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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    You've been able to be Level 1 in Galaxy City since the game launched. It was one of the two available starting zones for characters leaving Outbreak.

    I have a few characters that started in GC and I know of several people that always started in GC since it wasn't as busy as AP.
    At the launch and for some time after you could only be level 1 if you chose not to level up, since you'd exit the, originally mandatory, tutorial with the xp to level to 2.
  2. Doctor_Gemini

    Last Dance

    One of the big things I will miss from this game are your posts on the forum. Hopefully I can manage to be awake when this event is run, I'd love to see what you're going to do.
  3. Doctor_Gemini

    An Update

    Originally Posted by JohnRobey View Post
    Thank you, Another_Fan, for clarifying. I doubt I spent even 1/10th the time on these boards that I have since the Sunset Notice.

    In that case, I'd better sign myself simply as a Fan of the wonderful MMORPG that was and perhaps in time may be again City of Heroes.

    Best Wishes for an excellent day!
    What you have to realize, however, is if you look over Another Fan's posting history, his definition of "people on these boards who always would agree with the devs no matter how preposterous the action or position" is everyone who disagrees with him.

    So, him calling someone a fanboy is a compliment.

    He is the highlight of this thread, though. I do thank him for his comments because I had a rough day at work, and coming home and being able to laugh my *** off at him really helped.
  4. I'll try to show up to run at least 1 arc, unfortunately the start time is bad for me, I'm usually in bed by then.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    So journalism means never having an opinion?

    Sounds pretty untenable to me.
    Claiming someone is a sociopath because one does not agree with that person's politics, not to mention making up "facts" about them, which is generally called "lying", is not journalism, it is fascism.
  6. Baring something as friendly to my style of play as CoH, for me MMOs will be single player games I dust off and spend a few hours in once in a blue moon. No other MMO has made me want to keep playing it, nor even want to team up with others, except for this one.
  7. While I'll probably play more often than once a year as has been the case since it launched, CO just doesn't grab me. I'll be playing from time to time, but that's about it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Trash attracts trash - CO has always been attractive to the dregs of the MMO world.
    Then why aren't you playing there?

    Seriously, though, we all know you have an irrational hatred of CO already, so if you feel the need to trash people who do like the game, please keep that nonsense to yourself. You're only acting exactly like the people you're trying to attack.

    As for CO's zone chat, I always turn it off. I just keep the CoX channel up.
  9. I've played numerous MMOs over the last 5 years and only two were even passably playable to me. I've never been back to any of them. You're entitled to your opinion but this is what I don't understand, if you don't like this game why do you keep coming back?

    And for the record, I've never had the experiences in this game you claim to. Complete noobs I help, but then I don't think of them as "noobs". Snobbish vets I've yet to meet one, even back when I was a noob.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    It does imply the poster thinks "computer science" is actually a thing.

    And I would hate to think the poster meant he was planning on coughing on NCSoft executives as hard as possible.
    I didn't even know the term still existed. Last time I heard "computer science" it was in high school where the course taught us to program in Basic on our brand new 7k Commodore Pet with its state of the art cassette tape drive.

    Actually, what I'm finding more disturbing is several examples of what the OP might mean by hacking have been put forward and I seem to be the only one who imagined a machete might be involved....
  11. Doctor_Gemini

    Boost Morale

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    He could have been told that he wasn't allowed. People get weird about IP.
    Possible, but I would think he would have told us he wasn't going to be able to do it. That's why I see things as being in flux since he hasn't posted either a "can't do it" nor a "haven't had time, will try next week" statement.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    I can only put this one way.

    MA was introduced and shortly thereafter game revenue took a nosedive.

    It doesn't take a psychic to figure that there might be a connection here. My personal experience is that there was indeed a connection between the two.

    My call is that it absolutely contributed to people leaving this game in 2009, thus causing a large part of the revenue decline.

    Nothing has happened to make me change my mind on that.
    You're wrong. Since we're apparently talking in absolutes now rather than having a discussion, if I use your criteria to "prove" my point then I can say with absolute certainty that AE had nothing to do with it since I personally know of no person who left because of AE. There are numerous people who can say the same thing. There are at least 3 stronger explanations for the drop in revenue that also occurred at the same time.

    So, debate over, you're can get it into your head that for every person who says "I and people I know left the game because of (fill in the blank)" there are a dozen people who can say "I don't know anyone who left over that". You're one person in the game, you knew less than 1% of the games population, so you did not have your finger on the pulse of game.
  13. People are making lots of assumptions. Just because the OP mentions computer science doesn't mean he's talking about computer hacking...
  14. If, and I stress the "if" part, anything done by the game caused the sharp decline, I'm with those who cite lack of new things to do. That burned me out, as well as many on my friends list, most of whose names I haven't seen light up since. While I bought yearly subscriptions, I took longer and longer breaks from the game. I've logged more hours since the Freedom relaunch than the two years prior to it.

    However, we all have our own anecdotal tales of what caused people to leave, and they usually are the things that bothered us personally since we tend to gravitate towards people who we have things in common with. Given that none of us know more than the tiniest fraction of total players, if any of those anecdotal reasons are truly responsible, it is sheer coincidence, not insight.

    I personally believe that the AE was a great idea, badly implemented so that it harmed the game in that putting out the Architect Edition brought new blood into the game, who then thought the game was PL to 50 and have nothing to do so they left. Of course, it is also very possible that those people would never have stayed since they clearly thought PLing to max level is what you do in a game to get to the end game raids. I find it ludicrous to believe, especially after the ED uprorar and the I13 PvP squabble players left in droves over PLing in AE. UberGuy has the most logical explanation.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    True but that's not to say that they would talk about it anyway. In general it's good policy not to talk smack about a former employer in public even if there's no legal restriction on doing so. It's the sort of thing that can make other employers decide not to hire you since they know that you may well decide to talk smack about them in the future.
    It's not about the devs badmouthing NCSoft. They weren't doing that at all yet they about quadrupled their number of posts in that first week. Yet this last week there's been almost total silence. Posi was going to try to have a "reveal all" thread last week and it didn't happen, and (to my knowledge, although I could easily have missed such a post) not even a "sorry, maybe next week" post. Granted it is entirely possible, and the most likely explanation, that they are too busy job hunting, or even have found new jobs, to post, but it is kind of odd and gives us some small bit of hope that things are going on they can't talk about.
  16. For the last two weeks I've tried to log in but I hadn't been able to manage more than 5 minutes before feeling too sad to continue. Instead I've been playing CO.

    This morning, though, I gained a renewed sense of purpose. With double XP on I had some new goals I could realistically set, and I logged on a character I hadn't played in a year (not because of anything wrong with the character, just because I have too many alts) and played for the last 2-3 hours. While I'm moving towards certain overall goals, I'm not thinking about the future when I'm playing, just staying in the here and now, and it's keeping the game fun for me without getting sad.
  17. How would you handle the auction house in this system? It sounds like there would not be a viable way to have one, which would make IOing out a character require either enjoying farming merits or paying real money for them (which is not a viable option for someone like me with over 100 characters).
  18. I assume they're required to carry a "Will design games for food" sign?
  19. Woo Hoo.....just got 3527-ZLBL-CU7X-N6UJ-M3SE from the second set of NA codes. Here I would have thought they were all gone.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I remember when you had to go look for game patches and know what you were doing to get them installed.
    I remember when those patches were for problems I'd never encountered and the game actually played out of the box without waiting a year first. I remember when Daggerfall was about the buggiest game ever created and never getting patched up to being fully functional, which now is the norm for so many titles.

    I think alot of the problem is as computers have become capable of more, we gamers demand more and more. This means longer development times, if the studio even gets the time it needs to put the game out in a functional form, which means it has to make a great deal more money than it can get just from selling the box. Even single player games seem to need as much DLC revenue as they can get.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Would that it applied to him asking me to come speak with him once when we first meet. Instead, he's like an impatient child. "Hey! Come speak with me! Hey! Hey! Come speak with me! Hey! I'm over here! Come speak with me! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen!" For crap's sake, man! Shut up! I'm already speaking with you, I just need more than a nanosecond to read through your cheesy dialogue!
    But he needs you to push buttons for him. I'm sure Defender has a phobia about buttons and consoles. You meet him again in Resistance, and he again wants you to push the button.
  22. Actually, that was among the stuff Aeon wanted to do with the AE but time wasn't going to be scheduled for it. It was pretty clear that the devs had written off doing anything further with improving AE.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    And with no ability to save UI settings or chat settings or keybinds that I could find, I foresee a lot of trouble when making new characters.
    When you go into Options, and the HUD tab, you'll see a "Save UI" button at the bottom. It saves your UI, chat windows, and (so far as I have been able to tell) most if not all of your other settings in options.

    I'm glad they finally added that. I remember creating characters and then abandoning them in the tutorial because I didn't want to go through the rigor of setting up my controls, prefs, and UI yet again!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I've been acting like a total *** for 8 1/2 years. Why should today be any different? And I absolutely love watching small claims court shows and laughing at the plaintiffs and defendants. I don't care who wins or loses they all look like idiots.
    but your behavior doesn't usually approach trollish, as it is now.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post

    Notice how the NCSoft logo is clearly marked on the bottom left corner?

    Yeah you do that. Please try to get it put on the People's Court or Judge Judy so everyone can enjoy laughing at you as you make a fool of yourself.
    Wow. I don't know why you're acting like a total *** today, If your reasoning was sound no one would ever are pay for anything in advance as the company could just substitute another product.