Well sorry to see you go. Enjoy where ever your gaming takes you.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
I'm done with the game and the forums, but before I go I will say a few things.
1) This game meant a lot to some of us and the community has done much to help many noble causes and charities. 2) The passion I saw arise in the SaveCoH movement should carry forward with a new game once this one closes. It is doubtful NcSoft will release the IP. 3) To my friends in Whisper X (the greatest non-SG ever), to the members of the All Stars on Virtue, and to most of the community herein, hold your heads high and your hearts close. To former Paragon Studios Devs, get out there and find a new game I will follow you anywhere. 4) Lastly, good riddance to those that have come in and made some of us feel our only recourse is to leave the forums early. FACT, my mind is made up. NcSoft is dead to me. The cyber bullying I've seen the last few days here only strengthens my resolve. "She who must not be named... signing off" |
I only check into the forums here hoping for A.) info on where each dev winds up and B.) that miracle save.... But I feel the same way you do. Even Hit Streak has begged the trolls to stop, to no avail.
There are certainly several people on these boards whose families and co-workers (if they can even sustain jobs) I truly feel sorry for, having to put up with their "instantly go for the throat to every person they come in contact with" personalities. No matter what the comment or subject, if it's in the least positive, they make nasty comments right away.
All I can think is that they must be totally desperate for attention to go after people they don't even know on a gaming forum for Pete's sake, lol. Just pity them. Apparently this is all they have. And it's obvious when you read their posts why that is.
Sorry to see you go, LadyGrimrose. Happy landings!
- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie
Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608
What you call cyber bullying is actually known as dissent...part of discussing a topic. Everyone cannot agree on everything.
I'm done with the game and the forums, but before I go I will say a few things.
1) This game meant a lot to some of us and the community has done much to help many noble causes and charities. 2) The passion I saw arise in the SaveCoH movement should carry forward with a new game once this one closes. It is doubtful NcSoft will release the IP. 3) To my friends in Whisper X (the greatest non-SG ever), to the members of the All Stars on Virtue, and to most of the community herein, hold your heads high and your hearts close. To former Paragon Studios Devs, get out there and find a new game I will follow you anywhere. 4) Lastly, good riddance to those that have come in and made some of us feel our only recourse is to leave the forums early. FACT, my mind is made up. NcSoft is dead to me. The cyber bullying I've seen the last few days here only strengthens my resolve. "She who must not be named... signing off" |
What you call cyber bullying is actually known as dissent...part of discussing a topic. Everyone cannot agree on everything.
Remember it seems thier rules are:
"Think how we think or else you are an enemy and thus a troll."
"If you dont join us into trying to bully NCSoft into giving us exactly what we want, when we want it, and how we want it, then you're a troll."
"If you state your opinion and it's not agreeing with the SaveCOX view, then you're a troll."
"If you are not willing to following blindly with the SaveCOX leader, then you are a troll."
"If you are not with us, you're against us and thus a troll."
"we are allowed to harass, insult, bully everyone into trying to get people to view things the way the SaveCOX movement views it, but if you return the favor, you're a troll."
"SaveCOX have final say in any matter and any information from them is unquestionable. If you question it in anyway, then you're a troll."
"If the Titan leader says that a statement from NCSoft is crap, then it's crap and anyone who disagree, is a troll."
"Bash NCSoft or else, you're a troll."
-Female Player-
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Sure I'll admit to that...kinda jerky to call people NCSoft apologists, NCSoft employees, tr0lls, and unicorns for not agreeing with you I'm not wanting this to turn into another one of THOSE threads...it's a "goodbye" thread and my comment was meant as an honest comment...not trying to start the "war" in here hence why my original comment was tame.
CoH didn't MEAN a lot to me, but I did enjoy it. I have said it many times..CoH was my first MMO and the only one I liked. I will miss looking forward to all the new content, powers, etc...I was especially hyped for Issue 24 (Already had respecs planned for my fire/dev blaster and fire/time corruptor). I had a great 7+ years in CoH and I highly doubt I will ever find another MMO that will compare.
From one Whispie to another "Hope you find a new game you find just as fun!"
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I'm done with the game and the forums, but before I go I will say a few things.
1) This game meant a lot to some of us and the community has done much to help many noble causes and charities.
2) The passion I saw arise in the SaveCoH movement should carry forward with a new game once this one closes. It is doubtful NcSoft will release the IP.
3) To my friends in Whisper X (the greatest non-SG ever), to the members of the All Stars on Virtue, and to most of the community herein, hold your heads high and your hearts close. To former Paragon Studios Devs, get out there and find a new game I will follow you anywhere.
4) Lastly, good riddance to those that have come in and made some of us feel our only recourse is to leave the forums early. FACT, my mind is made up. NcSoft is dead to me. The cyber bullying I've seen the last few days here only strengthens my resolve.
"She who must not be named... signing off"