510 -
She's appeared on episodes of both CSI and Law & Order: SVU before as well. Except her first appearance as River in DW happened before I caught her in reruns of those other shows, so like you I immediately said "River!!" when I saw her onscreen.
Why don't we invade the moon?!? I mean look at it! Just sitting there... mocking us.
I suppose you also hated the fact that Thor has a beard and War Machine was introduced before the Avengers ever formed?
Yes, the X-Men movies have had their fair share of problems (especially X3 and Wolverine; I like to pretend the Wolverine movie in particular just ends after he gets the adamantium, there's so much stupid and wrong that comes after). But I try to judge each of the films on their own merits, rather than get all fannishly nitpicky about what they did or didn't get "right" from the comics. A lot of the stupid decisions in the aforementioned third X-flick and the Wolverine origin movie were due to the studio trying to cram in too many characters and nods from the comics in order to please fans without developing those elements enough so that the audience will care or even understand.
If half of what I've heard about this Days of Future Past movie is accurate, this may be a great opportunity for Fox to have a kind of "soft" reboot of their filmic X-universe. We'll see... I remain hopeful.
(j/k about that little opening jab, in case that wasn't clear. Btw, I believe the "Mystique connection to Prof. X" thing in First Class was sort of done in the Ultimate comics as well.) -
If the post-Serenity comics are canon, Zoe was last seen looking like Wash left her a bun in the oven. Something the two had talked about in one of the unaired episodes.
An animated return to the world(s) of Firefly/Serenity would be seriously shiny, but I'm not holding my breath. I still remember there being talk of a Buffy animated series that never saw the light of day, after all... -
My take on this: it sucks how Siegel and Shuster were treated by the industry during their lifetimes. A lot of creators got shafted even worse back in the day (Bill Finger still doesn't get any credit for co-creating Batman, after all). But at the same time, I like Superman belonging in the DC Universe, and the constant legal battles just leave a bad taste in my mouth. It feels too much like family moneygrubbing and entitlement long after the fact.
Superman really was an amazing lightning in a bottle creation that hit at just the right time. Do I wish his creators had been given a chance to share in the bounty of what they spawned, at least a little? Sure. But that was the reality of the industry at the time. There was no precedent for this sort of thing before Superman came on the scene. -
Maybe A.I.M. or Hydra gets ahold of Coulson's body somehow, and our cast's mission in the first episode is to retrieve him?
Rule #1: Nick Fury is a lying liar from Liarsburg.
Quote:Huh.Methinks Peter Parker dies in issue 700, but (as BP stated) it's a ruse to throw people off and allow him to start fresh with a new identity. Slot's statements would totally bring that all into focus then.
Slot on 700: I will have to go into hiding...
Slot on Superior: Once the first issue comes out people will go, "ooooh" and I can show my face.
I actually remember a short-lived storyarc in the '90s where Peter made a webbing cocoon and symbolically "shed" his Peter Parker identity, becoming Spider-Man full time. Mayhaps Slott is trying something similar here? -
Nash takes a look back at the Cartmel Masterplan.
Quote:Oh, if you've seen the unaired pilot you'd know that there were MUCH bigger problems there than just fan-nitpicking over the costume.P.S. One interesting thing to consider is if this does turn out to be a "costume-less" version of Wonder Woman that at least this show might avoid some of the mindless bickering that helped torpedo the Kelley attempt - it'd be hard for people to complain/argue about a new version of her costume if she's always just wearing normal clothes. I suppose there would still be people who'd be outraged that she wasn't wearing -any- costume, but at least people wouldn't be split over super-stupid stuff like whether her boots ought to be red or blue.
A supposedly heroic publicly known idol of millions who openly flouts the law, kills at the drop of a hat and tortures injured criminals for information despite HAVING A LASSO THAT COMPELS ANYONE TO SPEAK TRUTHFULLY...!
Yeah. The costume issues were the least of their problems.
I'm in wait and see mode for now. -
Considering he was also behind both "The OC" and Young Avengers... I'd say he has some experience.
Not sure how faithful or even good this is going to be, but I agree we need more strong, well-developed female protagonists out there. As long as it's better than that stupidly wrong David E. Kelly attempt or the JMS reboot debacle... *shudder* -
I assume the rest will be more about the Ponds themselves and this was just getting the Doctor connection out of the way.
"Oh dear, I seem to have collided with ancient Greece..." -
Quote:Dark is basically the Justice League for all the characters who were previously either straddling the line or fully pushed off into Vertigo: Zatanna, Deadman, John Constantine, Madame Xanadu (who is also technically appearing in the fairly awesome Demon Knights series), etc.WTH is 'Justice League Dark'?
And if you're going to have that, why not the obvious companion title 'Justice League EXtreme!!1'
Given the lineup for the nuJLA, they seem to be verging dangerously close to your suggested XTREEM!!1! Justice League already... -
Put him in a wig or dye his hair and he could probably pull it off...
Yeah, but technically he played George Reeves playing Superman...
I admit, I'm curious. Affleck is a fan with famous fan friends and has proven himself a more than capable director. Is he right for a JLA movie? I dunno. Should he star in it as well? Not sure who he'd play. (Actually, I just realized that he might make a pretty good Max Lord, or something... kinda like Favreau playing Happy Hogan in the Iron Man movies.)
We don't even know yet if he thinks the script they have right now is any good! -
Huh. I didn't think Moffat was going back to the old Dalek designs. Wonder what the in-story reasoning is... more leftovers from Davros' group in Series 4? Time travel to an earlier point in their history?
I don't think so... the shots of his childhood still look very Kansas-y to me. I suspect the rest is just Clark grown up, away from home and out in the world, looking for where he fits in before settling in Metropolis.
Quote:I could see this being explored with the introduction of "stripped down" Iron Man-esque suits like the Mandroids or the Vault Guardian armors.You just have to look at the real world. The US army has been working on Iron Man inspired powered armor for years, but it's still not been deployed (so far as we know...)
The arc reactor is only really required if you want enough power to fly and shoot energy beams. And it's already been spelled out the problem with arc reactor technology - it's too expensive. All that palladium it burns through is probably a major reason why. Tony's new element makes it more economic, if he is prepared to share. -
Quote:Oh, silly Nightblade. Don't you know that they never cast actual voice actors for animated movies? They need to find someone who's actually kinda famous!Fifty bucks says they get Billy West for the voice of Popeye.
/em eyeroll
(All ribbing aside, that would be pretty sweet casting.) -
That is an interesting and different way to go about it. The rogues banding together to overcome the heroes they can't defeat individually being what spurs the heroes to join forces as well. I can see it working, sure.
WB could even draw inspiration from the Alex Ross maxi-series Justice: Lex Luthor is convinced that the heroes coming out of the woodwork following the appearances of Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, etc. will eventually be the downfall of humanity, and they must be taken down before they can do so. He ends up seeking out and recruiting those individuals who've come close to defeating the heroes in the past and survived. Imagine Lex in the Nick Fury role, reaching out to the likes of Sinestro, Captain Cold and others, inviting them to join his "Secret Society."
Arcanaville's suggestion of using the Tower of Babel story is good, too. Work that into the villains' plot by having Batman and Luthor unknowingly coming up with similar "solutions" to the individual heroes. So when the villains strike, Batman recognizes the methods used and can find a way to counteract them in the nick of time. This shows the heroes that this is a threat they can't face alone.