Ben Affleck possible director for JLA movie
Directing a movie like this, while also trying to star in it, is going to be a huge problem, I think. The Avengers worked because of how much time was given to each character, without one overshadowing the others. If you're the director and one of the stars, I doubt you'd give that kind of equality.
The bigger problem, in my mind, is how the DC movies have been made versus the Marvel ones. The Marvel movies tried to tie the characters together in a universe where they all existed around the same time anyways, but operated in different areas. In this way, you could bring them all together when you needed them.
But the DC movies have made the heroes out to be the only hero in their universe. Take the recent Batman movie for existence. SPOILERS!!!!!!!! If Superman and Batman existed in the same universe, at the same time, why the heck didn't Superman come and beat the crud out of Bane and save the day when Batman was gone? If Superman was around and just hadn't revealed himself yet, wouldn't the people of Gotham immediately blame him for not helping them when they were in massive misery? Or what about Green Lantern? Couldn't he have just come and surrounded the nuke in a force field, and fling it into space?
That's going to be a disconnect that the director will either have to address or just ignore, and both are bad options.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
I realize that there will inevitably be anti-Affleck comments regarding his acting or life, but the man can direct and write a movie.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
But the DC movies have made the heroes out to be the only hero in their universe. Take the recent Batman movie for existence. SPOILERS!!!!!!!! If Superman and Batman existed in the same universe, at the same time, why the heck didn't Superman come and beat the crud out of Bane and save the day when Batman was gone? If Superman was around and just hadn't revealed himself yet, wouldn't the people of Gotham immediately blame him for not helping them when they were in massive misery? Or what about Green Lantern? Couldn't he have just come and surrounded the nuke in a force field, and fling it into space?
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
Directing a movie like this, while also trying to star in it, is going to be a huge problem, I think. The Avengers worked because of how much time was given to each character, without one overshadowing the others. If you're the director and one of the stars, I doubt you'd give that kind of equality.

The bigger problem, in my mind, is how the DC movies have been made versus the Marvel ones. The Marvel movies tried to tie the characters together in a universe where they all existed around the same time anyways, but operated in different areas. In this way, you could bring them all together when you needed them. But the DC movies have made the heroes out to be the only hero in their universe. Take the recent Batman movie for existence. SPOILERS!!!!!!!! If Superman and Batman existed in the same universe, at the same time, why the heck didn't Superman come and beat the crud out of Bane and save the day when Batman was gone? If Superman was around and just hadn't revealed himself yet, wouldn't the people of Gotham immediately blame him for not helping them when they were in massive misery? Or what about Green Lantern? Couldn't he have just come and surrounded the nuke in a force field, and fling it into space? That's going to be a disconnect that the director will either have to address or just ignore, and both are bad options. |
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He's mediocre on-screen, but he's a talented director and he genuinely loves comics. I'd be interested to see this happen.
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My City Was Gone
But the DC movies have made the heroes out to be the only hero in their universe. Take the recent Batman movie for existence. SPOILERS!!!!!!!! If Superman and Batman existed in the same universe, at the same time, why the heck didn't Superman come and beat the crud out of Bane and save the day when Batman was gone? If Superman was around and just hadn't revealed himself yet, wouldn't the people of Gotham immediately blame him for not helping them when they were in massive misery? Or what about Green Lantern? Couldn't he have just come and surrounded the nuke in a force field, and fling it into space?
The real problem is not that the existence of other superheroes makes the Batman movies unbelievable, but rather that the Batman movies exist in a universe where almost every other superhero is unbelievable. Even the concept of Bane's character had to be tweaked in order for him to fit.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Wow, I didn't know Daredevil was a DC property.
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#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
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The two released films he directed, The Town and Gone Baby Gone, have been well received so as a director he does have so chops. As part of the Kevin Smith entourage he has access to a group of hard core fans (which may be a bad thing being how hard core fans are) can help targeting the motivations of each member. It still however revolves around the need for a decent script because it doesn't matter how great he may be able to direct the actors, if the script leans Schumacher-like it's going to be a big fail.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
I think this is the problem I have, how can a director be fair to all the characters when he/she would want theirs out in front. And what character would he play? My guess would be the Flash, I just can't see him as Sups, Batman or GL. Now if he want to be WW then more power to him
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Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

I think this is the problem I have, how can a director be fair to all the characters when he/she would want theirs out in front. And what character would he play? My guess would be the Flash, I just can't see him as Sups, Batman or GL. Now if he want to be WW then more power to him
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You make an excellent point. All the characters would have to be introduced simultaneously like a break out of super heroes. |
I really should do something about this signature.

I admit, I'm curious. Affleck is a fan with famous fan friends and has proven himself a more than capable director. Is he right for a JLA movie? I dunno. Should he star in it as well? Not sure who he'd play. (Actually, I just realized that he might make a pretty good Max Lord, or something... kinda like Favreau playing Happy Hogan in the Iron Man movies.)
We don't even know yet if he thinks the script they have right now is any good!
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I could see him as Hal Jordan - the cocky fighter pilot Jordan, not the emo one imposed on Ryan Reynolds.
I've never yet taken a hit from a bad guy skidding across the floor on his keister.
~~/ /
Learn the knockback, live the knockback, love the knockback!
As long as I get entertained by the movie I am okay with all of this!
With Ben Affleck directing, if the keep the script in the tone of Avengers, serious but not to serious with making it look like a comical parody of 60's superheroes, and a decent cast, the movie I think will be golden!
Even better, Affleck might be able to pull off some hidden cameos that would just be fun!
Marvel gets it's Stan Lee cameos, JLU can have it's Jersey Trilogy cameos!
"OMG! KEVEIN SMITH!" *LOL* "That's Jason right next to him!" \o/ "OH! OH! LOOK! Batman just busted up a robbery at the Quick Stop! Oh that Randal!" "Oooo...that was Matt Damon!"
Okay, I really doubt they'll do that, but would be awesome!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
The two released films he directed, The Town and Gone Baby Gone, have been well received so as a director he does have so chops. As part of the Kevin Smith entourage he has access to a group of hard core fans (which may be a bad thing being how hard core fans are) can help targeting the motivations of each member. It still however revolves around the need for a decent script because it doesn't matter how great he may be able to direct the actors, if the script leans Schumacher-like it's going to be a big fail.
as long as they dont cast horribly for wonder woman and go with an unknown/new actress, i'm ok with this.
it all rides on writing [no stupid plot holes please, these are supposed to be brilliant powerful universe altering characters, k thx], casting, and battle sequences.

let's get it on!
That's right WB is looking at Ben Affleck to direct the Justice League movie, I'm not sure he is a good choice for the directorship, but I could be wrong. It will depend on the treatment of the characters as a whole and how they are all brought together, like it was done in the Avengers movie. If it's done in that style it could very well be great, but that's my opinion.
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Global: @Kiriko-chan Test: Myskatz Kittens Beta Test: @Plantrezz
Arcs: 5318 ROUS (just a little beat 'em up)
8500 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road.
244321 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road v2