1776 -
I keep reading the title as "Stateman's Farewell". Darnit!
Frak that "strategy" felgercarb. I came here to play a superhero or a super villain. With super powers. Super powers. If I wanted strategy, I'd go play chess.
No, I believe that's copyright. Trademarks are totally different things. It might not even apply to something like this.
I'm not a lawyer, but I seem to recall that trademark law in the United States requires you to actually use your trademark in some active way, or else you risk it be considered abandoned and you'll lose your rights to it. This is why Chevron operates sixteen of their gas stations under the "Standard" brand.
So... what, we just have to wait until City of Heroes has been dead for however many years it takes until someone else tries to snatch it up? I think that's how Lucky ended up coming up from the ashes long after Albertsons had taken it! Though the people who tried to take it ended up losing in court anyway.
Yeah, I don't know. -
Remember when Furries were the lowest on the geek social ranking hiarchy?
Yeah... -
Quote:You know, in every post I've read by you, I have never been able to understand it fully. You really have no idea how to use metaphors properly.You can try to blame those that bought the gun, you can try to blame those that provided the bullets - certainly, some of the responsibility belongs there; but the direct and immediate blame lies on the one that pulled the trigger - in this case, that would be those who were on strike.
Had they taken the pay cut, the company might've gone under a little further down the road anyway and then they wouldn't have been to blame, but since they decided to take the dog out back and shoot it they're directly responsible for shooting the dog. It doesn't matter if they had cause to do so, they're still directly responsible for it. -
...that never got used.
For eight years they all just sat there with their little flashing landing lights blinking again and again.
I've seen laments for the unfinished launching pads in the game, but those helipads have been there since launch, and nothing was ever done with them! I think that is even more sad.
Poor unused helipads. -
Quote:What's ironic about this is that she's often quick to point out sexist behavior when she sees it.It's all good though. Her kibun of me was/is about as effective as the kibun efforts on NCsoft
It reflects more on her prejudices/ignorance than anything else.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean "ironic". I meant hypocritical. Oops. -
I won't miss most of you. A lot of you were like clones of Comic Book Guy, complaining about each and every little thing. You couldn't shut your collective yaps if your lives depended on it.
Quote:You think the execs figured that all the unions were probably corrupt, so it was OK for them to screw their workers over? This most certainly does not excuse them for what they did.People like to ignore the fact that there's money and power in leading a union. Union leadership are just as drive by greed as everyone else. Hell, why do you think organized crime has taken such an interest in unions? Because they're worried about worker's rights?
"Yeah they're all run by the mob anyway, so let's do whatever we want anyway!" Yeeeeeah... no. -
Quote:This. Totally. I don't get why anyone continues to blame the baker's union when they had already stopped trusting the guys in the monkey suits. They had to take care of their own because it was clear that no one else was going to! If the suits running Hostess weren't so busy trying to line their own pockets and actually tried to help the workers they were dependent on, things would have never even gotten as bad as they did.As I said earlier, you have to lead by example. Cut the salary of your employees and then give yourself a pay raise? That's idiotic. It creates a hostile relationship, so the next time you need to do something to save the company, the workers are just going to assume you're lying. Even the UAW and Teacher's union has seen the light in recent years, but only in areas where they've been treated fairly. This combative "us v. them" mentality is killing companies.
But yeah, easier to blame a bunch of bakers than it is to blame the people in charge, or something. -
Disney buying CoH? They're so big, they could easily buy NCSoft.
Shouted down by the forumites quite often. ("LOL Merge the servers!")
Quote:The marketplace - Loved the idea originally, but the marketplace made it quite challenging to for new players to enter the economy of the game and therefore, they probably turned a lot away. The inflation rate after the market was introduced in the game was ridiculous and players that used to have 10 million were considered rich once, but now 10 million became laughable. New players would take 6 months to a year to earn enough influence to really enjoy the IO system.
We have seen the enemy, and they are us! -
Quote:There was a very brief period where the Void Hunter Rifle temp power you can attain on villain side would actually work against player Kheldians. I remember going into a PvP zone with my bots/traps Mastermind, and I got assaulted by a Warshade. I was very nearly wiped out, until I pulled out that Void Rifle. A single blast knocked him out and I was soon able to demolish him. He cried foul, but I was seriously cackling!Nope. PvP was born broken. Flavor of the Month builds ruled all and certain powersets were simply superior. Good PvP requires that everyone be equal -- or as nearly equal as possible -- and that kind of mentality is anathema to MMO players. When a Tank hits as hard as a Blaster or a Stalker survives a Blaster's alpha shot, players start crying foul.
This is the final weekend that CoH will probably ever see. So try to make it a memorable one somehow!
I've noticed that as we get closer to the end, more and more bile has finally risen to the surface. It's better this way, I think. More honest. People exposing themselves for the flawed, contradictory humans they've always been. No more veil of BS that we're all one big happy family. We never were.
We all only had one thing in common; this game. It's soon going away. When it does, we'll soon find how some of us are just too alien to some others.
This is quite liberating. -
More food for thought, for some people hellbent on blaming the little guy: