Leaderboard: Fight for City of Heroes or let it go




Saw that. Can't tell if they're trying to help or just generate some traffic. On one hand it's another indicator of support for the game. On the other hand, it just invites commentary from corporate apologists who assume by default that an unpopular decision nevertheless must have some sound basis in finances.

In essence, I'm not sure it's helpful for them to invite people who have no personal stake in the game to throw in a worthless "let it go" vote, but I guess at this stage any venue for continuing the discussion beats total obscurity.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



I voted! Save City of Heroes!

Should I re-post this in the Champions forums as well? We've got many sympathetic people over there on our side. How about DCUO?



Originally Posted by FlyingCodeMonkey View Post
Saw that. Can't tell if they're trying to help or just generate some traffic. On one hand it's another indicator of support for the game. On the other hand, it just invites commentary from corporate apologists who assume by default that an unpopular decision nevertheless must have some sound basis in finances.
They're not just doing it for traffic. Some of the Massively staff are big fans of CoH and the site has been giving the ongoing story superb coverage. Indeed, the efforts to save CoH have been heading up their banner headlines at the top of the main page for almost a week now.



well ill get yelled at for this..but i hit time to let it go. frankly unless the devs keep their already gone jobs its not worth it just to keep a game going without new content.

we were starved for a long time between issues back in the day.i cant imgaine having to go through that misery again sorry. but its true. i need new content.

everyone here including myself went to the rally and we signed everything under the sun. but maybe theyll see from this that we need a new game and they come up with coh 2! yeah its a long shot. but it could happen.but it might not happen if we keep this one alive just to keep whats left alive.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
They're not just doing it for traffic. Some of the Massively staff are big fans of CoH and the site has been giving the ongoing story superb coverage. Indeed, the efforts to save CoH have been heading up their banner headlines at the top of the main page for almost a week now.
Good to know.

Seems like there might have been a more constructive way to phrase it, but fair enough ... a thoughtful and polite discussion may change minds, whereas complete obscurity can't convince anyone of anything.

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



83.5% voting to save CoH compared to 16.5% when I cast my vote.

Only time will tell if what we're doing will save the game, AND the devs jobs, or not.