406 -
It was the first time I could really fly. Goodbye City of Dreams.
Gaussian...seriously pixel me would camp out for some Gaussian.
I tend to Rule 34 in Aaron Walker as a tragic romance. -
When CoH finally sunsets I'm going to Champions.
My tag there and STO is @Zero. -
I'm in for Dragon Age: Inquisition.
In the real world there is no such thing as justice, or fairness when corporations are involved.
Move on. Stay true to yourself. If you don't want to buy their stuff, don't. Talk to your RL friends and associates about how you feel, people you know. Explain yourself lucidly. They're your sympathetic audience, not random people on the internet you don't know.
In the end, don't worry about it. NcSoft isn't worrying about you.
Move on to something else that will make you happy. Or try to make something that will make you happy. -
So, looked at a few videos on Youtube: Blade and Soul has flight...it's definitely Kung fu flavored flight, but it doesn't seem to be nearly as crappy as Aion's flight timer gliding only unless you're in a massive PVP zone.
Still...seeing the mailer in my inbox pained me and irritated me. Part of me thinks that CoH was canned to drive more super-fantasy custoemers to Blade and Soul when it launches. I think that's just personal paranoia and scorn though.
I'm not playing Guild Wars 2. I has nothing I want. -
Currently trying to wean myself off MMO's with DCUO.
Of course the moment I set my mind to it, they release patches to make gearing up solo much much easier, especially if you have characters that were around when the Great Hacking occurred.
I'm looking at Champions, but I can't bring myself to sub or play $50 to unlock a freeform character slot.
My roommate is having raptures over GW2, but I'm feeling rankled and scorned concerning NcSoft. I feel like if I start caring about one of their games it's going to get cancelled. -
Heinberg, who wrote the pre 52, pre J Michael Strazynsky Wonder Woman relaunch, is behind this. He knows the comic character, I'm willing to give him a chance.
Sure. I've already reached the points where I'm replaying archetype combinations JUST to make them praetorians.
Someone's video should feature "I had the time of my life" from Dirty Dancig.
Thanks for everything! Looking forward to running around in your next big thing!
I'm going to DC Universe Online. I will probably also install Champions and give it a try as well.
I like DCUO's look, but the chat system leaves a lot to be desired, however the world is very populated giving it an occupied feel that I can enjoy.
I'm just not a fan of fantasy MMO's. I play DDO because RL friends do. But it just doesn't capture my imagination. -
Thank you so much for your work and your time and your passion. Thank you.
-Hank -
Kickstart it...I will throw money at you, well what I have anyway.
Thanks for all of your work!
God that sounds so workman like but seriously, thanks! -
Thanks for all your work Zwill. Go on to bigger and better things.
Are there any mods left?
And would they even care? -
I like to fly.
No flying mounts...my avatar. Not that crappy movement in second life!
I don't want to play Champions.
I have a lifetime sub to DCUO and I have a meatspace social group that plays DDO. I guess I'll be there. Then again, maybe not.
I feel like the girls from the Chicken Ranch.
"Hard Candy Christmas" from The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
http://youtu.be/PCguQ1_wqVM -
I'm sitting here thinking, "Where am I going to go? What am I supposed to do?"
I stopped drinking and going out when I started playing CoH. It was cheaper, if I was soloing I could stop and do other stuff on another machine and in general I think life was better. I became more creative, writing millions of words over the last 8 years for non-gamer oriented materials and fiction.
All of the old places I used to hang out are gone now, plowed under and bricked over by gentrification.
When I saw the notice I thought, "Where am I supposed to go? Where else can I read/hear constant chatter and know that there were other people "in here" with me. So much time.
I feel cast violently adrift and while I've pulled my life vest's inflation cord, there's nothing but blue horizon.
My old haunts are gone. My new haunt is gone.
Maybe gaming just needs to stop. I'll join a gym and find someone in meatspace to haunt again. Then again, that was 8 years ago and now a days meatspace seems to be for the young. -
We don't even have until the end of the year.
From NCSoft to IGN
Quote:I'm uninstalling the beta as soon as I get home. I should uninstall the main client and all NCsoft products on my machine, but I want to see if we're allowed to go out with a bang instead of a whimper.
Both NCsoft and Paragon Studios are incredibly proud of the success of City of Heroes, but unfortunately, the continued support of the franchise no longer fits within our long term goals for the company. All employees at Paragon Studios are affected by this decision, including the management team.
We will begin the City of Heroes sun setting process immediately with the goal to officially stop our service offerings for the franchise on November 30, 2012.
This was a very tough decision to make and wish the best for all Paragon Studio employees in their next ventures.