2610 -
Throw me in as a maybe. I can't guarantee anything, though - my dad's in town for work and I may be meeting him for lunch if his schedule permits.
Shouldn't it be called a lurch?
Or have I just been reading too much skinhorse? -
My personal favorite was this one:
Quote:I guess they didn't like the feng-shui idea.World:
We called in an interior designer for recommendations on the Allatum Bio Lab. After recommending new drapes, colors for the spawn tubes, and a feng-shui setup we decided to throw them out of a Galaxy. Instead we've changed the capture mechanics of the satellite outposts which are now forward spawns similar to Zurvan. -
This thread needs more quote pyramids.
Quote:No! No hope for you! Come back next week!
This actually gave me a little hope
Quote:I truly hope they can hold out with what they have for severance packages, and I wouldn't mind starting a fund for them and the other Paragon Studios employees that are trying to hold out to go back to work on CoH. How could we go about this I wonder?
But it's a fun thought... have television commercials "for only 50 cents a day..!"
Okay, now my random silliness is getting the better of me. -
But... but... ice cubed just rolls off the tongue better!
Quote:This is close enough to how I feel. I had meant to drop from the yearly 12+2 subs to monthly already but miscalculated the time I had remaining to do it, logging on the day after it autorenewed rather than the day before.I'm going to say stick with the subscription fee given the lack of information on who was to take over. If the right company took over then I might consider the $500 option. I'd certainly expect something to make me believe they could and would continue to run the game for at least another 5 years for that sort of cash.
For $1000 or more I'd expect shares in the company.
And while I think that $1000 is too high as well, in regards to the unreasonable price claims, let's look at how the system is now*:
To unlock IOs (fill tier 7, unlock tier 8 so I personally just call it tier 8) using the Paragon Reward system it takes 27 tokens; subtracting the one you get just for having an account a new free account can get 26 tokens right after account creation by purchasing 31200 points for $330. Completely filling through tier 8 so you can get large inspiration drops takes 34 tokens, which would bump it up to $430 for a brand new account to get lifetime access to everything the Paragon Rewards program provides that isn't a recurring token expenditure.
That's pretty close to the $500 mark, and while you won't get all the points you have access to more character slots than those points would give you (albeit scattered across all of the servers rather than where you would put them), plus the systems that would be locked out from non-VIPs (Incarnate system, the "VIP" reward tier, and the ability to pay base rent), and many of the point expenses to unlock systems and zones would be covered already as a VIP.
* - the current system was set up to encourage the VIP subscriptions so I consider it generally more expensive than it needs to be for specific levels of unlocking rewards -
At 3am EST on December 1st, I'm most likely to be asleep.
If I am - somehow - still awake, I'll probably be reading.
I may log on earlier, set up someone in Atlas Park using flashback to prevent a connection timeout, and then go to sleep, though. -
Still no refund here, either. I'm going to give it a couple of days to show up, and then complain. I'm hoping it's just the normal delay with a credit card return and I won't be forced to file a ticket.
I mean yes, I did remove the card from the billing information already (back in April when I realized it auto-renewed before I thought it would) but they should be able to find the transaction information and reverse it - we had to do that at a place I worked before. -
Quote:But that's easily solved by blowing up the garbage can for them. If you'd just blow up everything on the map then they'd shoot at what you want them to!...I have MANY memories of the Helper NPCs in Mayhem missions stopping at a garbage can 10 feet away waiting for their 32s recharge AoE Attack to come back.
Quote:Well, initially they required PvP badges. Then for a long time they required badges some of us considered distasteful. I long took not having high debt badges as, well, a "badge" of honor. I don't know, there are some very grindy hero accolade badge requirements, but it feels somehow even worse to be compelled to farm debt and damage compared to, say, grey con mobs.
I know the requirements were improved back when they revamped a lot of badges, so I'm mostly going off of the older requirements for my recollection of what I didn't like about them.Quote:Because they originally required PvP badges. *PvE and PvP should not mix. *IMO, it's a mistake to have PvP in a MMOG at all, but I digress.
The damage and debt badges are still annoying, but since it's 1 million damage and 200k debt now (down from 10 million and 1.2 million) they aren't all that time-consuming to get - go to sleep with a mob smacking you while resting and get the damage badge, and use patrol xp to burn off debt in the upper 30s. Just in terms of time invested, most are fairly quick to get... you just have to know that you're going to have to do random things you normally wouldn't be trying to do (farming debt!) in order to get them. -
Best of luck, and enjoy the time with the family.
And in a completely selfish note, hopefully you'll end up right back with us again after November - so make sure that job hunt takes a few months! -
- People who insist that <insert type of play here> is evil and/or wrong, no matter what type it happens to be (PL, farming, PvP, "must herd", "must steamroll", etc.). If you don't like to play that way, great. But shut up about it to the people that do.
- Idiotic mob AI that can't follow you. Doubly so when you're trying to lead the only Knife of Artemis in the whole faction that can't see your Stalker when Hide is active to the mission door.
- Mobs that get outside map boundaries (through KB or spawning) on defeat all missions.
Most of the on-topic answers are going to end up sounding the same, but in an incredibly transparent attempt to bump my post count, I'll echo a lot of what others have said.
I'll also point out that no, pre-i13 PvP was not identical to PvE - although it is a heck of a lot closer than it is now. Unresistable damage and, for Defenders at least, unresistable debuffs are a large chunk of the old differences; now it pretty much is an entirely new character. I've also had mostly positive experiences with the PvP community here. Yes, there are a few people that are annoying, but most of the people have been friendly both inside and outside of the PvP areas. From my experience, I'd say that there are more jerks per capita in the strictly PvE crowd than the PvP players - but in a selective memory sort of thing you just kick them or leave the team and forget about them in PvE and talk about how great the community is while you remember that one person that one time might have killed you while you were trying to get a badge in a PvP zone for life.
As for disliking PvP because it got some powers nerfed for PvE - specifically Energy Transfer - there was literally no logical excuse to change it due to PvP concerns on July 9th of 2008 while already working on the i13 PvP changes (i13 went live on December 2nd of that year) that would have made the fast activation time be a hindrance in PvP performance. With the separation of effects, IMO any of the powers that were changed due to PvP concerns should have been rolled back as part of i13. That was the whole point in separating the effects, after all. -
Not necessarily. Kinetic Melee has a ranged attack and a cone already, so with a range increase on Focused Burst to 80' and leave Repulsing Torrent in, increase Burst's radius to 15' to match the other Dominator PBAoEs, and only one power would need to be made to get a ranged t1. Thorny Assault and Earth Assault show a map of how I'd expect the powerset to be laid out, and we don't have a "Spine Blast" or "Earth Blast" powerset.
Quote:I loved it for the lasers. >.>Its a silly movie really, but it has the coolest laser gun sound effects of all time in my opinion. A silly thing to remember, but yeah.
The robots didn't have glass heads, though, and there wasn't any planetary exploration, so I ruled it out before I thought about Lost in Space. -
Quote:Completely guessing since I haven't seen it, but based on the description of a family... Lost in Space?Since we are on that, I wanted to ask some gurus of the 80s, but possibly either early 90s or even back to the 60s. The robot picture reminded me.
I remember a film where a robot, sent against the protagonists, was destroyed and got reconstructed, he ressembled Robby the Robot, the bubble arms and round glass head, but wasn't quite like it. There was a dark and red corridor at the beginning also. Then, an asteroid came down on the base, then all I remember was seeing something that ressembled Moonbase alpha from Space 1999, from which the heroes (a family or something like that) took off in a saucer+Enterprise tail ship, then they found another planet they explored in the saucer only part of their ship.
That's all I can remember of the film, I thought I labeled the VHS "Space 2000" but I can't quite really remember, but for reasons unknown, I took the VHS apart to see how it was functionning. I was 8 or so at the time, so it's quite old and doesn't make any sense.
Could you help me put a title on that ? Thank you !
It was the first thing that ran through my head at any rate.