Out of city contact info

Adeon Hawkwood



Since the game is shutting down, there are a lot of people I'm going to have to scramble to keep in contact with. If anyone wants me:

AIM: Dispari Scuro
YIM: dispariscuro@yahoo.com
Skype: dizzy_dispari
FurAffinity: Dispari
Steam: DispariScuro
Furcadia: Dispari Scuro

(yes I'm a furry)

Everyone ought to post whatever info they're comfortable sharing, so we can keep up with eachother once this place is gone.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I've not been around of late, and probably few people know me now. But for posterity you'll find me here...

Email: zap.robo@btinternet.com
Twitter: @zaprobo
Site: http://zap-robo.net/

If you see a Zap-Robo, ZapRobo or a ZapRobotnik elsewhere then it's me too.

And I understand if you'd all rather not, but I'm the admin of WildStar Central (no link, just Google us if you're interested). The thought of an NCsoft-sponsored game likely makes a lot of you sick right now but I'll be over there if you see this and fancy "catching up".



Skype: AngryAngelAra

I'll be running a lot more group conference calls until the servers shut down.



I'm on Deviantart under lethe-gray

I'm on Steam as Zekiran

I'm on Facebook as Zekiran Immortal

I really hope to see some folks around, though we all know everyone will get all teary-eyed.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Originally Posted by Catministrator View Post
You've got mine already, but...!

Steam: Wrenchie
Are you of oklahoma? There's a bunch of wrenchies on steam. :/

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Everywhere I go, my alias is universal. Either LtZerge or Lt.Zerge, or some variation of that. Here's to seeing you good folks around *salute*

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
(yes I'm a furry)
Don't worry. This game was home to a lot of Furries, as I eventually learned!



Contact me through my Youtube channels listed in my sig. I just uploaded a video regarding the news for people who haven't heard it through here.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



You can see what I'm up to in my Twitter Account:


You can also contact me to email:

hjoy [ a t ] starsmangames [ d o t ] com



In my sig.

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