More fuel for the Rumor Mill




Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Here you are.

Internet rumour that Steam (? - shouldn't that be Valve?) offered US$3m plus profit share to NCsoft. Which would be insulting, if true.

You can add it to the rumour that Trion had up the US$80m (?) to spend on acquiring CoH/V.
Thank you for posting that. I'm really not lazy, just weary of giving personal info to fan sites.

Now looking at that post, it's making me less confident so that i'm leaning more into rumor. Although $3 million does sound low.

I agree on some of his points except for some specifics like his valuation of a complete business takeover of Paragon Studios as being worth $100 million.

As i mentioned before, Cryptic only last year was sold for $50 million to PWE and Cryptic had 3 IPs and 2 of which are operational.

If selling only the CoX IP and nothing else is hard to speculate without more information. CoX has earned NCSoft about $70 million in the 5 years since the buyout but that was slowing down.

Although not exactly the same, maybe we can use the sale of the Kingdoms of Amalur IP once it gets auctioned off and see how much that takes in. Analyst Pachter is estimating the amalur IP is only worth $20 million...interesting he used the word "only" even if he thinks the market is poor for game assets.



Originally Posted by Prof_Radburn View Post
Ok a large portion of the player base has left to go to other games,but here is the question if the IP was bought and the game saved how many would return ?
Prof, there was only a window of about one month where the game could have been saved. The sale of City Of Heroes did not happen within that time. At that point many of the staff that was let go had been seeking or had found new jobs. A month was all we really had when it came to saving the game. After that many people simply left because they saw very early on that this game could not be saved past that one month threshold.

Players would not be likely to come back. This is a very old game and we're talking months before this game would be up and running again if it were sold off. Players by then would have already found a new home; most have by now. This game is set to end on November 30th and we will never be able to play it again, so play while you can.

Edit: By the way, the dev. team is gone. This game would not be the same animal that it was. You'd be looking at a crippled MMO with an entirely different development team. This game would never be the same and it would never survive without the team we just lost. I mean, would you want to even play the game without the same team? I wouldn't and I certainly couldn't play this game if it were on maintenance mode.



No I don't care about responses because most people on the SaveCoH front are delusional about their efforts. It cannot be saved. Did I want it to be saved - absolutely. CoH was the only game that ever interested me, but I am a realist - the writing on the wall is VERY plain to see.

CoH's "best" bet for any continuation at all is an illegal emulation - which goes against everything I believe in. My lack of faith in Titan stems from their public message of being against an emulator meanwhile...quite a few of them are assisting on the emulation project. My lack of faith in Titan is compounded by the pure disorganization of everything since the initial few weeks of the SaveCoH movement.

I had a PM from someone on the Titan forums saying something like "Well they don't know who is doing the emulation project" to which I call shenanigans...if I know as an average Joe Schmoe I am pretty sure all the Titan people know; but rather decide to turn a blind eye to it. But let's say they don't know...that says a lot about Titan then that people are organizing an illegal emulator right under there noses...included some of their own "staff."

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You're willing to disregard responses because this is just the internet, but you're also willing to post on the internet hoping people will actually read it.

Naked narcissism at its finest.

It was an unreal game.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Am I the only one who thinks that if the IP is sold, work will begin on a CoX2? This game has lasted 8+years, and was still going rather strong. Trying to buy and then revive an already old game wouldn't make much sense from a bussiness point of view, I would think. But realizing that there is a fairly large market for a game such as City of Heroes, with an already loyal community, would seem to be a perfect opportunity for a new MMO.



OOH 460+ words - uhm ok? I write more than that on most of my Rotten Tomatoes forum posts so not sure what that means.

I can't find a replacement for the GAME CoH ...never cared much for the overall community of CoH which I find insulting you think CoH has the best community - I'm pretty sure almost every MMO has a great community if you look for it - full of testimonials, heart break, romance, etc....

And you bet I was on Team CoH for Extra Life 4 Kids. It was either them or join a local group here in New Mexico where I knew no one. So I joined Team CoH with a friend from the game - it was a great way to raise money for children and families in it gave my friend and I a reason to play together one last time - Had NOTHING to do with the community of CoH - it was however about raising funds for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.

CoH is JUST a game to me. The few people I did talk to in game have moved on to GW2. In general the CoH community was not my thing - I'm not into comics and definitely not into RP. I played for the new shinies and challenges...I played to see how much I could min/max my toons (NONE of which has ever had a bio because they were just toons).

As for your dime store psychology of people who think/state CoH is just a game - don't quit your day job.

On November 30th a few friends and I plan on getting together for the last time - doing a few tfs...having some fun on skype etc - because we know it will be the last time we will ever be able to do that in CoH. None of us are playing the emulator that will eventually come out. None of us have any desire to play Plan Z (which I doubt will ever see the light of day). To us CoH was about having fun on our toons...they weren't characters..we didn't RP...and yes we all loved CoH the game, but we are also self aware enough to know when to stop fighting for something and to move on.

Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
It's "just a game" that you just wrote 460+ words dismissing.
It's "just a game" that you claim unable to find a replacement for.
And it's "just a game" who's community, you included, helped raise several thousand dollars for charity.

I ponder if the "it's just a game" posts I keep seeing from a select few are just attempt at convincing themselves about it...

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



The problem with doing a CoH2 now is a lot of people feel burnt by the MMO industry. A lot of the CoH community has moved on already. When the announcement came we were sitting at roughly 50-60k paying players. The petition to save CoH still hasn't even hit the 22,000 mark. So unless it could actually be marketed; to a new group of players - I doubt that they (Developers of CoH2) could count on much from former CoH players.

Would I play CoH2? Depends on who the studio was and how much like the original the new game was. The problem I have with every MMO I have tried since starting CoH is they are too different from CoH without that familiar feel I would probably try it and not stay. And CoH was not "going strong" it was treading water barely. With a smaller development team (focused solely on CoH) it would have been doing much better, but Project X was draining a lot of money from Paragon.

Originally Posted by Abyssus View Post
Am I the only one who thinks that if the IP is sold, work will begin on a CoX2? This game has lasted 8+years, and was still going rather strong. Trying to buy and then revive an already old game wouldn't make much sense from a bussiness point of view, I would think. But realizing that there is a fairly large market for a game such as City of Heroes, with an already loyal community, would seem to be a perfect opportunity for a new MMO.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



I am probably older than you and I have not been a kid for over 30 years.

Not everyone lies - your belief that I am lying says WAY more about you than me.

The CoH "community" that I enjoyed were the 3 friends I have had for years. I didn't even bother with registering on the forums until a year ago because of the complete rudeness that was allowed by the Mods for people with high post counts.

Ask yourself this: If the "community" here on the boards was so frickin welcoming - why is it that 90% of an ONLINE game's community never bothered to register and/or post here? I can answer that for you if you would like... The forums are basically a form of pvp that many people could not stomach. I have visited other forums and they are just as rude as these, they also have a community, they have their romances, they have their children with needs who have been helped by the game, and they have their unicorns assuming people are kids and shelling out unsolicited profiling by ill equipped wanna bes. CoH is not special in it's playerbase or in it's community - it has some helpful people, some morons, and everything in between. It is just another game community.

Like I said: Keep your dime store psychology to yourself... because you have no clue about me, my intentions, or what CoH was to me

Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Whatever makes you feel better, kid.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post

how long would you want to sit on an 8 year old game before making a profit and still feel comfortable as an investor?
And that is probably the disconnect between NCSoft view as value and probably compared to what they could get with taxes by holding on to it and or compared to what they paid for it when they bought it, compared to what the actual offers are and that are thinking that the game is already 8 years old, and really not trying to wait 3-4 years to break even. A lowball offer to one party may seem reasonable to the one doing the offering but in this case it's seems very one way benefit. NCSoft does not seem to be desperate to get rid of it but some people want to buy it. The ball is really in NCSoft's court with this matter and dont seem anyone had any "real" offers that would satisfy that and any savvy buisness probably aint going to risk paying the worth value and having to wait that long on a turn around for profits. Of course it's possible that they break even prior to that if the game grows but the way it looks, it's getting hollow. Not many players around, many moved on, many have sworn off MMOs for a while, so yea, it's real risky buisness to buy unless the person or buyer is patient and dont mind waiting 4-5 years to break even.

How long did it take NCSoft to break even when buying this game? Probably not long but it wasnt overnight, as ?what? they paid probably a whole lot more than 3-5 million that seemed to been jokingly offered to them. And that's was getting a game that was basically near it's peak, and still fully functional. Here now, we are talking about a game that have no dev team, shrinking community and still leaking as the days go on, old engine, and 8 years old and old (doesnt mean it isnt good) by game standards. That is a large risk for anyone that is to pay any significant money and make a profit anytime soon. On the other hand, what would the price that would be offered would be way less than what value they could get if they didnt sell. NCSoft can make something up or even use the good times as evidence of what the game is worth and make a killing compared to the pennies being offered to sale it seems.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I am probably older than you and I have not been a kid for over 30 years.

Not everyone lies - your belief that I am lying says WAY more about you than me.

The CoH "community" that I enjoyed were the 3 friends I have had for years. I didn't even bother with registering on the forums until a year ago because of the complete rudeness that was allowed by the Mods for people with high post counts.

Ask yourself this: If the "community" here on the boards was so frickin welcoming - why is it that 90% of an ONLINE game's community never bothered to register and/or post here? I can answer that for you if you would like... The forums are basically a form of pvp that many people could not stomach. I have visited other forums and they are just as rude as these, they also have a community, they have their romances, they have their children with needs who have been helped by the game, and they have their unicorns assuming people are kids and shelling out unsolicited profiling by ill equipped wanna bes. CoH is not special in it's playerbase or in it's community - it has some helpful people, some morons, and everything in between. It is just another game community.

Like I said: Keep your dime store psychology to yourself... because you have no clue about me, my intentions, or what CoH was to me
This is true.

So much for the "perfect" community. I aint the only one that noticed. And yeah I know many people in game that refused to bother with forum ever again after trying it just for the reason mentioned above there, Toast.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



So it took over three thousand posts between you Evil_Legacy and I Burnt The Toast to come to the conclusion that you dislike the forums? Were you pacing yourselves?

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
This is true.

So much for the "perfect" community. I aint the only one that noticed. And yeah I know many people in game that refused to bother with forum ever again after trying it just for the reason mentioned above there, Toast.
I don't think anyone has ever described it as the perfect community. Question for you though. What do you bring to the community? What do you do to make it better? As far as I can tell, you don't rise above the mire, in fact you seem to wallow in it. You seem to enjoy the dirty parts of the community because it justifies you being dirtier and nastier than anyone else.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
So much for the "perfect" community. I aint the only one that noticed. And yeah I know many people in game that refused to bother with forum ever again after trying it just for the reason mentioned above there, Toast.
Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Ask yourself this: If the "community" here on the boards was so frickin welcoming - why is it that 90% of an ONLINE game's community never bothered to register and/or post here? I can answer that for you if you would like... The forums are basically a form of pvp that many people could not stomach. I have visited other forums and they are just as rude as these, they also have a community, they have their romances, they have their children with needs who have been helped by the game, and they have their unicorns assuming people are kids and shelling out unsolicited profiling by ill equipped wanna bes. CoH is not special in it's playerbase or in it's community - it has some helpful people, some morons, and everything in between. It is just another game community.
Both of you have had some pretty inflamed posts in the past, more often than not. So have I. I've found that if you're a jerk, people are jerks back. What I find hilarious is when people who speak out in unfavorable ways get butthurt and yell at those who call them on being unfavorable and/or belittle the community because they can't take what they dish out.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
The CoH "community" that I enjoyed were the 3 friends I have had for years. I didn't even bother with registering on the forums until a year ago because of the complete rudeness that was allowed by the Mods for people with high post counts.

Ask yourself this: If the "community" here on the boards was so frickin welcoming - why is it that 90% of an ONLINE game's community never bothered to register and/or post here? I can answer that for you if you would like... The forums are basically a form of pvp that many people could not stomach. I have visited other forums and they are just as rude as these, they also have a community, they have their romances, they have their children with needs who have been helped by the game, and they have their unicorns assuming people are kids and shelling out unsolicited profiling by ill equipped wanna bes. CoH is not special in it's playerbase or in it's community - it has some helpful people, some morons, and everything in between. It is just another game community.

Like I said: Keep your dime store psychology to yourself... because you have no clue about me, my intentions, or what CoH was to me
I peruse the forums of every MMO I play, and I play quite a few. Most of them have been far worse than CoH's Forums.

Yes, there were rude posters here on CoH. However, there were a lot more people that actually posted helpful information in a polite manner than the ones that posted lolzrude comments.

Also, the Community Rep team went from from the extremes of super lax to ban hammer happy before settling on a reasonable middle ground.

Each community is different. Mainly because of a combination of the players and the CR team. This game happened to have an excellent CR team for the last few years and the community is outstanding, compared to the other forums that I read.

Also, every time you post, you give away clues about yourself. So, yes, we do have a clue about you, your intentions, and what CoH means to you.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



I have always stated that the CoH forums were full of Mod sanctioned unicorns You can classify me as a jerk all you want - I consider it to be more blunt realism. I'm not here to sugar coat things for delusional people. CoH is not special in it's community no matter how many people think so. Every MMO community I have seen has their good and their bad...there is nothing about the CoH community that makes it special. I did not play this game for the community plain and simple...I played it because it was a game I liked. I actively avoided the forum community for 6+ years because of the absolute rudeness I saw new posters receiving at the hands of the cartel. People on here like to think CoH is special because that means they are special for being a part of it...if that's what makes you sleep better at night....

Me...I realize that CoH is just one of many games; with one of many communities that think they are the best/unique/special. People don't like what I say because they still are holding out hope that someone will come along and save CoH...uhmm ok go ahead, but do not be surprised on December 1, 2012. People don't like me speaking out against Plan Z because they think it will be a reality soon™ - and I can say with enough certainty that Plan Z will never see the light of day. People don't like me speaking out against the planned emulator because "COH IS OURS TO KEEP" no it's not and emulation of CoH is illegal no matter how much you think you are "owed."

CoH was a great game and I enjoyed it for over 7 years, but it's done. I choose to be a realist about that instead of holding out false hope that it will be rescued and if that makes me a jerk...I will gladly wear that title. I would rather be a jerk than someone who is so blinded by virtual co-dependency that they can't be bothered to honestly see the situation for what it is

Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Both of you have had some pretty inflamed posts in the past, more often than not. So have I. I've found that if you're a jerk, people are jerks back. What I find hilarious is when people who speak out in unfavorable ways get butthurt and yell at those who call them on being unfavorable and/or belittle the community because they can't take what they dish out.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Trust me you have NO clue about me

And my experience on other MMO forums is the exact same as these... Some helpful people, some unicorns, and a lot in between. Again my whole point that people are getting butthurt over is this: CoH is JUST another game with another game community like (community) is nothing special. And THAT is what upsets people because they want to feel special; they want to feel like they belong to something special...when truth be told the CoH community is just another MMO community.

And as I have said before: CoH is the only game I have played for an extended period of time - not because of the community but because of the GAME. Was CoH the game special - absolutely it was to me. I'm not dissing CoH; just interjecting a bit of reality when it comes to the "special" community.

Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
I peruse the forums of every MMO I play, and I play quite a few. Most of them have been far worse than CoH's Forums.

Yes, there were rude posters here on CoH. However, there were a lot more people that actually posted helpful information in a polite manner than the ones that posted lolzrude comments.

Also, the Community Rep team went from from the extremes of super lax to ban hammer happy before settling on a reasonable middle ground.

Each community is different. Mainly because of a combination of the players and the CR team. This game happened to have an excellent CR team for the last few years and the community is outstanding, compared to the other forums that I read.

Also, every time you post, you give away clues about yourself. So, yes, we do have a clue about you, your intentions, and what CoH means to you.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post

And my experience on other MMO forums is the exact same as these...
I'll assume, then, that you were never a part of the Aion or WoW forums. You think people get away with stuff here? Go take a look at the sh*t Aion players post. There's an entire thread dedicated to making fun of Brazilians and it's not a joke thread either. Hell, try asking for anything on the WoW forums and getting something other than "l2p nub".

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



While the code and art assets in the game could be priced in the $3-5 million range it's the player database that goes with it that NCSoft isn't willing to part for song. These are/were their customers, some who are still playing their other games. Customer lists are valuable things. It's not like NCSoft is getting out of the games business like when Simon & Schuster sold Eve Online back to CCP. It'll be more like GM selling off Saturn back when it was a unique platform and not just another reskinned GM chassis.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Pretty sure everyone agrees WoW is not your typical MMO in any manner; both in the sheer number of subs and in their culture. So comparing CoH to WoW forums is a bit ridiculous to say the least. My game forum experience is from EQII, CO, DCUO, SWTOR, GWII etc....

Those forums are basically just like these - some unicorns, some helpful people, and everything in between.

And before you try to paint CoH forums as pleasant...remember the forums encompass ALL sections. Ever been to our pvp forums? There was one thread where someone posted nude pics of a player and people berated that player left and right - you are right such a pleasant community EVERY community has it's unicorns...CoH is no different.

Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I'll assume, then, that you were never a part of the Aion or WoW forums. You think people get away with stuff here? Go take a look at the sh*t Aion players post. There's an entire thread dedicated to making fun of Brazilians and it's not a joke thread either. Hell, try asking for anything on the WoW forums and getting something other than "l2p nub".

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Ever been to our pvp forums?
Well, there's your problem.

These forums are downright pip pip cheerio care for some tea civilized compared to WoW's.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
And before you try to paint CoH forums as pleasant...remember the forums encompass ALL sections. Ever been to our pvp forums? There was one thread where someone posted nude pics of a player and people berated that player left and right - you are right such a pleasant community EVERY community has it's unicorns...CoH is no different.
"She's a very attractive woman, but have you smelled her buttcrack?"

C'mon now.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Both of you have had some pretty inflamed posts in the past, more often than not. So have I. I've found that if you're a jerk, people are jerks back. What I find hilarious is when people who speak out in unfavorable ways get butthurt and yell at those who call them on being unfavorable and/or belittle the community because they can't take what they dish out.
You could have something there. I've always tried to be courteous and respectful on these forums, and other posters have been overwhelmingly courteous and respectful to me in return. Honestly, I can't remember anyone being outright rude to me, even when I was a newbie with dumb questions. I guess these forums are like anything else, what you get out of them is equal to (or at least strongly influenced by) what you put into them.



No clue what that is referencing. I am not going to link to the thread though. It was in the pvp section and it was nudes posted of a MALE player. They were then spread all over this forum as well as another CoH forum ridiculing him etc.

Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
"She's a very attractive woman, but have you smelled her buttcrack?"

C'mon now.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



My observation of the forums from 2005 through 2011 is what kept me from posting.... It doesn't bother me if people are "rude" to me on a forum, but to say that new posters are always met with open arms here is a flat out lie...I have seen "noobs" torn to shreds for asking so-called "dumb" questions...not just here, but on every MMO forum I have participated in.

Again...nothing special about the CoH community - it's just another MMO community with decent and not so decent posters and everything in between.

Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
You could have something there. I've always tried to be courteous and respectful on these forums, and other posters have been overwhelmingly courteous and respectful to me in return. Honestly, I can't remember anyone being outright rude to me, even when I was a newbie with dumb questions. I guess these forums are like anything else, what you get out of them is equal to (or at least strongly influenced by) what you put into them.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
My observation of the forums from 2005 through 2011 is what kept me from posting.... It doesn't bother me if people are "rude" to me on a forum, but to say that new posters are always met with open arms here is a flat out lie...I have seen "noobs" torn to shreds for asking so-called "dumb" questions...not just here, but on every MMO forum I have participated in.

Again...nothing special about the CoH community - it's just another MMO community with decent and not so decent posters and everything in between.

Stop quoting on the bottom, IBTT! It's so rude! What the hell man! Rabble!



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Both of you have had some pretty inflamed posts in the past, more often than not. So have I. I've found that if you're a jerk, people are jerks back. What I find hilarious is when people who speak out in unfavorable ways get butthurt and yell at those who call them on being unfavorable and/or belittle the community because they can't take what they dish out.
No, I just assimiated the online culture. I just started to give out what has been given to me. No jerks will be jerks. Most of my posts that wasnt to start a flame and were just normal subjects, jerks still was jerk whether to me, or to other posters.

I'm not belittling the community but I sure as hell isnt going to act like everything is all cherry and peachy when it's in no way or fashion ever was. Even the PvP section, which I have not posted in yet, I see stuff most of the time there that is not anywhere near friendly.

My actions is probably more of a creation of people being contant jerks than anything but either way, I'm going to call like like I see it and not even really talking about people's reactions to me. That is besides the point. I'm talking about observations and how people treat other people here. Now if you want to add that factor in, then yeah, why would you expect me to even consider this a friendly place? Why wouldnt you expect me to want to sit here and laugh as the community burns? But that's not my thought and not my point there because that is interaction between me and those jerks. But as I said with that not even being a factor, still this isnt the most friendly place in the gaming world. It's no better than the rest of them. In fact I find CO way more friendly than here, and yea I post there too. Other people may have a different view of it and that is fine. The difference i noticed between there and here, is that they handle differing views and respect each other way more so than here. God forbid you say something here that a person dont agree with than they attack the person instead of the idea. There, it's different. And people say here the average age is higher than CO but from the actions I say CO got this community by a few decades. And that's real talk. Now, if you really want me to add personal feelings and how people reacted to me personally to it, then you'll have to just PM me if you truey want to answer.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!