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I'll join in once again, same character as before. However, I will be at the Rally party in Freedom at least a half hour before it starts. So send me a tell @Knightward when you're getting it together.
I might give the game a shot (probably not until after November though, priorities). I hear Arcadia is the CoH Refugee server?
Quote:Um, I did mention that while I lack the talent to make those things, I was more than willing to chip in for the supplies. I know my post count is small enough to be easily ignored, but I did think it was a cool idea.I also had an idea to have two giant paper mache Statesman statues erected outside of NCSoft's UK and NA offices simultaneously. This would have taken some money and help, but hit up Google Images for "giant paper mache statue" and you'll see that it's not such a crazy idea, there are some really cool ones that have been made by people (if you search around you'll find a huge Hulk one). Someone was even willing to deliver the UK one. Again, no one saw merit in this.
I don't know how, but yes. There is no logical reason to think it, but I can't shake the feeling that it will. I did not have this feeling 3 weeks ago.
Quote:You know, this makes the whole agent provocateur thing make more sense now....*checks watch*
So I guess "three weeks" is the point where the caged rats go psychotic and start chewing on each other, for lack of updates or food or anything else to distract or direct them. -
Either kicking *** and taking names deep in the Shadow Shard or chilling in the Night Ward because my ego is a silly thing.
I hear "Hey Jerkface!" works with just about any ethnic, cultural, or any subdivision thereof, culture.
I got a full refund today through Paypal. Crazy as this sounds, I'm actually finding this encouraging. Hasn't NCSoft just diverted whatever gametime you had left into whatever new game they wanted to shuffle players to in cancellations past? Obviously we're not at the finish line yet, but we HAVE made progress already!
EDIT: Whoops, it wasn't a full refund, it was just a partial. My point still stands though. -
I could point to groups like Real World Heroes to argue the point but.... **** it, snark's more entertaining.
Shorter AC: "We are citizens, we take it lying down!" -
Quote:Words to live by.Which is precisely why I've long held the position that I will do unto others AS they do unto me or mine while being sure to enter every environment with kindness and respect as the default until given reason to change course.
Quote:True, but now I'm trying to focus it on puppy & kitteh pictures. Derailing trolls can be fun!
And alas, I don't have time to upload any pictures of any of my cats from years past. -
I might give The Secret World a shot. Other then that, yeah I'll be done.
Will we try for Avatar Assassin? It's the last thing I need from it and is driving me insane.
And after checking with a number of people on Virtue, no one's been getting the tip missions. So either the event isn't fully activated or... something. Alas!
And my axe!
... I mean, you've got mine too. -
I've been looking at those, but after a few hours of play I still had no tips. I was getting normal alignment tips street-sweeping in Peregrine, but nothing else. I'm trying to figure out whether I'm just lucky enough for the extremely improbable, or if there's a bug that's not going to get fixed.
Who says the end of the game is the end of badging? Anyway, since the Valentine's event has been triggered and I was out during the event earlier this year, how am I supposed to get the Valentine tips? I've done all the event missions and the only tips I get are alignment.
Hey, I'm not claiming ads are free, I'm just pointing out that there are a great many people who to this day have no idea City of Heroes even existed in the first place! It's a gamble, certainly, but maybe had a larger amount of revenue gone into advertising it would have had a much stronger impact. I'd like to think it would have made a difference, at any rate. I've seen people leave due to burnout or financial reasons, but I've never seen anyone say, "I didn't like this game, I have no interest in it." Given this game's heavy degree of player retention, a more aggressive advertising campaign would have been a safer bet than it would otherwise be in more conventional circumstances.
But again, I could be wrong. -
Defeat all missions.
Missions that REQUIRE teaming.
PVP zones.
The Shadow Shard TF's.
Yellow Dawn. -
This combined with the absolute lack of advertising ever seem to be the major culprits, near as I can tell.