Bioware: EA carves another notch into their record of game studios killed.
Well that's it for them, I guess. Will the last person with a soul at Bioware turn out the lights before you leave the building? |
Don't tell me. Let me guess. It's an MMO, right?

Be well, people of CoH.

MMOs, anymore IMO, have far too much of a lead time and are trying to compete in an already saturated environment. Granted, the scifi/spacey type doesn't have much competition, but I don't think they'd try to do another one.
I'm in for Dragon Age: Inquisition.
It's not that EA closed the studio, it's just the founders left. Knew that last week. They made their killing selling out to EA, hung around for 5 years as EA VPs in charge of their not so little empire (5 studios in three countries) so now their are getting out before they watch EA suck their life's work into a dried up husk like they've done to so many studios. Their not even developers, just the original money guys with the money (they were medical doctors).
Good for them.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
To be more accurate, they were guys who wanted to make games and realised they needed money, so became doctors to make money to make games.
Also; old news. I knew Bioware was dead as soon as I was subjected to the utter, utter {BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEEEEEEEEP} that was ME3.
At least Westwood, Bullfrog, Pandemic and co will have some new company to reminisce with...
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
ME3 is so disappointing its not even funny.. I can barely make myself play through it once.. much less try it with different classes..
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Eh, I thought it was alright. I only really had problems with the fact that they didn't at least give the option for a happy ending. If you had finished every game's achievements, did all possible side missions throughout, had full Paragon or Renegade, had full galactic readiness, did all DLC, etc., there should've been a difference to allow for a happy ending.
And no, I didn't play it before the Extended Cut came out. Maybe I just wasn't as emotionally invested in seeing what happened. *shrug* I do think they should've made every squad NPC romanceable in the second instead of bowing down to the soccer mom crowd screaming about sexboxing and the like. Because come on, who wouldn't want to see a FemShep/Ashley or FemShep/Miranda pairing?
Eh, I thought it was alright. I only really had problems with the fact that they didn't at least give the option for a happy ending. If you had finished every game's achievements, did all possible side missions throughout, had full Paragon or Renegade, had full galactic readiness, did all DLC, etc., there should've been a difference to allow for a happy ending.
And no, I didn't play it before the Extended Cut came out. Maybe I just wasn't as emotionally invested in seeing what happened. *shrug* I do think they should've made every squad NPC romanceable in the second instead of bowing down to the soccer mom crowd screaming about sexboxing and the like. Because come on, who wouldn't want to see a FemShep/Ashley or FemShep/Miranda pairing? |
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Mordin alone would be worth it.
To be more accurate, they were guys who wanted to make games and realised they needed money, so became doctors to make money to make games.
Also; old news. I knew Bioware was dead as soon as I was subjected to the utter, utter {BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEEEEEEEEP} that was ME3. At least Westwood, Bullfrog, Pandemic and co will have some new company to reminisce with... |
Also on Steam
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
ME3 was a great game. I loved it until the end. For me, though, the ending was SO bad, so out of step with the rest of the franchise, so incredibly stupid, it soured the whole thing for me. The only way they could have salvaged it for me was to go the indoctrination route. Even though I downloaded the extended ending, I still have yet to bother with it.
Be well, people of CoH.

I'm right there with you, man. I haaated the original ending to ME3. It had a lot of problems, but for me it was just so out of character for my Shepard. She'd spent the last two games spitting defiance at the Reapers and their proxies, pulling off the impossible and saving the galaxy's ***. And then she gets to the Catalyst and listens to it's spiel and then she just... rolls over and accepts the crappy, death-inducing options that the thing gives her. I hated that. I at least wanted the choice to give the Catalyst the finger and work out a fourth option that saves everyone.
I almost couldn't bring myself to do any replays, knowing that it would feel pointless with that ending waiting (but I decided to try out a run on a Vanguard and it was so much fun I stuck with it).
Then the Extended Cut came out, and I decided to give it another shot. Believe me, it makes the ending soooooooooo much better than it was originally. It fills in most, if not all, of the plot holes (you know how your team mates on the ground get back to the Normandy, why Joker didn't try to pick you up before he bugged out, etc.) and it provides the closure that the original ending didn't. I'm not saying it's perfect. I'm not saying that you'll think it's the greatest ending in the history of video games (or even the franchise). But it is a lot more palatable than the original ending was.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
It's not that EA closed the studio, it's just the founders left. Knew that last week. They made their killing selling out to EA, hung around for 5 years as EA VPs in charge of their not so little empire (5 studios in three countries) so now their are getting out before they watch EA suck their life's work into a dried up husk like they've done to so many studios. Their not even developers, just the original money guys with the money (they were medical doctors).
Agreed. Aside from the last 10-15 minutes (which were vastly improved by the extended cut DLC), Mass Effect 3 is a great game.
It doesn't matter to me that BioWare is dead; they were already dead to me.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
All I can say about what I'm doing next is that it involves a lot of beer.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, all I can say about what I would be doing next is that it would involve a lot of beer.
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
I disagree. Except for a few missions, I hated almost all of ME3. Badly paced and clumsily written with uninteresting new characters, and the broken promise that the choices we made in the previous games would matter.
It doesn't matter to me that BioWare is dead; they were already dead to me. |
In regards to choices...think about this...they did matter, in a sense. It mattered who showed up at the end, who was there, and what support you had. To the end of those choices actually MATTERING in the bigger sense of the finale, does eating a donut or a bowl of cereal matter in the overall scheme of things to your day?
As for whatever promises were broken, well, one has to take that with a grain of salt. How many things have been "promised", but end up not happening the way one thinks they will? There's no way that the ending could have lived up to everyone's expectations. Maybe it's just because I wasn't invested as much in the series, but the Extended Cut (can't speak to the original as I never saw it) was a nice wrap up.
Also, there is a comic series on DeviantArt that is a really good alternate ending to the game. Finally, this.
Here are my main issues with ME3:
1) We were promised for years that there wouldn't be an "A-B-C ending" by Casey Hudson, yet that's exactly what he delivered.
2) We were also promised for years over multiple interviews that the choices we made mattered. But they did not. I played through ME2 multiple times to get different endings, including a "Suicide Squad" one, just to see what effect that would have on the story. Turns out that effect was: Zero. If someone didn't make it through the ME2 finale, they were simply replaced by their sister/uncle/roommate/cat in ME3. It was just "replace character A with character B" laziness.
3) We experience the invasion of Earth in the opening sequence and then spend a good 50% of the game faffing off doing stupid fetch missions that are better suited for grunts, not the Hero Savior of All Creation. "Say, get some ointment for this random guy on that planet way over there."
3a) And this is related to the above for pacing: why do crew members play poker, or stare off into space, or go to a dance club? It's the END OF EVERYTHING and they're goofing off? WTF? They blather on about how driven they are, how much hatred they have for the Reapers, how much they want to save the galaxy... but after I finish this hand, esse. Come on, that's terrible writing, plain and simple. There was no sense of urgency.
I think this was due to EA pulling more team members to work on SW:TOR in order to meet deadlines, so they cut corners on Mass Effect. After three stinkers in a row with DA:O, TOR and ME3, BioWare has severely damaged their brand. They've lost people like me forever.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Here are my main issues with ME3:
1) We were promised for years that there wouldn't be an "A-B-C ending" by Casey Hudson, yet that's exactly what he delivered. |
2) We were also promised for years over multiple interviews that the choices we made mattered. But they did not. I played through ME2 multiple times to get different endings, including a "Suicide Squad" one, just to see what effect that would have on the story. Turns out that effect was: Zero. If someone didn't make it through the ME2 finale, they were simply replaced by their sister/uncle/roommate/cat in ME3. It was just "replace character A with character B" laziness. |
3) We experience the invasion of Earth in the opening sequence and then spend a good 50% of the game faffing off doing stupid fetch missions that are better suited for grunts, not the Hero Savior of All Creation. "Say, get some ointment for this random guy on that planet way over there." |
3a) And this is related to the above for pacing: why do crew members play poker, or stare off into space, or go to a dance club? It's the END OF EVERYTHING and they're goofing off? WTF? They blather on about how driven they are, how much hatred they have for the Reapers, how much they want to save the galaxy... but after I finish this hand, esse. Come on, that's terrible writing, plain and simple. There was no sense of urgency. |
Also, keep in mind the timeframes involved. For the Protheans, it was a matter of centuries before they were wiped out. The Reapers have no need to hurry because they've never really had to in the past. There's also the amount of time spent in travel that we don't really see. I prefer a game that moves on my schedule as opposed to stuff like Dead Rising.
Any time a game developer promises something, you need to take what they say with a massive grain of salt. As far as I'm concerned, I judge a game based on what it presents, not what one of the dev staff (or marketing or whoever, I don't know who Casey Hudson is) says will be in it. Expecting everything to turn out like a dev promises is no better than believing when a guy or girl says they're going to rock your world, IMO.
Which, in the context of the universe, makes sense. It's not like the people that went on the suicide mission were completely unreplacable. And some, like Kelly Chambers, makes sense for the replacement even if she survives. You can ignore those missions, but you'll pay for it. The fetch missions end up with people helping on the Crucible or providing other assets to help with the war effort. If all the people are doing is fighting, then they'll get burnt out and not be as effective. They all need at least a little bit of down time. It's not like they can do much else when you head to the Citadel. Also, keep in mind the timeframes involved. For the Protheans, it was a matter of centuries before they were wiped out. The Reapers have no need to hurry because they've never really had to in the past. There's also the amount of time spent in travel that we don't really see. I prefer a game that moves on my schedule as opposed to stuff like Dead Rising. |
The "time frame" thing has zero to do with the aliens' overall attitude and everything to do with the fact that Earth is being invaded NOW. Every minute they waste playing poker or fetching weeds is another minute where thousands of humans get killed or zombified.
And that is BAD WRITING. You don't start off with the sense of urgency by wrecking our planet and then completely undermine that by having characters chillax at the club. Imagine a war movie where Pearl Harbor gets bombed and in response the protagonists go to Maui and hang out on the beach, then go into the jungle to find some sugar cane. You'd be yelling, "WTF? Get in the airplanes and go after the them!"
That's why the fetch missions are retarded. You have to do them in order to ramp up your assets, but it doesn't *matter* what state your assets are in. I know, because I had the glitch where nothing would get me over 50% and I got the exact same endings as everyone else. It literally didn't matter what choices I made. That is completely antithetical to the other games. At the end of ME2, I lost crew members before I ever got to the finale simply by not upgrading the Normandy. I did that on purpose to create my Suicide Squad. It was a completely different experience than my first play-through. You just don't get that from ME3, because the story is on rails.
BioWare also had a sterling reputation of delivering on what they promised, which they seriously fell down on.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Well that's it for them, I guess.
Will the last person with a soul at Bioware turn out the lights before you leave the building?