11520 -
The Goddess of Numbers will never die, not while we still believe, heh.
Praise be Arcana, and thanks for all the awesome posts and snappy put-downs over the years -
Quote:Zwill! How could you?!And it looks like Zwillinger landed at EA, aka the dark side.
Unless you plan to destroy them from the inside out. In which case, get on with it, Hero! It's up to you to cleanse this filth from the gaming world!
No, no I am not kidding. EA deserves to crash and burn almost more than NCSoft do... -
Colour me interested, at the least. Although I did have a colossal facepalm as soon as I browsed the site and saw the female character designs under Races. Even the Goblins, for crying out loud! And, of course, the 'Not Elves honest!' were the worst for it. Utterly stupid skimpy costume design, that is. Give the males some sensible, but as soon as it's female, wuh-oh! Fanservice ahoy!
I think the Girl Genius, for one, would be braining people with a very large wrench before dressing in anything as shoddy as that. Eesh. -
I cried. Honestly.
To quote a famous Time Lord; "I don't want to go..!" -
To borrow and edit from a popular movie;
"We may not be able to save our world from you. That just means we're going to have to avenge the hell out of it...and you." -
Quote:Uh, yeah, because this is really 'tainting the memory' and is so much worse than, oh, about 80% of what happens in real smegging life.I never thought I'd say this but I miss the mods.
It bums me out that COH's memory will be tainted by a bunch of people who want to have physical relations with video game characters.
Why is this sketchiness being perpetuated?
Christ. Get some perspective, will you? And not everyone here is being serious (I know I was seeing the funny side) But, please, carry on being a judgemental donkey, look at all the damns people are giving. -
There are no words.
Only the tears of angels, shattered dreams, pain and rage and burning, bowel clenching hatred of those who stopped this from ever coming to pass.
Only in Paragon was there any justice. The real world, apparently, is sorely lacking... -
Quote:Best and most accurate summation to date.Friend of mine (@vhaillor2003) in-game posted the following, which I copy/paste here:
Quote:"It was basically a "We feel really bad for setting that puppy on fire. We want you to know that we loved the puppy too. But once we doused in in gasoline and lit it on fire, we just couldn't put it out."
"We even tried waving a fan at it to put the flames out and everything, but sadly all options are exhausted. Now let's please stop trying to put the puppy out, and instead hug and share happy memories of the puppy while it burns to death."
And also please stop mentioning to everyone how we set puppies on fire."
I wanted to respond to them with an "Oh NCSoft, I'm trying hard to see things from your perspective, but try as I might I just can't get my head lodged that far up my A**."
Which I thought was one of the best summations I've yet seen.
'Exhausted all options'...BULL fething HORSE dookie! -
Sums it up perfectly.
EA look like they have an Eastern Counterpart... -
'Exhausted all options'?!
Bull fething horse dookie!
Hell, if they were serious about that, why not TELL us the price, and the players can buy the damn game! -
I read the article. I laughed aloud. Most awesome. Beat down of evil. EVER.
Quote:Uh...I'm sorry, what? What guff is this that you're pulling out of your rear end?Why would a community do that? They care about the game. Not the dev team, which should really make any creative person sad.
What turgid, trog infested rock did YOU crawl out from under? Kindly get back there and go back to sleep. It's better for everyone that way. -
To be more accurate, they were guys who wanted to make games and realised they needed money, so became doctors to make money to make games.
Also; old news. I knew Bioware was dead as soon as I was subjected to the utter, utter {BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEEEEEEEEP} that was ME3.
At least Westwood, Bullfrog, Pandemic and co will have some new company to reminisce with... -
Quote:It is a dark, horrible thing even you would hate. (or maybe not but it sounded good in my mind)
Quote:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! DAMN YOU!!!!TS: I had a pitch once to have the Rikti Homeworld be lost to a catastrophe caused by their internecine war and have the survivors be offered sanctuary on Primal Earth, possibly in a revamp of Crey’s Folly or some other neglected hazard zone. We would have also put Rikti Epic Archetypes in at the same time - -
Quote:Y'know what's boosting my un-changed morale (realistic with very faint optimism)?Feels like Coh players are losing hope, more and more players are heading to Co and Dc, they are losing hope in this fight, this battle.
We need to Boost Morale, anyone got any ideas to how to do this?
Telling you now what I've thought for ages;
Please, for other peoples sakes, type English right will you? The majority of people I played with in CoH were from non-English countries like Finland and Sweden, people like Sam Tow are from middle Europe, and they type it better than most English people I know.
You have no excuse. Fething hell. -
So why are you supporting someone who used the closure of the game we know and love to take a jab at a bunch of people who he/she/it hates and has trolled for ages (Union RPers)? Because that is EXACTLY what you are doing. The posts were 'polite' until they very blatantly weren't. Go figure.
Quote:These are reasons I am extremely sad:
Quote:Then I'm amazed you're still sane. That's only gotten WORSE since then. Game buggy as hell on release? Never mind, release it anyway, maybe do a patch later because it's dead easy to patch stuff now with everything on the net. Full game on release? Lolnope Day-1 DLC that's on disc locked. Expansion packs? What are they?These days, if you buy a game, you kind of expect it to work and not crash of its own volitions. Back in the 90s, when I bought a game, whether it worked or not was a crapshot. Sometimes I didn't have the right hardware, sometimes I didn't have the right software, sometimes I didn't have enough EMS or XMS or what have you. And that's just trying to run shovelware the calibre of Action 52, or trying to win unwinnable games like Rick Dangerous or Dangerous Dave.
I'm not a fan of selling games to me in little bitty pieces- -
There's an awful lot of tripe on the market these days. Fortunately stuff that I like, like Borderlands 2, Darksiders 2, TF: Fall of Cybertron, Halo 4, Assassin's Creed 3 , Bioshock Infinite and whathaveyou are still coming.
But there are so many generic FPS games out there. A lot of 3PS too. With CoH looking like being shut I know the MMO industry is pretty much dead to me, unless Transformers Universe pulls something spectacular out of it's hat. The only other game that holds me is World of Tanks, and that's nothing like CoH.
Oh and, for the record, EA can go find a gigantic, reeking, spiky, flame filled, snake infested, pus-ridden pit of Eternal Damnation to go throw itself into. I will never forgive them for Mass Effect 3. Never. The ME series should have been the Star Wars of a generation. And it wasn't. It oh so wasn't. -
Yup. Finally able to have noFX power pools...air Superiority on my PB...better Blasters...
God freaking damnit -
Done. We know there are still way more pro-CoH supporters out there;
http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes -
Quote:What this thread and those comments fail to take into account is the sheer length of in-game time that people tried to be civil, tried to be polite and patient, and were basically told they were wrong, their opinion was wrong and they should feel horrible for daring to disagree with a certain person.No. It was not. It was rude, antagonistic, the worst personal attack I'd seen between either of those two and, most of all, completely unnecessary.
That kind of attitude is only harmful right now. TonyV handled the conversation perfectly well, there was no need for anyone else to jump on the dogpile. The person in question may have been persistent in manner and a little too eager to present unfounded opinion as fact, but at all points I saw, that person was civil. Unlike those who attacked him/her.
And I completely and fully agree with this person's question: "How can anyone think attacking someone on a public channel then silencing whem when they fight back is ok?" The answer to this question is "It isn't. Ever."
Because I don't think it was read as fully as it should have been,
Once you've been through that farce more than once, tolerance levels can and will find all new low levels to reach, even if they have to burrow through bedrock to do it. When you, your friends and the community you have built over years has been point blank insulted one time too many, by a complete and utter strange who has NO other purpose there other to spread their own self-righteous agenda, THEN get back to me and we can discuss this on equal terms.