294 -
Thanks for this. It was needed.
-FCM -
I can't honestly recall the specific GMs with which I've interacted over time, but in general they were great. Once they even went an extra mile to refund a ton of in-game influence taken from me by a copy-paste bug at the auction house, back before we had a very-large-transaction prompt (for which I personally begged).
They could easily have said sorry, we can't alter an in-game transaction, and honestly that's what I expected would happen. However, it didn't hurt to ask, and they were kind about it. -
5:30 pacific? Gah, day job? Traffic?
6:30 or later, I could possibly make with a bit of luck. 5:30 almost no chance, which is irritating since I'm desperate for a fraps of a Magi with my Cold defender.
We'll see what happens, I guess -
WAHOO! Movies, Halloween, and Winter Event all on the list.
FCM is slightly more happy. -
I'd set aside my standard practice of guarded pessimism for one day, during which I would conced that although I don't understand them, perhaps optimists serve a useful purpose.
After that, back to cynical business as usual! -
Jeezums, this thread turned into a dissertation on the nature of cautious optimism, somewhere in the middle.
Indeed, the Cybertech pieces were/are accessible on Beta.
They're really good. -
Good stuff.
I've often remarked that one of the best decisions ever made while designing City was to decouple appearance from skills, so that even two characters with identical power selections may look totally different. Add to that probably the second-best decision; i.e., the enhancement system for improving aspects of a power (or not) according to your personal priorities, and the fact that we all play with different styles, and you'll probably never see two characters that look and behave exactly the same ... ever. This article adds another interesting layer to that argument that I hadn't considered.
It's funny. At this point, Bright and I do (inevitably) have several characters with similar power sets, and yet the way we go about playing them is often quite different. I doubt we could possibly have more disparate techniques of Masterminding, but it works. Even when placing enhancements in similar powers, we have different strategies based on personal priorities. If I felt the urge to try a different combination of forms on a Peacebringer, I'd use a second or third build. She prefers to create different characters instead, because she more closely connects a character's identity with its style. I love crunching numbers and working up set combinations; she's only willing to invest that much time in a few favorite characters, yet the game accommodates us both.
If you go to Atlas and see a group of people assembling a DFB, they're probably already individually distinct in appearance. Go over to the equivalent zone in Aion, and everyone's wearing the same lowbie gear. In fairness, Aion gets better in that respect as you go, and the appearance of an item can be skinned. Some of the later weapons/armor/robes have quite lovely designs. Nevertheless, the impression sticks. City has ruined me in that I really dislike having functional details tied to specific gear. Anyway, at this point I'm rambling. I'll stop. -
The times are a bit awkward for a Pacific TZ person with a day job during the week, but I'll make a best effort.
Intriguing idea (I might be willing), but what would make the story of particular interest to this region? I'm most likely missing something obvious.
Quote:Same problem. I'd love to accept the role of searching and media-watching and making updates, but sadly it's incompatible with my actual day job.Do you know how irritating it is to want to help with all this (and other Calls to Action), but to be tied down by work and other obligations?
Actually, spending too much time on the forums isn't a great idea for me either, which is why I haven't posted much the last two or three years, but these are unusual times. -
None of my classes were ever that awesome.
Several years ago, my Force Fields Defender was part of a team on one of the Oranbegan maps. Entering one room (the crystal jail, I think) we got in way over our heads with at least two full groups aggroed, and most of the group was killed in seconds. I retreated around the corner, threw Force Bubble, and with it kept the boiling mass of Thorns at bay while recalling team members into the safe area. We got everyone rezzed and buffed, then recovered to win a very hard-fought battle. I felt pretty heroic that day. Most folks consider Force Bubble useless. Yeah, it's very situational, but I love that power.
Long before then, sometime in the first year of the game, I was with a trio of my first SG the first time we discovered a Circle portal room. Having no clue that the portals would start spawning critters continuously, we aggroed at least two of them and were quickly surrounded. So there we were: my Illusion/Storm, an Empath, and a Blaster, huddled in my Hurricane disk, making a desperate last stand. Eventually, we were overwhelmed by more demons than any of us had ever seen. It was awesome, though.
Back before aggro caps and target limits, I remember an Eden run where our Granite Tank quite literally collected every devouring earth critter in the Crystal Titan room. He herded almost every one of them into an enormous mass. Of course, I threw Fulcrum Shift, and the buff icons from the cast crowded out everything else. Our crazy fire blaster leaped into the group and cast Inferno, annihilating almost every crystal critter ... and replacing them with an even more enormous mass of crystal midgets, almost none of which were aggroed to the tank! He was killed in about two seconds. None of us could help him. We were too busy laughing.
Ages ago, I was in some zone with my (still) favorite Earth/Rad controller, going about my business. Abruptly, I get a frantic tell from a friend. They're down in the bottom of the old Sewer Trial, time running out, in trouble. This was long before Ouroboros, unified trains, mission teleporters, etc., so after joining the team I go blazing to Steel, to the Sewer, to the Abandoned Sewer, to the trial door at the bottom of the sewer, and leap into the abyss of catwalks, all the way down to the Hydra head. We get the situation under control and win the trial with a few seconds left on the clock. Heh, we still occasionally mention that rescue, to this day.
Much more recently, Bright and I taking our Scrapper/Stalker duo through the Dark Astoria content. My titan sword, her dual blade, taking on the army of Romulus and the hordes of Mot. As I've said in another thread, that level of fun is addictive.
Also, the combination of my Robots/Time Mastermind and her Ninjas/Force Field Mastermind. We didn't set out to create such an exceptional Mastermind duo, but they have incredible synergy with complimentary buffs plus debuffs and good damage. Fully incarnated, we've duoed pretty much every GM and routinely aggro multiple mob groups for the sheer glorious spectacle of it.
There's been more. I could go on, but that covers it pretty well. I find that many of my best moments have been on missions, trials, task forces, etc., where it looked like the whole team/league was headed for humiliating defeat, but in sheer defiance of numbers and chance we actually struggled back to even footing and then to win. That doesn't happen too often, beyond a certain point of no return, but when it does occur the satisfaction is grand. -
Quote:Substantially this. I swear that while in beta MA was supposed to give no rewards other than tickets. I don't recall when it switched to giving full xp for any published mission, and never knew why. Maybe they were worried that almost nobody would use it if there were no xp rewards? I've no idea.So much potential, but good stories got burried underneath all teh farms, exploiters resulted in endless nerfing of the system, and the buddy-system badging
Anyway, I tried to work within the MA system. I wrote a few arcs that (in my incredibly biased opinion) were pretty good. Certainly not all-star material, but better than average. The one I most tried to promote gently (i.e., try not to be obnoxious) across the various forums and signatures and channels available to me ended up with around 105 plays. About 100 of those came while it was still rated five-star and would appear on the second page of search results.
However, as soon as I accumulated a few four-star reviews (i.e., still very good but with a few things the player felt could be improved), it fell into the abyss. The visible rating was still five, but I guess internally it was sorted into the 4.5 bin, or something. Either way, after that it was buried under farms and I basically gave up writing arcs for any audience bigger than myself. I still had some fun with it, though. MA was a genuinely great and innovative feature. Anything of its kind that essentially gives the player an entire functional game engine within which to work automatically has vast potential.
They just made a small number of very big mistakes with it. -
Quote:This, twice. I've had some fun in Aion, but it's not the same. It's difficult to go from the glorious mass combat spectacles we've enjoyed to "OMG TWO RIBBITS RUN RUN RUN!"CoH's UI is still awesome and the ability to fight more than 1 "mob" at a time made me smile. Going from CoH to WoW and I'm like, "2 mobs? pfft, I got this...*starts attacking* *gets hit once by each mob* OH MY GOSH, RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!
Nothing I've seen in that game even begins to approach the awesome of two incarnated Masterminds (Robots/Time + Ninjas/Shields) bringing devastation to an entire warehouse of several dozen Carnies. Aion has a pet class, but it's a pale imitation at best.
The same goes for a Titan/SR Scrap + a Blades/Willpower Stalk incarnates taking on the army of Romulus, or saving the world from Mot, in the Dark Astoria arcs. That level of fun is addictive. I doubt I'll see it in any other game soon, if ever. -
I'm still a little burned out on high fantasy, as well. I blame that mostly on a very intense Diablo 2 period several years ago. I think that's why I never spent much time with the original melee sets (Broad Sword), though I've had good fun with the more recent ones (Titan, Staff).
Anyway, to the OP ... glad it's working out for you. Enjoy while it lasts, knowing what you know. -
HA! Thanks for putting the winged characters in the air of the final-final version. Because my Virtue guy happens to be one of my few fliers, I finally found myself. Front left side, from about 1:30. A tiny orange-and-black lightning bug would never have been visible otherwise.
Too awesome. Any person not moved by that video has no soul. -
I was really, REALLY looking toward 24. So much good stuff in it.
Wind Control on the somewhere horizon, too? Damn, damn damn. -
And quit finishing your final run for the evening just as I'm getting online.
I can't leave work any earlier, nor make my bus leave earlier, but I simply must have a good Magisterium in the fraps collection.
Also, they're fun ... -
Well, you know I'll be there.
There's simply too much good stuff in the Underground. It must be in the archive.
Now who to bring ... that will be the difficult part. -
Quote:Same. Negative responses tend to follow one of a few patterns ...But, just to be open about it, I just find it too easy to draw upon people's callousness towards what does not affect them.
1. It's the Internet. Haters gonna hate, especially on people who like something.
2. NCSoft must have really good reasons! Since they know better than we do, just accept it.
3. Nerds! Why do you care so much about an old game? Find a new game.
Fortunately, there's a decent mix of constructive and supportive comments as well. -
Quote:Nowhere, yet, of course.Where is everyone going? I'd like some ideas and some discussions on what games offer what.
We played Aion for a little while and I could see visiting my Ranger occasionally (I actually like Aion's take on archery more than City's archery blast), but there are so many mechanical things that I miss. Fast movement without timers, for one. There are things I like about Aion, but they tend to be more in the presentation (world design, textures, animations) than in the mechanical systems.
We went to PAX looking around for something we might play if City closes, but didn't find much. The Marvel MMO might be fun as long as you're okay with playing an established character instead of your own creation, but it looked like it might have click loot. I HATE click loot, and that's speaking as a fast clicker with low lag.
Other than that, don't know. MMOs never appealed to me much before City, and they may not after. -
Quote:Good to know.They're not just doing it for traffic. Some of the Massively staff are big fans of CoH and the site has been giving the ongoing story superb coverage. Indeed, the efforts to save CoH have been heading up their banner headlines at the top of the main page for almost a week now.
Seems like there might have been a more constructive way to phrase it, but fair enough ... a thoughtful and polite discussion may change minds, whereas complete obscurity can't convince anyone of anything.