Good to be alive... (Re: Batman shooting)




I'm feeling particularly lucky to be alive today. The theater in Aurora is MY theater. I was planning on attending the midnight showing there until I started getting a headache and decided to do a morning matinee instead. Best headache EVER.

Psychos suck.



Whew, that was a lucky headache. Sorry to hear about the tragedy in your area.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



I'm sorry this has happned.

I'm also sorry for hijacking this so bad.

From CNN

One of the injured was just 3 months old, according to hospital workers.

Who brings a 3 month old to a midnight showing?



One who couldn't get a babysitter (and hopefully one with baby earplugs)



Glad to hear that you weren't harmed or killed, but sorry to hear about the tragedy that happened in your hometown.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



I can't stop thinking of this and wondering what I would have done in that theater. Would I have run? Would I have dropped down to the floor? I tend to sit in in the first 3 rows. I would have probably been toast. I might have been able to help someone, first aid-wise if I wasn't hurt (I'm an RN).



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
I'm feeling particularly lucky to be alive today. The theater in Aurora is MY theater. I was planning on attending the midnight showing there until I started getting a headache and decided to do a morning matinee instead. Best headache EVER.

Psychos suck.
Good God...

Given what he was doing, though, no telling if he was the type to also deliberately shoot anyone actively trying to help someone else via first aid.

My deepest sympathies to your hometown.


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Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
Psychos suck.
So very this.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Some people are just idiots. Crazy idiots.

Glad you're okay man. Yeah. Best...headache...EVER!

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



The person who did this needs to be executed, with all the evidence we know he is guilty so lets save the taxpayers their money and not have a lengthy trial and have his lawyer try to get him off with an insanity plea.

My deepest sympathies to the people this happened to and the people in the area.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
I'm feeling particularly lucky to be alive today. The theater in Aurora is MY theater. I was planning on attending the midnight showing there until I started getting a headache and decided to do a morning matinee instead. Best headache EVER.

Psychos suck.
I'm not normally one to think of things like this, but sounds like a guardian angel was screaming in your ear. Glad to hear that you're ok, but saddened by the fact that that event happened at all.



Glad to hear you're safe. I second the thoughts that whatever agents of fate were in play, they gave you a headache.

But a stupid, stupid senseless shooting.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Early information is coming in on the shooter. Looks like he was a 24 yo PhD Neuroscience student at CU. Dropped out a month ago. Picture of him looks like a normal young man, who has a grin not dissimilar to that of Jared Loughner. Methinks untreated schizophrenia, mixed with cultural paranoia. Voices in your head + voices on talk radio= dangerous combination.



This is certainly a terrible thing. I think I was up until around 3 AM just listening to the police band and watching the live news feed. I mostly just sat there shaking my head.

We're going to keep this thread open for discussion regarding the topic, however we do request that everyone please keep the discussion away from any mention of politics or other such talk.


Edit: Chazz, I'm very glad to hear that you're safe. My personal and our collective condolences go out to anyone who may have been impacted by this tragedy.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



I want to say, "I HATE PEOPLE", but, if that were true, I wouldn't be so upset by what happened...

Poor attempt for humor: I mean, why did Chaz have to survive...
(Hope that made someone chuckle... I'm at a loss)

Seriously though, that is insane (obviously the whole situation is insane, but for it to be your local theatre and to have opted out of the midnight show like that... don't beat yourself up thinking about the possibilities. It's just crazy and you can find no logic, reason, answers to all the questions that race through your head from such a thing).
If anything, just take part in anything you might be able to do for the community, whether it is through your job or by some sort of support you can give.
Sorry, only just heard about this and am rather disturbed and not sure my words are coming out well...

Much love to everyone (that's not a vile, gutless puke).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Just reading about this now. I'm glad you're okay, Chaz. If I were there I would probably have thought it was a prank and part of the theater trying to add to the show.

Terrible and tragic.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Now I'm asking myself, did he shoot up the 2D or 3D showing? There were two midnight showings in two different theaters (though it appears there were bullets that went through the walls into the other showing too.) I would have been in the 2D one... so bizarre.

I can honestly say I'm now a little freaked out at the prospect of going to the movies. It's irrational, but damnit it's there, stupid anxiety. Gonna take a while to process this.



I don't think Rises was done in 3D, so that should answer that. Glad you aren't hurt, hopefully no one you know was either.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
Now I'm asking myself, did he shoot up the 2D or 3D showing? There were two midnight showings in two different theaters (though it appears there were bullets that went through the walls into the other showing too.) I would have been in the 2D one... so bizarre.

I can honestly say I'm now a little freaked out at the prospect of going to the movies. It's irrational, but damnit it's there, stupid anxiety. Gonna take a while to process this.
Of course. It's the same way people freaked out about flying after 9/11. Anything like this you'll just negatively associate with the movies initially and that's totally natural.

All you can do is take it for what it is, and that anxiety will pass. We're all here for you, sir.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I don't think Rises was done in 3D, so that should answer that. Glad you aren't hurt, hopefully no one you know was either.
Ya, the local theater isn't offering a 3D version despite having the capabilities to do so (like the new Ice Age is being shown in 3D) so it doesn't look like there's a 3D version of TDKR.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
This is certainly a terrible thing. I think I was up until around 3 AM just listening to the police band and watching the live news feed. I mostly just sat there shaking my head.

We're going to keep this thread open for discussion regarding the topic, however we do request that everyone please keep the discussion away from any mention of politics or other such talk.


Edit: Chazz, I'm very glad to hear that you're safe. My personal and our collective condolences go out to anyone who may have been impacted by this tragedy.
I hear you on this one, Zwill. I have a very good friend who lives in Colorado and has mentioned the Aurora theater before now. I heard the breaking news at 6:30pm my time and I was in shock. My friend has two sons who could've concievably gone to that session, but I don't think they did. That doesn't stop me worrying and being concerned until I can hear directly from them that they're okay.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Ya, the local theater isn't offering a 3D version despite having the capabilities to do so (like the new Ice Age is being shown in 3D) so it doesn't look like there's a 3D version of TDKR.
With how many showings I saw when looking up wednesday in 2-D, and none in 3, It's definitely not in 3-D.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I am glad that you are safe Chazz and my heart goes out to the families and people who suffered because of his idiotic actions.

I remember calling and fb messaging two of my friends repeatedly to make sure that they were ok. They are from Virginia but moved to that area. Thankfully they both skipped out on going to see the midnight showing.