I24: Fix everything? Does that include Weapon Customization?




Okay, this has been a problem for a while, but there are several weapons the should have been ported/made to work long ago, but for some reason, did not. If somebody could explain why, please do. Also feel free to speak up about any I missed:

Beam Rifle Weapon Models. Full Stop. The obvious port would be for Bots, but a few of them, (Rune Soldier in particular) Could also be conceivable for AR, and perhaps DP.

Tsoo "Katana": Why has this never actually been ported to Katana? It should have been available for it in the first place.

Nemesis Rifles: Why are these only available to Assault Rifle, when the even more outdated-looking (in terms of history, not rendering) Steampunk Rifle is cross-set?

Rikti Rifle (my mistake, edited.): Only available to Bots MMs, and it won't unlock. If it ever does get working, it needs to at least get ported to BR.

Thorn Blade: Again with the Broadsword that should be a fairly easy port! Gosh my golly, this would be great for Dual Blades, Katana, possibly even Titan Weapons!

Rularuu Weapons: There are no Rularuu weapons for Arachnos Assault Rifle, Arachnos Mace, Beam Rifle, Dual Pistols, Pulse Rifle, Staff Fighting, Shield Defense, or Titan Weapons. I suppose I can understand not having Rularuu guns, but what of Arachnos Mace (copy over regular Mace), Titan Weapons (upsize Broadsword/Mace/Axe), or (I'm sorry, I didn't realize there was a Rularuu shield. My bad.)


Crey Rifle/Pistol also needs porting.

Thugs' Legacy Semi-Auto needs to be ported to DP, and DP weapons need porting back to Thugs.

The Sky Raiders Machete for BS, DB, possibly Katana


Nictus Katana

Arachnos maces for Warmace, tie it to Spider Smasher or an Arachnos pack
Downsized Titan Weapons concrete hammer
Downsized Titan Weapons atom smasher

Axe models for Dual Blades, axes have a blade and I want a barbarian berzerker.

As for Axe: A Kopesh, a one-sided legacy Battleaxe, a downsized Titan Weapons flesh axe

Nemesis Staff...for..you know..STAFF Mastery. How was this missed when it came out? Maybe Blackwand too.

For example the snake headed staff(wand) some CoT are using.

What's missing for broad sword is the Red Cap Dagger,

which is somewhere between a giant dagger and a short sword in size...if in doubt, make it even larger

The long promised Rularuu (and Vanguard) TW aside, a Rularuu themed Crab backpack would be nice for future content.

I think I've got them all. I know it's a big thing for new art assets, but there are plenty of customizatons here that require little by way of new assets (relatively speaking), and should have been ported a while ago. I know i24 is probably too far along, but i25, perhaps?

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



To add to this there is a Roman sword unlock (a decorative gladius) that is only available on BS, and should be ported to DB also.

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Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Rularuu Weapons: There are no Rularuu weapons for Arachnos Assault Rifle, Arachnos Mace, Beam Rifle, Dual Pistols, Pulse Rifle, Staff Fighting, Shield Defense, or Titan Weapons. I suppose I can understand not having Rularuu guns, but what of Arachnos Mace (copy over regular Mace), Titan Weapons (upsize Broadsword/Mace/Axe), or Shield? (Perhaps something with a big blinking eye in the middle?)
No Ruluru shield huh?

Goes great with my Ruluru braodsword



A few things here.

1. Their is a Rularuu Shield.
2. The Rikti Blaster is what we have in game now. The Rikti Rifle is the one that isn't awarded when it should be.
3. Legacy Semi Auto is Thugs only and should be ported to DP.
4. The Crey pistol from the Hero Accolade should also be ported to DP.
5. The Sky Raiders Machete for BS, DB

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



I do agree it would be nice to port over unlockable weapon models to other power sets. And some weapon sets need more models like: staff fighting, axe (a fantasy axe similar to the already available fantasy broadsword model would be nice and perfect for 1 of my character's costumes). Can't think of any more offhand.

One thing is, people have been complaining about the lackluster amount of staff models and asking why they haven't released a weapon pack in the paragon market like they did with titan weapons. http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Weapons_Customization#Staff

Would be cool to have a Ruluru staff with the moving eyeball in the middle of it. I think it could be done.

Edited for typo



Ya know seeing as how we have a broom staff weapon already. I want to see a staff made out of rolls of quarters.

Ya know these things, as a play on the word Quarterstaff....

...I think it would be funny.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post

Thorn Blade: Again with the Broadsword that should be a fairly easy port! Gosh my golly, this would be great for Dual Blades, Katana, possibly even Titan Weapons!
OK, I misread this as saying that the Thorn Blade isn't available at all. I take it you mean ported to the sets you listed from BS. I can get behind that. Also I'd love to see the impervium axe on a dual blade user. I know it has no point, but it is vicious looking all the same, more like a machete than an ax.

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



I've always wanted to see more weapon models added to the game, perhaps as a full-price Weapon Pack. Failing that, I fully agree that weapons should be proliferated across sets at least wherever possible without additional artwork.

I'd like to see all or at least most Beam Rifle weapons show up for Robotics Pulse Rifle attacks at the very least (I can see the BFG not making the cut because of its cavernous barrel), and as many as can make sense show up for Assault Rifle. I want to see all the custom pistols available for Dual Pistols show up for Thugs Pistol attacks, and any that are Thugs-only (like the Legacy Autos) ported in reverse.

I don't have any problem whatsoever with ALL katana swords ported over to Broadsword and Dual Blades. Furthermore, I'd like to see all Broadsword weapons ported over to Dual Blades and pretty much all Dual Blades ported in reverse. I'd prefer to see sets migrate TO Katana, but I understand there's a problem with hilt length that will require art time to fix, specifically in that Katana swords need longer hilts that a lot of Dual Blades and Boradswords don't have.

That's all I can think of off-hand.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Staff needs a regular, non-techy lance. Especially since the model is already in the game.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Staff needs a regular, non-techy lance. Especially since the model is already in the game.
Staff needs a lot more than that. Some may ask how many models it can really have, I would say take a look at Phantasy Star Online to get an idea. There were some great staff models in that game.

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Beam Rifle Weapon Models : Most of the guns have diffedrent hold positions - it's not a simple port it does require time to adjust the assets to fit the grip positions AND (IIRC) effect origin points.

Tsoo "Katana": Is this long enough? From what I recall, Katana needs swords with the longer hilt to accommodate all it's animations.

Nemesis Rifles: See Beam Rifle above. The Steampunk Rifle is cross-set because as it was made, it was made to accommodate all sets. I seem to recall an issue with either it or Celestial rifle where one of the sets that got it had everything coming out of the middle of the gun in beta.

Rikti Rifle (my mistake, edited.): Beam Rifle, above. Although it would be nice if the unlock worked.

Thorn Blade: Defualt probably would not work for Katana (see above) - and it wouldn't upscale nicely to Titan weapons. Not sure about how BS and DB would handle it.

Rularuu Weapons: The VEAT weapons all tend to have unique needs/issues - no promise the could even port over mace easy. Then their's the "epic" (aka story) part of their name...

Staff should probably have eyes all over, not just in the middle.

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I would honestly put down the money to just have one of the devs right out make it for me.



Nemesis Staff...for..you know..STAFF Mastery. How was this missed when it came out? Maybe Blackwand too.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
Rikti Rifle (my mistake, edited.): Only available to Bots MMs, and it won't unlock. If it ever does get working, it needs to at least get ported to BR.
Absolutely agreed. Especially with the Rikti Invasion weekend coming up, it's high time this unlock got fixed and ported to Beam Rifle too.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Beam Rifle Weapon Models : Most of the guns have diffedrent hold positions - it's not a simple port it does require time to adjust the assets to fit the grip positions AND (IIRC) effect origin points.

Tsoo "Katana": Is this long enough? From what I recall, Katana needs swords with the longer hilt to accommodate all it's animations.
No, it's handle is too short for the Katana two handed grip. That is why it went to Broadsword in the first place.

Rularuu Weapons: The VEAT weapons all tend to have unique needs/issues - no promise the could even port over mace easy. Then their's the "epic" (aka story) part of their name...
The newer weapon models made specifically for players* should mostly work for VEATs, but the Elemental Mace looks very silly firing energy beams out of the end.

*I believe the procedure for new melee weapons is to make them for Titan Weapons first. This makes them more easily portable.

I really should do something about this signature.



Arachnos maces for Warmace, tie it to Spider Smasher or an Arachnos pack
Downsized Titan Weapons concrete hammer
Downsized Titan Weapons atom smasher

Axe models for Dual Blades, axes have a blade and I want a barbarian berzerker.

As for Axe: A Kopesh, a one-sided legacy Battleaxe, a downsized Titan Weapons flesh axe

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Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Beam Rifle Weapon Models : Most of the guns have diffedrent hold positions - it's not a simple port it does require time to adjust the assets to fit the grip positions AND (IIRC) effect origin points.
Couple of points.

1. Shoulder clipping doesn't stop half the Assault Rifle weapons from clipping with the player's arm, and clipping badly. Beam Rifles can't be any worse.

2. Effect origins are specific to the power, not the weapon used. You'll see this the most clearly with rifles the length of which is considerably different from the expected base model. Take, for instance, the Redding Rail Rifle for Assault Rifle, then fire and look closely: All the muzzle flash happens about a foot short of the end of the barrel within the interior of the rifle itself. It's fat enough to where you don't really notice it at a glance in the middle of combat, but misaligned effects are already the case.

3. The reason we were given for not porting Beam Rifles, when a reason was given at all, was that they didn't make sense or fit conceptually or words to that effect. The problems were described as thematic, which I'd compare to shooting rifle bursts out of a broadsword, rather than technical, which is what you're describing.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
There were some great staff models in that game.
For example the snake headed staff(wand) some CoT are using.

What's missing for broad sword is the Red Cap Dagger,

which is somewhere between a giant dagger and a short sword in size...if in doubt, make it even larger

The long promised Rularuu (and Vanguard) TW aside, a Rularuu themed Crab backpack would be nice for future content.


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114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.



Issue 24 is not intended to fix all things.

Internally it has been joked about by the powers team that it seems like it is with all the work they've put into it and was mentioned only once in jest on a stream.

....suddenly the forums have been exploding with misunderstood information

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Issue 24 is not intended to fix all things.

Internally it has been joked about by the powers team that it seems like it is with all the work they've put into it and was mentioned only once in jest on a stream.

....suddenly the forums have been exploding with misunderstood information
Isn't that what forums are for?

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Issue 24 is not intended to fix all things.
"Fix all things" is like trying to unscramble an egg - you can say it, but you can't do it. I'd call the Issue, instead, "fix [many] thing." And considering this is a "fix many things" Issue, it stands to reason that people would point out more things to fix. This isn't a sign of misunderstanding or entitlement, it's a sign of the subject being raised. A public discussions forum does what its name suggests and sees people discuss a topic brought up irrespective of the nature in which it was brought up.

Will this happen? Probably not. Dun mean we shouldn't keep it on the radar, though.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



It'd be nice if Widows could have literally any claws options, considering Soldiers at least get a handful of rifle choices.

Other than that, some pulse rifle to beam rifle choices would be nice, along with a few of the mace options being made available to the Mace Mastery PPP, and vice versa.