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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post

    I guess it's not so much "given up" as a recognition that NCSoft is a completely unreasonable corporation that has no interest in it's loyal customers. It clearly feels that we're not important and so it made it's decision and then reaffirmed that decision on Oct 2nd, and now it will take a cataclysm to make it change that perspective.

    All we can do now is move on to other games or spend any energy we have left dealing with NCSoft and it's board in whatever way we decide is most appropriate.
    This. I completely agree with Scarlet. And while I haven't completely abandoned CoX, I've made my peace with NCSoft's decision and moved on to other gaming pastures. But no, there's nothing that any of our efforts will yield at this point save for our frustration. Best to enjoy what time there is left and remember the fun.
  2. GreenLantern68

    Devs moving on

    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    I'm glad they're landing on their feet. That's not something that's a given these days.
    QFT, Battler. Sorry to see all of 'em go, of course, but glad they're going somewhere that both plays to their strengths and where they can (maybe) prosper.
  3. GreenLantern68


    Sorry to see you go, LadyGrimrose. Happy landings!
  4. Cheers, Houtex. Hope to see you around the city sometime before it's too late.
  5. Hey all, I'm 44 and feel the same way most of you do.

    I log in, but can't seem to get myself in the mood to DO much because...well ultimately it won't matter in a few weeks. And Dark Respite's most recent video...which was WONDERFUL...slammed home how much I'm going to miss the game when it's finally shut down.

    Here's to you, Paragon City.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    DCUO has the best combat system...
    If you want to play in a console-based video game environment, sure.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Tried it again...still don't like it. Three strikes you are out.

    I get that there are CO apologists on these forums, but it's not for everyone...

    I take exception to your term "CO apologist". My wife and I have been part of Paragon City for over six years...nearly seven...and I'm playing CO because it's giving me the best superheroic bang for my buck now that CoX is shutting down.

    I'm not going to apologize for that. Nor would I expect anyone who wants to be part of DCUO to apologize for their choice, or you to apologize for the fact that you don't like CO.

    Some people drive Fords, others drive Chevys. Doesn't make one better than the other, and I doubt anyone apologizes for their choice.
  8. I'm with everyone else, Lady G. Like Fire_Away I've been supremely skeptical about the SaveCoH movement, despite signing the petition and being in instance 19 of the Atlas Park 33, but a moment to keep us focused on the positive is always appropriate.

  9. Who IS that yappy faux-redhead, and whom does she claim to speak for?

    'Cause it sure ain't me.

    BTW JayboH, gratz on closing in on 1 million hits! So you like "Young Justice" but say you're dissapointed in how "Green Lantern" was handled? Hmm...

    How WOULD you have liked to seen it handled?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by chawk View Post
    In short it isn't CoX but it'll do.
    I think a lot of us feel that way. Others take the "at least it's not DCUO" route.

    Frankly I'm just glad to have a good, welcoming place to keep being super in.
  11. Oh yeah...that one's awesome!
  12. My wife is much the same way...she started playing so that we'd have something else to do together. Now she's reactivated her Pogo account and would rather play there, despite having dabbled in WoW for a while.

    Me? I'm still here, though I've already moved on to CO. For me it's more about being superheroic and comic book spectacular, not just playing and min-maxing.
  13. Best of luck to you and the family. I hope you land somewhere wonderful, Andy.

    You were a fantastic addition to the CoX community, and I appreciated all of your efforts on our behalf.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
    It wasn't just global chat it was personal tells. They were spiteful and vindictive.
    With tongue firmly in cheek, I have to ask...did you make rude comments about their mothers?

    Or insult their hometown sports teams?

    ' That sure hasn't happened to anyone ELSE I've heard/read about.

    Still, though, I'm sorry to hear you were treated so rudely...whatever the case.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
    My brief tenure in Champion Online last night.

    LOTS of people bashing CoH players now coming into their game. God help me if I said anything positive. The developers may be welcoming us, but their community is just as snub nosed as I remember. For fifteen minutes I heard a conversation go on and on about us being attached to a sinking ship and its what we deserve, etc. etc. Not just by one player either, there were a slew jumping on the band wagon.

    Thank you Cryptic Devs for the invitiation, it was cordial and well intended. Your community, however, has a lot to learn about being civil to others. True, we stuck to CoH, but that is no reason to treat us like garbage.
    Your experience has been VASTLY different than mine, and many other "CoX Refugees" that've ventured to Millennium City. I would strongly suggest joining the CoX channel and focusing your conversations there...but wow...I'm sorry your experience was so colored by a bunch of trolls. I can promise you the CO community has a much better face about them.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    You can be a (super) hero in The Secret World. IMO, it's the closest MMOG to City of Heroes, in both features and community. Sure, you don't wear spandex, but you can assume a codename, have superpowers, and fight evil. The only thing you're really missing, or at least I am, is travel powers. For that, there's DC Universe Online.
    No capes, no tights, no flights = No superheroics.

    And as much as I'm a slavish DC fanboy (probably even more so than you, Celestial Lord), I've no interest in playing a console game that was ported to the PC. Hell I even have a friend who worked on DCUO when I was in development...and still have no interest in playing. I've seen my nephew on his PS2 with DCUO...he wants to *play*, which is fine. I, on the other hand, want to be a SUPERHERO.

    Not the same.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    The revenge I want to see is all the fired members of the Paragon Studio to get their own game development studio, get some serious funding, kickstarter maybe, and role out a new MMO that blows everything out the water. NCSoft can only watch and feel shame as they realize what they let go.

    Though I doubt they'd feel shame as they couldn't give two figs about the American market, but I digress...

  18. Haven't gone through the rest of the thread, but I'm finding this an obvious comment: The more successful GW2 is, the less NCSoft is going to care about CoX.

    Our only hope at this point is for them to sell off the IP, IMHO.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
    It is hard to log in on favorite toons knowing D-Day is upon them.
    Which is why *I* have not been playing as I normally do.

    "Le sigh..."

    I know it's best to "play while the playin's still good," but it's almost like FORCING yourself to have a good time. Forcing is the OPPOSITE of a good time.
  20. GreenLantern68


    I was in Atlas #19 for over an hour...probably 30 minutes before the initial start time. Amazing turn out!
  21. I have been "splashing around" in the CO pool over the last couple of days. It's an odd mix, and I'm still climbing a learning curve to get used to the playstyle.

    The graphics and animation still look somewhat "cartoony" in comparison to our more "gritty, real-world" style...but it's better when the cell-shading is turned off. Travel powers and branching abilities/specialties are pretty great, but barely being able to fend off a group of 2-3? Yeah, not so great.

    I should echo the OP's comments...the forumites in CO have all been really welcoming, and so far everyone in game has been quite helpful to me. It does seem that they really *want* us there, and that's always a good thing.

    But it dawned on me this morning what I felt missing...and that's the devs. Let's face it, the developers for CoX REALLY love this game. I mean they *REALLY* *love* it.

    That same love doesn't seem to exist in CO...and I think that's a shame. THAT is what we, the CoX faithful, should try to inspire over there. Yeah, I know we're not going to have the same level of Dev Love that we do here...but if we can get them inspired, then they'll want to make the game better. And if they want to make the game better...more money, more referrals, more players, etc.

    Just my two...uh...Inf. Still.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    I'm fairly newly returned after about a year and a half off, and I have to say I'm fully in favor of the way they have it set up now. I feel pretty VIP, especially after creating a separate "Free" account to see what they DON'T have.
    Hey, welcome back Dec! Good to see a familiar mask.
  23. Well I didn't CHEER, but I did read off the list to the wife.

    Thank you in advance, Devs! This seems to have "a little something for everybody", which appears to be what most of us have been wanting for a while. Not an easy juggling act to pull off.
  24. I don't use Mids, and wasn't really looking for something that complex, but thank you!

    Leadership was taken to reflect the character's military background.