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  1. Deebs

    Hey superpeoples

    Originally Posted by spice_weasel View Post
    Just a shout out and farewell to a great bunch of folks, many of which probably moved on a long time ago.

    If you ever recall teaming, or fighting, (mainly)E-Razor or Cherry Nobyl. Hats off and a salute to you. It was a great ride from i3 through to i20, with a ton of great memories surrounding the original incarnation of Fight club. Too many names forgotten along the way sadly, too many fallen...

    /Happy trails folks o7
    A tip of the hat to you E-razor , I fondly remember fighting alongside you and sometimes against you on Dragonberry at both fightclub and Sirens call
  2. looks intresting , bookmarking .

    <glares> i'll be espescially intrested in how spines is handled as obviously its the greatest powerset ever !!
  3. I went ahead and reposted this to Virtue as not everyone wanders over here to look and how can you turn down a simple 5 second yes or no vote :P
  4. Reposted from the general forums

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Cross-posted on the Titan Network forums

    Hey all, here's a really quick and easy one. Gaming news outlet Massively has posted a Fight for City of Heroes or Let It Go poll. For easy typing in your in-game chat windows, you can also access it at

    Voting takes about as long as popping a blue, but I ask you to do more. Spread the word. Share it on Facebook and Twitter. Tell your friends. Broadcast it in-game. Set it to your supergroup message. Massively is a BFD. Winning in this poll isn't even close to being good enough. I know it's not any kind of scientific poll, but the impression things like this makes counts. We need it stacked so heavily in our favor that whoever asked the question will think, "Wow, what was I thinking?"

    Don't let people make claims up out of thin air like, "City of Heroes wasn't making money," or another nasty one, "It's past it's prime, let it go with dignity." Ugh. Tell them to read the financial reports and study business concepts such as strategic alignment and resource allocation. Tell them that these are legitimate reasons to take actions like what NCsoft did, even if City of Heroes is in the black, which it was. Point out that for most practical purposes, World of Warcraft is the same age as City of Heroes (technically, CoH predates WoW by seven months). If City of Heroes is long in the tooth, does that mean that World of Warcraft is too? Should Blizzard be shutting down their flagship game just because someone has this weird notion that at eight years, it's time for your swan song?

    Try to appeal to people who just go with, "Meh, I never liked the game anyway." The short answer is, so? I don't like World of Warcraft, but I'm not champing at the bit to see it destroyed and its community stripped of the hard work and effort they have poured into the game. I think that would be absolutely heinous, and it boggles my mind that someone would want a game with a thriving community shut down simply because they don't care for it. In short, okay, you don't like it, but what did we do to you to make you actively want to kill it?

    Read my post "Call to Action Information: Our message" for more thoughts on how to approach different audiences and make them care about City of Heroes.

    But more than anything, go there and vote, and spread the word!
    as of this writing we have 1289 folks in favor of saving City of Heroes and 184 looking to toss dirt on its corpse , I dunno about you but 1289 seems like a very small number to me lets see about getting that number a wee bit higher !
  5. Psssh even if its hopeless it hurts no one to help out in bringing awareness to their cause . Voted on massively , signed several petitions , visited sites with news stories related to this cause annd showed up for the rally .

    It hasn't taken up a very large amount of time to do these little things to help out and show support for friends

    good luck folks i'll keep pitching in till the lights go out
  6. Deebs


    Im working on a art piece to post before they close the forums of Zwillinger on a bearskin rug holding a rose clenched in his teeth and clad in nothing more than a hat .
  7. my Elderly RolePlay never hurts anyone , if I want to seductively chew applesauce while slowly trudging about with my walker like a elderly sex kitten while putting my dentures into purrr who are you to judge !!!

    <.< >.>


    Tonight we will be doing the erotic bingo night scene in pocket D please remember to bring your bingo blotter , bingo cards and festive bingo thong !
  8. Tried CO the other night and just can't get into it , im sure some people must love it but I think im just walking away from superheroes after CoX turns off the lights , I've been rather enjoying my time on TSW (The Secret World ) though even as buggy as it is .
  9. Deebs


    Litterly got called by a friend and told if I didn't log in to show my support they were taking me off their christmas list .

    I was amazed to log in to find 33 instances of Atlas park O.O

    I love this community
  10. wow I actually prefer the older power logos , man Poison you are a treasure trove of old content <3
  11. Thanks everyone for posting this , its great reading !
  12. Thanks Sorah and when is Fist/Haet not banned !
  13. it was a pretty eclectric and odd mix of characters wasn't it ?
  14. that does sound like our Haet :P
  15. oggg that pun was horribad , still I think i'll be happy knowing I got to hear one more bad pun from you before the lights go out :P
  16. It always was a pleasure getting to chat with you when there was time Alevan and I always wished I had more time to chat and rp with your character , keep on being awesome there were times id watch you rp and smile at how open and easy going you were .
  17. seventh on the list woohoo .

    It was my first SG and my first time rping , thanks for putting up with me you guys were the best friends a newblett like me could have hoped for
  18. Foo no longer plays but asked me to relay his well wishes in his own foo like way

    Agent-Foo said the following:

    Can you do me a solid and post a farewell to the art board on the CoH forums?

    Something like, "You guys were the best. You made me force myself to be better so I could become the greatest FArt Champion of ALL TIME."
  19. ....I guess i'll be here till the lights go out , I used to think that was a mythical far away time much like a child thinks that school will never end or that they will never get as old as their granparents .


    it seems i've blinked my eyes and someone else's hands on the lightswitch and is about to plunge the house and street i've lived and loved on , fought and fumed on , made both friends and enemies on into darkness .

    and it feels so unfair

    im not sure what else to say other than

    i'll miss you all
  20. ....I guess i'll be here till the lights go out , I used to think that was a mythical far away time much like a child thinks that school will never end or that they will never get as old as their granparents .


    it seems i've blinked my eyes and someone else's hands on the lightswitch and is about to plunge the house and street i've lived and loved on , fought and fumed on , made both friends and enemies on into darkness .

    and it feels so unfair

    im not sure what else to say other than

    i'll miss you all
  21. The name "Hephaestus" has been released into the wild . Good Luck !
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RhythmSway View Post
    I was Cruse! Good times. I do miss the people from that too. As well as Soaring Valor, Shining
    Glory and all the oldie rpvpers from Sirens Call.
    All the Teens grew up , but I fondly remember when they were still goofy kids
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jonas_Hood View Post
    Many more I'm sure I'm forgetting...
    The Shia is alive and kicking still , we have been traveling the multiverse of mmo's but we always sneak back into CoH when the mods aren't looking .