(One day. Be quick.)The contact information thread




Template for information for forumites and such to contact you with so we atleast stay connected.

Global Name:
Games you plan to move to:
Steam ID:
Favorite Powerset/AT in CoH:
More stuph:

Global: @The all mighty waffle
IM's: Aim (Email from above)
Games you plan to move to: Champions online, SWTOR, Plan Z (Eat me, doubters.)
Steam ID: Paragon Remnant
Favorite Powerset/AT in CoH: The Warshade for it's unique playstyle, and easy to do well, hard to master mechanics. Plus good ones were rare.
Red/blue?: Red, But blue had more people, sadly.
More stuph: Love you all. (No ****.)



Global: @maxxxx
email: jbazzrea.007@gmail.com
teamspeak: jackiped.redirectme.net
Games: Swtor (paragons guild on harbinger server)
Stuff: keep in contact guild forum going up soon
A/T: brute ss/regen or Tw/dark
red/blue: blue mostly (justice server)

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Global Name: @Glass Goblin
Email: mkhall@gmail.com
IM's: I'm never really on IM
Games you plan to move to: none, right now
Steam ID: none
Favorite Powerset/AT in CoH: Emp/Psi defender and SS/WP brute
Red/blue?: Blue 90+%
More stuph: hiddencity.net is where you'll find me

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Global Name:@Hellguard
IM's: n/a
Games you plan to move to:World of Warcraft, Moonrunner server
Steam ID:n/a
Favorite Powerset/AT in CoH:Fire/Fire Blaster
More stuph:www.ceciladkins.com



Global Name: @DreadShinobi
Email: chjelias@gmail.com
IM's: --
Games you plan to move to: Aion mainly, occassionaly GW2, might go back to Rift someday, BnS looks awesome.
Steam ID: Tecknolife (but I'm essentially never on steam)
Favorite Powerset/AT in CoH: Fire/Cold corr
Red/blue?: Never really mattered post GR.
More stuph: Not horribly sad to see the game itself die (minimal interest in anything), but seeing this community go is really the pits. Shoot me an email if you want to stay in touch.



Global Name: @Hyperstrike1
Email: charlesborner@gmail.com
IM's: Lots, e-mail me and I'll send them to you. Getting lots of spurious traffic there right now.
Games you plan to move to: CO (Free Lifetime account. Can't argue too hard with "free")
Steam ID: hyperstrike_coh
Favorite Powerset/AT in CoH: I don't care what City Info Terminal says, Inv/SS TANK
Red/blue?: Blue
More stuph: Was mainly on Protector. Ran a fire/rads group on Freedom and was a participant in Tanker Tuesdays. Will be helping bring TT to CO next week.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Global Name: @Leandro
Email: leandrotlz@gmail.com
IM's: leandrotlz@gmail.com
Games you plan to move to: no other MMOs for me.
Steam ID: leandrotlz
Favorite Powerset/AT in CoH: Trollers 4eva!
Red/blue?: Blue.
More stuph: Will keep operating cohtube.blogspot.com with more videos coming, I don't know what'll happen to www.savecoh.com but I'm handling that too, I'm @leandrotlz on Twitter but I just made a @cohtube account to post videos.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Global Name: @Mrplayskool
Email: I'd rather not
IM's: itsbrou.tumblr.com and @itsbrou on twitter
Games you plan to move to: Champions Online
Steam ID: Brou
Favorite Powerset/AT in CoH: Dark Melee, Scrapper
Red/blue?: Blueside
More stuph: If you intend to use demorecord in Champions Online, this thread will tell you a little bit, or you can talk to me on my cryptic handle of @brou.



Global Name: @Crippl3 (formerly @Cooldrew, maybe will be for the last day as well)
Email: Sorry
IM's: None
Games you plan to move to: DC Universe Online, The Secret World (when I get a better machine), Planetside 2 (ditto)
Steam ID: Crippl3
Favorite Powerset/AT in CoH: Unsure. First 50 was a BS/Regen Scrapper, 2nd was an Elec/Fire Brute, final was a DP/Elec Blaster
Red/blue?: Blue. And purple.
More stuph: Bye everyone. Twitter's @Crippl3, mostly retweets and contest stuff. Started on Guardian, moved to Virtue, and will be finishing on my first character, CrippleCommando on Guardian.