Be Proud to be a Paragon Native!
Thank you for your positive, uplifting comments. It's people like you who have made CoH the fun place to be that it has been all these years! I wish I'd gotten to know you in the game, but just like you do, I believe that we're going to find a home, and I'll have another chance.
Regarding the troll issue, I think that's clearing up, isn't it? Seems like there were about half a dozen posters (almost all names I'd been unfamiliar with, and I'd read the forums daily) who felt like they suddenly had "open mike night," and thus starteth the troll posts. They got heated replies from others, and thus feedeth the trolls began.
But hey, stuff can catch us all on a bad day, and we end up feeding a troll. It can happen to any of us.
There are oddly a lot of "new" people in the game, too, and some are obviously trolling. We just laughed him/her down on the Help Channel this morning, and a good, not-at-all-mean, time was had by all.
Things change. We adapt. But even so, we remain "us".
And "us" being "us", there's fun stuff afoot this Saturday, Oct. 20, so log in to the server of your choice if you have game access, so join in! It's a charity event, and an invite the media day, AND double XP, too!
Thank you again, Lady Grimrose. You are a true hero indeed!
Three cheers for respecting each others opinions op. I can most certainly buy into that concept. I also must say that the definition of "troll" does seem to be in the eye of the beholder. Not to worry though. You can most certainly wait out all the undesirables. It sure looks like after Nov 30 there will be one dominant voice for CoH and the mantra for the new order will be: "We are heroes! This is what we do!" To tell you the truth, I'll kind of still miss the old days, trolls and all.
No offense to anyone involved in the #SaveCoh movement. I've tried very hard to convey my admiration and respect for the cause... even though personally I find the utility of their efforts, particularly with NCSoft, to be lacking on numerous fronts (because I have maintained since Aug 31 it is a no-win situation... and there is no joy in my being "right"). And op, my sincere hope is that any disappointment is tempered from your last two paragraphs. I'm fairly certain from my experience with the community that there are many who feel the exact same way... even some "trolls"... once you lose the slogan.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.

I agree 100%
Super Babes database
Electronic Super Greetings
LadyGrimrose, it seems you have pulled the thoughts right out of my head. I am proud to live in The City with you.

Well said, Lady. /salute
I'm with everyone else, Lady G. Like Fire_Away I've been supremely skeptical about the SaveCoH movement, despite signing the petition and being in instance 19 of the Atlas Park 33, but a moment to keep us focused on the positive is always appropriate.
- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie
Me 'n my posse:
I'm wiriting this because my time in the game was cut short on September 30th, when I moved to the East Coast. I won't have true internet until December and am currently reliant on my Hot Spot to post on forums and such. But before the forums wind down I wanted to take a moment to bring a little bit of focus back to our little community here.
After reading through today's Coffee Talk synopsis I felt a little ashamed, for the first time, at some of the things going on in the forums between us. There is a lot of negativity spreading and it really doesn't have a place here, it's not what we have been about. Our community has always held it's head high and there's no reason we can't respect each other's opinions as the clock winds down. After all we have a LOT to be proud of:
-#SaveCoH movement hasn't wavered even with blow after blow from NcSoft. In fact, more and more people are jumping in to spread the word. It is absolutely amazing to watch.
-Charity events have been the norm to help dispositioned members of the Paragon Studios staff and, even better, to help others around the country that also need help.
-On the Titan Network forums is a group of volunteers who have a Plan Z if the game can't be saved. I say let Plan Z become something even IF the game is saved. Original IPs and Independent studios are going to become more and more popular. It is quite conceivable that something truly grand will arise from our efforts.
-And above all else, our community has been recognized for our maturity in the face of losing our MMO home. I don't know how many of you have even tried to venture onto the WoW forums, but if you make it out unscathed you are pretty much close to a miracle worker.
In these last remaining weeks I want each of you to hold your head high. If the game is saved, great, if not (I hate saying this) find something to replace it. It doesn't have to be an MMO. It could be a new hobby all together. Become a creator. Donate to charity. Even journey together to a new forum home and keep in touch there with the grand memories we have cultivated here.
I miss the game, I really do, but what I really miss are my friends, who are, without a doubt, some of the greatest heroes I have ever met. So to the All Stars, to the Whisper X channel, to everyone on this forum I say this. Hold onto all you hold dear and remember, "We are heroes! This is what we do!"