If CoH cannot be saved, I guess that ends my MMO life
Dusty, I've said it before in many posts too. I'm with you, City Of Heroes is my last MMO and likely the last game I'll play. I haven't played anything else really in the last ten years now and I knew that the day City Of Heroes shuts down is the day I finally hang up my video game hat for good. There are too many real world things I need to spend my energy on anymore.
To be honest, I haven't been able to play much since the announcement. As much as I love the game I simply see no point in investing all that time into a character. If there were any real hope of the game being saved that might have been another issue, but at this stage in the game it looks like there is no savior for this city of heroes.
Good luck to you. Maybe you'll be doing more productive things with your time from here on out. One never does know...
I think this will be my last MMO as well. Until the day a true successor to City of Heroes comes along, my MMO days are over.
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
I picked up the CoV pre-order for my boyfriend at the time, because I knew he wanted to play. The excited look on his face convinced me that if I ever wanted to spend time with him, I should get my own copy. My time in the game has now outlasted not only his interest, but the relationship as well.
I'm not an MMO gamer, I'm a City of Villains gamer.
I have not seen anything out there currently that changes that opinion for me.
My wife is much the same way...she started playing so that we'd have something else to do together. Now she's reactivated her Pogo account and would rather play there, despite having dabbled in WoW for a while.
Me? I'm still here, though I've already moved on to CO. For me it's more about being superheroic and comic book spectacular, not just playing and min-maxing.
- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie
Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608
CoH was the first MMO I ever played; and have been playing/subbing since March 2005. Sure I have tried other games: EQII, WoW, CO, DCUO, GW, and SWTOR...but never for more than a week.
I have GW2, but have played it about 4 hours total. IF CoH is not saved I will probably play GW2...some. And by some I mean an hour here or there. I have never found a game that interested me half as much as CoH. So in essence if/when CoH does shutdown; whether that be in November 2012 or some date further down the road...I don't see myself actively playing another MMO.
I'm likely with you guys.
I didn't do MMOs before CoH came out. It was the first one that attracted me.
The scene has changed a lot since I started playing, and I think MMOs as a category of games have improved a fair amount. Many of the things that I disliked about them have been addressed in newer titles. Sadly, my avoidance of MMOs was a combination of active distaste for what I considered negative aspects and a lack of interest in their actual content. While the negative aspects have been addressed in some new MMOs, the interest still isn't there for me. CoH was a huge outlier for me.
I'm something of a one-hobby, one-vice kinda guy. I want to sink time into one activity and really invest in it. I'm not sure I'm up for the investment of time in an MMO that I spent here, even if I found one I liked. I'm not sure I'd be lucky enough to pick one that lasted this long. As much as I hate to see CoH go (barring miracles), it's had a pretty damn good run.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Same here for me, too.
Before CoH, I played for a while in Sims Online. But I didn't consider that an MMO so much as a chat room with interesting graphics. I bailed when it became obvious the game was floundering, because the game the players wanted to play and the game the devs wanted us to play were two different things. (Wonder if Jack... nah.)
When some friends asked me to join them in CoH, I flat out refused. As far as I was concerned, MMOs were where obnoxious people hung out to constantly harass the less experienced. That's still my opinion of most of them. "There's no PVP," they said. "It's really fun and laid back." Finally my now duo partner offered to buy me a copy of the game if I'd give it a try.
Now I'm hooked, and there is nothing else out there that is anywhere near as good. Because what made me love CoH was the people. Not this mechanic or that powerset, just the way I was treated by the people in the game. I've seen so many threads with people shilling for other games, and I have seem endless discussions of game features, but I hardly ever see them mention the community.
"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."
I don't like any of the other MMOs out there. I've never been a fan of the whole loot system, or raiding and grinding. And most other MMOs don't really give you much freedom to actually make your character both look and play the way you really want them to. CO's close, but I fuggin' hate it's art style and writing. So if CoH truly bites it, it'll probs be my last MMO.
I too am... not inspired by anything out there. Co* has spoiled me rotten on how these should work. I don't care what's popular, this was the way it was supposed to be done (for the most part... I'm sure we can argue some pieces of it...)
Further, to be honest, this whole 'lightswitch' situation where I'm losing stuff I made because of some corporate weirdness.. well.. I just won't do it twice. 7 years and poof, gone? And not because we stopped playing, not because it got borked for good by a virus or something... Just because, literally.
Nope. Not interested in a repeat experience. MMOs are dead to me after Co* is shuttered. I'll go play Quake again maybe, or just... ride a motorcycle. Yeah. Wind in my hair and all that. If I had hair. And didn't wear a full helmet...
/If it's shuttered. We're "not dead yet." - Mary, Queen of Scots
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
I can't say I'll never get into another MMO again, because who knows what will come in the future? If people that worked on CoH ever make another game in the future, even if it's not the ENTIRE team, well, I'd be interested.
I was big into E&B, and that suffered a premature death. CoH had a strong run for 8 years and that's going to weigh on me for awhile, but I can't say I'll never play another online game again.
That said, the market seems to be changing, so what's available in the future is likely going to be impacted by it.

Beast Mastery/Natural Affinity thats a good idea and something to spend some of those points on that I have nothing to spend on. Will be a good toon to do the grind. I want to do the whole lowbie thing again and do missions in the Hollows.
This too will be my last and only MMO. To many things going on in the real world. I work alot, and when 8I am not working I like to ride my Harley. Going to have to have something to do in the winter though. I really hope we can save COH. If not and I do play something else it will probably be something free. Maybe some Champions since my friends play that even though I don't like it. Maybe just watch more netflix tile I can get on my Harley again. Sigh No COH is really going to suck. Please God Please let it be saved..
Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.

I too am... not inspired by anything out there. Co* has spoiled me rotten on how these should work. I don't care what's popular, this was the way it was supposed to be done (for the most part... I'm sure we can argue some pieces of it...)
To me, City of Heroes was the Half-Life of the MMO world - a game which used the basic RPG mechanics and MMO infrastructure to deliver a new, unique, eccentric experience more focused on impressing its players than just yanking money out of their pockets. And it really WAS ahead of its time. The MMO market then wasn't as saturated as it is now, so a "different" game wasn't valued as highly.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I might be trying out a couple of new titles or even playing one I used to play but new games are just "paid betas" that are just hyped up only to find out that after all this time the name game just looks shiny but doesn't do the "game" as well as CoH.
If I don't find anything good, its probably time to move on from MMOs and this F2P/Hybrid + micro transaction stuff.
H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster

CoH wasn't my first MMO and it won't be my last but I doubt I will play another for 8 1/2 years. I'll be dabbling in non-fantasy F2P MMOs for the foreseeable future.
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.
Baring something as friendly to my style of play as CoH, for me MMOs will be single player games I dust off and spend a few hours in once in a blue moon. No other MMO has made me want to keep playing it, nor even want to team up with others, except for this one.
@Doctor Gemini
Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.
I'm kind of leaning that way myself. I've been playing Guild Wars 2 a bit but honestly my heart just isn't in it. I think that for the near future I'm mostly going to be playing single player games.
I might give The Secret World a shot. Other then that, yeah I'll be done.
I'm feeling the same way. Nothing out there comes close to CoH. I don't have a driving need to find a replacement for it.

That's where I am. I have nothing against MMOs as a concept, but damned if they aren't all boring, monotonous slogs that try to ram socialisation down my throat and waste my time. And why are they almost all Fantasy? Seriously, this is like the dark age of FPS games where everything was either Doom or Quake which had no plot, characters or interesting locations outside of brown castle and grey castle.
To me, City of Heroes was the Half-Life of the MMO world - a game which used the basic RPG mechanics and MMO infrastructure to deliver a new, unique, eccentric experience more focused on impressing its players than just yanking money out of their pockets. And it really WAS ahead of its time. The MMO market then wasn't as saturated as it is now, so a "different" game wasn't valued as highly. |
I have a lifetime sub in one of those other super MMOs so technically as long as their servers are on I can play it. But any time I do play it i just see how much better City of Heroes/Villains/etc is (soon was unless something happens).
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Further, to be honest, this whole 'lightswitch' situation where I'm losing stuff I made because of some corporate weirdness.. well.. I just won't do it twice. 7 years and poof, gone? And not because we stopped playing, not because it got borked for good by a virus or something... Just because, literally. |
^ This. X2.
All of the special edition game boxes, all the subscribed time paid in, all of the micro-transactions, all of the merchandise (hell, I even bought the loose leaf binders official game guide), etc... and what will I have to show for it after the game is turned off? A box of stuff that I can't use anymore and all of my character ideas locked away and unusable.
I can't justify to myself ever investing myself in another MMO like I did with this one. No matter how good the game is, this is my last MMO. Its just too depressing to think about no more COH.
Trying a few others has convinced me that I don't like MMOs in general. I just like this one.
Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia
I'll probably continue to play an MMO here and there (including going back to games I played before I found CoH), but I doubt I'll get this invested ever again. (And a big part of that is that now I'm spoiled on CoH's customization system. In other games, 90% of the time when I try to make a build that I think will be interesting and unique, it turns out that "interesting and unique" are synonyms for "useless". Or it could be that my characters are wearing gear that's ten or more levels below what they're "supposed" to be wearing, because I don't like grinding)
If the negotiations with NCSoft fall through, I don't know if I'll be involved with any more MMOs after this. The thing I'll miss is the community. The game itself is great, don't get me wrong. But the community was the absolute BEST feature of the game.
Starting all that over from scratch, on top of starting over in a new game, would likely be a VERY steep barrier-to-entry for me.
Not that I couldn't. But there'd have to be some very sweet incentives.
Gameplay and game investment would have to have a similar sensibility to CoH.
Non-gear related customization out the wazoo.
I'd probably want to see involvement of former Paragon staff AND CoH community members.
I'd also like to see nods towards the role the community plays in the entire development process. Not necessarily final say on things in the game. But at least a legitimate avenue for input on the game's growth.
I already posted one goodbye thread but I just can't leave it alone I guess. I love this game too much! Even though real life complications and commitments mean I am frequently unable to play. I just came back from a six-month hiatus on the 17th when I learned that the ONLY mmorpg I play is now going the way of Auto Assault. So I made a Beast Mastery/Natural Affinity mastermind and I guess I'll play her until they shut the servers down.
Irony of ironies. On August 28th I stopped my recurring credit card payment because I did not know if I could be back ingame before my 7+ year continuous running VIP subscription ran out in March. Two days later they announced the game was going to sunset. I cannot help but wonder...
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AE Story Arc #536752: Torn Asunder
An army from far, far away has been driven from their homeland and landed on Earth. They desperately need a new home and they're liking the look of ours.
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