Good to be alive... (Re: Batman shooting)




Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
Ugh, really? I was hoping that I was wrong.
Don't worry if that guy was a real copycat he

1. Wouldn't have been speeding.

2. He wouldn't have been driving with his hazard lights on.

3. He wouldn't he have pulled over for the cops.

4. He wouldn't have volunteered the information that he was concealing weapons and "intended" to use them.

Despite the stockpile of weapons and ammo, this guy wanted to be caught and went out of his way to do it.



Meh... the death penalty vs. life in prison thing is a toss up. I've heard both sides claim to be less expensive, and I have heard that both sides are both too forgiving and too harsh.

I'd rather look at the practicality of the solution than the rather subjective merits on it. Whatever the mental state, this individual has proven himself to be a meticulous, scheming, and completely dedicated mass murderer that is unfit of the public, and that must be dealt with. Whatever means, it must be dealt with, for the protection of the rest of the world.

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
Meh... the death penalty vs. life in prison thing is a toss up. I've heard both sides claim to be less expensive, and I have heard that both sides are both too forgiving and too harsh.

I'd rather look at the practicality of the solution than the rather subjective merits on it. Whatever the mental state, this individual has proven himself to be a meticulous, scheming, and completely dedicated mass murderer that is unfit of the public, and that must be dealt with. Whatever means, it must be dealt with, for the protection of the rest of the world.
Now they say he sent a notebook with drawings and his plans for killing to a psychiatrist at the school he attended and it sat for weeks in the delivery room before the attack.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Don't worry if that guy was a real copycat he

1. Wouldn't have been speeding.

2. He wouldn't have been driving with his hazard lights on.

3. He wouldn't he have pulled over for the cops.

4. He wouldn't have volunteered the information that he was concealing weapons and "intended" to use them.

Despite the stockpile of weapons and ammo, this guy wanted to be caught and went out of his way to do it.
It just irks me that there's so many idiots out there. To think that someone would copy him just for some little notoriety



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Now they say he sent a notebook with drawings and his plans for killing to a psychiatrist at the school he attended and it sat for weeks in the delivery room before the attack.
Well, in all fairness, hindsight is 20/20. You reverse engineer a crime, you're bound to see all the things that fell through the cracks that led up to the event. Same thing with 9/11. Upon inspection there were a handful of "red flags" that should have caught our attention but either there was too much information to sift through or it never got to the right person/ people. Blaming the psychiatrist for sitting on something he didn't know he had isn't productive. In the end it's the shooter and the shooter alone who's responsible.

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Nicodemus- lev 50 db/ regen scrapper
Dragonhyde- lev 50 wp/ sm tank
On The Pinnochle server!



Yea, we need "The Machine".

Speaking of Person of Interest, I've always considered that show to be a bifurcated Batman with Mr Reese as the brawn and Mr Finch to be the brains. Also interesting that Jonathan Nolan was the creator.

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and here's the first crackpot conspiracy...

people assuming the Illuminati and Lil' Wayne had something to do with the shooting as depicted by 12 skeletons shown sitting in a movie theater in Wayne's new music video "My Homies Still" that came out the day before the actual shooting.

My head hurts -_-



Originally Posted by mr. Dj View Post
and here's the first crackpot conspiracy...

People assuming the illuminati and lil' wayne had something to do with the shooting as depicted by 12 skeletons shown sitting in a movie theater in wayne's new music video "my homies still" that came out the day before the actual shooting.

My head hurts -_-
*epic facepalm*



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
and here's the first crackpot conspiracy...

people assuming the Illuminati and Lil' Wayne had something to do with the shooting as depicted by 12 skeletons shown sitting in a movie theater in Wayne's new music video "My Homies Still" that came out the day before the actual shooting.

My head hurts -_-

Didn't you know that both that video and the "shooter" were funded by the CIA and a secret movie theatre consortium that wants to stamp out 2D movies because they can charge more per ticket for 3D movies.



There are times that I wish we had the technology to make Servitors...



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
and here's the first crackpot conspiracy...

people assuming the Illuminati and Lil' Wayne had something to do with the shooting as depicted by 12 skeletons shown sitting in a movie theater in Wayne's new music video "My Homies Still" that came out the day before the actual shooting.

My head hurts -_-
Yeah, its all over the net...surprised I didnt see it before (well, not really).

@ yahoo questions:

Q - "Is lil wayne in the illuminati?"
"i tried reading his lyrics for hidden messages, but none of that **** even makes sense. are they cryptic on purpose to hide secret illuminati mesages?"

A - Since when did the "Illuminati" expand its crazy roster to corny rappers?

Pretty amazing at the the end of the day the dudes running around with tinfoil hats.
I have a tinfoil Kangol, but only wear it once a year...with my throwback tinfoil shelltoe Adidas.

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"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Magus_Prime View Post
Well, in all fairness, hindsight is 20/20. You reverse engineer a crime, you're bound to see all the things that fell through the cracks that led up to the event. Same thing with 9/11. Upon inspection there were a handful of "red flags" that should have caught our attention but either there was too much information to sift through or it never got to the right person/ people. Blaming the psychiatrist for sitting on something he didn't know he had isn't productive. In the end it's the shooter and the shooter alone who's responsible.
Yep. But of course in 2012 it's not the actor's fault he/she acted, it's comics, or music, or video games, or movies....or someone/thing else's fault that the actor acted. The actor wouldn't have acted if it weren't for these things/people....give me a break. Considering he bought a lot of his equipment online, and *puts on tin foil hat* we're all being watched, you'd have thought him buying all those weapons, explosives, and body armor would've gotten someone's attention, right?

Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
and here's the first crackpot conspiracy...

people assuming the Illuminati and Lil' Wayne had something to do with the shooting as depicted by 12 skeletons shown sitting in a movie theater in Wayne's new music video "My Homies Still" that came out the day before the actual shooting.

My head hurts -_-
Heh, I saw a picture with Holmes's school ID photo on one side and his mug shot on the other. It was a comparison between his eye color and nose size. In the school ID photo, his eyes appear to be a dark brown but in the mug shot they're green. His nose in the former is also wider than in the latter.

Well, the first, I chalked up to the fact that his school ID photo is bad quality, and if nothing else, there are such things as colored contact lenses. As far as the nose thing, I did an experiment. Went to a mirror, put on my biggest and wouldn't you know it my nose stretched out.

The point of the whole thing is to try to put forth the idea that the guy sitting in prison isn't the guy who shot up the theater....or something along those lines. I love conspiracy theorists.....

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Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
Yep. But of course in 2012 it's not the actor's fault he/she acted, it's comics, or music, or video games, or movies....or someone/thing else's fault that the actor acted. The actor wouldn't have acted if it weren't for these things/people....give me a break..
Whattya mean in 2012? People have been playing the blame game for at least 30+ years to avoid admitting their own responsibility/culpability in preventing these tragedies from happening.

I remember growing up and hearing people blame Rock and Roll or D&D or some other scapegoat when some idiot did something like these killings.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Whattya mean in 2012? People have been playing the blame game for at least 30+ years to avoid admitting their own responsibility/culpability in preventing these tragedies from happening.

I remember growing up and hearing people blame Rock and Roll or D&D or some other scapegoat when some idiot did something like these killings.
Yep. I grew up playing D&D, and was playing at the time of the disappearance of James Egbert, which was blamed heavily on D&D. Of course, being in a small town in the South didn't help matters, either. You can add Harry Potter to that list as well.

"People don't toe the line? Can't be that I'm in the wrong; there must be something or someone having a bad influence over them."

Just another in a long line of scapegoats. Why can't people just accept that others can be different?

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
Why can't people just accept that others can be different?
Because the victims want to know how and why these things happen, and the people that were in a position to prevent it from happening don't want to get blamed.

Questions like where were the parents?
Where was the school?
Why didn't someone see this?

No one wants to be in the hot seat so they all scramble to cast blame at something that can't defend itself, rather than admit their own flaws and mistakes.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
That line of blaming goes all the way back through human history, unfortunately.
Yep. Someones cow gets sick and dies and the next thing you know some innocent girl is getting burned as a witch.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Yep. Someones cow gets sick and dies and the next thing you know some innocent girl is getting burned as a witch.
Only if she floats.



Originally Posted by Magus_Prime View Post
Well, in all fairness, hindsight is 20/20. You reverse engineer a crime, you're bound to see all the things that fell through the cracks that led up to the event. Same thing with 9/11. Upon inspection there were a handful of "red flags" that should have caught our attention but either there was too much information to sift through or it never got to the right person/ people. Blaming the psychiatrist for sitting on something he didn't know he had isn't productive. In the end it's the shooter and the shooter alone who's responsible.
I dont think anyone is blaming the psychiatrist, I certainly am not. It is just ironic that this package was overlooked and sat in a delivery room shelf......if it had been delivered and read in time this tragedy likely could have been averted. But here's a question: did the shooter send it as a way of bragging about what he was planning or was it a cry for help to stop him?



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
I dont think anyone is blaming the psychiatrist, I certainly am not. It is just ironic that this package was overlooked and sat in a delivery room shelf......if it had been delivered and read in time this tragedy likely could have been averted. But here's a question: did the shooter send it as a way of bragging about what he was planning or was it a cry for help to stop him?
Good point. I think he could doubly bragged about his accomplishments afterwards if he had allowed police to enter his apartment without warning them of the explosives.
Instead, he tipped them off.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
Good point. I think he could doubly bragged about his accomplishments afterwards if he had allowed police to enter his apartment without warning them of the explosives.
Instead, he tipped them off.
We will never really understand the mental gymnastics these individuals go thru when planning these atrocities.



Well he has now been formally charged:

24 counts of first-degree murder -- two counts for each of the 12 people killed in the shooting.

Twelve of the murder counts cite "deliberation," and 12 cite "extreme indifference" to the value of human life.

also was charged with 116 counts of attempted murder -- two for each of the 58 moviegoers wounded in the attack. Finally, he was charged with one count of felony possession of explosive devices and one count related to the use of an assault weapon, a shotgun and a handgun during the incident.



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
Good point. I think he could doubly bragged about his accomplishments afterwards if he had allowed police to enter his apartment without warning them of the explosives.
Instead, he tipped them off.
Which will again likely raise the question in the trial: was it a cry for help, or was he bragging to the cops "HA! My home is a death trap that you shall not enter!"

I suspect that will be argued about and questioned in the trial for many weeks.



I highly doubt that the package he sent was a cry for help to stop him. If he truly wanted to be stopped, he could have stopped himself by simply choosing not to go through with his plan.

Then again, this is a mass murderer we're talking about, which means that he by definition is insane.

But, I feel I must clarify, only in the conventional sense (non-conformity to social norms), rather than the legal defenition (mentally ill, and therefore not accountable for his own actions). To confuse the two does a disservice to the countless people who have mental and neurologial disorders and manage to integrate into normal society without incident. Calling him mentally ill would be an insult to the mentally ill.

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