Call to Action: Vote in Massively Poll
Mentioned this in the other thread but I'll repeat it here:
Should I crosspost this info over at the Champions Online Forums? They have a lot of people there sympathetic to our cause, and though on the one hand they see an opportunity for their game to benefit, they are also in many cases cheering us on.
I have also made a quick scan of the DCUO forums and we have sympathy there too. (And a begrudging acknowledgement that their game as much as they like it is unlikely to be our replacement. They've noticed that CO is getting more former COH people and for the most part appear to understand why.)
Again - crosspost? Or would it hurt?

Voted. I don't know if I think crossposting would hurt or help us more, I'm not involved in the CO or DCUO communities.
@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30)) Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.
I think any one who plays and loves there game feels for us, which at least makes me feel good
Should I crosspost this info over at the Champions Online Forums? They have a lot of people there sympathetic to our cause, and though on the one hand they see an opportunity for their game to benefit, they are also in many cases cheering us on.
On the other hand, it could be seen as a deliberately provocative move. People might misinterpret you message as poking their community with a stick instead of the spirit in which it's intended, which is that we really need their help.
I'll leave it up to you. Not really being familiar with the community over there, I just have no way of knowing how it would be taken. Perhaps an appeal to their game might help, couching it in terms of the heroes of Paragon City needing the help of the heroes of Millennium City, a cross-over arc in which we band together to keep our home from being destroyed?
In fact, if someone here is also an avid CO or DCUO fan, you might want to consider feeling out the possibility of forming a "Save City of Heroes" effort in your own communities. When I was growing up, the University of Alabama and Auburn University were (and are still) bitter rivals. People would get into vehement arguments and fights over their respective football teams, people who never even went to university at all. But when something like this comes up, we all pulled together. I remember several years ago when a tornado devastated Tuscaloosa (where Alabama is) and Auburn started fund drives to help out the people who lost everything. After all, we're all people. And right now, to the CO and DCUO player base, we might have our differences of opinion about our respective games, but we are all gamers.
If you do go forward with it, I just ask you to be very humble, nice, and respectful. Tread very carefully. I'd rather have them indifferent to our cause than actively against it. Don't get mad when some trolls come in posting, "I'm GLAD it's being shut down!" messages. God knows we've got 'em here too, and I've cringed when people here have gone off on people when I felt that they shouldn't have. Just remember, the nicer and more defenseless you come off as, the more of a tool it will make anyone who attacks you or your posts, and you might very well have people defending you not so much on the basis of them wanting to save City of Heroes, but because they want their community represented with grace and dignity.
Also, if you do, don't be surprised or mad if a moderator locks or deletes the thread. For a long time here, we haven't even been able to mention another game, let alone prevail upon the CoH community to help them out. That's just business, and the mods are paid to make sure people aren't basically advertising another game on their own forums.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
Gods help me, I'm even engaging them in the comments.
Fortunately, I have a politic style.
Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.
Only 83.5% in favor?
For shame!
Kill Jason To---I mean, Save CoH!
Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level
TonyV: I already have done something like what you say. Just not for the poll.
Here's the thread in question:
I started it as just a "news post" of our rally on Saturday.
But late in the thread, I got a nice post (one of several actually, though there was one notable troll) that I was responding to when I all of a sudden had the seed of the idea that I'm asking about here.
Here's what I said:
(Posted verbatim)
Thanks for your kind words. I am not expecting a miracle either. But it can't hurt to try every option available. We City of Heroes players very much thank you all for the warm welcome we've received here on your forums and on the servers. (With a few NOTABLE Exceptions to the rule - See above) But I hope you'll understand and not take offense when I say we want to delay that welcome as long as possible. You have a good game here. But we are still fighting to save ours. And we could use all the help we can get. To that end, I'd like to ask Champions players to help out as well. Sign the petitions and send the heads of NCSoft emails and actual physical snail mail letters if you can! Explain to them that even though you play a completely different game, that you think that shutting City of Heroes down is a grave mistake. Be polite. Don't harangue them. But tell them things like "I don't play City of Heroes, I play Champions, but having City of Heroes up and running is better for the gaming industry and MMOs as a whole because it increases the diversity of games. Even within the same genre. Champions and CoH have competed in the niche of superhero MMOs, but far from being a detriment, the competition has enriched both games. It would be a shame to lose City of Heroes." Explain to them that their sudden closure of City of Heroes does not give you the confidence that you need in order to invest your time and money into products like Guild Wars 2. Because you cannot be sure they will not do the exact same thing to that game. For further guidelines for writing such letters and emails, check this post at Titan Network. Once you've composed your letter, send two copies to the following addresses: Mr. Taek Jin Kim, Chief Executive Officer NCsoft Corporation 1501 4th Avenue, Suite 2050 Seattle, WA 98101 UNITED STATES In Korea: Mr. Taek Jin Kim, Chief Executive Officer NCsoft Corporation 157-37 Samsung-dong Kangnamu-gu, Seoul 135-090 KOREA (if you can afford registered mail, so much the better.) You might ask yourselves - why should we fight to help save City of Heroes? The simplest answer is "enlightened self-interest". Change the way that companies like NCSoft and PWE view their customer base and you may just make Champions Online's future that much more secure as well. Think about that. Imagine if Mr. Taek Jin Kim got letters and emails not just from City of Heroes players, but from players of CHAMPIONS as well? Or perhaps from players of DCUO? Or even some from Star Trek Online? Think how amazingly HUGE that would be! What an impact it would have! Think of the positive media attention that you would receive for such efforts! In City of Heroes and Champions both - we are inspired by heroes. Be a Hero. |
Furthermore, their community manager also is seemingly being very lenient about posts discussing City of Heroes and has even approved (and participated in) many of their threads where they are welcoming us and trying to explain how their game works and help us.
He's moved some posts to more appropriate forums, but he hasn't deleted any of them.
EDIT: One of the nicer posts went as follows:
Actually I dont care one way or another how the game goes. After I made the jump to CO from CoX I never really looked back. Yes I would still log onto CoX for the new updates have a play hang with my buddies there. But now all my buddies are in CO . What it is about for me is this if City of Heroes is saved the Paragon crew can get their jobs back they are some of the nicest devs around they deserve better. A silly super hero mmo of any name heck a silly mmo of any name matters not , what matters is the people behind it. Its showing support and solidarity to those guys that matter. Its what The Statesman would do. |

Voted and shared and stuff (and will continue to do so), but I have to say that I find something wrong with this poll.
I mean, I suppose it is fair enough and I should just leave it at that. And I should, haha... But, just to be open about it, I just find it too easy to draw upon people's callousness towards what does not affect them. Oh, I have little doubt that the "for saving" will win by a large percentage, but the fact that anyone beyond NCSoft executives would vote for cancelling it (and that anyone feels the need to ask) is just... I'll be redundant and say "too callous" for my tastes.
That and/or misinformed. It's all too easy to see the news that some 8 year old game has been canceled and the players are upset and assume that it's just simple, obvious, smart business.
Fight on, my brothers, sisters and others!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
But, just to be open about it, I just find it too easy to draw upon people's callousness towards what does not affect them.
1. It's the Internet. Haters gonna hate, especially on people who like something.
2. NCSoft must have really good reasons! Since they know better than we do, just accept it.
3. Nerds! Why do you care so much about an old game? Find a new game.
Fortunately, there's a decent mix of constructive and supportive comments as well.
Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.
Hey, at least it's moved up to 83.8%!
Also, voted.
Voted, added a few responses to people's comments.
50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy
Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.
Don't bother engaging folks on the comments. It can easily spiral into making us look like the crying children they want us to be.
805 to save and 145 to let it go.
Really... some people want to let it go? Wonder if they were thinking let someone else develop it?
CatMan - some form on every server
Always here, there, and there again.
Voted, added a few responses to people's comments.
50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy
Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.
Voted, asked my guild to vote.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
I voted to keep it going, realizing how stupidly impossible that is, now that the studio is permanently gone and NCSoft would never reverse the decision out of embarrassment.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Psssh even if its hopeless it hurts no one to help out in bringing awareness to their cause . Voted on massively , signed several petitions , visited sites with news stories related to this cause annd showed up for the rally .
It hasn't taken up a very large amount of time to do these little things to help out and show support for friends
good luck folks i'll keep pitching in till the lights go out
Voted. Currently at 1287 to save, 184 to let go

I went ahead and reposted this to Virtue as not everyone wanders over here to look and how can you turn down a simple 5 second yes or no vote :P
Cross-posted on the Titan Network forums
Hey all, here's a really quick and easy one. Gaming news outlet Massively has posted a Fight for City of Heroes or Let It Go poll. For easy typing in your in-game chat windows, you can also access it at
Voting takes about as long as popping a blue, but I ask you to do more. Spread the word. Share it on Facebook and Twitter. Tell your friends. Broadcast it in-game. Set it to your supergroup message. Massively is a BFD. Winning in this poll isn't even close to being good enough. I know it's not any kind of scientific poll, but the impression things like this makes counts. We need it stacked so heavily in our favor that whoever asked the question will think, "Wow, what was I thinking?"
Don't let people make claims up out of thin air like, "City of Heroes wasn't making money," or another nasty one, "It's past it's prime, let it go with dignity." Ugh. Tell them to read the financial reports and study business concepts such as strategic alignment and resource allocation. Tell them that these are legitimate reasons to take actions like what NCsoft did, even if City of Heroes is in the black, which it was. Point out that for most practical purposes, World of Warcraft is the same age as City of Heroes (technically, CoH predates WoW by seven months). If City of Heroes is long in the tooth, does that mean that World of Warcraft is too? Should Blizzard be shutting down their flagship game just because someone has this weird notion that at eight years, it's time for your swan song?
Try to appeal to people who just go with, "Meh, I never liked the game anyway." The short answer is, so? I don't like World of Warcraft, but I'm not champing at the bit to see it destroyed and its community stripped of the hard work and effort they have poured into the game. I think that would be absolutely heinous, and it boggles my mind that someone would want a game with a thriving community shut down simply because they don't care for it. In short, okay, you don't like it, but what did we do to you to make you actively want to kill it?
Read my post "Call to Action Information: Our message" for more thoughts on how to approach different audiences and make them care about City of Heroes.
But more than anything, go there and vote, and spread the word!
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)