We are Heroes! This is what we do!
Posting edited out.
Pretty sure you're just a guy with a mouse and keyboard killing pixels and time. Some perspective, please, so you don't come across as completely off the deep end. We're not heroes. We're a bunch of cool people who grew close to each other while playing a fun game. Heroes are guys who run into burning buildings to save a child. They're not guys who run into burning buildings to save a collection of pixels. Please stop demeaning the word.
This is really doom.
Pretty sure you're just a guy with a mouse and keyboard killing pixels and time. Some perspective, please, so you don't come across as completely off the deep end. We're not heroes. We're a bunch of cool people who grew close to each other while playing a fun game. Heroes are guys who run into burning buildings to save a child. They're not guys who run into burning buildings to save a collection of pixels. Please stop demeaning the word.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
We are heroes. This is what we do.
We are heroes. This is what we do. Remember those words. Please bookmark this forum and check back here frequently, as I'll also be posting stickies at the top that are "Calls to Action," things that we need you to do or expertise we need in order to progress in our efforts. I'll be posting news and information here, and more importantly, what you, the City of Heroes community, can do to help our efforts. --TonyV
Sorry my attempt at trying to post something motivational failed so badly.
So I decided it was best to edit out what I posted.
pretty sure you're just a guy with a mouse and keyboard killing pixels and time. Some perspective, please, so you don't come across as completely off the deep end. We're not heroes. We're a bunch of cool people who grew close to each other while playing a fun game. Heroes are guys who run into burning buildings to save a child. They're not guys who run into burning buildings to save a collection of pixels. Please stop demeaning the word.
So much hate over a slogan... Really...
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I guess the name, "Angry Citizen" fits. As does the avatar. EternalAmethyst, you really shouldn't let things like that scare you into not standing up for what you believe in, simply because they happen to glare at you like they just caught you wearing the One Ring.

Honestly I couldn't be bothered anymore. When your 1'st 2 replies treat you like a fool, why on earth bother.
I'll just stick to https://www.facebook.com/groups/SaveCityofHeroes/
I'm not trying to demean the word, not the slightest. So no offence intended to anyone. If you see the videos on Youtube for eg. This might help explain as well. A pasting from http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Main_Page
Saturday, September 1, 2012 We are heroes. This is what we do. We are heroes. This is what we do. Remember those words. Please bookmark this forum and check back here frequently, as I'll also be posting stickies at the top that are "Calls to Action," things that we need you to do or expertise we need in order to progress in our efforts. I'll be posting news and information here, and more importantly, what you, the City of Heroes community, can do to help our efforts. --TonyV Sorry my attempt at trying to post something motivational failed so badly. So I decided it was best to edit out what I posted. |
This is really doom.
"We are a bunch of really great and close community members. This is the goal we are setting out to accomplish" just doesn't have the same ring to it, though. It's all about marketing.
It's a Slogan. if it irks you. Big deal! Anyway, I really can't be bothered with this anymore.
All this over a slogan o.o
Personal opinion here ... Anyone who stands up for what they believe in, regardless the outcome, is heroic in their own way. If we all had the cockroach mentality of rolling over and curling up our legs every time something sucky happened in life, then we wouldn't have the world we live in. The US was literally shaped on the edges of revolution. You may not agree with the slogan. But don't hate on the ones that do.
There's always someone ready to pee in your cornflakes.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Angry Citizen and American Knight may be right in a very plain sense. But that's no kind of sense that ever gets anything done when the odds are stacked against something you love--and that includes a community built around an eight year-long hobby. If City of Heroes is by some miracle saved, it won't be people like Angry Citizen and American Knight, and their very plain sense, who we thank afterward. We'll thank Tony and all the other crazy nuts out there who pushed for the impossible, like they could hold it in the palm of their hand if they just kept trying. We'll thank all the people who equated saving this community with heroism, and who couldn't be told otherwise.
We are heroes. This is what we do.
People who downplay this effort are the same people who'd downplay any effort that is important to you but not to them; they're the same anti-social cretins that want to watch you grieve after helping you lose hope. And a dressing-down from people like this should mean about as much to you as getting dressed down by a terrible two year-old. Shouldn't mean a thing. Heroism takes all forms, and it takes all kinds. This community means so much to so many people, and whoever helps save it, or fails trying their damnedest, is a hero.
So, you gave up on your message after having two of this forum's most negative ninnies wag their fingers in your face for sport? Ya'know, these types are always the fastest to pounce onto any positive message to sink their teeth into it, but so what? You can't be bothered to do the right thing because a couple clowns showed up who can't stand seeing anyone drink out of a half-full glass?
I sincerely hope you'll do yourself and your integrity a favor, and come back tomorrow, and let us hear your message loud and clear. Tell these clowns to shove it, or just ignore 'em, these are your forums too.
@Captain-Electric � Detective Marvel � The Sapien Spider � Moravec Man � The Old Norseman
Dark-Eyes � Doctor Serpentine � Stonecaster � Skymaiden � The Blue Jaguar
Guide to Altitis � A Comic for New Players � The Lore Project � Intro to extraterrestrials in CoH
Nothing personal. I think I gave TonyV a similar dressing-down. It's the slogan that irks me.
I'm also pretty sure the game isn't called City of People Who Aren't Nearly As Cool As Real-Life Firemen. If you'd tried (or just read about) the game, it would be pretty clear what 'we are heroes' actually refer to.
Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
Angry Citizen and American Knight may be right in a very plain sense. But that's no kind of sense that ever gets anything done when the odds are stacked against something you love--and that includes a community built around an eight year-long hobby. If City of Heroes is by some miracle saved, it won't be people like Angry Citizen and American Knight, and their very plain sense, who we thank afterward. We'll thank Tony and all the other crazy nuts out there who pushed for the impossible, like they could hold it in the palm of their hand if they just kept trying. We'll thank all the people who equated saving this community with heroism, and who couldn't be told otherwise. |
This is really doom.
Hey Angry C. Keep on pissing in people's cornflakes, dude!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I'll still think TonyV and his cadre are self-aggrandizing, pompous fools who reinforce stereotypical views of nerdrage.
Oh, hang on...I know what's going on here - isn't it obvious? Angry_Citizen is actually a Praetorian Angry_Citizen and he's obviously mistaken our Primal Titan Network for its opposite Praetorian version!

I'll still think TonyV and his cadre are self-aggrandizing, pompous fools who reinforce stereotypical views of nerdrage. By putting forth this silly slogan, he's implying that it's the game, not the community, that is worth saving. It's not. This game could be blown up and remade from scratch for all I care, so long as the community remained a part of it. We the community are not heroes. We pilot fake heroes in a fake game. That's not heroic. It never has been, is not now, and will never be. Implying otherwise is insulting to the memories of real heroes. Real heroes give their lives for a just and worthy cause, or at least come within mortal peril. That's how I define a hero. A hero is not some dude with an obviously wrong yet catchy slogan. Those are called politicians, and most of them aren't revered as heroes.
Frankie says it best.
I'll still think TonyV and his cadre are self-aggrandizing, pompous fools who reinforce stereotypical views of nerdrage. By putting forth this silly slogan, he's implying that it's the game, not the community, that is worth saving. It's not. This game could be blown up and remade from scratch for all I care, so long as the community remained a part of it. We the community are not heroes. We pilot fake heroes in a fake game. That's not heroic. It never has been, is not now, and will never be. Implying otherwise is insulting to the memories of real heroes. Real heroes give their lives for a just and worthy cause, or at least come within mortal peril. That's how I define a hero. A hero is not some dude with an obviously wrong yet catchy slogan. Those are called politicians, and most of them aren't revered as heroes.
Nobody here actually believes they're a real hero for fighting to save the game. That's not how slogans work.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Hey. Just so you know, nobody is making this claim. At all. Ever. The only reason it's a slogan is because -- surprise -- we play a game about superheroes. If this were STO, SWTOR, or WoW (difficult as it is to imagine that game being shut down) with the same community, do you think people would be saying it? No.
Nobody here actually believes they're a real hero for fighting to save the game. That's not how slogans work. |
He probably hasn't had a hug in years.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Just ignore him. He's just a mindless little troll who gets off on pissing in people's cereal.
He probably hasn't had a hug in years. |
At least your game will go the way of the dodo. I raise an issue about the slogan because it comes across as pretty pathetic, and I'm a "troll"? Sad, man. Real real sad.
This is really doom.
Nah he just played villains.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Yes. You're a troll. Because you continue to piss in peoples cereal and won't just shut the **** up.
But that's OK.. I have a solution for prats like you.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Posting edited out.