and I'd be the first to say the store prices are ridiculous (A shirt costs more than my monthly stipend? I have to save for 4 months to buy a ship that's only useful for 10 levels?). But it's definitely worth a try.



See...that's what I thought. Here's what memory alpha has to say: It is not clear if Lursa's child had been born, and if so, whether he traveled with his mother and perished with her. So I can see how it would be a fuzzy area, it's still a wee bit confusing though.

Yeah, but a comic isn't canon, but I guess many people argue that as much as the new movie not being so (canon), either.

Sela didn't really have a grand group of followers in Unificaton from what I remember, and according to the game lore she was exiled from the homeworld. She wouldn't be accepted as leader, it's a complete load of bunk in my opinion.

Donatra was the commander in Nemesis, and was the Empress of Romulus for a time (novel lore that was touched upon in game briefly.) They use more book lore than anything else for STO, and it can make things very confusing especially if one doesn't closely follow the books. I've read like... 2 ST books in the last decade, so I am not well-versed on book lore and what not. And then game lore screwed with Tomalak, one of my favorite Romulans.

Eh...I just don't like a lot of what the game did.

But I will say that it's somewhat easy to get the hang of. If I can do it than anyone probably can. I was flying my ship like a pro in about a week, and I am far from what could be considered a hard core gamer.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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