Dark Knight Rises *there be spoilers here, seriously don't click if you don't want spoilers*
I heard his back wasn't broken.
That kind of killed my enthusiasm to watch this movie.
I liked the ending.
Quick quiz time: In what movie does a character named Bruce tell the character played by Morgan Freeman, "Now you're just showing off."?
I'll give you two guesses. So you'll be right.
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I thought the ending fit, considering they've been alluding to something like that since Batman Begins.
What I did NOT like was Bane's voice. The accent I didn't mind, but the overdubbing was so ridiculously bad it almost ruins any scene where Bane has to talk. I'm talking like Doom in the Fantastic Four movies bad here. Bad idea to put the microphone speaker set-up in Bane's mask, doesn't work in the movie in the slightest. Still think Bane's stand-in had a better looking mask, but I doubt that thing will ever be seen again.
Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.
good luck D.B.B.

Got back from Dark Knight Rises and... Honestly the movie was great until I got to the end. What a big [censored] disappointment it was. Batman quits, passes the mantle off to Robin John Blake and moves to Paris with Catwoman. I kid you not, that's how Nolan decides to end this trilogy. When I saw that ending I felt like he took a collective [censored] on the Batman mythos.
I'm sure there probably be some of you who will say "Batman didn't quit because the mantle was passed on to someone else" I don't care because as far as I'm concerned he quit. he quit because he found a gal to settle down with and some guy he could pass the job off to. There was a line in the movie were Bane tells Bruce that he plans to kill Gotham with the deadliest poison in the world, hope. Truer words have never been said, because I had hope for this movie and instead got something that just killed me inside. If you're a fan of Nolan you'll probably love this movie. If you're a fan of Batman, well your mileage will vary. Don't say you haven't been warned. |
I'll just say this: there are alternative interpretations of the ending, and Nolan is deliberately ambiguous. It's really very very similar to the end of another Nolan film (with Michael Cane): the top wobbles, but does it fall?
I really should do something about this signature.
Yeah, I hated that ending myself.
I disliked Officer Blake, especially when his name was revealed to be "Robin".
I pegged Miranda as a villain the moment she was introduced, and when the story was busy fooling Batman into thinking that Bane was the child that climbed out of the Pit I'd already guessed that Bane was actually the protector and Miranda was the child.
I dislike this Bane. He seems more like Ubu with a please-make-the-hurting-stop mask.
Lucius Fox is cool.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I liked the ending.
![]() Quick quiz time: In what movie does a character named Bruce tell the character played by Morgan Freeman, "Now you're just showing off."? I'll give you two guesses. So you'll be right. |
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
I think the ending kinda fit with Nolan's more "grounded in reality" approach to Batman.
People have said it before. There's NOBODY that could keep that kind of activity up for protracted periods of time. It takes its toll.
For a bit of comparison. The average career of a professional football player? 3.3 years.
The average career of a running back? 2.57 years.
Now, instead of one game a week for 17 weeks out of the year, imagine going out NIGHTLY and getting the ever loving crap beaten out of yourself.
How long is anyone, even those at the absolute pinnacle of human wellbeing, training, and ability, going to last?
Most people would be cripples in days or weeks. Some lucky ones would last months, maybe a year.
Extensive combat training only helps a little, you're STILL going to be injured in protracted fights. Regardless of how good you are. NOBODY beats up 10+ people, wielding guns, without picking up injuries.
Armor only helps a little too. And the added strain of lugging all that equipment around leads to stress injuries.
And, as the pain catches up with you, it WILL slow you down even more. Exposing you to ever greater injuries and still more pain.
I don't care HOW angry you are at the world for your parents dying. Waking up every morning feeling like you've been worked over by an entire neighborhood of baseball bat-wielding (pardon the pun) linebackers is going to cool you off pretty quick.
Going through the rest of the day, hopped up on painkillers to keep you from screaming like a little girl the entire time helps that along as well.
It's very VERY hard to focus on emotional trauma when the physical trauma is so much more immediate.
So, in the Nolan-verse, Batman eventually IS going to step down (or get killed). Quite simply because nobody can do that kind of thing for more than a few years (and most certainly not forever).
As such, I didn't have much of a problem with the finale.
Early in the movie though, it was kind of all over the place and could have used a bit of tightening up.
And yeah, the ADR for Bane really REALLY needed some work. I'm not sure why they left it that way.
I have been counting down the days to this movie. Hell, I took off work tomorrow so I could go see the midnight showing without having to worry about getting up in the morning. I knew there was no way it could meet my expectations, let alone exceed them.
But it did. IT TOTALLY DID. It was on the whole a great film from start to finish. Not perfect, but still great. I loved Bruce, and I'm glad Bale toned down the growling for this one. I think a lot of people will be disappointed with the "happy ending", but I thought it really fit.
The twist with Miranda? Totally saw it coming. I'd been expecting Nolan to hit us with that ever since The Dark Knight pulled "Surprise! It's Two-Face!" and then didn't announce a certain villain for this film. But just because I realized what was going to happen, and the fakeout with the kid, doesn't mean I didn't really enjoy it.
My one gripe, I'll admit, was that the way Bane was dealt with was kind of an anticlimax. There's the big revelation, and then suddenly he's this twisted-love teddy bear? Bah, I had a hard time with that scene. I didn't much care for him getting casually killed off there either. I suppose it's not a whole lot different compared to what happened with Ra's, but still. You-know-who could've been handled a little better at the end, too, but I was mostly content with Bane being the "main villain and her just sort of being the mastermind. I just wish Bane hadn't been so dependent on her for that last bit of characterization.
I'll also note that for all the complaints about it, too, I liked the way they did Bane's voice. It had an eeriness to it, that, coupled with Hardy's delivery of the lines, really made him stand out. It put him into the uncanny valley, as it were, set him apart from the "normal humans" without violating Nolan's "normal world".
Bane was sufficiently well-done that the lack of Venom or whatever enhancement, but the weakness inherent in that, was still acceptable.
I'll admit it, I got suckered by the twist. I went in thinking that she was <redacted>, but then they said Bane and then BOOM! I'm glad they worked her into the mythos. Unfortunately, given the rather realistic nature of this setup...
The whole Blake thing was a massive turnoff. Though JGL would make a pretty good Tim Drake, IMO.
Also, there needs to be more Anne Hathaway in skintight catsuit riding bat-pods. They could make an entire movie of just that and I'd be happy. She was a definite bit of alright in this movie.
I loved this movie, not as much as the 2nd movie but it's very close. I find it impressive that both the 1st and 3rd movie build depth back and forth, so much so that I now appreciate the 1st film a lot more than when it came out.
As for the ending, I loved it. You have to keep in mind that Nolan set out to make a realistic story, and a man can only get beat up so many times and suffer so much before he has to stop. If you're like Unknown_User, you might not be remembering that Bruce Wayne has been spending 2 films to find a way to stop being batman, but is unable to because the call to protect Gotham. There is a reason why they state all the health problems he is suffering from in this film, Wayne's body is giving out and he has been emotionally drained from the events of the 2nd film. At the end of the film, he has seen that Gotham can now protect itself with the help of Robin and how strong the police force has gotten since the first film. With the presumed death of Batman, Wayne has sacrificed his alter ego to save Gotham one final time and give inspiration and hope to the citizens of Gotham.
I hate to be a downer but...massive shooting at Aurora, Colorado.
I quite enjoyed it!
It did need more Batman, imo.
Also, I both loved and hated the ending! To those with any importance to him, he at least gives them signs that he is in fact alive at the end.
He gave Alfred exactly what he wanted.
I think part of seeing Batman retire (for me included) is some people know the mythos. Batman just never really goes out that way. But in this alternate universe he does and it works buuuut...
DAMMIT! I want to see more! I want to see John Blake become Nightwing (that just seems the better hero name than Robin).
I want to see Bruce have to return to Gotham. If he doesn't could go a bit more into the future and have the Huntress show up, the daughter of Bruce and Selina!
Gordon of course finds out who Batman is at the end, but I wonder, is the only reason he didn't put it together himself, because he didn't want to? I think that's what the movies imply.
As John Blake figured it out all by himself, but maybe that was trying to be a link to Tim Drake's Robin?
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I hate to be a downer but...massive shooting at Aurora, Colorado.
http://www.9news.com/news/local/arti...eater-shooting |
My heart and prayers go out to the victims and their families....
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker
*not reading anything in this thread........*
The only thing I want to know before going to see this is:
The football scene with Hines Ward running down the field, does it look as horrible on the big screen as it has for the past year in previews and sneak peeks?
I've already forgotten about most of you

Can someone tell me what the people are chanting or yelling, it was in a movie trailer of the football scene then Bane shows up I can never hear what the people are chanting.
Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!
Well, I freaking loved it!
I see the film and the storyline as a kind of realistic Elseworlds tale, kind of a What If Batman was in the Real World. Makes a lot more sense that way. Also helps understand why this Batman could NEVER work in a Justice League movie.
Also liked the way the hand off to Nightwing was done. And the Talia switch COMPLETELY caught me off guard, for which I should be feeling shame as a comic book fan, but meh, I like that I can still be caught out like that
Bane's voice took some getting used to, was the odd line I didn't understand fully, so yeah, not perfect, but I loved the film nonetheless, especialy if you see it as a trilogy.
Bravo, Mr Nolan, Bravo.
Then I came home and read about the Colorado shooting. Damn. just.....damn
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Can someone tell me what the people are chanting or yelling, it was in a movie trailer of the football scene then Bane shows up I can never hear what the people are chanting.
Deshi Deshi Basara Basara

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Got back from Dark Knight Rises and... Honestly the movie was great until I got to the end. What a big [censored] disappointment it was. Batman quits, passes the mantle off to Robin John Blake
Nolan knew he could never get past The Dark Knight; Ledger's performance, followed by his death insured that TDK would be the Nolan film everyone remembers from this "sequence." With TDKR he pulled the pin on the current franchise giving Bale an out and insuring that the studio will have to reboot the franchise in some way while leaving his "vision" complete and book-ended.
The first movie will be forgotten, the second revered (TDK is good enough to stand alone), and the third a foot note.
... Hit it ...

I think it's probably wise just to let what people think about the movie to hold off for a little bit. It's going to be hard to not associate the opening of this movie with the shooting in Denver for a bit. I know my initial enthusiasm for this film has been blunted a lot as a result of this.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
Terrible film. Worse than ASM by far.
Overly long first act where nothing happens, painfully shallow second act where still nothing happens, third act which was entirely predictable.
Batman Begins was an OK movie...nothing great, but OK. TDK rode the heavens on the performance of a lifetime by an actor who died just before the film was released. This one was absolutely terrible. Of course. it's in good company, as continues the grand tradition of Superhero franchises like X-Men and Spider-Man before it, of going totally in the toilet after the second film. But it really proves to me what I suspected after seeing inception...that TDK was a fluke, and Nolan is an average director who just dug enough holes so that one of them happened to strike oil.
From the shallow development of the relationship between Bruce and a criminally underdeveloped Talia Al-Ghul, to the muddled performances of "Captain Mushmouth" and "99% Woman", there was almost nothing about the film to like. The action was dry and uninspired, and the sheer amount of screen time given to Fake Robin (in an absolutely meaningless subplot) meant that everyone else got shorted.
As for the plot itself...it's like Nolan fell in love with the "bombs on the boat" scene from TDK and decided to turn that scene into a whole movie...except without the great moment where the criminal throws away the detonator and refuses to play the Joker's game. At times it seems like Nolan's trying for some sort of social commentary, but between cutting away to watch Bruce whine or "Robin" act like a block of wood, the message - whatever it may have been - just got lost.
I'd definitely rate this as one of the worst superhero films of the past decade...not as Bad as some (FF, Ghost Rider) but only on a par with those that are considered mediocre (Watchmen, Daredevil) ... and nowhere near the greats (SM 2, TDK)
Got back from Dark Knight Rises and... Honestly the movie was great until I got to the end. What a big [censored] disappointment it was. Batman quits, passes the mantle off to Robin John Blake and moves to Paris with Catwoman. I kid you not, that's how Nolan decides to end this trilogy. When I saw that ending I felt like he took a collective [censored] on the Batman mythos.
I'm sure there probably be some of you who will say "Batman didn't quit because the mantle was passed on to someone else" I don't care because as far as I'm concerned he quit. he quit because he found a gal to settle down with and some guy he could pass the job off to.
There was a line in the movie were Bane tells Bruce that he plans to kill Gotham with the deadliest poison in the world, hope. Truer words have never been said, because I had hope for this movie and instead got something that just killed me inside.
If you're a fan of Nolan you'll probably love this movie. If you're a fan of Batman, well your mileage will vary. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius