Mr. DJ

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  1. Mr. DJ


    started watching this series called Sword Art Online the other to episode 9...this bit of the boss fight is going to make me miss this game and my dual blade scrapper ;-;
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    Is that just the buzzword now days? Circle jerk? You do realize that even in furthered slang usage, this thread is not that, right? Or did your two cents just involve attempting to insult anyone who might disagree with your viewpoint?
    Do you even know what you're talking about?

    There are multiple definitions, and yes it does apply.

    A useless discussion or meeting involving mental masturbation whereby the egotistical, boring participants try to demonstrate they're the smartest persons in the room.
    All it took was one insult and someone to get ungodly defensive and this thread spiraled into a rather humorous hell
  3. Amusing that this thread went to hell on the first page and the circle jerk is still going.
  4. Mr. DJ

    Devs moving on

    Glad they are making it. Now about them other 50-70 employees...?
    Pretty sure most of the named devs will find work eventually, the ones we aren't too familiar with will probably have more trouble.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    Stop blaming gw2 already!
    I don't have to listen to you, you're not my real dad!

    ...are you!?
  6. To all my peeps in dUmb and League of Debt...

    It's been a beautiful ride!
  7. Mr. DJ

    My final thread.'s to you guys at Paragon Studios, thank you for everything!

  8. I probably won't play another MMO...none have managed to hold my attention, even in the worst case of burnout like CoH has...
  9. This was my first MMO...started in 2005, it's been a fun ride
  10. Mr. DJ

    Anime and CoX

    Not sure how I read all of this, but, people are thick.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    You for the magic carpet?

    What the heck does that even mean?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Niklarus View Post
    City of Jason Voorhees, anyone?
    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    FINALLY the Perez Park maze makes sense!
    Now to adjust the Walk power to let us have a machete out.
  13. and here's the first crackpot conspiracy...

    people assuming the Illuminati and Lil' Wayne had something to do with the shooting as depicted by 12 skeletons shown sitting in a movie theater in Wayne's new music video "My Homies Still" that came out the day before the actual shooting.

    My head hurts -_-
  14. That first paragraph on Yahoo made me want to put my fist through the monitor...

    restraining myself so much right now...
  15. Bane is a amateur, MacGuyver could have done better with 2 quarters and a stick of gum w/out the wrapper.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    obviously we don't know everything fixed in i24, but it seems like an amazing amount.
    eh, we do know that everything isn't going to be fixed...just a lot of things and people taking the comment out of context when they know that literally fixing everything is nigh impossible.

    but all the changes coming are nice =)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Huh, so it does... I stand by my assessment - this shouldn't be, and I wouldn't be sad or even surprised to see that go, as well. Stone Melee can probably do with a look in general.
    Probably won't get that much looked at, it's a end heavy set.

    You're not going to get the old animation back. Ever. You may get a faster animation for it, but it won't be the old one. And I, for one, DON'T want the old animation back. Yeah, the attack was cheap, I admit, but even then I still hated the animation. You can't have by far the strongest attack in the set be a simple no-effect tap on the shoulder. I feel the same way about Clobber, for reference. That power needs a better animation, or at least a visually stronger effect. It just makes Shatter feel anaemic when it takes almost twice as long but hits nowhere near as hard. Sure, it's AoE, but that doesn't stop Cleave and Head Splitter from being AoE AND feeling awesome as their respective sets' heaviest hitters.
    I know we'll never get the old animation back, but it was just something that would appease people who hate the "OH MY GOD MY HANDS ARE GLOWING!" animation. I've only liked that animation for Thunderous Blast myself...and seems stupid on Bitter Freeze Ray =\

    The sfx for ET helped a lot with the old animation, nice, loud thud-like sound.

    So? Yes, they're slow. Not all sets can be fast. In fact, I don't WANT all sets to be fast. Since my very fist days playing this game, I've wanted to see your typical "big guy" sets that are very slow, but hit very hard. Your Juggernaut vs. Spider-Man, if you will. If anything, I really dislike people's continual insistence that every Brute set should comprise of small, fast attacks. I get that this builds Fury, but if that's the case, then I'd rather see slow attacks build more fury than just make all attacks fast.
    Not all sets need to be fast, but EM continues to suffer because its best attacks are slow as crap and the rest of the set is "meh" at Psionic Assault before its makeover. Another possible change is that they could turn Total Focus into a PBAoE, tweak the damage and keep the Mag 3 stun.

    We technically have our "big guy" set, Titan Weapons.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    It isn't, on either count. Giving a Brute access to a hold stronger than that of a Controller should never have happened in the first place. Additionally, old Energy Transfer was badly overpowered even with its self-damage component. Asking that it become better than it used to be won't happen
    Seismic Smash is a little more than twice as fast and still retains it's Mag 4 Hold. Total Focus is still a 3.3 second animation that barely seemed worthwhile because of the guaranteed boss stun with the exception of certain ones...mainly Forts and Webmasters...meanwhile Controllers have Containment and can easily stack their holds compared to a Brute/Tank.

    Reducing ET's damage and removing the self damage as a trade off to get the old animation back isn't really making it better.

    But alas...EM will suffer as long as TF and ET are what they are...the biggest hitters in the set, but slow as hell....

    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Hell no. ET's the only power of its kind and I love it for what it is.
    Well, only melee power of its kind Oppressive Gloom does self inflicting damage as well.
  19. Increase Whirling Hand's damage and radius
    Increase Stun's damage
    Reduce Energy Transfer's damage, remove the self damage, give the old animation back
    Give Total Focus its Mag 4 stun back...

    This seems reasonable to me.

    Also, what Tater said.
  20. nothing too special...

    DJ Rio (WB/Dark Corr)
    Sahara Times (WB/Time Corr) still fiddling around with palette colors for some decent looking sand...

    Wanted 'Sands of Time' so bad