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  1. Hitstreak - you've done a fantastic job and a heartbreaking and thankless one at times.

    I myself got frustrated with the Twitch talks because you were in a position where you couldn't say anything. If I came off as rude or obnoxious in any way due to my frustration, I hope you'll accept my apologies. I truly have nothing but the greatest respect for you.

    You are a true and noble hero to the last. Don't let anyone tell you differently.
  2. Atlantea


    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Here's a big confession from me.

    I've beat myself up for years for not finishing the "Ghost" AE series. I got mad/frustrated with the original KB limit, and ended up retooling my arc drafts just to squeeze out 4 missions, let alone five. After all the frustration, I walked away a while to give myself breathing space, and wait for a KB increase.

    Then the Devs, devilish bastards that they are, just kept adding CONTENT. The Return of the 5th Column made me cheer like a crazed orangutan at a banana strip club. Power customization. Praetoria! INCARNATES!

    ...and, I failed. I didn't keep my promise to people who, in good faith, waited on me to conclude Dani Mizel's story.

    I didn't mean to leave it at a cliff hanger. I wanted to resolve it, but the way I wanted it, not by compromising it to shoehorn into AE. I kid you not: I have notes on the next 2 arcs to conclude her story once and for all, every mission mapped out, with map and costume notes and dialogue points, and everything.

    This year was busy for me, with the baby and all. I was hoping to get arc 3 out by January, once I took a week long holiday finally. And then the sunset notice hit.

    Everyone, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

    If there's a way to do so, I swear, I'll finish her story for you all. More than anything, this is what I hope.

    That's it. Please forgive me.
    I was one of those that really enjoyed those arcs and hoped you'd finish them.

    And I can't blame you. Lord only knows dude, the game has GOT to be secondary to family and a baby.

    If we'd only had more time, I was more than willing to be patient and see how things turned out.

    But the game ending just... Well there's nothing you can do about that.

    I'd love to hear what your plans were. Maybe write it out and post on Titan? Or Virtueverse?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ashen_Fury View Post
    Sadly, probably not. This whole situation has pretty much tipped me over the fence on whether to continue playing MMORPGs at all. I'm currently trying CO, but I'm finding it more and more difficult to want to devote time to something that could just be pulled out from under me for any reason at any moment.
    I've been saying something akin to this for a couple of months now.

    I can still find enjoyment in MMOs. But I will never ever be able to commit to one again like I did to CoH.

    NCSoft has committed a grievous blow not just to us players and fans of City of Heroes. They've HURT the MMO genre as a whole.

    Why pay for anything in an MMO? Why commit money? Or time? Or effort?

    Why BUILD? Our SG has this wonderful base on Virtue Server. It took us 5 years to fully kit it out. It was more or less "finished" just this past year.

    And it's being taken away.

    Why create unique characters and get attached?

    When they can be taken away.

    Why create ANYTHING -

    When it can be taken away?

    Some friends bought me a copy of GW2. I said I wasn't going to buy anything from NCSoft. But that's where this particular group has moved on to. So a couple of them got together and bought me a copy. Bit of a surprise, that.

    So I tried it out. You know what? At first I was annoyed at their character generation, because it's putting a cookie cutter story in front of you as the background for your character instead of letting you come up with your own.

    But you know what? After awhile I realized it doesn't matter. I have no desire to commit emotionally to anything in that game anyway. I am there ONLY because of friends who pre-ordered. I am there for them only. And I know NCSoft will kill GW2 eventually anyway. So it's better that it's a cookie cutter story anyway.

    It's that way with every single MMO I consider. Even Champions Online, where I CAN recreate many of my characters from COH, I am wary of getting too deep into. And that game is on life support as it is. It won't last but another 2-3 years tops.

    So no - My money isn't going to be spent very much on MMOs, even if I do play.

    I'm not going to contribute to any building of anything in any of the games I do play. I won't contribute to Starbase building anymore in STO. If there was base building added to CO, I wouldn't bother with it. I won't grind to help such efforts.

    So you see - NCSoft has hurt other games besides just City of Heroes. They've not only killed City of Heroes, but they've called into question the very nature of MMOs.

    In the words of Obama - "You didn't build that!"

    I guess I didn't, did I? I sure won't from here on out.
  4. Thanks Michelle, for letting me be a part of the process. It was a hell of a lot of fun. And I got to look at a couple of my characters and go - "Did that really look as cool as I think it just did? Wow!"

    Your videos got better and better. Choice of music. Camera angles, when to cut and when to roll. Your sense of timing. Most of all, the way in which it got to the point where I didn't feel like I was watching a machinima, but an actual short movie or trailer.

    Michelle, you've gotten to the point, as driven home HARD in the most recent video - which leaves me in tears every time I watch it - that you can tell a story and make an audience FEEL with you as you tell that story.

    Whatever you do from here on out, do NOT stop doing that. On the one hand, I wonder if that even needs saying, but on the other hand, I know how hard these last 3 months must have been for you. I want you to know, if you choose to do trailers or videos for another game, or go into film or animation, you have people who will cheer you on. Because we know you can succeed at it and we want you to.

    And yes - must agree with Ascendant. Smile because it happened.

    But it doesn't have to be over.

    You found a passion in this game and that let you discover talents and skills to create and tell stories. That's what you take with you from here on. This section of your life - the game. That might be over. But you have a talent for story-telling, and I hope that you continue to develop it.

    This is not goodbye. Because I can't wait to see what you'll do next!
  5. Death closes all: but something ere the end,
    Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
    Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.

    ...Come, my friends, 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world...

    Though much is taken, much abides; and though
    We are not now that strength which in the old days
    Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are,
    One equal-temper of heroic hearts,
    Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
    To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

    (From "Ulysses" by Tennyson)

  6. What can I say? I was surprised the name was available too!

    Just in case you don't catch the reference -

    And just for fun, here's a costume he... doesn't wear that much.

  7. I would stay. I never really left. But...

    I would pay my sub. But that'd be about it. They'd get no more money out of me than that. And that with extreme wariness.

    Any trust I had with them is gone, as others have mentioned.

    For them to get it back would require a MAJOR effort. The comments about butt-kissing above are apt.

    They would have to APOLOGIZE openly and sincerely. In an open letter to the players and fans with NO CORPORATE DOUBLE-SPEAK. Total and complete transparency as to why the decision was made to shut-down the game and what made them change their minds - even if the process shows them in an unflattering light.

    If they open themselves like that... Well... That would be a first step. I'd warily be willing to LISTEN to them at that point.

    The next step is to re-constitute Paragon Studios with as many former employees as can come back. Recognizing that all 80+ of them don't need to come back just for City of Heroes (many were on the secret project), they could still have full development with - I'm completely guessing here - about 30-35 of them. Matt Miller and Melissa Bianco would have to be part of that. That's very important. Because if they come back, as stated above, that means that NCSoft has negotiated in such a way as to convince them it's worth it.

    Once they have the Devs back and things running again, they'd have to insure that I-24 gets it's final polish and out onto the Live Servers first thing.

    At this point, they'd have enough of my trust back that I would consider paying a slightly more expensive subscription if that's what it took to help City of Heroes stay solvent and profitable. If it's about 15 dollars a month now, I'm willing to pay 18-20. I understand the realities of the situation and if they're completely open about what they need as a business to run, then I'd be fine with it.

    Lastly - they would have to COMMIT to an ACTUAL BUDGET for ADVERTISING! They'd have to practically relaunch the game anyway. So this is within their best interests as well. We have been saying all this time that City of Heroes managed a more or less stable population via word-of-mouth alone. If it was actually advertised - say in conjunction with promos of upcoming superhero films? - then can you imagine how well it would do? As long as they DON'T EXPECT A WoW KILLER, though. It'll never be that. But it would be quite profitable given the amount of money they'd put into it.

    All of that would be an extraordinarily tall order though. And I think the chances of that particular corporate culture actually doing it? Absolutely 0.00000000000000000000001%. Or however near infinitely close to Zero as your mind can conceive without actually being zero.
  8. Atlantea


    I should post this again, just because I can. And it's about a Scrapper.

    I love scrappers. My very first character in the game was a scrapper. My main Cyberman 8 is a scrapper. I've played most of the primary and secondary powersets.

    But - I had this moment of insanity. And I made a Fire/Fire Scrapper named Burning Sensation.

    We join our team in the middle of Task Force Synapse (All Clockwork! All the Time! Babbage! Clockwork King! Whee!).

    And... Acyl as "Catchphrase" was on a ROLL that night!

    [Team] Burning Sensation.: OW OW OW OW
    [Team] Catchphrase: Someone's in pain from a burning sensation.
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Things go better with Burning Sensation]
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: WOOO!!! Burning Sensation now has STAMINA!!!! (Speaking of burning around the track going "POWEEEEER!!"" ^_^))
    [The Legendary]Acyl: So the burning sensation now lasts longer.
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: POWWWWER!!!!
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: OH it's so wrong! *snrk*
    [The Legendary]Sweno: [she is now the burning sensation that doesn't let up?]

    (Burning Sensation is a /fire scrapper, with Super Speed as a travel power. Valles put thermal shields on her.)
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Man, With all her effects going, Burning is almsot like a lightcycle. ^_^
    [Team] Catchphrase: (It's very easy to tell when you have a burning sensation.)
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Especially easy to tell when a Burning Sensation is passing through. ))
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Snrk]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (If there's bits of red mixed in with your yellow when you go to make long streaks, and there's a burning sensation...)
    [Team] Gamma Emission: [ooh, that's bad]
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((oooow....))
    [Team] Amethysta of the Axe: (OMW))
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [It's hard enough to go without a Burning Sensation!]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (No, if there's a burning sensation -when- hard, then there's a problem.)
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((FALLS OVER...))
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensatin! IT's the real thing, baby!
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((You REALIZE... don't you, that you're going to make it impossible for me to fight, I'm laughing so hard... :P
    [Team] Catchphrase: (There's nothing funny about a burning sensation. =( )
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation! It's the Right one, baby! Unh-hunh!]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Or are you saying you can't fight because there's a burning sensation? =P )
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Please ask your physician if combat is right for you. =( )
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((---- Is utterly broken now....))
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Honestly, you need to realise...)
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((I think it's going to be required... :P))
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Atlant's toon is Burning Sensation. With a period.)
    [Team] Catchphrase: (So it's a very bad time to have a burning sensation. =( )
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burnung Sensation. It's everywhere you want to be.]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Well, that and, y'know, the fact it's 'Burning Sensation.'...
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Means that more than one person on Virtue has a burning sensation.)
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [...ohgod ACYL YOU UTTER ******* *******! ^_^]
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [AAAGH.]
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: (( O_O... Honestly... I had NO idea that joke would go so very far...))
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [*. joke just penetrated*]
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [...]
    [Team] Themaria Dist: []
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [NOT LIKE THAT.]
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((SHATTERS))
    [Team] Catchphrase: (o/`)


    (Burning Sensation died, then ding-rezzed)

    [Team] Gamma Emission: [badly split]
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((WAit for it. I'm about to level anyway.))
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [Without the UBERSTUN, yeah.]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (So the burning sensation killed us all?)
    [Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Woohoo! Comeon you clanks!
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation: The choice of a new generation]
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Well the Burning Sensation has been killed...))
    [Team] Catchphrase: ('s only temporary relief.)
    [Team] Catchphrase: (See? =( )
    [Team] Catchphrase: (The burning sensation is back.)
    [Team] Gamma Emission: [and it's back, stronger than before]
    [Team] Gamma Emission: [that's what you get for not completing your antibotics regimine ]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Nah, the exposure just made it stronger.)
    (Boss Fight: Long Tom)
    [Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Boss
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((PLEASE tell me someone is getting this chat for posterity. Err.....))
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: Oh! American Slang! Dope! Def! Keen!
    [Team] Catchphrase: So the Clockwork King's 'long tom' now has a burning sensation.
    [Team] Catchphrase: *nods soberly*
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Er.. DAMN YOU ACYL... Now I can't even say posterity without laughing... ))
    [Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Think that up all by yourself, Catch?
    [Team] Catchphrase: I have a very talented writing staff.
    [Team] Amethysta of the Axe: You're paying them too much.


    (Fox likes classic advertising slogans)

    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Oh man, I'm having too mcu hfun repurposing OTHER ads atm]
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation. I'm lovin' it]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Burning Sensation, it's finger lickin' good.)
    [Team] Catchphrase: (And if we're still on fast food... Burning Sensation: Have it your way!)
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: ["Have gun will travel" reads teh card of a man?]
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((STAMINA! FULLY SLOTTED!!! YES!!!)
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation. IT keeps going and going and going...]
    [Team] Gamma Emission: [the burning sensation will last forever]
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Damn your eyes, I'm getting high on the oxygen debt...))
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [A burning sensation in your chest?]
    [Team] Amethysta of the Axe: ((Could be in worse places))
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning sensation! From Wham-o!]
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: hows the TF going?
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Swimmingly
    [The Legendary]valles: It's a sensation! We're ON FIRE!
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: how long ago did you start?
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: At school crossings...
    [The Legendary]valles: Who cares? BURRRRN!
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Please go slow...
    [The Legendary]Acyl: Well, we have a thermal controller on our team, so yes, we are on fire.
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: let the little Shavers grow!
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Burning Sensation.
    [The Legendary]Acyl: We all have a burning sensation.
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ......
    [The Legendary]Acyl: So don't go too fast, if you please. It might get worse.
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Yes athe 1952 Burning Sensation! It's LONG and LOW and LOVELY!
    [The Legendary]valles: Remember to watch your dietary fiber intake.
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: LOL
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: If I had my druthers, I'd rather have a Burning Sensation!
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ........
    [The Legendary]valles: ^_^
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: This is almost like a Liquidator Episode of Darkwing Duck
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: ((Oh that's not EVEN as bad as it's been all evening. I had NO IDEA that joke would go so far. ^_^ :P ))
    [The Legendary]valles: Potty humor. You really should've.
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: Point.
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: wait... you've been makeing even worse jokes 0.0?
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: Amazingly - yes.
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Even better, we've been using old advertising slogans and making some REALLLY weird results
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ....... i can't belive that
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Burning Sensation. "It's the real thing!"
    [The Legendary]valles: Burning sensations make holes in teeth?
    [The Legendary]valles: Oh god.
    [The Legendary]valles: Burning sensation: Obey your thirst.
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ......
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: LOL
    [Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Ow.
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: WTF? O.O
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Soft Drink slogans here in the states
    [The Legendary]Acyl: Burning Sensation: Tastes Great! Less filling!
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Burning Sensation: So round, so firm, so fully packed! So EASY on the SDRAW!
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: *twich* i thinks it's a good idae i didn't go on this TF, my mind would of broke
    [The Legendary]valles: ...You win, fox. My brain, it is afire.
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: Mine certainly is...
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: I know more old jingles. And in some cases even what the jingle was FOR!
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: Fox, he iz in your brans, breaking thems
    [The Legendary]Acyl: Fox gives you head, and then a burning sensation.
    [The Legendary]valles: He uses burning bombs wisely.
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Ceiling Fox watches you cogitate.
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: .... Acyl..... did you think before writeing that
    [The Legendary]Acyl: I used my head.
    [The Legendary]valles: Do you really want to know the answer to that, DS?
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: He's got ME laughing now
    [The Legendary]valles: *is only smiling*
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: my brain, it is broke
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: See, I can take the ribbing here. I know folks don;t mean much harm
    [The Legendary]valles: Bleach?
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: I'll take a leek spin Orihime, thanks
    [The Legendary]Acyl: No, bleach won't stop the burning sensation. =(
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: LOL
    [The Legendary]Acyl: Seek proper medical treatment.
    [The Legendary]valles: Well, bleach is a base, which should cancel out the acidic burning.
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: yeah, i doubt i could of survived the TF uncathed
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: *unscathed
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Yeshua, son of Joseph ri--- Yeshua, son of Joseph... at peace.
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: Ah. So we are Task Force Cyclone.
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: The Cyclone has a Burning Sensation within it.
    [The Legendary]valles: As opposed to Task Force Volcano?
    [The Legendary]Acyl: Tonight! A hurricane! TOUCH ME a hurricane! Fill me a hurricane! Give me burning sensa---oh wait no.
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: *head desk*
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: *Starts humming a particular Johnny Cash tune*
    [The Legendary]valles: Task Foce La Brea?
    (Terrence returns from AFK)
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (Back BTW )
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Yay!)
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Did he miss all the jokes BTW?))
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Me thinks so]
    [Team] Catchphrase: ('s ok we can spread the burning sensation.)
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burining Sensation: A little Dab will do ya]
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (..I've read the chat log some)
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (My brain is currently being clensed in A Vat of Acid)
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (Melt away the Burning sensation)
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [Oh, that'll produce a -real- intense burning sensation.]
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (And with anyluck My brain will shrivel and die so I can get a new one)
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (or at least become Desensitized to burning sensations)
    [Team] Gamma Emission: [you can do that?]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (If you ignore the burning sensation long enough, it'll probably fall off. =( )
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (well..its only my brain. I'm not useing it)
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (I'm back and I haz Empowerment buffs to reinforce meh..! lol)
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Are Themaria's thermal shields not enough for you?)
    [Team] Catchphrase: (You want something more than the burning sensation? =( )
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (Yes...I want endurance drain resistance)
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (and increased recharge rate. And increased Runspeed and smashing resist)
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [And a PONY!]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (There you go.
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Unfortunately, Kinetics does not have Pony Boost yet.)
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [D'awwww!]
    [Team] Gamma Emission: *snerk*
    [Team] Catchphrase: (But for everything else, there's burning sensa----wait.)
    [Team] Gamma Emission: [is that part of Demon summoning?]
    [Team] Gamma Emission: [summon. pony] hehe
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (Rofl!)
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Summon demon.pony]
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [oni.pony]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Well, there is a nemesis warhorse unused model.
    [Team] Catchphrase: (legend has it one of the devs summoned it on the test server when asked for a pony.)
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [wHy does it remain unused? They stunk at animating it?]
    [Team] Catchphrase: ( has no legs, it hovers on four jets of fire.)
    [Team] Catchphrase: (I have a screencap...somewhere.)
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [Waiting for Just The Right Moment.]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (It's a Nemesis Pony.)
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Coming Storm TF would rock for it, no?]
    [Team] Gamma Emission: [nemesis pony: a trap]
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (Trojan Horse?)
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [It's all a Nemesis Plot.]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (a horse is a horse, of course, of course.)
    [Team] Catchphrase: (and nobody's heard of a steampunk horse.)
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [And no one can talk to a horse, of course]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (of course.)
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Unless it's a burning sensation!]
    (Team prepares for Babbage spawn)
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Bah AFk momentarily]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (Atlant's still AFK, I see.)
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [Potentially problematic.]
    [Team] Catchphrase: (hope the burning sensation doesn't get him.)
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (He's all Burnt out)
    (Boss Fight: Babbage)
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: WOW! Who's draining Babbage?
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Elec BLaster!]
    [Local] Amethysta of the Axe: Thanks, Signy
    [Local] Burning Sensation.: Wow! Good drains on him!
    [Local] Catchphrase: Thanks, you two.
    [Local] Gamma Emission: Woo, thanks for the help everyone
    [Local] Sould Blade: Nice work!
    [Local] Themaria Dist: The laxative powers of a BURNING SENSATION!
    [Local] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: Thank you for your efforts, champions of the proletariat!
    [Local] Catchphrase: Much appreciated, Blade, Signy.
    [Local] Amethysta of the Axe: And you Blade.
    [Local] Burning Sensation.: ((FALLS OVER))
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [...should I have put that in Team?]
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [^_^]
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Oi...))
    [The Legendary]Hexane: Wow, I wouldn't have thought we'd have been able to drain his end like that.
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Elec Blaster
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: Nom?
    [The Legendary]Acyl: He felt a burning sensation.
    [The Legendary]Isawa Koi: Blarg.
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Allo
    [The Legendary]Sweno: Hey Isa
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Koi! Wouldja like to take a surbvey sponsored by Burning Sensation.?
    [The Legendary]Acyl: I'm sure he can spare a few minutes of his time for burning sensation.
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Do you like beans?
    [The Legendary]Isawa Koi: *considers the question*
    [The Legendary]Isawa Koi: ...
    [The Legendary]Isawa Koi: *runs screaming into the night*
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Do you like George Wendt?
    [The Legendary]valles: Who?
    [The Legendary]Isawa Koi: Norm, from Cheers.
    [Team] Terrence Knight: Where is he? didn't see him
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Norm on "Cheers"
    [The Legendary]Atlantea: I wonder where Gunther Wendt?
    [The Legendary]valles: Ah.
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: Do you like beans AND George Wendt?
    (Boss Fight: Clockwork King)
    [Team] Terrence Knight: ....
    [Team] Gamma Emission: [we're just that good ]
    [Team] Catchphrase: The burning sensation was too much for him.
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: Wow
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (i'm sorry...But what the hell was holding him the entire time?)
    [Team] Gamma Emission: [temp power you get for this mission]
    [Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Woo.
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Awesome))
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (whats the point of Fighting an av that can't do anything? lol)
    [Team] Amethysta of the Axe: ((He drops fast when there's a radiation fender in the group.))
    [Team] Catchphrase: (and this is why you do not have the true tao of the farmer)
    [Team] Themaria Dist: [The point? THe long green.]
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Especially one knows what they're doing[
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (was kinda hopein for a bit more of an epic fight..or to at least take -some- damage?)
    [Team] Terrence Knight: (Sorry it just bugs me The clock king dropped without being able to do -anything- because of that hold from the temp lol)
    [Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation! Apply DIRECTLY to the FOREHEAD!]
    [Team] Burning Sensation.: ((LOLOL))
    [The Legendary]Z. Fox: 3:444
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: TF over?
    [The Legendary]Sweno: yup
    [The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: yay
    [The Legendary]Acyl: We could have been faster, but we had to go slowly due to the burning sensation.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by blackjak View Post
    A copy of Superman vol.2, #75...
    I had to look that up.


  10. When in doubt, go with the classics -

    "May an unclean Yak sit on your dinner."
    "May your platform shoes fail you in a camel pasture."
    "May a love-starved fruit-fly molest your sister's nectarines."
    "May a crazy holy man set fire to your nose hair."
    "May a crazed lizard unravel your underwear."
    "May a nearsighted sand flea suck syrup off your short stack."

    - Johnny Carson as Carnac the Magnificent
  11. Atlantea

    Last Dance

    I'm one of many who never commented on your threads Arcana because - well - what the heck could I possibly contribute?

    I did like your well thought out style. I may not ever have understood all the numbers you used. But you always presented your case in a way that I could understand the overall idea. I'd never be able to ARTICULATE it. But at some level you made me understand.

    And many times it helped my understanding of the game and why things were what they were. Or how they could be better.

    I add my salute to you, Arcana. I'll see you on the Titan forums I hope. And I hope I'll know it when or if I meet you in some other game. I don't think I ever crossed paths with you in-game here. But all my best wishes to you.

    You made a difference. You did good. That's all anyone could ask for.

    The bane and boon of City of Heroes is that the devs tossed pistols and hand grenades into a room full of chimps and then charged admission. And we loved them for it.

    And amazingly, against all conventional wisdom, it actually worked.
    What good is the race of man? Monkeys, he thought, monkeys with a spot of poetry in them, cluttering and wasting a second-string planet near a third-string star. But sometimes they finish in style.

    - From The Year of The Jackpot by Robert A. Heinlein
  12. If it's not out of malice, then why not simply sell the IP and the code to someone who wants to take the risk?
  13. I feel much the same.

    I have only two regrets about my time in this game.

    One - I didn't start even sooner than I did. I didn't even know about the game until Oct 2004. But I jumped in as soon as I did. But I would've loved to have been part of the community from the pre-beta onwards in retrospect.

    And two - I wish I had done more of the content before the end. I always figured "there's time".

    But now there's not.

    I've been keeping the sadness at bay by doing as much content as I could that I never had before.

    I think I went from experiencing maybe 65% of all the content to about 85-90% in the last three months. And I know I'm not quite done yet.

    But now at the last week, I'm finally starting to flag. I can't think of what to do in the time I have left that I still have enough time for other than maybe get that one last iTrial complete that I have never been lucky enough to get an organized group for - the Minds of Mayhem. All the other iTrials I've seen to the end to success. But not that one.

    Now it's down to making the last demorecords and fraps captures and screenshots. And saving my characters via the Sentinel tool that Titan provided in the hope that... well in the hope that there is hope.

    I find it an interesting irony that the SSA#2 Is called Pandora's Box. For what came out of the box at the end? Hope.

    That's the only thing keeping this from being a complete funeral in my head. The hope that the game may rise again in some form.

    But if it doesn't, I'll leave it with as few regrets as possible.

    If I may borrow the words of the late great Robert A. Heinlein:

    "What did I want?

    I wanted the hurtling moons of Barsoom. I wanted Storisende and Poictesme, and Holmes shaking me awake to tell me, "The game's afoot!" I wanted to float down the Mississippi on a raft and elude a mob in company with the Duke of Bilgewater and Lost Dauphin. I wanted Prester John, and Excalibur held by a moon-white arm out of a silent lake. I wanted to sail with Ulysses and with Tros of Samothrace and to eat the lotus in a land that seemed always afternoon.

    I wanted the feeling of romance and the sense of wonder I had known as a kid. I wanted the world to be the way they had promised me it was going to be, instead of the tawdry, lousy, fouled-up mess it is."

    And for just a little while, in a place called Paragon City, I got everything I wanted.

    And I could fly.
  14. Atlantea

    Season of Hope

    I know this is necroposting. But surely anyone would agree that this deserves it.

    Especially at this late hour, people need to be reminded of hope.

    And maybe what you want to be can't be saved, but the effort itself is worth it - no matter what.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evanescah View Post
    But for my own favorite character, Praetorian A'ko, I sent her back to Praetoria to find the Well and gain the power to restore Praetoria to what it was before the rise of Tyrant.

    The entire story and the never-ending battle is summarized in this screencap I took.
    Wow very nice!

    "We'll build again. It'll take time. But Praetoria will live again. And we can make it a better place. The Heroes of Primal Earth showed us the way."

    Nothing short of a slow shot of a camera (hero POV) flying up into the sky above Atlas Park higher and higher until the whole city is in view and we see it all as the sun sets and we fade to black because the never-ending battle never ends.
    Just like the Christopher Reeve Superman Movies.

    (damnit... something in my eyes here... damn onion ninjas again... snif)

    My main Cyberman 8 is a speedster, so I can't show him doing that, but if the major threats are taken care of, he'll simply take up the role of helping wherever he's needed in whatever capacity that is, even if it's just apprehending muggers, rescuing cats out of trees, speeding people out of burning buildings or helping to speed supplies to the construction workers still rebuilding the city.

    Because there's still a lot of work to do. Might not be as glamorous as fighting Nemesis or Lord Recluse, but it's still important. There's Galaxy City and Boomtown to rebuild, not to mention the Rikti War Zone once the mothership is either destroyed or we allow it to go lift off and go home again after the traditionalists take charge and we make peace. Then we go back to calling the place White Plains again.

    Or maybe he'll go into semi-retirement and become a trainer for the next generation of Heroes.

    Batman: "What did you call it, Clark? The neverending battle?"

    Prince Lir: No. My lady, I am a hero. Heroes know that things must happen when it is time for them to happen. A quest may not simply be abandoned; unicorns may go unrescued for a long time, but not forever. A happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story.

    Molly Grue: But what if there isn't a happy ending?

    Schmendrick: There are no happy endings, because nothing ever ends.

    "It's a far, far better thing I do than I have ever done before. A far better resting place that I go to than I have ever known."
  16. Atlantea

    coXso... GTNwIA


    Numbers Remaining:
    6, 10, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 43, 44, 45, 48, 50, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 68, 70, 74, 80, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98, 100
  17. Atlantea

    Fansy Returns!

    O... kay?

    Not sure I want to believe or get my hopes up.

    But if I'm parsing this right, what you're saying is that City of Heroes was shutdown the way it was partially to keep it OUT of the hands of Nexon?

    Someone in NCSoft WANTS the IP and server code to go "free" into the wild? Or to allow another company to buy it at firesale prices?

    I find that kind of hard to believe that they would risk the bad press they've been getting just to allow that to happen.

    On the other hand though - if there's some kind of factional infighting going on... and the company is NOT speaking with one voice... Well. That's something I suspected myself for some time. But I thought it no longer mattered even if it were true.

    If there is a plausible answer to one simple question then I -might- get my hopes up.

    That question is - who benefits from this? To expand on that idea - HOW do they benefit?

    Like the old saying goes - "follow the money". So far I'm not sure I see the trail here...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Just wondering....

    A South-Korean toilet theme park.

    Maybe that's why the game got canned

    It makes as much sense as anything else NCSoft has done recently*.

    (*Which is to say - None at all.)
  19. Atlantea


    Okay - this is a follow up all the way back to page three of this thread, where Satanic Hamster mentioned that Hamidon in the LGTF could be wormholed.

    Well tonight, I just did it.

    Kara Skye, my Grav/Kin controller Wormholed the nucleus of the Hamidon completely out of the goo, up the crater wall, to the top of the cliff, and all the way to the Helicopter! (Nothing but net!) Actually placing the last Wormhole spot IN the Helicopter. Then wormholed him BACK down the waterfall to the crater floor where we finally took him out. A truly epic finale.

    Satanic Hamster. I really want to thank you so very much. If you hadn't clued me in on this, I never would've known and I would've missed this epic achievement.

    They always say - pics or it didn't happen. Well I have both a demorecord file and many screenshots. Here's a few of them. Plus a transcript of the chatlog from the minute I made the first Wormhole. The reactions of my other teammates were priceless!

    [WHiSPER X]Grimrose: This power combination is wicked!
    [Team] Professor Eviella: They never really did find a good way for MM's to help much on mitos
    [Team] Pop rock': we need to hit the same one
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: ok, lets all concentrate on one green goo. my target sine I have (am?) the star :P
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: Works for me.
    [Team] Professor Eviella: Sounds good. Spam holds
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: splat
    [Team] Professor Eviella: Split
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: oh I missed one. my mistake
    [Team] Kara Skye: YESSSSS!!!!!
    [Team] Kara Skye: YES IT WORKS!!!!!!!
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: nuu
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: O.O
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: OMG!
    [Team] Sation: \o/
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: I APPROVE!
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: omg
    [Team] Professor Eviella: Ok that's funny.
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: ROFL
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: ERMAGHERD
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: oh my god my stomach hurts
    [Team] Kara Skye: Don'T KILL IT!
    [Team] Sation: throw em in teh sky
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: ahaha
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: AAAAAAAAAHH
    [Team] Kara Skye: Whatever you do, DON'T KILL IT!
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: that was truly neat
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: (How do you get it to move so far? I've yet to figure out that aspect of Wormhole)
    [WHiSPER X]no hero: Nite Whisps. Nite Grim. Nite Evie
    [Team] Sation: worhole will throw far but you ahve to be close to the targets
    [Tell] J Tanker: Lambda?
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: Ahhh.
    [WHiSPER X]Whisper X: nini, nero!
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: small yellow anyone?
    [Team] Kara Skye: LOLOL
    [WHiSPER X]Grimrose: Goooodnight Nero!
    [Team] Kara Skye: GLORIOUS!!!!! HEE!!!!
    [Team] Cheetala: how do you do that?
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: ty
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: I will regret never rolling a Grav....
    [Team] Kara Skye: I'm going to get him all the way out of the crater!!!
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: that is awesome
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: OMG.
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: .......
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: Man, if D was 50, we could tag-team this. XD
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: totally worth the TF
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: Taking a screenshot of this.
    [Team] Sation: demorecording mew
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: I...just...there's not even sufficient words.
    [Team] Sation: heh there's soem rikti we could throw hami at up there
    [Team] Kara Skye: Tell Voltar he was WRONG. And ask him how does he like his crow? Sauteed? Baked?
    [Team] Pop rock': hami split :P
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: Funny how it's just the nucleous and the blob is still down there...
    [Team] Kara Skye: Up the wall, out of the crater! NOTHING BUT NET!!!
    [Team] Professor Eviella: Oh lord, the Rikti are attacking it!
    [Team] Pop rock': lol
    [Team] Kara Skye: They can't kill it.
    [Team] Professor Eviella: But hami can kill them...
    [Team] Sation: bwahaha
    [Team] Sation: pop rock that wa sawesome
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: As far as neat tricks go... that's very damned awesome

    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: Oh my gob, this is hilarious.
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: This could be the single greatest thing I've ever seen.
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: How far are you taking it?
    [Team] Pop rock': lol it is? i dont know what to do :P ive never seen this
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: accept TP stomp
    [Team] Pop rock': plz
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: All I know is it's making for some epic screenshots
    [Team] Kara Skye: HEEE!
    [Team] Pop rock': thank u
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: Please put it INSIDE the heli.

    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: Oh god.
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: lol
    [Team] Kara Skye: Oooh.. I live to serve!

    [Team] Cheetala: can make a new folder just for hami on vacation screenshots in the yahoo groups
    [Team] Cheetala: we stealing hami!
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: *dies*
    [Team] Pop rock': i dont know
    [Team] Kara Skye: LOLOLOLOL

    [WHiSPER X]Merryl: hami is on vacation... taking Heli to Atlas Park :P
    [Team] Kara Skye: I am laughing MADLY right now. MADLY I TELL YOU!!! XD
    [Team] Sation: hamicopter
    [Team] Pop rock': lol

    [Team] Merryl of Volt: stop t... it hurts
    [Team] Cheetala: yah...ouchies
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: Yep. Definitely takes the cake.
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: The most hilarious thing I have witnessed in this game XD
    [Team] Professor Eviella: Get to da choppa!
    [Team] Kara Skye: **DIES!!!!***

    [Team] Cheetala: any other good spots to put it in?
    [Team] Sation: mayeb we shoudlw ind it down.... <.< ... >.>
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: If I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it.. even with the pics to prove it
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: throw it off the cliff.. maybe it'll fall to its death
    [Team] Pop rock': lol
    [Team] Kara Skye: Should I?
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: YES! Break the egg
    [Team] Sation: its fun to toss it in teh air though the invisible platfoirms are still out there
    [Team] Kara Skye: OK!
    [Team] Pop rock': to bad there is no lava to put it in
    [Team] Cheetala: on the river...then tip of the waterfall....would make good screenshots for captions
    [Team] Kara Skye: OOOh...
    [Team] Kara Skye: Yes

    [Team] Sation: you might be able to get it to hold midair if you can find a platform. its kind of hard to set
    [Team] Kara Skye: Find one for me and I can do it.
    [Team] Cheetala: you're getting close
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: BRB
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: what excellent placement
    [Team] Professor Eviella: Don't go chasing waterfalls...
    [Team] Cheetala: edge in front of me......and would even work for one waterfall that's midway
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: wow
    [Team] Kara Skye: Now THAT is a screenshot!

    [Team] Sation: hami eye crying?
    [Team] Kara Skye: Ok. Where's that platform?
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: looks great from up high
    [Team] Cheetala: i'm standing on the mid waterfall
    [Team] Sation: they're in the goo. I've only ever done it once froma toss
    [Team] Cheetala: would be funny taking a group pic wif hami too
    [Team] Cheetala: like a weekend at bernie's hami style
    [Team] Kara Skye: No invis platform?
    [Team] Kara Skye: LOL
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: nope.. toss it
    [Team] Pop rock': lol
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: it lurves you Ragey.. it really does... especially yr liver :P
    [Team] Cheetala: ooh...even do funny pics wif hami like at end of Hangover movies
    [Team] Kara Skye: Huh!
    [Team] Kara Skye: All I'm getting now is "Invalid Target" over and over.
    [Team] Kara Skye: I can't seem to move him now.
    [Team] Pop rock': hes stuck?
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: awww
    [Team] Kara Skye: Oh wait
    [Team] Kara Skye: Ok now I got it.
    [Team] Cheetala: it moved me :P
    [Team] Pop rock': lol
    [Team] Kara Skye: Bit of an oops there. I'll get it out for a mid-air drop on the next one.
    [Team] Sation: say when =)
    [Team] Kara Skye: WHEN
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: no worries... this is the most awesome thing I've ever seen in the game
    [Team] Professor Eviella: It's up there, at least.
    [Team] Kara Skye: Huh
    [Team] Kara Skye: Didn't go the direction I pointed him at.
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: architecture on the way maybe?
    [Team] Kara Skye: Could be
    [Team] Cheetala: yayz!
    [Team] Kara Skye: Here's another good screenshot.
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: Sitting on the water.. thinking my own thoughts :P
    [Team] Cheetala: this is where i requested for mid waterfall
    [Team] Kara Skye: Cool. Glad to get it for ya!

    [Team] Cheetala: nooo, hami.....i'm your friend!
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: lol
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: tping whisper
    [Team] Cheetala: was sneaking my way to ledgesit next to hami
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: nvm someone has it

    [Team] Merryl of Volt: what do you need whisper? I have no wakies left
    [Team] Cheetala: ish ok...ty tho
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: yw
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: Apparently he's grumpy
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: Ok everyone got screenies? Lets end this please. I wanna run a ITF before my later dinner
    [Team] Sation: mew
    [Team] Pop rock': all this moving about has made him extra sensitive
    [Team] Sation: throw him out here
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: we have the chance to fight him in a ridiculous location!
    [Team] Sation: oh sure =)
    [Team] Pop rock': here?
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: Whispie? @.@
    [Team] Cheetala: yush?
    [Team] Cheetala: yush?
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: oh, thought we lost you :P
    [Tell] Throbbing Maidenhead: O.O gl
    [Team] Kara Skye: How's this?
    [Team] Kara Skye: Is that good?
    [Team] Sation: *paws up*
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: is good
    [Team] Kara Skye: Excellent.
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: I got my screenies
    [Team] Cheetala: ty!

    [Team] Merryl of Volt: Ok, raeady??
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: kay
    [Team] Sation: hami mistook em for the tanker
    [Team] Professor Eviella: That was AWESOME
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: Seems almost a shame to take it out now.
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: No one will believe us.
    [Team] Yina Draconaiis: Wow.
    [Team] Kara Skye: Plennty of Screens and at least 2 demorecords. Trust me. They'll believe it.
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: Ok, lets Murdderlise this map
    [Team] Kara Skye: Righto!
    [Team] Pop rock': humm
    [Team] Sation: afk a sec mew
    [Team] Professor Eviella: (Note to self: It's after midnight, being tired is NOT surprising!)
    [Team] Professor Eviella: (Any chance of a MoDD or MoUG tomorrow, Whisper?)
    [Team] Kara Skye: I'd love either of those
    [Team] Professor Eviella: (MoDD is probably the easiest trial to MO, so good salvage for a new incarnate...)
    [Team] Kara Skye: Y'know - I don't CARE that the challenge failed. I WORMHOLED HAMI INTO THE HELICOPTER!!!! MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
    [Team] Professor Eviella: AMEN!
    [Team] Sation: I am still chuckling over that
    [Team] Merryl of Volt: Amen Kara
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: That is, in fact, all that matters.
    [Team] Professor Eviella: Thank you for sharing something new and special in this game with us, even now. :-)
    [Team] Kara Skye: ."Hami in a Heli." There's your meme for the day.
    [Team] Ghost Chamber: durr rtoggles help
    [Team] Professor Eviella: I can't say I'm ok with the game ending now that I've seen that. But... it's maybe 1% less bad. :-)
    [Team] Kara Skye: XD
    [Team] Kara Skye: It is at that.
  20. I honestly teared up at the end. Perfect.

    If this is indeed the Final Mission I ever play on the last day with my oldest toon created in Oct 2004, I could think of no better exit.

    And no higher honor.

    I think I was fine until the end when Ice Freem Man said -

    Ice Freem Man: "Cyberman 8, glad to meet you! You're the reason I decided to become a hero!" And the end where the note says you join them on their low level team. And this all with the backdrop of the ORIGINAL Atlas Park map! The one where you can see the way it looked on opening day with the buildings over on the east side before they put in Wentworths and AE.

    Don't get me wrong - the new Atlas is superior. But man... that took me back...

    Damnit... Onion Cutting Ninjas sneaking in here again.

    It's funny that the final souvenier mentions you becoming a trainer. I had no idea you were going there, but yet I got screenshots of the new heroes around me on Ms. Liberty's plinth.

    The final souvenir is just awesome. I made sure to get a screenshot of it with the HUD visible so that I can read it in the screenshot.

  21. Atlantea

    Devs moving on

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I always said that any solo path *should* be slower. It's slower to solo everything else in this game.

    The problem for me was the insane disparity between:

    A: The difference in real time between soloing content to 50 and running with teams to 50
    B: The difference in real time between soloing DA for incarnate shinies and running itrials.

    All I ever wanted was for B to be far closer to A.

    Why rehash this now? I hope some of the devs are still reading these forums and I hope that they don't make the same mistake in future games they work on because I like, for the most part, what they did here and would be more than willing to check out their new projects.
    I suppose there's not TOO much point in rehashing this.

    I do have an observation based on how fast the Devs were introducing new content though.

    If they and the game had been allowed to continue - I could easily imagine that Dark Astoria would NOT have been the only place where you could run the solo Incarnate stuff.

    I haven't asked (because really - I just thought of this) but I bet if you asked around with the former Devs, there were ideas and plans to introduce the solo incarnate pathing either to a new Zone (Kallisti Wharf perhaps?) Or to do more zone revamps to add incarnate solo paths.

    So a couple of further issues down - especially as the next incarnate stuff was introduced with the Battallion - I imagine that there would be multiple zones with Incarnate solo paths.

    Like - say - the Shadow Shard? We've all known for years that that set of zones was tragically underused. It would've been simple to leave the zone mostly as it was and yet add new contacts and instanced missions for incarnate solo path content.

    That's my initial thoughts. Mainly that I seriously doubt that your concerns with DA being the only place for Solo Incarnate Path would have gone un-answered.

    Of course, now we'll never have that. And we'll never know what that would've been like. *sigh*
  22. Does EVERYONE have to have Leadership? Or just a certain percentage? Likewise - how much of everything else is acceptable?

    For example,

    Cyberman 8 @atlantea
    lvl 53 Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Scrapper
    T4 Judgement Vorpal Core Final Judgement
    T3 Reactive Total Core Conversion
    T3 Warworks Total Core Improved Ally
    T3 Barrier Partial Core Invocation
    T1 Melee Genome
    4 Ultimate Inspirations (Can get more by Nov 17th)
    Call To Justice

    Kara Skye @atlantea
    lvl 53 Gravity Control/Kinetics Controller
    T3 Rebirth Partial Radial Invocation
    T3 Polar Lights Partial Core Improved Ally
    T3 Gravitic Partial Core Conversion
    T2 Void Radial Judgement
    4 Ultimate Inspirations (same as above)
    Call to Justice

    Oh dear GOD I love you guys!

  24. Hey hey! Grats! And glad to help out! I would've stayed around for Faathim. But MAN I was pooped after that Quarterfield Run!
  25. The music of "Sleeping in Light" is of course from the final episode of Babylon 5 of the same name. And I looked it up on Youtube and found the relevant section to re-watch.

    So here I was watching the final 5 minutes of "Sleeping in Light" but all I could think of was your video.

    So... Congratulations -

    You've successfully done what I never, ever expected... utterly replaced my mental images of that bit of music. Before, it meant the farewell of John Sheridan and the end of Babylon 5 for me.

    Now it means a completely different set of farewell images. Just as powerful. Just as poignant.

    It's a worthy trade.