876 -
I dunno if I can do this without choking up....
When I first started playing CoH I had created a toon on a friends account just to get a feel for the game, shortly afterwards I setup my own account and have been playing on and off for 4 years. In the time that I have played there has been so much that has changed in game that looking back at it all I am very amazed. CoH became an escape for me... a way to forget about all my troubles and to try to save the world, even if it was digital. CoH made my life bearable, because I could become someone that didn't have limitations and not be held back due to health issues.
Most of you folks have some idea who Sevenpenny is and I will forever be grateful that you welcomed me with open arms into your group. You are my second family...if it were possible to pick those who you wanted as your real life family I would have to say each and every one of you would make the list.
If the lights are shut off and the door bolted on this game NC Soft will never see another penny of my very limited income... it is a shame that they are willing to throw away millions of dollars in pretty much guaranteed money, then they shouldn't be allowed to exist as a company. -
true...like a cross of lycans and bats....it was said that many rare animals were brought to the zoo and their dna experimented with....
Marvel should just retcon the entirety of Spider-Man history and start over.
Been watching this anime (finished the 1st part earlier today) and find that it is interesting...although personally the Chiropterans being generalized into one group is a bit confusing at times. Because you have what looks like lycans and then there are the vampires....aside from that it is a decent anime...not the greatest one I have seen in my brief time watching anime....
Quote:I tend to stay away from torrent sites myself too...had a couple bad experiences where I had to wipe the hard drive (thus losing everything) and starting over.A good series that's under rated over here, and because of that we'll never see the final 2 seasons. It had a fair amount of filler injected here and there so as not to stay caught up with the manga, and I think that was part of it's downfall over here.
I've not found anywhere that has/streams the last 2 seasons, but I tend to stay away from torrent sites, anymore, due to a nasty experience that messed up my last computer.
The ending feels kinda unfinished/unfulfilled, but it was left some what open just in case they ever decided to carry on with it.
Thanks for the info everyone! -
Started watching this series when I found out that the company (Funimation) that did the first arc (aka 1st Stage) did not finish the entire series. Their reasoning is that their wasn't enough revenue being generated and thus cancelled the rest. Does anyone know if the rest of this series is up on youtube?
Anyhow, I find from the handful of episodes I have watched that this is a pretty good anime. -
Without doubt...Neil Gaiman's Sandman series....truly superb!
Also if you feel like purchasing a copy the proceeds will be donated to those folks on Colorado....
This piece of music is very moving... -
For the last Nolan Batman movie I would highly recommend reading Batman: Knightfall (which is a huge story arc that ran from 1993 to 1994)... You will understand why when you see a certain person having his back broken....
Don't forget about checking out Amazon.com for trade paperbacks too.... -
Now to let your imagination run wild!
yes it is actual airship...just felt like sharing due to its...uh...shape... -
Just finished it today...man such an awesome anime. It has some pretty deep emotional moments. If you don't at least feel moved by some of the stuff that happens....well I feel sorry for you.
Okay, not actually "Batman", however Christian Bale paid a visit to the victims of the movie theater shooting (in Colorado) this past friday. Mr. Bale stated that he was representing himself and not the movie studio. Like his movies or not, he is certainly a class act. He didn't have to do this and for him to take time and spend time with fans just proves that there are actors who still care about their fans!
Quote:Yeah, he lives. The movie doesn't give us any reason to doubt that what Alfred sees is any kind of delusion.
As for the internal shot... he could've set the autopilot and ejected well before, we don't know what kind of ejector system The Bat had. Apparently it was enclosed instead of like the ejector seat on a jet where the canopy is released and the chair jettisons separately.
Also I was a little sad to see the EMP gun only got use in the initial motorcycle chase. You think he could've given it to someone.
Speaking of said EMP gun, would that have not affected the laptop that uploading all that information? I do not believe that it was "hardened" against an EMP attack... -
So is Bruce Wayne dead or is he alive? All that we saw at the end was very ambiguous...from Alfred seeing what he saw, could that have just been something that he imagined or did he actually see Bruce? To Lucious Fox wondering if he could have done something different to perhaps save Bruce from having to manually pilot the Bat...and finding out that Bruce had indeed fixed the auto pilot....
Reason I say this is that the timer only showed 5 seconds left with Batman/Bruce still in the cockpit....could he have escaped? -
Started watching this anime and I must say that it is very good.... anyone else ever watched?
and IBTL! -
Fact: The Doctor Lies! -
News media makes my head hurt so bad.... evidently the OP corrected herself.... but still...
So now this guy supposedly showed up in full Joker attire? Since when is riot armor the outfit Heath Ledger wore in TDK and since when was his hair red? No wonder no one really trusts the news media anymore....