Bryan Singer Set To Direct X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
This is sounding FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!
None of the trash that was X3, please.
X and X2 were sweet!!! X3, ugh. Though, I really liked the reboot X too.
This sounds great....bring back Alan Cummings as Nightcrawler, that was absolutely Friggin' brilliant. I'm usually not a big Nightcrawler fan, but I would definitely watch a movie based on *******'s Nightcrawler.
He nailed that part in X2!!!
Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster
....and hopeless Science-Natzi.
The opening scene in X2 is one of the best scenes in any superhero movie. It showed exactly what Nightcrawler could do. And Alan Cummings did a wonderful job . . . but I think he said that he had no interest whatsoever in going back to the role.
X1 and X2 were good, but not great, films. They had some plot holes that were glaring, but had some great characters that were well acted. Many complained that the films messed up the "real" X-Men universe, but the films just need to be looked as as being "inspired by" the comics rather than copies of the comics. However, I was disappointed that Cyclops was not given enough focus, and that Wolverine came across as a lovesick puppy.
My enthusiasm of Bryan Singer as a director was substantially reduced by the travesty that was "Superman Returns," which was filled with horrible choices. Still, going back to the X-Men franchise may have him get his directoral sea-legs back. As long as the reviews are decent, I'll see it.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
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My enthusiasm of Bryan Singer as a director was substantially reduced by the travesty that was "Superman Returns," which was filled with horrible choices. Still, going back to the X-Men franchise may have him get his directoral sea-legs back. As long as the reviews are decent, I'll see it. |
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I hated what they did with the movies - they killed cyclops, Famke was no jean grey (she was supposed to be a teenager when she met prof x).. Halle Berry was terrible as storm (she was born and raised in africa not fresno)..not to mention all the continuity they just rolled over in first class. In the wolverine movie they resuce a young cyclops and emma frost, yet she is in her 30s in the 60s? Right. Mystique was Xavier's adpoted sister?? wtf? Havok was never in the x-men before cyclops, who is now dead so..(oh and Sebastian Shaw was not a nazi and not killed by magneto) Beast did not transform before joining the x-men it was after he left the first time and not using Mystique's blood.
Fassbender made a great magneto - that was about it.
I suppose you also hated the fact that Thor has a beard and War Machine was introduced before the Avengers ever formed?
Yes, the X-Men movies have had their fair share of problems (especially X3 and Wolverine; I like to pretend the Wolverine movie in particular just ends after he gets the adamantium, there's so much stupid and wrong that comes after). But I try to judge each of the films on their own merits, rather than get all fannishly nitpicky about what they did or didn't get "right" from the comics. A lot of the stupid decisions in the aforementioned third X-flick and the Wolverine origin movie were due to the studio trying to cram in too many characters and nods from the comics in order to please fans without developing those elements enough so that the audience will care or even understand.
If half of what I've heard about this Days of Future Past movie is accurate, this may be a great opportunity for Fox to have a kind of "soft" reboot of their filmic X-universe. We'll see... I remain hopeful.
(j/k about that little opening jab, in case that wasn't clear. Btw, I believe the "Mystique connection to Prof. X" thing in First Class was sort of done in the Ultimate comics as well.)
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I don't know why people get upset that changes have been made to comics in order to streamline the story for movies. That always puzzles me. I mean, I get that someone might have made different choices, but that streamlining needs to be done.
The problem with the X-Men movies is that there is no internal consistency among them. Which really just underscores the brilliance of what Marvel is doing by gathering a braintrust of its top creators in the same room and hashing out an overall arc for all their movies to comply with. (Which is something that has never been done before in cinema, amazingly enough.)
I'm not a huge fan of the X-Men films, although I do like X2 despite the fact there's an awful lot going on. Kind of feels like stuffing 8 pounds into a 5-pound sack. Continuity-wise, they most resemble the Alien and Predator movies to me where each creative team brings their own sensibility to the tale, but those ideas just clash with everything else. I kind of suspect Days of Future Past will come across the way Prometheus did.
I know one thing for sure, though: zere vill be Nazis!
(Seriously, Bryan, enough with the damn Nazis already.)
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
X3 was putrid and is best filed under W.W.N.S.O.T. along with Wolverine.
As to all the continuity changes in superhero movies, people need to remember that in the opening credits there tend to be the words "BASED ON" followed by whatever comic and comic company produces the comic. Based on does not mean direct copy, and frankly some things in the comics just wouldn't work on the big screen.
Case in point, when IRON MAN first started in the comics he had to wear a bulky chest plate under his shirt at all times and plug in an extension cord to recharge......somehow I just don't think that would be as cool as a glowing arc reactor plugged into his chest.
HULK: I myself would like to see the gamma bomb used for the movie origin, but the lab accident is a salute to Bill Bixby/Ferrigno and easier/cheaper to set up and film then a bomb test. Also I suspect certain "political correctness" reasons may apply. Also the Ang Lee Hulk movie did make a nod to the gamma bomb when we see the green mushroom cloud occur after David Banner flipped out and triggered a gamma purge of the base. Also the movies stick with Hulk being green or green-gray in color and do not mention Grey Hulk (too bad)
Captain America: he's found by SHIELD and not the big deal. Also he wasn't thrown into the warmer waters by Submariner like he was in the comics that led to him being found in Avengers 4, no big deal.
THOR: his movie made fun use of the Don Blake name and didn't give us the actual character. Fine by me.
I hated what they did with the movies - they killed cyclops, Famke was no jean grey (she was supposed to be a teenager when she met prof x).. Halle Berry was terrible as storm (she was born and raised in africa not fresno)..not to mention all the continuity they just rolled over in first class. In the wolverine movie they resuce a young cyclops and emma frost, yet she is in her 30s in the 60s? Right. Mystique was Xavier's adpoted sister?? wtf? Havok was never in the x-men before cyclops, who is now dead so..(oh and Sebastian Shaw was not a nazi and not killed by magneto) Beast did not transform before joining the x-men it was after he left the first time and not using Mystique's blood.
Fassbender made a great magneto - that was about it. |
-Dark Phoenix saga doesn't work if it's not Scott who talks her down and Jean doesn't commit suicide to save everybody. It basically threw X2 out the window, and made Jean look totally pathetic and not the one who found the resolve to save eveyone from herself.
On the other hand... The Danger Room and the fight at Jean Grey's parents' house (plus more fights later on) were some of the best comicbook fights I'd ever seen in a movie theatre.
It's weird, really; My brother, my wife and I all really enjoyed X-Men 3 when we saw it in the theatre. On second viewing on DVD, all of the terrible melodrama and plot holes and sappy Wolverine (yeah, I hated how they approached his puppy love for Jean Grey right form the first movie) stood out more than anything.
Just one of those things, I guess... something about our moods, the movie and all of that totally entertained us that night.
Still... the scene near the opening with a young Angel cutting off his wings was another one of those perfect X-Men Movie grabbing openers to convey what it's all about (mucking up character histories aside).
I also enjoyed 1 and 2, but both of them also have very questionable to bad elements. Not as bad as 3 and I enjoyed those two as well, but still... none of them have been anything close to perfect.
As for major alterations from the X comics to the movies, I've always just considered them completely alternate universes and was surprised at how many people had a problem seeing it that way considering the X comics alone had so many iterations and universes.
That being said... some changes/representations were really bad (not because they were different - I'm actually not much of a fan/reader of the X-Men stuff and not familiar with a lot of it - simply because there were some bad choices).
Cyclops was totally wasted as a character and turned into a completely unlikeable dick. I thought that was a real shame.
Gah... Berry as Storm just did not work for me at all. It's hard to pick what was worse though... her or her wigs (let's not mention the lines).
My least favorite thing and biggest gripe with X1... Sabertooth... WTF! Not only did he look stupid, not only did he act stupid, but they used such a significant character in Wolverine's world as a pointless henchman? C'mon! Even us not-so-big-fans know enough from the tv cartoons that this is a stupidly jarring idea, haha.
Anyway... sorry, just felt like spouting all of that out!
As for this... I am very intrigued by a Days Of Future Past movie... Although, I'm a little bummed when I saw mention of it being the new cast and not the ones from the first three movies. Now I am confused with what they are going to do with that.
Seeing them in X3 against a Sentinel was a great tease and something I'd love to see on the big screen for "real".
EDIT: One other thing about X3... Beast. I don't know, Kelsey Grammar had part of it down and it seemed almost right... but the way he walked and moved and such seemed so stiff and wrong. In the end, he really came off as someone in makeup and masks and such, instead of truly being Beast. Beast is another character that I wonder if he isn't best being done CGI (done well, of course... I have similar thoughts with regard to the ever lovin' Thing, but that's another story).
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I didn't like the first three X movies and I haven't seen First Class yet. One thing that I particularly disliked was how they emphasized the annoying whininess of Rogue but took away everything that made the character tolerable. And I hated the outfits. And Nightcrawler didn't look right. And I hate it whenever someone perpetuates the idiotic notion that Juggernaut is a mutant.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I didn't like the first three X movies and I haven't seen First Class yet. One thing that I particularly disliked was how they emphasized the annoying whininess of Rogue but took away everything that made the character tolerable. And I hated the outfits. And Nightcrawler didn't look right. And I hate it whenever someone perpetuates the idiotic notion that Juggernaut is a mutant.
I want to be Hugh Jackman but he was by far the least physically like the comic book character. Wolverine is supposed to be the same height as Seth Green's 5'4". Elijah Wood and Michael J. Fox would tower over him. Fortunately he can act, unlike Halle Berry.
What I *really* want to know is if the guys got together during X-Men 3 and did some Mutant barbershop Quartet. Jackman, Kelsey Grammer, Patrick Stewart and James Marsden can all sing (Jackman and Marsden, especially)... can you imagine how cool that would be? X-Men: The Musical!
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I think in the movies Juggernaut *is* a mutant. I don't think that takes away from his character, since the end result is the same.

It's not like he was out Dr. Strangin' it up. |
EDIT: Oh, and the barbershop quartet image is hilarious!
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I think Jugs being a mutant is an Ultimate version.
I think one of the reasons I disliked 3 so much was the disconnect from the hint/promise of the ending of 2, when we see a Jean starting to glow while protecting the Blackbird. It would be like never seeing Thanos hinted at again in any of the future Disney/Marvel movies ever again.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
Except for that time in the comics when he learned to use his powers sorcerously, became about on par with Dr. Strange, and took over a whole other dimension. IIRC, I believe that one can be blamed on Thor not having the stomach for hand to hand combat with Juggernaut one day and just using his hammer to open a portal and send Marko to another dimension where he subsequently had to take up a hobby *other* than trying to flatten his brother. |
THOR fights Juggy, gets pounded badly and the New Warriors step in to help but that is like sending ants to attack an elephant. THOR recovers his full strength and calls down the lightning onto Juggernaut but it didn't faze him. So THOR then calls upon his penultimate power where he channels all his energies and that of his hammer into a huge energy blast that had once driven Galactus away from devouring Ego the Living Planet and even breached the brain vault of a Celestial. This energy blast is the first time that Juggernaut was PUSHED BACK and he fell into a pit. THOR sealed the pit then sent Juggy to another dimension where he got free and vowed to return.
Issues later, the group Excalibur made contact with THOR and after the usual hero misunderstanding that leads to hero vs hero fights, THOR takes them to where he sent Juggy. Juggy conquered a nearby planet, freeing it from a cruel leader only to become a worse leader. They fight again and this time THOR used his hammer to temporarily nullify the shield that protects Juggy and began to pound him until his hammer returned before the 60 second time limit occurred that would revert him to mortal form. THOR ends up sending Juggy off planet and he was later brought back to Earth in early issues of X-force.
Last week, X-Men: First Class director Matthew Vaughn left production on the film's highly anticipated sequel, Days Of Future Past. We also heard that Bryan Singer - who launched the X-Men film franchise with 2000's X-Men and 2003's X2: X-Men United - was the studio's top choice to take over directing duties for the film. Now, Deadline confirms that Singer will helm X-Men: Days Of Future Past, which is described as "apocalyptic" by creative consultant Mark Millar. Additionally, Vaughn is near a deal to produce, alongside writer Simon Kinberg and Lauren Shuler Donner. Singer's next film, Warner Bros.' Jack The Giant Slayer, has been slated for a March 1st, 2013 release.
Most of the cast members from First Class - which includes James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence - is set to return for the sequel. 20th Century Fox hope that they can make the film's July 18th, 2014 release date. Filming is said to be commencing in early 2013, after Lawrence wraps up Lionsgate's The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.
UPDATE: In their article reporting the news, Bleeding Cool say that they've heard that there is a "meaningful number" of cast members from the original X-Men film who will be present in Days Of Future Past. Patrick Stewart (Professor X) and Famke Janssen (Jean Grey) previously teased their possible involvement with a future X-Men movie, while Shawn Ashmore (Iceman) and Daniel Cudmore (Colossus) recently expressed interest in reprising their roles in Days Of Future Past.
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