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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Eh, this whole season has been pretty blah to me. Well, by "season" the paltry sum of episodes that has been put out. It feels like they've taken a play from SciFi with BSG episodes.
    Short "series" aren't uncommon on on British TV. Programs like Lewis, Sherlock, or Midsommer Murders often have a series of only three episodes.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
    The point is this is the game that Marvel dropped Cryptic for and I ask myself why?
    Because they didn't want player created characters polluting the Marvel universe. And Cryptic weren't willing to give them that (given that they really wanted to make CoH2).
  3. Not going to happen.

    By 2040, there won't be any energy to run cars, and roads will all be under water anyway.
  4. I remember the paper when it first did the rounds in 1994 (I was an Astrophysics research assistant at the time). The main drawback (apart from the energy requirements) was the requirement for negative values of mass to exist. Whilst that can't be ruled out, it can't be rule in, either.
  5. Radio Times is a good source for all things Who, so here are some possible **spoilers** for next week's episode:

    * Radio Times mentions that the Doctor will acquire a new ally in "The power of Three".

    * Jemma Redgrave plays a character called Kate Stewart, who, according to IMDb "leads UNIT".

    Not too hard to join the dots...

    (NB, the name is consistent with the Who Expanded Universe)
  6. I wonder how they intend to handle people playing the same character teaming?

    I wouldn't mind playing as Nick Fury, or even Coulson.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LeperDave1 View Post
    That's up to interpretation. Could mean you can create your own, but only from existing "parts." You know, Wolverine's mask, Captain America's boots, Thor's armor, etc.

    We won't really know what they mean until it goes to Beta and people start playing it.
    Marvel simply don't want player created characters populating the Marvel universe. I expect because they think that a universe where their characters are joined by thousands of VVolverine3456s would no longer be the Marvel universe.

    But MMOs simply aren't RPGs any more, whatever their publishers might claim. If you want a proper RPG, then it probably means going back to PnP.
  8. Quote:
    Indeed. Wasn't that revealed in the 'Genesis of the Daleks' episode I referenced earlier? It's been awhile since I saw it... I wonder if it's on Netflix streaming...
    Yes. Technically a retcon (from "Dal") but since Genesis was written by the dalek's original creator, I'll let him get away with it.

    And, anyone who hasn't seen GotD, you really, really, really should. It's seminal TV SF.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Seems potentially like a 'Hooked on Phonics' failure. Some of the accents on the show make it sound like there could be an 'r' in there.
    The vowel sound "a" is pronounced "ar" in most of southern England.

    Dalek is an anagram of Kaled, the original name of the race.

    On accents, I thought the opening/closing narrative sounded a bit fake.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
    "Action RPG" =/= RPG

    "Action RPG" = arcade game

    Blame Diablo.
  11. They aren't making an RPG. They are making what they always wanted: an on line game for playing as Marvel characters. It was the failure to do this that led to the falling out with Cryptic.

    You might as well ask "why can't we play as out own characters in Chess?".
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    The best reason to play TOR is for the various class story lines. The actual mechanics of the gameplay are nothing special or innovative, but the stories are typical Bioware awesomeness.
    I would say that most of the class stories aren't up to Bioware's usual standard. You can tell different classes had different writers. And even the better class stories are more linear than Bioware's earlier stuff.

    It's ironic that CoH has been trying to become less linear, whist other developers have become more linear.
  13. On Thor in general, for those of you who can get BBC iplayer, Neil Oliver mentions being a fan of comic book Thor in his program on The Vikings (if his hairstyle wasn't enough of a give-away).
  14. It's the pseudo-medievil setting of most western fantasy you are thinking of. GoT, in particular, is very closely based on history of the 10th-16th century. The magic? - well, people believed in magic in the real world during that period too. But most western fantasy is set in a low technology world where life would have been tough and dirty.

    Eastern fantasy, on the other hand, has no trouble combining magic with a modern or high technology setting.

    In the west, magic is seen as the antithesis of technology. Science drives out magic. In the east, magic and technology are seen as being able to coexist.

    But the Asgard of the movies is clarkian: A sufficiently advanced technology that appears indistinguishable from magic.

    Your point of comparison is Flash Gordon rather than LotR or GoT.
  15. Rupert Grint wouldn't be as bad as Emma Watson, and there are at least as many hints about Ginger Doctor as Female Doctor.

    They could always go with Geri Halliwell though...
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
    Fantasy movies tend to involve muted, dull colors and generally dark themes rather than bright shiny colors and more lighthearted themes.

    Think of the difference between, say, A Game of Thrones and Discworld.
    The Going Postal adaptation used a fairly muted palette.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post

    It is interesting that nobody noticed this was a larger Harry Potter reunion since Solomon was David Bradley who played Argus Filch.
    I thought it was a bit to obvious to mention.

    Most of the cast of Harry Potter has been or will be in Doctor Who. I'm waiting for the announcement that Rupert Grint is the 12th Doctor.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Notice how Solomon didn't recognize the name "The Doctor"?
    Yup. I liked how Solomon says "I heard you called Doctor", and the Doctor thinks "bother, my vanishing trick hasn't worked". Then he realises "oh, you mean a medical doctor!".
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Most acts of villainy naturally require being at least slightly not right in the head.

    That's just an excuse used by people who don't want to accept what perfectly sane normal humans are capable of.
  20. And how many "insane" villains have we had in superhero movies?! That I'm really sick of. The even made the Master "insane" in Dr Who.

    I liked Solomon. He wasn't mad. He wasn't misguided. He wasn't charming. He didn't have a master plan for universal domination. He wasn't some superpowerful being for whom other living things are like cattle. He was just an ordinary human who happened to have no redeeming features whatsoever.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Partially, it was also about being concerned when such a character 'gets his just desserts', and as it was the Doctor serving those up it was inherently about his actions as well. It asks the question 'why worry' and then goes in the wrong direction in trying to allay the concerns, because the concern isn't really hinged on how bad the bad guy is but rather how bad the good guy might be.
    Solomon showed absolutely no sign of guilt or repentance. Ergo, to let him live would just give him the opportunity to do even more harm. There is nothing "good" about letting such a person live. It's just self indulgence.
  22. I don't know if anyone saw the Paralimpic closing ceremony, but it went big time for a steam punk theme. It would have been really cool if not for the excruciating bad music by Coldplay and Rihanna.
  23. I don't know why you worry so much when an irredeemably evil bar steward gets his just desserts. Not every villain has to be the product of a troubled childhood. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar, and evil is just evil.
  24. I loved DoaS. Much more fun than the dull Dalek effort.
  25. This looks semi-official:

    According to Amazon, "The Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One-Avengers Assembled Collection will not be released by Marvel as we originally expected. We know this delay is disappointing, and we're sorry for any inconvenience this causes. Marvel is planning to offer a similar collection in new packaging. The new collection will include the original titles offered with the first version of the item, and we expect it will be available in the spring of 2013. Additional information will be available on our website and via email when available."