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  1. Fantasy movies tend to involve muted, dull colors and generally dark themes rather than bright shiny colors and more lighthearted themes.

    Think of the difference between, say, A Game of Thrones and Discworld.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Illuminatis View Post
    Actually, I'd just like to have someone who has a definitive vision for the DCnu. When your creators talk about how editorial interference is making it difficult to work there, then there's a problem.
    Being able to work within restrictions is a sign of a good writer.

    Though this losses meaning when those restrictions are contradictory or constantly changing. Editors themselves are not the problem and infact lead to better stories, its when you've got 12 editors and writers in the same room all pulling in different directions that you have an issue.
  3. DLancer

    Duck Melee

    In my defense, I wasn't really awake when I posted the OP and was kinda blurring reality with whatever it was that I was dreaming, in this case Duck Melee.
  4. DLancer

    Duck Melee

    Honestly I was kinda thinking that it was a Donald Duck based Powerset. <.<
  5. Who would have thought that Maria Hill would be the voice of fans everywhere?

    excellent gag reel.
  6. DLancer

    Duck Melee

    Alright, I just woke up but I have some pretty vivid memories of Arbiter Hawk creating a powerset in 12 hours based on hitting things with ducks that is only available during events.

    Is this purely a product of my exhausted mind or did that actually happen? I remember them showing it off in the coffee talk and everything!
  7. I for one approve the change as now I can actually use the celestial pieces and not be constantly put off by the colors being wrong.

    Its a bugfix and 100% better than the current celestial armor, I'm not sure why this is becoming an issue with some people.
  8. DLancer

    TF2 Comic

    From what I understand, its a robot faction
  9. DLancer


    No lions, but there's industrialized cat people fighting ghosts.
  10. DLancer


    Prometheus will open a portal to another parallel world, this particular one unlike any seen before. You'll be deleveled to level 1 and find yourself in the land of Ascalon.

    Ascension is when we cross the sea to the Crystal Desert to gain the favor of the gods, beat our doppleganger and Ascend to level 20. At that point we'll be able to take on the Mursaat in the Shiverpeak mountains and finally free Tyria from their Tyranny!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
    Don't forget Rocky Balboa and John Rambo. Both of those films were pretty damn awesome and lead to us getting the expendables franchise!

    As for the Op's news? I'm actually looking forward to seeing Bill and Ted at this point in their life when their band is suppose to have lead to a utopian existance for humanity.
    oh, yeah, I forgot about those.....So let me amend my statement, *most* movie sequels to movies from 15 or more years ago are terrible.
  12. I've had a longstanding belief that any movie sequel to a series that hasn't seen a sequel in at least 15 years is going to be terrible.

    I have yet to be proven wrong.
  13. Wow, I didn't know Daredevil was a DC property.

  14. Judging by her performance in TDKR, Anna Hathaway might make a pretty decent WW.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    Even before GR came out that whole thing was thrown out the window as far as I'm concerned. As I've said before time progression by player level stop being accurate years ago.
    As I understand it the timeline goes roughly:

    Low level older content-> High level older content -> Low level newer content -> High level newer content (unless the story arc explicitly states otherwise, see Montegue's arc.)

    Of course, since this is an MMO and you can quite literally do something like the RWZ storyline then run over to one of the older story arcs where you discover that Rikti is people after its been an established fact that of course Rikti is people, it takes some mental gymnastics to give your character a coherent story.
  16. Your imitation of Superman is generally going to be more of an out and out copy if several, if not all, of the following apply:

    1) Named some variation of Super and/or man, Kent, Clark, Kal, -El. With an occupation in the journalism field of some sort.
    2) Blue tights with a red cape for your primary costume
    3) Some type of heavy hitting brusieresque powersets.
    4) Holds himself as a shinning pillar of humanity, basically acts like a hero's hero.
    5) Bio includes any reference to a spunky newsgirl, newspaper that character works for, archnemesis who's either a mad scientist or corrupt executive etc.

    So you don't need to have every point on that list, but if you have more than 1 you're probably getting pretty close to being more of a straight up copy than a tribute.
  17. While it can be a difficult mission, even this can be overcome via judicious use of inspirations. 4 Purple inspirations at a time will soft cap you, so fill 2 or so bars with those and the rest with green/blue/red as needed.
  18. DLancer

    This looks epic

    I reserve judgement but I think Tenzhi said it best.
  19. Too bad the movie will probably be terrible anyways.

    Just like every other movie that's a sequel 15-25 years after the original was made.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    As awesome as it all looks, it feels like Dr. Who is getting too big for it's own pants lately. I really liked the smaller stuff they did near the beginning of the new series.
    Well they've only destroyed the universe/all of time/everything forever 3 times now.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Issue 24 is not intended to fix all things.

    Internally it has been joked about by the powers team that it seems like it is with all the work they've put into it and was mentioned only once in jest on a stream.

    ....suddenly the forums have been exploding with misunderstood information
    Isn't that what forums are for?
  22. Batman can beat anything given time to prepare, up to and including Physical Inevitablity.
  23. Manticore's problem is that nothing is resolved by the end, you go to take down the Countess, only to fight her freaking bodyguard who tells you to piss off and that's the end of it.

    plus, defeat alls are never fun.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    The reason he shelved the reactor, seems... kinda dumb. Something that contains nuclear material could potentially be turned into a fairly standard nuclear bomb. Shock horror! Thats a good reason to deny the world clean, renewable power!
    I think that it was more that it could be turned into a relatively small but powerful portable nuke with a few relatively minor adjustments as opposed to a complex network of conventional explosives to cause enough pressure to initiate the fusion explosion.

    Normal nukes are not quite that small and are typically not very portable short of a bomber or missile or easy to create.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
    1. How many characters have you fully incarnated?
    2. How many characters have you incarnated?
    3. How many characters have you rolled with the intention of making them Full Incarnates?
    4. Do you have any characters that you, for whatever reason, are not going to make Incarnates?
    I have barely 7 50s at the moment.
    1. Two, my BS/SR scrapper and Ill/kin Troller
    2. Four, the above two and also a bots/traps MM and DB/Elec Brute.
    3. None with the express intention, if it happens then great.
    4. I'll probably get at least Alpha on most everyone eventually.