Dark One

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
    This was a unique place on the Internet.

    I don't think lightning can strike twice.

    I spent a lot of time on this board (for much the same reason Glen did) and I will miss it.
    Aye yup. This place hit at the right time with the right people to get it going. And it lasted for quite a while. We had people come and people go, but the...soul...for lack of a better word, kept on with it. Well, up until the point when they decided to nuke the forum that is. After that, it, IMO, lost a lot of its heart.

    But thank you everyone. It was a great ride and something that I'm sure I'll remember for the rest of my life.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    Now I has a sad. The incantation that never fails... did.
    He might be up in Canadia-land, i.e. the place that technology forgot.
  3. You might try the gog.com forum. It's somewhat similar to here. Not quite, but if you squint hard enough, it might be an acceptable place.

    I also frequent the TrueAchievements.com forum. Downside to there is you need to have an XBL gamertag to join.

    Otherwise, ya, I don't think this place can truly be replicated. It's been a helluva 8 years though. That's almost a quarter of my life I've spent here...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I think part of the problem is that her character is often more subtle, generally betraying her emotions in small ways. She has no trouble speaking up for herself, but her reaction to Andrea's questions about the two original pet walker seemed to indicate there was a lot more going on there (were they her brothers or something?), but it was fleeting. Her behavior is kind of reminiscent of those Japanese soldiers discovered years after WWII ended, living alone on islands. Fully self-reliant and more than a little feral.
    Iirc, in the comics one was her boyfriend. The other was probably either his dad or her dad, based on the apparent age. But in the context of the show, it was probably brother and dad.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Why wont the "common" man/woman make friends and or vote his/her "common" man into positions in DC instead of voting and putting corporate rich friends into office year after year election after election?

    But in the end as long as we are busy fighting each other, the corporate and their friends in DC have not a single thing to worry about and like friends do, naturally help out their friends.
    Because the Common Man simply doesn't have the monetary resources to get into any position of actual power. Look at the Presidential Election. Between Romney and Obama, they spent, what? over a billion dollars (not sure, heard that number thrown around a bit). Granted, that is the Presidential race rather than a Senate/House seat.

    However, even if you manage to get into the Senate/House, you are only one out of 100 or close to 500(? not sure how many are in the House) people. People that tend to have a lot more money and a lot of wealthy backers. Ideals don't tend to last too long in that place before you simply give up or are continually shouted down.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    She was just severely emotionally traumatized, in way Glen wasn't. Cut her some slack.
    Sorry, but no. Glenn is the one that had, really, nothing to lose by telling Merle about the prison. The only person that really matters to him is in the next room. And he had the added bonus of getting the **** beaten out of him while being told/knowing what was most likely going to happen to Maggie.

    Maggie, on the other hand, still has her dad and sister at the prison. She has MORE to lose by breaking. As soon as they were separated and locked up, she should've been prepping herself for the what was most likely coming, which it did seem like she had been doing to an extent. She's a strong woman and it seemed, IMO, out of character for her to break like that.

    Glenn should've broken long before her.
  7. Maggie, Maggie, Maggie...you silly silly girl you. What do you think he's going to do to your people? Sit down and have tea and strumpets with them? You've just signed their death warrants and you have nothing left to keep yourself and Glenn alive.

    Michonne...you don't think it would be important to mention that Merle seemed to know Glenn? Or maybe put two and two together that this was Andrea's group?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Furio View Post
    Slightly related....if you haven't yet, you *really* should play the Walking Dead game from Telltale. I just finished episode 5...It's probably the best storytelling in the history of videogames.
    Iirc, they're coming out with a retail disc release of the first five episodes, so might want to hold off for a bit.
  9. Quote:
    However 10% of a million dollars is a lot more than 20% of forty thousand.
    The problem is that that 10% of a million hits that owner far less than 20% of 40k.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    You know, after seeing some of the comments made by members of the baker's union on picket lines saying things like, "Shut it down, we'll get a better deal from the new owners!" I actually find myself hoping that whoever buys the rights to manufacture the Hostess products, takes it and incorporates those products into their own pre-existing manufacturing facilities even if it means everything gets moved to Mexico.
    Well...Mexican Coca-cola has real sugar as opposed to that high fructose corn syrup, so maybe not a bad thing if it moves to Mexican production facilities.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I think they've always eaten fresh flesh (say that 5 times fast) from the recently dead, just not after a couple days. I think they got to Lori immediately. Maybe it's the flesh of someone who hasn't reanimated. Another explanation is that whoever said they only eat living flesh was simply wrong.
    It's probably a combination of the fact the body is still warm and that it doesn't smell like them, which is a pretty strong indicator given Michonne's discovery.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I can just hear a giant, collective Vader-esque "NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!" from CO & WA.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    Still blaming the victim, I see. This particular ship would not have been in trouble in the first place if the ones in charge actually treated their workers fairly to begin with.
    The ship would probably still have been in trouble. American attitudes towards food has been changing. The kinds of products Hostess has been selling have fallen out of favor amongst a section of the populace. Sure, there's a lot of people that would still eat them regularly, but the loss of the other buyers sure didn't help matters.

    It's not simply a matter of treating workers fairly if no one is buying your products in the first place. And given the economic downturn of the last few years would make buying a box of twinkies a luxury that was probably said "No" to more often than not.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    This is historically called peonage. You ain't free to quit so you take what the Man is offering.
    Zug zug...
  15. Sonuva....now another thing to stock up on!

    *opens empty wallet*


    Edit - Well...so much for that idea. My area doesn't have a Hostess distributor (Little Debbie everywhere tho). No profiting on eBay for me...
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    It wasn't necessarily just the one zombie who ate Lori. As we have seen before sometimes zombies will give up munching on a corpse and wander off after hearing some sound. It's probably just that one zombie stuck around eating till it couldn't eat any more.

    Or alternatively it ate till it was full and couldn't move and after that point other zombies showed up and finished off the leftovers then wandered off.
    Very true. Maybe one of them heard Rick pretending to be a lumberjack and wandered off after him.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    They also haven't shown the ability to break bones in half either.

    I'd say that trying to stuff 150 pounds or so of meat and bone into the stomach of something of a similar mass would result in much more than a distended stomach.
    Why wouldn't they be able to snap one of the smaller bones? When you don't have the limiters of your mind telling you you can't.

    That's the thing about the stomach...it doesn't just stay in there. They can literally eat themselves to the point of it just...conveyor belting through. He could be hiding...stuff...in his pant legs. Yes, it's quite disgusting, but one of those things about zombies.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    Then show a leg or arm sticking out of that stomach.
    They aren't snakes. They don't swallow their food whole...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    Um, just how can one Walker manage to eat an entire adult body-- bones and all-- by itself?
    By not caring if the "food" pushes itself all the way through? There's no sensation of "full" to them.
  20. Well, they went for Crazy Rick a bit early, but kinda makes sense. He must have a bit o' berserker in him.

    I didn't think they actually killed Carol, but it looks like they did. Thought they only found her hat and not her body.

    Daryl is surprisingly good with teh babeh. Wouldn't have though that.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Valid points, however Star Wars may be the exception to Disney's norm.
    Doubtful, IMO. You don't spend $4 billion on a property and then tell people they can do whatever they want with it.
  22. Dark One

    Wreck It Ralph

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    He's also creepy friend to the dad on Suburgatory. I hope he stays doing regular acting gigs... he's a great villain! (He was one on the V reboot, in addition to the other roles mentioned).
    The V thing was also, IMO, an in-joke to Serenity since he died in the remake by impalement with a steel rod, iirc.
  23. Dark One

    Wreck It Ralph

    Al Bundy also voiced Mr. Litwack (Litwick?).

    Sarah Silverman was actually tolerable in this movie. Normally, I can't stand her, but she was ok here.

    I really dug the Paperman short before the main movie.
  24. Wait wait wait...

    You know who is going to show up in the next Star Wars movie?

    Pinkie Pie.

    It could happen!

  25. I liked how they made the comparisons between Nebula 9 and Firefly. Also, you get to hear Castle say, "Shiny...".

    Molly Quinn is just too kewt. I think she would make an absolutely perfect Barbara Gordon Batgirl.

    That picture of Beckett in her Lt. Chloe outfit? Homina homina...