
Screenshot Spotter Feb-17-2010
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    ME3 is so disappointing its not even funny.. I can barely make myself play through it once.. much less try it with different classes..
    Odd, because out of the three, its the one I enjoyed the most, ending notwithstanding. I look at comments like the one above and I wonder if maybe I'm playing an entirely different game.
  2. Demobot


    Ya'll are the best.

    Even a great MMO can be ruined with an awful community. CoH was a good MMO made great by its community, and no server was a better example of the community spirit than Champion. I'll never forget you guys.

    Good luck and godspeed.
  3. Finally, Pizza And Robot Nuns

    Fatalistic Paranoid Aardvarks Reject Nature

    Fortuitously, Paul Avoided Raiding Norway

    Fierce Pythons Anticipated Raul's Naivete

    Fumbling Ponies Assaulted Russia's Navy

    Fidgety Platypuses Avoid Raging Narwhals
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Well think about it like this, if you can't wrap your head around why someone might actually quit over consistently bad writing. There's an entire community in this game dedicated to Roleplaying and immersing their characters in the world of CoH. When that world starts getting shaken or bad plotlines are introduced, it can make some RPers lose interest in that world and want to find a new one, in a new game that treats writing with a little more respect.
    If I RP'd and I depended upon the game for every story my characters experienced, I would have quit a very long time ago.
  5. I'd like to see some of the older, uglier costume pieces revamped, but a full revamp would consume inordinate amounts of development time, especially if it involved revamping the player models. If past choices are any indication, the development team prefers making new stuff to redoing old stuff.
  6. "Congratulations, Curiosity! You've just landed on Mars! What are you going to do next!"

    "I'M GOING TO DISNEY L- oh."
  7. You can also see the MSL's progress using NASA's Eyes on the Solar System.
  8. Demobot


    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Pshaw! Keyboards are for grandparents. Real experts programme with voice commands.
    "Hello computer!"

  9. As soon as I saw 'Kotaku' in the URL, I knew it would be a complete waste of words.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    As dumb as I'm sure it sounds to a lot of people, this is one of my single favorite developments of the past few years. So happy to not have to log into a toon and spend the first 30-60 seconds turning on my toggles.
    As someone with more than a few toons with Fly, it's nice to log in and not find my toons plummeting to the ground.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rakeeb View Post
    So now because true balance is "impossible", ie folks don't want to work that hard, we're trying to compromise with "fair"?

    I didn't realize that Arbiter Hawk and Synapse were actually Castle.

    No compromises. Fix the game. It's not hard; it simply requires commitment.
    Why bother laying a new foundation if it requires demolishing the house above it?
  12. Story here.

    Not sure what to think about this. I was a bit surprised when it was announced that The Hobbit would be two movies long, but three? I'll still watch all three movies, as I think Peter Jackson did a great job with the LOTR trilogy and winning 11 Oscars with a threequel is quite an achievement, but how the heck do you stretch The Hobbit over three films, even with the Appendix material?
  13. Between this, the new ATO set, the sniper changes, the sustain powers and whatever other unannounced changes may or may not be revealed in beta, I think I might need to use all three builds just to take advantage of all of them.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
    I don't have words to describe how excited I am about this change.
    I do, but there are children in the audience.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
    Squirrel Girl. Plain and simple. Don't believe me? Look here.
    Yep, I mentioned her, and that list is why.
  16. Demobot


    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    That my friend is a classic pic.
    You pull this out of the family album or what?

    Comedic GOLD.
  17. Demobot


    I'd rather have a pet possum than a pet skunk. I mean, look at these guys:

    They seem pretty happy with their pet.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    looks very military.....then again this could just be a work in progress too....
    Here's a better close-up shot: