Man of Steel




That's gonna be the best episode of Deadliest Catch yet!

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



So, is this an elseworlds where instead of Kansas, the rocket crash landed in Newfoundland?
What's So Funny About Truth, Codfish and the Mariner's Way?




Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
That's gonna be the best episode of Deadliest Catch yet!
I lol'd

He's gonna be a one man crew!

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
So, is this an elseworlds where instead of Kansas, the rocket crash landed in Newfoundland?
What's So Funny About Truth, Codfish and the Mariner's Way?

I don't think so... the shots of his childhood still look very Kansas-y to me. I suspect the rest is just Clark grown up, away from home and out in the world, looking for where he fits in before settling in Metropolis.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Sounds like a touch of the novel Gladiator with Clark looking to stay away from people, not wanting to reveal his abilities.

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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
That's gonna be the best episode of Deadliest Catch yet!
Tha's what first popped into my head as well! lol
It's funny though as I have a character with similar powers to Superman that ALSO did this exact same job while taking time away from the "life". And I noticed that it looks like he is indeed a one man crew on that crabbing boat. Most likely using his powers modestly to do everything himself.

As for the rest of the trailer? If the movie itself has the same tone to it I have nothing to worry about. It's going to be incredible, just like the shot at the end.



It looks fantastic! And he clearly used [Afterburner] at the end of the clip

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Originally Posted by _Arda_ View Post
It looks fantastic! And he clearly used [Afterburner] at the end of the clip

Looks like he triple stacked it too! /kryptonianhax



I just hope that it is the first "good" Superman movie without ridiculous plot holes. While Christopher Reeve did a great performance, the rest of the original movies, even the first two, had absolutely horrible writing with deus ex machina plot devices needed to win the day.

Superman 1: "you can't go back and change the past" . . . so he does just that to save the girl -- with no consequences at all. And an evil genius opponent who is actually a campy buffoon.

Superman 2: "You will lose your powers forever" so you can boink your girl. . . unless he needs those powers back again. And then he can magically re-wire the power-taking-away machine to work on the outside of the chamber instead of the inside. And "Thowing the S," one of the greatest stupid moments in film. And the Amnesia Kiss and several other stupid plot points . . . (And this is considered to be the best Superman movie to date?)

Do I really need to go into the stupidity of Superman Returns? or Superman 3 or 4?

We know that Zack Snyder can do great, gritty action that looks great. But will there be a plot that actually makes sense for once? I can only hope that with Nolan helping out, there will be a decent story -- but Nolan has his own plot holes in the Batman films, too.

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Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
I just hope that it is the first "good" Superman movie without ridiculous plot holes. While Christopher Reeve did a great performance, the rest of the original movies, even the first two, had absolutely horrible writing with deus ex machina plot devices needed to win the day.

Superman 1: "you can't go back and change the past" . . . so he does just that to save the girl -- with no consequences at all. And an evil genius opponent who is actually a campy buffoon.

Superman 2: "You will lose your powers forever" so you can boink your girl. . . unless he needs those powers back again. And then he can magically re-wire the power-taking-away machine to work on the outside of the chamber instead of the inside. And "Thowing the S," one of the greatest stupid moments in film. And the Amnesia Kiss and several other stupid plot points . . . (And this is considered to be the best Superman movie to date?)

Do I really need to go into the stupidity of Superman Returns? or Superman 3 or 4?

We know that Zack Snyder can do great, gritty action that looks great. But will there be a plot that actually makes sense for once? I can only hope that with Nolan helping out, there will be a decent story -- but Nolan has his own plot holes in the Batman films, too.
Totally agree, Local. While I get the nostalgia for the Reeves Superman, I don't think they stand up well over time and look sooooooo outdated and cheesy.

My only issue is we're getting another Supes origina story. I only hope they get it right so we don't have to see another one anytime soon. We all know the story by now, even people who aren't into comics and comic culture. Please can we move on. And please no more billionaire real estate plots. Give him a credible super powered enemy and lets see Superman actually doing something beyond picking up big things.

As for Snyder, he seems to do fine with someone elses story/IP than his own. (I'm looking at you SuckerPunch) With Nolan and hiss track record adapting things, here's hoping we aren't getting another reboot in 5 years.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



I honestly expect very little from this film. Superman is one of those characters that is so ridiculously overpowered that he has never (IMHO) been 'believable' in the unbelievable world of comics.

The only exception to that is "Red Son".

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Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
Totally agree, Local. While I get the nostalgia for the Reeves Superman, I don't think they stand up well over time and look sooooooo outdated and cheesy.

My only issue is we're getting another Supes origina story. I only hope they get it right so we don't have to see another one anytime soon. We all know the story by now, even people who aren't into comics and comic culture. Please can we move on. And please no more billionaire real estate plots. Give him a credible super powered enemy and lets see Superman actually doing something beyond picking up big things.

As for Snyder, he seems to do fine with someone elses story/IP than his own. (I'm looking at you SuckerPunch) With Nolan and hiss track record adapting things, here's hoping we aren't getting another reboot in 5 years.

I took a look at Superman Returns today after watching the MoS trailer. I hadn't watched it since I saw it in the theater. I skipped ahead to the literally two scenes I thought were decent; the plane rescue sequence and the rooftop chaingun scene. I thought my memory had exaggerated how bad the rest was. It had not.

The scene before the plane sequence, had Luthor and Kumar testing the crystal fragment on the model railroad. When the model trains derailed and the plastic rockslide crushed the wooden people, they put screams in. It's supposed to be this dramatic build up and they have little wooden models with dubbed in screams. That is the worst of the Reeves films; the terrible camp that Richard Donner hated and bucked against that the studio insisted on. Exactly what killed the series with the terrible Superman III. Off all the classic elements of the 70's films, they take their cues from the scene with people getting hit in the face with ice cream and toupees blowing off.

Singer loved Reeves and Donner's work and I do too. But he couldn't even tell the good from the bad and what was the true heart of the film and what was executive meddling and hacked in.




Oh gods. More emo, soul searching Superman. I think I'll pass thanks.

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We know that Zack Snyder can do great, gritty action that looks great.
We do?

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
I honestly expect very little from this film. Superman is one of those characters that is so ridiculously overpowered that he has never (IMHO) been 'believable' in the unbelievable world of comics.

The only exception to that is "Red Son".
I loved the Superman Animated Series and Justice League. Thought Superman was done incredibly well in that universe.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
They should've gotten Matt Bomer.
They thought about him, but they didn't think a movie where Superman is stuck in a two mile radius of Metropolis would be interesting

Goodbye, I guess.

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Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
I honestly expect very little from this film. Superman is one of those characters that is so ridiculously overpowered that he has never (IMHO) been 'believable' in the unbelievable world of comics.

The only exception to that is "Red Son".
This comment and many like it have always confused me when it comes to Superman, comic book characters, books, film, and entertainment mediums in general. All of these things at their core are meant to help us escape the mundane lives we live and comicbooks by their very nature are almost always the most fantastical of escapism.. So why critic them for being "unrealistic"? Every major or minor hero and villain in the comic book industry has at least a small element of the unbelivable ingrained withen them. All of them were created to make money, as well as make young men and women say "That's cool!"

As for Superman's level of power? At first it was out of hand but now he's not even that powerful in the expansive universe he inhabits. He's just the best Earth has. His role now in the comics and in the "real world" isn't even about how powerful he is but who he is. In his world he is a symbol, a man that is meant to inspire humanity to better themselves and to strive for a better world. To an extent in the DC universe you can say he already accomplished this with the arrival of the heroic age he kickstarted, and we know he will have truley acomplished that goal far into DC's in universe future as they show the world he helped make Earth thousands of years from now. The same could be said that he is also this very same thing for those that read him growing up. He's a Symbol, and an ideal his fans my strive for and in doing so they make their small part ofthe world a better place. Nothing could be better.

Saying all this I leave you with proof that this film "got it". They know that's who and what Superman is now.



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
This comment and many like it have always confused me when it comes to Superman, comic book characters, books, film, and entertainment mediums in general. All of these things at their core are meant to help us escape the mundane lives we live and comicbooks by their very nature are almost always the most fantastical of escapism.. So why critic them for being "unrealistic"? Every major or minor hero and villain in the comic book industry has at least a small element of the unbelivable ingrained withen them. All of them were created to make money, as well as make young men and women say "That's cool!"

As for Superman's level of power? At first it was out of hand but now he's not even that powerful in the expansive universe he inhabits. He's just the best Earth has. His role now in the comics and in the "real world" isn't even about how powerful he is but who he is. In his world he is a symbol, a man that is meant to inspire humanity to better themselves and to strive for a better world. To an extent in the DC universe you can say he already accomplished this with the arrival of the heroic age he kickstarted, and we know he will have truley acomplished that goal far into DC's in universe future as they show the world he helped make Earth thousands of years from now. The same could be said that he is also this very same thing for those that read him growing up. He's a Symbol, and an ideal his fans my strive for and in doing so they make their small part ofthe world a better place. Nothing could be better.

Saying all this I leave you with proof that this film "got it". They know that's who and what Superman is now.
So right on. Superman's powers isn't what makes him Superman. The real story is who he is.

And I agree: since when did fictional stories, especially fantasy had to adhere to physical laws? A writer/artist is the god of his universe and imagination is a far more powerful force to communicate a message or story than laws of physics. To each his or her own, though. I'm just way more interested in a good story than nitpicking things that don't matter.



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
This comment and many like it have always confused me when it comes to Superman, comic book characters, books, film, and entertainment mediums in general. All of these things at their core are meant to help us escape the mundane lives we live and comicbooks by their very nature are almost always the most fantastical of escapism.. So why critic them for being "unrealistic"? Every major or minor hero and villain in the comic book industry has at least a small element of the unbelivable ingrained withen them. All of them were created to make money, as well as make young men and women say "That's cool!"
You inadvertently hit it right there. Superman doesn't have a 'small element of the unbelievable'. The whole story is just silly. Superman is unbelievably good, unbelievably powerful, hell in 2012 he even has a unbelievable job in the Daily Planet.

Superman has no grounding in real life IMO. There's not one part of that story that I think could happen. It doesn't stretch the suspension of disbelief, it breaks it. Both the comics and every movie that's been done. My kids will drag me to this next summer, but I don't have high hopes.

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Originally Posted by wudake View Post
So right on. Superman's powers isn't what makes him Superman. The real story is who he is.
The problem is, we all know who he is. And we have too many characters in films that have a very similar story. Another one exploring just who Superman really is inside I just don't think will cut it. We need both sides of the coin on this movie, much like we got with the Avengers movie: enough character depth to engage you in the movie, and some actual freaking action.

Superman is different from many of the other superheroes out there in movies today exactly because of his strengths, yet we tend to see more fight sequences where they let loose than in the Superman movies. The commentary on Nodwick's site today really pointed this out to me, and even gave a great clip as evidence:

Yes, Superman is completely overpowered. But just choosing not to show that, for whatever reason, really weakens the character. Give him an enemy to actually FIGHT in the movie. If this is a recurring show, sure you can explore his character for a few episodes, but eventually you need to give him somebody to beat up. But this is a movie, and 2 hours of soul searching isn't going to get people to go and see it. I liked that clip because it both shows who Superman is (a man in a world of cardboard, always afraid of using his strength for fear of hurting someone) and what he can do. THAT's what we need in a movie. Somebody that is both trying to protect the world from himself and from what enemies it has. But in the end, he needs to use his strength in a fight, not lifting an island into space.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



I'm really excited about this one. Didn't realize Nolan is the producer. Nice.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
You inadvertently hit it right there. Superman doesn't have a 'small element of the unbelievable'. The whole story is just silly. Superman is unbelievably good, unbelievably powerful, hell in 2012 he even has a unbelievable job in the Daily Planet.

Superman has no grounding in real life IMO. There's not one part of that story that I think could happen. It doesn't stretch the suspension of disbelief, it breaks it. Both the comics and every movie that's been done. My kids will drag me to this next summer, but I don't have high hopes.

Maybe I'm just different in how I view comic book Superheroes. I've never in my life sat down to read one while thinking "This better be realistic." I sat down to read them while hoping to see something completly insane and entertaining. Then again I don't have single disbelief bone in my body when it comes to my entertainment as I rarerly if ever watch a film,tv series,animation, or read a comic, novel, or play a video game without at least some small element of the fantastical involved.

As such I don't need my superheroes to have a root in reality, in fact I find them a little boring if they do.