Good to be alive... (Re: Batman shooting)




Originally Posted by Coin View Post
There is so much about all this that's wrong, I can't begin to express it all.

I feel so conflicted for my feelings. As well as the obvious reaction to the senselessness and sheer cruelty of what this man did to the poor people at the cinema, it's also the impact it's had on so many others as well.

I saw the film this morning, before I heard about what happened and I loved it, seriously loved it. I was on my way home, thinking about the film and actually working out what to post on these forums about the movie. I was actually excited to discuss another fantastic movie with like minded people.....and then I saw what had happened and felt instant guilt about it.......and then felt angry for being made to feel like that....and then feeling more guilt for feeling angry about feeling that way!

It's not just the nastiness of what has happened, it's the way it's affected the simple enjoyments of the world and the things we love. Making people feeling guilty for just enjoying doing something normal. And I feel guilty for feeling like that, knowing that real, normal people have suffered FAR worse than I have

Why do these nutcases have to do things to spoil the world in so many ways
I know how you feel, but that's probably exactly what he wanted to happen. Whatever else his motives, it's obvious he wanted to take all the attention from the movie and twist it around onto himself, to immortalize himself by making it so that nobody can talk about or think about the movie without thinking of what he did. He wanted to hijack the media's focus on the movie and make it all about him instead, which is all the more reason to, apart from honoring the victims, treat the movie just like he never existed.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
Looking at his mug shot, he has a smirk and if you really look at his eyes they look as though he may have some sort of psychological issue.
The picture that keeps coming up isn't a mug shot, it's a picture provided by the university - probably from his student ID. As someone who sees several hundred student ID photos a year, he looks no more or less disturbed in it than anyone else I've ever had in class.

Actually, I take that back. He looks a LOT less disturbed than some of the people I've had in class, all of whom ended up being pretty standard, in terms of psychological functioning.

OP, anyone else around Aurora - I'm so sorry for what happened, and I'm glad you're okay. I'll be keeping your community in my thoughts.

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This is truly sickening. My thoughts go out to those who have died at the hands of this killer, and the families they leave behind.

I can't think of much to say that hasn't already been said. It must have been horrible to be in that theater when it happened, coming to see a story about a comic hero, suddenly finding themselves in need of a real hero.

Perhaps they were even thinking the same thing Samuraiko was.

Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Y'know, right about now I'm really wishing I had even ONE of the powers that any of my characters have.
And then comes the realization that they are not Batman, that they don't have a lifetime of training or the technology of a multi-million dollar company to fight back with. They could only flee for their lives, then feel guilty over not being able to live up to their hero's example.

Not that I blame them. I probably would have fled, too, and only attacked the gunman if he put himself directly between me and the nearest exit.

Also, Sparlky Soldier mentioned another aspect of this whole thing that apalls me.

Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
Whatever else his motives, it's obvious he wanted to take all the attention from the movie and twist it around onto himself, to immortalize himself by making it so that nobody can talk about or think about the movie without thinking of what he did. He wanted to hijack the media's focus on the movie and make it all about him instead, which is all the more reason to, apart from honoring the victims, treat the movie just like he never existed.
It's a shame that what was supposed to be a fun summer movie is now tainted by its association with such a brutal and senseless act, through no fault of the film's creators. I also second Sparkly's advice. If there's anyone who wants to see this movie and is now having second thoughts, don't let this incident stop you. Having others cower in fear of him, to be afraid of something as simple as going to the movies, is what he wants. So don't let this psycho ruin your plans.

But most tragic of all is the simple fact that so many lost their very lives just because they wanted to watch a movie. My heart goes out to everyone affected by this.

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Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Why do these nutcases have to do things to spoil the world in so many ways
Its important, I believe, that while keeping the victims of the shooting in our thoughts we give no more power to the gunman than he deserves. Which is to say, none. You don't attack a public place in a stunt like this unless you want to divert people's attention to yourself, something I have no intention of doing. I have honestly already forgotten his name.

A week from now, a month from now, a year from now I will be interested to know, from a pathological perspective, why this person did what they did. At the moment, as that knowledge serves no immediate beneficial purpose, I don't really care. I don't even care enough about him to denigrate him.

Its difficult, for some impossible, but we shouldn't let a random nobody steal any more from us than we can prevent, and that includes living our lives as if he's unimportant. His victims are important. He's not.

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Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
This is why I am "seriously" all for Pre-cogs ASAP! That is the only way to stop the people that just up and go nutzo.

Glad you decided to delay your movie trip OP.
Didnt you watch the movie It showed just because you think it, doesnt mean you'll do it

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Well, I'm thankful to report that my one degree of seperation from this event hasn't turned out badly. I have a very good friend who lives an hour away from the Aurora cinema and has gone there a few times to see movies.

In this case luckily, my friend doesn't like the Nolan films and wasn't going to go, but her son and a friend won tickets for that very screening from the radio guy who was there when it went down. As fate would have it, their friend had a nighttime shift at work and was too tired to go, so they didn't.

Just that simple.

I was really worried when I found out the scope of the incident and had to call my friend to confirm that they and their loved ones were okay. I will go and watch this film, I think it'll be with luck a fitting end to the trilogy, but for right now...maybe the first week of release...I might stay away from it. It'll be hard for me to see that movie violence and not directly associate it to the real world violence, at least in the short term.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



That's true; my friend in Colorado said that they found a red wig and he was wearing makeup. They also said (they have a medical background and a relative in mental health) that it's possible this guy has had a schizophrenic breakdown. That's just an opinion, of course...I don't want to suggest or excuse his actions in any way.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
That's true; my friend in Colorado said that they found a red wig and he was wearing makeup. They also said (they have a medical background and a relative in mental health) that it's possible this guy has had a schizophrenic breakdown. That's just an opinion, of course...I don't want to suggest or excuse his actions in any way.


A dozen lives gone so far, so death penalty or super max prison?



As a lifelong comic book fan, and a vet of CoH, I'm really saddened by the Aurora tragedy. I've read every post from the beginning, and I'm so relieved that Chazz and my fellow CoH players are alright. When I first heard about the story this morning, I thought of our community and I instantly started to wonder if everyone was okay.

My emotions are so conflicted right now though. I don't know where to start, really.

I'm sad for the families of those who were taken from them while simply trying to enjoy a story about a classic superhero. I think back to seeing Superman with Chris Reeves in a theater in '77, when I was a boy. The pure magic of seeing a man fly. Not just any man... one of my favorite superheroes. I think about how there are children that were in that theater that are alive tonight, but may never know that true innocence and pure joy of seeing your hero take on the bad guys and win like I did. They'll be scarred from the terror of last night.

I'm saddened that now there seems to be people out there already trying to blame the comic books and films I love so much for this senseless act when it's very apparent that the person who did this was just a very mentally ill individual. In "The Dark Knight", Alfred told Bruce, "Some men just want to see the world burn." This was that sort of person. May God have mercy on that kind of person. If it is found to be that he was ill, then he needs treatment. If not... well then... May God have mercy on his soul.

I think though, deep inside, I'm saddened the worst because I feel like this entire day has felt like someone basically trampled into my house, burned my comics, and spat in my face. I've seen comments from my comic book friends and fellow CoH gamers about how this could be a turning point for the comic industry and perhaps the comic book films. Will it turn into another PMRC from the late '80s? Will it be some sort of return to the Comics Book Code?

I don't know. I just know I feel sick about it. I did find solace though in this article I thought I would share. It really summed up about how I feel about my heroes in times of tragedy. I'll still have WrathStar out there in Paragon, protecting the innocent. Now more than ever.

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Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
A dozen lives gone so far, so death penalty or super max prison?
Either way, he'll be in prison for a minimum of 20+ years. Simply due to the asinine nature surrounding the death penalty laws (Colorado is one of the States that has it) and the absurd number of appeals that get done for each and every guy there.

Max of one appeal and if that fails, he's marched off to the table before the day is through IMO.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Were I you, honestly, I'd actually PERSONALLY think my boss for the rollback in hours.

On a personal and professional level, it sucks.

But in this case, suckage has possibly kept you alive.

And who knows? It might just humanize and ingratiate you to your boss enough that he tosses some extra hours on your schedule...
The first thing my boss said to me today was I hope there was noone we know there. Not to mention it was the first time he came into the back before 630 AM.



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
That's true; my friend in Colorado said that they found a red wig and he was wearing makeup. They also said (they have a medical background and a relative in mental health) that it's possible this guy has had a schizophrenic breakdown. That's just an opinion, of course...I don't want to suggest or excuse his actions in any way.

Of course he did. He probably did that in preparation for the insanity defense he'll have his lawyer try to argue.

Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
A dozen lives gone so far, so death penalty or super max prison?

Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Either way, he'll be in prison for a minimum of 20+ years. Simply due to the asinine nature surrounding the death penalty laws (Colorado is one of the States that has it) and the absurd number of appeals that get done for each and every guy there.

Max of one appeal and if that fails, he's marched off to the table before the day is through IMO.

This guy doesn't deserve a trial. There's no doubt he isn't guilty. Take him to the roof of a skyscraper and toss him off.

Edit: And to any argument about treatment of the criminally insane or rehabilitation. Throwing a criminal sane or insane off of a skyscraper is called Shock Therapy. The shock of hitting the ground permanently cures them of any insanity and/or rehabilitates them of their criminal behavior. They never commit another crime or do anything crazy again. 100% effective garunteed.



The guy is going to rot for premeditated murder.

Certain news coverage has only left me enraged since idiots want to link this event to topics we can't really talk all that freely about here...



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
A dozen lives gone so far, so death penalty or super max prison?
My vote goes for super max prison for life bunked with convicted serial gay rapist also in for life. However, I would not be upset if we went with the lesser option of burying him in the desert.

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
My vote goes for super max prison for life bunked with convicted serial gay rapist also in for life. However, I would not be upset if we went with the lesser option of burying him in the desert.
Eh, I'd go with Medical Test Subject or Landmine Clearer. At least that way there's some use from him for the betterment of the world. Life imprisonment isn't really a punishment for him, it's a punishment for the taxpayer since they'll have to pay to house, feed, and care for him for the rest of his life. Plus, there's the whole, "Why should he live when so many lives were cut short?".



It's interesting the reactions and thoughts people are having in the aftermath of this event; with all deference to Forbin, I can't advocate any retribution as a means of punishment to this person for a couple of important reasons. The first being my very best friend in the world is mentally ill, and I've seen firsthand and come to understand how much an imagined reality is for someone suffering it.

I have to stress here that I'm not condoning or excusing what happened, but simply saying that if this is the case, then that's something for a professional to judge, not us.

Secondly, I'm not an eye for an eye person. My personal belief is that I am not qualified nor of a moral position to determine if someone should live or die based on their crimes. I'm old enough to understand that there is true evil in the world and it should be opposed, but I am not someone who should be allowed to make judgements on another individual.

What I have come to start to question in regards to movies like this and the 'action genre' is something I discussed with a good friend only a couple of hours ago, and that is our desensitised reactions to violence and what we take from it. Of course my friend perceptively said 'just like with the Christians and the lions,' and I took that very salient point on board.

We're not sitting in crowds baying for blood from real people, but an event like this blurs an already thin line between entertainment and reality. I think Mr. Nolan is a very intelligent and thoughtful filmmaker, but it may be that in drawing a portrait of a superhero in the real world, our acceptance of that being in the real world has become that much easier. This isn't a criticism as such, but for me at least it's something that I think I should consider when things are presented to me as entertainment.

I firmly fall into the Golden and Silver Ages of the heroes I prefer, because without that sense of moral purpose and responsibility, without that essential compassion and empathy for another human being, a hero can just as easily be a villain. It's why I embraced the Avengers so wholeheartedly. It's why the heroes I play in this game follow openly in the mold of heroes of decades past.

And if the best thing that comes out of this tragedy is that we're reminded of where those lines should be drawn, then I can't see that as a bad thing.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
That's true; my friend in Colorado said that they found a red wig and he was wearing makeup. They also said (they have a medical background and a relative in mental health) that it's possible this guy has had a schizophrenic breakdown. That's just an opinion, of course...I don't want to suggest or excuse his actions in any way.

No he died his hair red.



I and touched and saddened.
I am glad you are unharmed, if not ok.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
We're going to keep this thread open for discussion regarding the topic, however we do request that everyone please keep the discussion away from any mention of politics or other such talk.
Can we also keep away from discussion of convicting/sentencing without trial, dystopian death penalties, etc?

We're not living in Judge Dredd's world here. Like it or not, this person is entitled to a fair trial. The legal system will determine his guilt or innocence, and sentence him if/when he's found guilty.

This event will be tried by every media outlet in the world hundreds of times before it ever sees a courtroom. Can we keep this forum an exception?

Having said that, I am happy to hear some of our players avoided this tragedy through luck, fate, the whims of bosses, etc. My heartfelt sympathies to the victims and their families.



Originally Posted by LSK View Post
No he died his hair red.
You're quite right. Thanks for correcting me.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Chazz and LSK I'm very glad that both of you are still with us safe and sound. I always look at situations like this as a reminder that some people are truly evil. Most of us live our lives thinking about paying bills dealing with stress and to have this happen at a place where we would go for and escape and entertainment hurts on so many levels. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected.

" I've said it before, I'll say it again, some of those "Recipe found" messages should be brown." Ullikummis



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
It's interesting the reactions and thoughts people are having in the aftermath of this event; with all deference to Forbin, I can't advocate any retribution as a means of punishment to this person for a couple of important reasons. The first being my very best friend in the world is mentally ill, and I've seen firsthand and come to understand how much an imagined reality is for someone suffering it.

I have to stress here that I'm not condoning or excusing what happened, but simply saying that if this is the case, then that's something for a professional to judge, not us.

Secondly, I'm not an eye for an eye person. My personal belief is that I am not qualified nor of a moral position to determine if someone should live or die based on their crimes. I'm old enough to understand that there is true evil in the world and it should be opposed, but I am not someone who should be allowed to make judgements on another individual.

What I have come to start to question in regards to movies like this and the 'action genre' is something I discussed with a good friend only a couple of hours ago, and that is our desensitised reactions to violence and what we take from it. Of course my friend perceptively said 'just like with the Christians and the lions,' and I took that very salient point on board.

We're not sitting in crowds baying for blood from real people, but an event like this blurs an already thin line between entertainment and reality. I think Mr. Nolan is a very intelligent and thoughtful filmmaker, but it may be that in drawing a portrait of a superhero in the real world, our acceptance of that being in the real world has become that much easier. This isn't a criticism as such, but for me at least it's something that I think I should consider when things are presented to me as entertainment.

I firmly fall into the Golden and Silver Ages of the heroes I prefer, because without that sense of moral purpose and responsibility, without that essential compassion and empathy for another human being, a hero can just as easily be a villain. It's why I embraced the Avengers so wholeheartedly. It's why the heroes I play in this game follow openly in the mold of heroes of decades past.

And if the best thing that comes out of this tragedy is that we're reminded of where those lines should be drawn, then I can't see that as a bad thing.

While I do respect your opinion on this topic I believe that we as a society have a moral responsibility not to punish the innocent victims of these tragedies by forcing them to not only live with the fear that a cold blooded mass murderer may one day be released or escape, but also while he is imprisoned pay to feed him, clothe him, educate him, provide shelter, and keep him healthy for the rest of his life. Not to mention the amount of money, time, and resources that get wasted on a trial where there's no question of his guilt, and the pain and suffering the innocent victims will have to thru reliving those tragic events.

As to mental illness, I'm all in favor of treatment until it leads to violence. Once innocent people start getting hurt we have to make sure it never happens again, and that takes me back to my opinion about not punishing the victims that I previously stated.

Now having shared our opinions I hope we can at the very least agree to disagree.



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I really gotta stop trying to understand once the whole mentally ill thing comes into the picture...

This was well planned by a very smart, yet ill human being, even the SWAT team commander said they would have had trouble if the guy didn't surrender...yet Louie Gohmert somehow thought if patrons were armed in the theater, this wouldn't have happened -_-

TMZ found his profile on AdultFriendFinder, which had the tagline "will you visit me in prison?" and was confirmed as his and made a few days before the movie premier....