Bronze Knight

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  1. Music is one of them funny things that is universal yet everyone is so picky about it. Sometimes you'll find a great new track and play it while playing a game and it sort of becomes asscoeated with that activity. You find yourself thinking of the game when the track comes on in the car or when you hear a snippet of it in public.

    At least that's how it is for me. How about you?

    There was a red name that was asking Samuraiko to make a video to the tune of The Funeral by Band of Horses. Its a great track by a band I'd never heard of and I fell in love with it right away. It was a great way to channel away some of the feelings of loss on COH that I honestly wasn't even aware I had, or how deep they ran.

    Point is that this thread is an excuse to link to music that makes you think of the City and what you have accomplished there. And if you feel like it tell us why.

    I'll start with Ellie Goulding - In My City, which is another song that begs for a COH video. And I don't even think I have to numerate why this reminds me of COH. I'll do it any way though. I have a character that was a flyer. She was my only real flying character and I always made sure that she was at the fly speed cap (back before it was automatic) Im my mind she was capable of hypersonic speeds and space fligt. So many times when I was running a team late at night I was 1/2 asleep already I would be moving to the next mission and I'd zone out thinking of the acent into space and how weightless it would feel to move that fast and have the capability to move at that speed. Then I'd wake up and realize I'm running into the blue walls at the edge of the zone and am a mile from the mission again, and sheepishly tell the team that I was "OMW".

    Darn it this is what I'm going to miss the most, these fits of imagination that run across my gaming experience so often in this game.

    Well I'm done wasting your time with my terrible reminiscence writing. What music do you think goes hand in hand with this game?
  2. Bronze Knight

    This is relevant

    They have a good point when ever I get a new computer(which is not that often) their is a few games I always try to get it to run.

    Namely (and in no particular order): Recoil, Stratosphere, Screaming Skies, Rise Resurrection II, SHOGO, Future Cop LAPD, Doom, Claw, Fallout, and Warlords Battlecry.

    Way I see it so long as I have those games on my computer I'm not allowed to say that I'm bored. OFC most of the time I should be doing work anyhow but that is not the issue here. To me these were many of the first games I ever played and hold a special place in my heart. Sadly I know that someday computer tech will get to advanced to even emulate it.

    Which is really mind blowing when you think about it. It's like saying your to smart to act dumb....

    BTW anyone know how to get an 8bit program to install on a 64bit os? This is for Screaming Skies mine you. It wont install off the CD of course so I ripped the files out and set them up but the the games EXE still checks and auto closes it. Last time I tried useing Dos-Box and it still wouldn't work.
  3. Bronze Knight

    coXso finale


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  4. Bronze Knight

    coXso finale


    Taken: 2, 7, 13, 14, 22, 24, 25, 28, 33, 42, 43, 47, 49, 53, 57, 63, 66, 68, 75, 78, 82, 83, 95
  5. Bronze Knight

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
    Wow, people need to step back and calm down.

    Either you believe, want to believe but can't due to lack of proof, or don't believe. Wherever you stand is fine but keep in mind not everyone's going to have the same viewpoint and its pointless to bicker with someone who sees things differently than you.
    Heh this.

    Fansy reminds me of Faz you want to punch them so hard just for being who they are.
  6. Bronze Knight


    1. Looking back, considering everything, which was your favorite archetype in the game?

    Masterminds. I loved the themed pets it reminded me of my necromancer from Dialbo II. Also pet classes are rare in MMO's now days, or if their is a pet class its nowhere near as many pets.

    2. In possible contrast, when it comes to your favorite character, what kind was it? List AT and the two main sets.
    Captain Den'Rath Mercs/Traps. Mercs have some prolblems (as anyone that played them can tell you) but I loved them all the same. He was the projection of my ideal villain. Man of honnor still nurseing an old gruge. Traps is a set I love no matter what. Its got tools for every situation and preplaning pays off, it also has/promotes a slower pace which I find more fun.

    My other faveret is my DP/Traps Cor Victoria Von Heliwig. DP's ainamation were funky yes but dammit if it wasen't fun. Not to mention how well DP and traps meshed. DP also avoided my big issue with AR, in DP every attack came from the weapon in your hands. Whereas with AR you would have to cary around 3-4 diffrent guns; not being able to see those realy made playing AR difficult for me.

    3. What AT did you evolve to enjoy over the years that you disliked initially?

    VEAT. when I heard about VEAT's I knew I wanted to try one, but those first 30 or so levels man... Ya see I diden't take stamna untill L30ish and I went with Crab so.... I couldent fight 2 even con without running out of end. There were so many time when I said thats IT I'MA DELATING THIS TOON! only to keep coming back and working on him. Eventualy got him to 50 and kitted out. he's quite the bad *** now.

  7. Bronze Knight

    coXso yep yep


    Numbers remaining:
    5, 8, 10, 54, 58, 59, 80, 87, 91
  8. Bronze Knight

    coXso yep yep


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  9. Bronze Knight

    coXso yep yep


    Taken: 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 27, 32, 33, 36, 37, 42, 44, 48, 49, 50, 53, 57, 60, 61, 66, 68, 69, 73, 75, 88, 89, 99
  10. Bronze Knight

    coXso yep yep


    Taken: 1, 3, 9, 13, 27, 33, 36, 37, 42, 48, 49, 50, 57, 60, 66, 68, 69, 73, 75, 88, 99
  11. Bronze Knight

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Fansy is an Asian female...not a HE

    The last time Fansy said "Here is some hope for you all"...and dropped names like Fred Gallagher and Matthew Inman stating they were discussing saving CoH with them; proved to be a bogus claim.

    So yeah when I see Fansy post...I literally just roll my eyes.
    Ah, Asian Female. That explains much.

    And as I said. I'm not placing much value on what Fansy said. But when I look at the situation Fansy is painting for us here and what NC Soft has said and done so far; I can see what Fansy said happening.

    It's possible, that is all that I'm saying.

    Their are a few things that make it seem less probable tho. Namely the suddenness of the shutdown, and the fact that everyone at Paragon was simply let go and are now looking for new work. If NC Soft had planed to let the game die and then bring it back it seems that they would have asked, or tried to keep the devs around. That they didn't says to me that NC Soft is done with COH.

    What ever happens to the IP now is anyone's guess. NCsoft keeping it and refuseing to sell it for "no reason" seems like an unnecessary jerk move.
  12. Bronze Knight

    coXso yep yep


    Taken: 1,3,13, 27, 33, 36, 42, 44, 48, 57, 69, 88, 99
  13. Bronze Knight

    Fansy Returns!

    Hmmm. You know this nonsense makes a certain amount of sense.

    This "Fansy" may have an inside source or not. It frankly doesn't matter. He brings up a good point. If NCSoft was loosing part of their profit from COH due to some kind of legal deal letting the game "die" and then resurrecting to end whatever deal it is makes sense.

    But this assumes that someone at NCSoft cares enough about the game to want it to continue (I'm not talking about the people at Paragon here).

    As for Fansy himself my impression of him is that he

    1. Is much older (and smarter) than he pretends to be.
    2. Is a writer of some kind. He may be a book writer or even a game lore writer.
    3. Takes great joy in the amenity of the internet.
    4. Loved his grandfather dearly.
  14. 38

    Remaining: 60, 62, 86, 91, 94, 96
  15. 95

    Remaining (please remove your number as you post): 1, 20, 29, 32, 35, 38, 40, 48, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 78, 81, 85, 86, 91, 94, 96, 100
  16. 25

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  17. 30 - The day the servers are (sadly) going down.

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  18. 9

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  19. 33

    Used so far 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 33, 34, 37, 39, 45, 47, 56, 57, 67, 73, 75, 77, 82, 97
  20. 3!

    Hope I can do my own arts some day. Think its so cool your doing this.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post

    After all, this isn't an episode of Glee. Musical numbers don't happen spontaneously.

    Or DO they?
  22. Oh god those are the people that have been making this video game these past few years?!?!?

    No wonder it turned out so epic.
  23. Hea Dink and Co, on this sound thing.

    I too would like the chainsaw to have sound, given your comments on the subject I don't think its going to happen.

    The suggestion to have two versions of the saw one with sound and one with out still subjects other players to the sounds so I can also see why you wouldn't want to do that.

    So, can you just put a silent sound file on the saw so that us players that want sound can get a sound file and replace the silent one?

    Because you know that we know how to do that. We can do the same thing in reverse. I'm sure soundbites of a chainsaw are easy to come by. That makes it a player opt in thing without requiring any UI work, we get what we want with a minim amount of work from your side.

    Just putting it out there as an option.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post


    Hover pose, me wants it.

    Also for reasons I can not explain these early COH screens always remind me of SHOGO.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    the blade on the chainsaw in the screenshot looks almost as tall as the character...
    That is the problem, its not taller than the player; and that is the TW model. The BS one needs to be at least as tall and chances are its not going to be.