The Amazing Spider-Man -- Spoiler Free




I thought that for the most part it was reasonable. A couple of knit-picks the biggest is leaving out Uncle Ben's big line. The jist of it was discussed but never said.

The previous Spider-Man 1 was really built around an unrequited love story while this was a story dealing with the pursuit of unanswered questions. I still think the first one handled high-school experiences better than this one.

I know it's her natural hair color but it's very weird seeing Emma Stone as a blonde.

Stan did get a reasonable amount of screen time in this Spider-man.

Yes there is an extra scene after the fancy end credits but before the full end credits. There is nothing after.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Yes there is an extra scene after the fancy end credits but before the full end credits. There is nothing after.
Good to know.

I may or may not see this in theatre. Not quite decided yet.

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I saw it last night. Was not a bad film at all.

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I dunno if I'll ever see this or not. I saw no need for it with how recent the other movies were, and I really like the first and second one. Sounds like they did an okay job with this one, but it's hard to be interested in it.

Also feels weird to have Sally Field as Aunt Mae. Martin Sheen as well, even though I like him. I think the issue with them is they're so well known is that it's hard to see them as the character in the movie, rather than themselves.

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Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Eh, Thinking I might skip this on the way to TDKR.

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My pessimism had been growing over the last week or so, sinking to a nadir this morning when my local paper's film critic (who I trust) gave it 1.5 out of 4. I'm happy to say that pessimism was unwarrented; it was a fine movie closer on par to the first 2 than the turd third. I really liked Garfield and Stone was a quantum leap improvement over whatsername (not even going to bother googling).

I also agree with the sentiment that Sheen and Field were too big for their roles. I could only think, "How cool is it to be raised by Captain Willard and Norma Rae??" (Yes I'm stuck in 1979).

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Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
I also agree with the sentiment that Sheen and Field were too big for their roles. I could only think, "How cool is it to be raised by Captain Willard and Norma Rae??" (Yes I'm stuck in 1979).
For me it would be "Why is the Illusive Man lecturing Peter Parker about responsibility?"

Goodbye, I guess.

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Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Also feels weird to have Sally Field as Aunt Mae. Martin Sheen as well, even though I like him. I think the issue with them is they're so well known is that it's hard to see them as the character in the movie, rather than themselves.
For some reason I didn't have that issue with Martin Sheen's performance beyond the first scene he showed up in.

Overall though it was a fun movie. Different from the Toby Maguire film but for me it was just as entertaining.

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Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
I could only think, "How cool is it to be raised by Captain Willard and Norma Rae??" (Yes I'm stuck in 1979).
I thought President Bartlet and the Flying Nun myself.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Nothing against the quality of this movie, but I'm not interested in seeing a film I feel like I *just* watched.

It represents a sort of galloping creative bankruptcy I refuse to support.

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I was going to go to the matinee today, but it's 100 frickin' degrees out. I'd much rather take a nap in my nice cool basement.



Just got back and the experience was kind of on the 'meh' side for me. For me I could still feel some kind of Rami influence from past Spider-Man movies here and there in this reboot. Also during the final act the movie once again felt it was necessary to underpower the superhero and get a bunch of citizens to help him along. Also every time I heard Emma Stone speak my skin wanted to rip itself off my body. Overall I would recommend this Spider-Man movie more as a rental then paying it to see in the theaters.

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I think I'll be seeing this movie tonight w/a friend.

We'll see how it goes...

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Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
For some reason I didn't have that issue with Martin Sheen's performance beyond the first scene he showed up in.

Overall though it was a fun movie. Different from the Toby Maguire film but for me it was just as entertaining.
It could just be from seeing them via trailers, though I did see some more in depth bits with Sally Field when she was being interviewed on some morning "news" program. Martin Sheen I can usually roll with and he does seem to get into the role more, or at least enough that he feels a bit like his character. Sally Field is kind of like Tom Cruise in that she's playing herself in her roles. Sometimes that works, sometimes that doesn't, and it just feels weird to me with Aunt Mae.

I may get over it and see it in a rental at some point, but I doubt I will in the movie theater. Even if an air-conditioned theater on a hot day sounds good.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Nothing against the quality of this movie, but I'm not interested in seeing a film I feel like I *just* watched.

It represents a sort of galloping creative bankruptcy I refuse to support.
Spiderman's popular. After how horrible the third Spiderman was I wouldn't want to see a fourth that does even worse.

The only logical choice would be to reboot and not make the same mistakes.

And no, it doesn't represent "creative bankruptcy." People telling their own version of a classic story has been something people have done since the dawn of civilized humanity.



TASM was good on its own merits and I like that it felt different from the original films. We were a good 5 years or more away from needing a reboot... but that's another story.

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So I just finished watching the movie.

It was okay but...meh...definitely had the "just watched this" feeling from it...

Didn't really have that much fighting/action in it, to me at least...*shrugs* Which I guess is "normal" for "origin stories".

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Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
Eh, Thinking I might skip this on the way to TDKR.

Yes. This.

midnight showing tickets are already in my wallet. It's going to be great, even if my best friend invited her bf, making me third wheel.



I never could grow to love spiderman...I know the whole young hero is his schtik but he needs to mature.. A LITTLE.

Also I feel that he doesn't use his super strength enough in the RARELY.



I liked it. I got my laughs out of it. Gwen was decent enough.

I do think this kid might make a better Peter Parker though. One of the things I disliked about Tobey was that he just looked...greasy...I guess is the best word for it, in the movies. Like if you touched him, you'd want to wipe your hand off. It bothered me. This kid felt like an actual geek that got powers rather than an almost-parody of a geek.

One thing that bothered me...the sewer bit. Not so much the action, but rather Petey in there with open cuts on untreated New York City sewer water.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
One thing that bothered me...the sewer bit. Not so much the action, but rather Petey in there with open cuts on untreated New York City sewer water.

That water, to me, looked very clean for sewer water.... (I thought that too)

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Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
I do think this kid might make a better Peter Parker though. One of the things I disliked about Tobey was that he just looked...greasy...I guess is the best word for it, in the movies. Like if you touched him, you'd want to wipe your hand off. It bothered me. This kid felt like an actual geek that got powers rather than an almost-parody of a geek.
You don't remember those greasy teenage years do you? There's a reason teenagers buy a lot of anti-pimple cream.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
Eh, Thinking I might skip this on the way to TDKR.
I'm thinking I'll skip TDKR and catch Spider-man, myself. Which is the opposite of how I ought to feel, being more of a fan of Batman than Spider-man. But the more I've seen from TDKR, the less interested I've become in seeing it in theatres.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
You don't remember those greasy teenage years do you? There's a reason teenagers buy a lot of anti-pimple cream.
Some amount, yes. But looking back on it, it really feels like Tobey was playing a parody rather than an actual character. I think it was really exemplified in the third movie when he had his hair greased back.

Garfield was more...I don't know...real-ish, I guess. More like the kid you'd actually see in school.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
That water, to me, looked very clean for sewer water.... (I thought that too)
Ya, the part with Connor in there. It looked like a mountain stream runoff rather than the collected detritus and runoff from 8 million people.