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Did the primary buffer panel just fly off my gorram ship?
He looks like the nanosuit from crysis. Looking forward to the next trailer.
Well, if we all pitch in we can have an en masse joint custody. I call next Tuesday and Saturday 2079.
Quote:Well, in all fairness, hindsight is 20/20. You reverse engineer a crime, you're bound to see all the things that fell through the cracks that led up to the event. Same thing with 9/11. Upon inspection there were a handful of "red flags" that should have caught our attention but either there was too much information to sift through or it never got to the right person/ people. Blaming the psychiatrist for sitting on something he didn't know he had isn't productive. In the end it's the shooter and the shooter alone who's responsible.Now they say he sent a notebook with drawings and his plans for killing to a psychiatrist at the school he attended and it sat for weeks in the delivery room before the attack.
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/25...age-mailed-to/ -
Well if nothing else I thought it was a rather charming two hour ad for branzino.
R.I.P., Andy and I'll meet you down by the fishing hole.
Lin's sacrifice brought it home for me. As for Amon, I think he learned a chi blocking move that lasts until it's physically undone. He strikes me as a charlatan of sorts. Jinora, Ikky, and Meelo stole the show. Go airbender family!!!
I remember buying the issue this movie was based on out of sheer whim. I had stopped going to comic shops altogether and just happened to see this one. I had the urge to buy something and while the cover didn't particularly wow me compared to covers I've seen in the past, it was the most dynamic cover of what was out that week. I feel lucky that I wanted to spend the 3 bucks that day and I almost didn't. I read that comic over and over till the binding wore thin.
I love the movie. I was blown away. The last few animated movies were meh so I wasn't holding out for much hope but as mentioned before in this thread the movie expanded on what was already a great story. The creators really gave it that adult sophisticated feel. The art was okay. Ostensibly, it was supposed to mimic Doug Mahnke's style in the comic book. The animation was incredible. The action perfectly captured. Supe's powers rarely ever looked this good on screen. You're doing yourself a favor by watching this movie. -
Quote:I don't see energybending give resistance to bloodbending. Otherwise, Aang would have been able to resist it without going to the Avatar state.
As far as Amon being Aang's son, Avatarness is not a hereditary trait. It is the accumulated knowledge of all the Avatars. Of course, most of it is encrypted so takes work to obtain the memories. The method of transfer is unknown, but likely has to do with some type of spirit transfer. Therefore, any abilities Aang has as an Avatar would not be inherited by his sons. Airbending would be inherited, but we don't know if energybending would be inherited since it would imply that either bending causes genetic changes (Lin knows metalbending because genetic changes were introduced when Toph learnt metal bending) or energybending is residing in everyone. I prefer bending to be a martial art so if you master earth bending, you can master metal bending. It is just a matter of training rather than genetics. It would also explain the Avatar, the accumulated knowledge of all previous Avatars gives the proper mental training to learn all bending.
As far as Amon being born an energybender, it is possible. Energybending is the primal bending so all benders could only energybend until the other more useful forms were discovered. Energybending is highly dangerous and only used to transfer information and stop a person's ability to bend. Air, earth, fire, and water are far more useful in everyday life.
One of the new things we're seeing in this new series is the intermarrying of nations. The first example being that of Aang and Katara. Their oldest child is a water bender and Tenzin, the youngest obviously took after Aang. The other example is Mako and Bolin who must have one parent that was a fire bender and one that was an earth bender. So genetics do have a part to play in who can bend what. -
I'm gonna go with the obvious and say Amon is some sort of steampunk cyborg.
Popcorn? Check!
Butter? Check!
Now where the dickens could my bucket gone off to?
Can't start my Seaquest marathon without it! -
Well I'm biased. I worship at the altar of Whedon while I can't stomach any of Nolan's work. I'll spare you the details as to why I'm not a fan but to sum up I feel like his story telling is muddled and direction-less.
Whedon writes dialog in such an interesting way, rife with litotes and double entendre. And the man has incredible scope of imagination. He switches gears all the time never staying in one genre and always quite capable of weaving a yarn no matter the setting and parameters he gives himself. It would have been child's play to him to write another supernatural series but to keep things from going stale and to keep things challenging he went with a space cowboy adventure that mimics the conflict of the civil war.
His work is complex and nuanced but still manages to be very succinct and enjoyable. And someone mentioned predictability. While Nolan doesn't approach action tales in a conventional sense, his take on things still fail to wow me. Joss, on the other hand, has surprised me so many times with his plot twists. You need to watch Dollhouse if you haven't already. I can't count how many times I thought to myself "Holy crap! No way!" during that whole series.
Back to Firefly, I still can't wrap my head around the creativity it required to conceive that show. Everything from the interspersal of Mandarin and Cantonese due to the merging of the remaining superpowers U.S. and China, down to the zombie element and beyond. I'm still geeking out over how intricate the show is and still manages to be relevant with its underlying message of class warfare between the backwater worlds and the core planets. Big government and corporations vs. the little people. I think when Joss Whedon brainstorms the equivalent of FEMA shelters go up around different parts of his skull. -
Well I'm not complaining. The first film was kinda meh. Hopefully these guys have a better handle on what a butt-kicker Cap is.
Quote:I thought I just covered this.After three movies, one cannot blame Bale for not wanting to suit up as Batman again, also I don't think that the Nolan/Bale Batman would work as part of the JL.
Quote:Nolan has yet to put his name on anything that was bad, so there the movie would have that going for it.
As for his other work, I always walked away from those asking myself what I just watched. I have no idea what to call The Prestige because that movie kept changing what it wanted to be all throughout its run-time. Is it about two magicians who started out as friends and then became competitors? Yes... but it's also a mystery rife with non sequitr plot twists because Bale's character has a weakly disguised twin! But wait, it's also about pseudo-scientific interdimensional magic which is the note the movie decided to end on and tells you to suck a fat one on the way out the door as you try to make sense of everything.
Then there's Memento. Guy Pearce has no short-term memory and has to tattoo everything he needs to remember and really really really needs to keep organized. The gimmick was cool at first but was milked to death and in the end the film really didn't move beyond it. So in the end, I was just like, "Huh, that movie really was about a guy who couldn't remember stuff."
In short, I confess to feeling quite the opposite. For me, he really hasn't put anything out worth watching and everything I've seen is bankrupt of any coherent substance. -
Quote:Well Bale has recently gone on record saying he'd be open to a fourth film. I think he saw the numbers Avengers did and now he wants to get on that gravy train in the form of a JL movie.Well they may be able to cast the "new" Superman and get Reynolds to do GL but no way are they going to get Bales to be Batman again without a dump truck full of cash. One thing that makes the Avengers is everyone but Banner is played buy the same actor from their individual movie. Even the secondary characters are played by the same actors.
If WB casts a bunch of random actors into a JL movie it's going to not feel right. -
It's Bibbo. He has two "fav'rits". Superman or Lobo.