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  1. With all current plot threads neatly tied up, the full incrante/ascension and possible cosmic powertrees fully released, and then the game respectfully going into a maintaince mode. Kept running by donations from fans and vip subs until WE decided to leave for good.

    EDIT: As another like to se, I would have liked to have seen Paragon Studios carry on the Superhero MMO Genre but branch out into other things. Or at the least? Be shown the proper respect they deserved from their Publisher for all their years of hard work.
  2. So it goes likes this humans<heroes<incarnate<ascendant<?? as of now. Think of it like human demogods, gods, higher gods, then...??? I'm guessing if the game had anout 5 or so years under it's belt we'd see our characters entering the type of conflicts beings like Galactus, or The celestials take part in that actually requires their full strength. Honestly? I'd have friggin LOVED that.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IndyStruck View Post
    Sister Solaris, so I could steal her costume and redistribute it's parts among the people.

    Among a couple other reasons.
    Come on now, with the nature boy as your avatar you gotta say something like

    "All the fine ladies of Paragon City and the rogue isles that wanna get with the jet flying, wheeling, dealing, limosine riding son of a gun need to head on down Hilton in Founders Falls VIP sweet tonight at eight, the doors unlocked and baby..WOOO! You can ride space mountain ALLLL Night long!..WOOOOO Now can you get with that Mean gene?! WOOOO!"
  4. If we keep getting the word out about what happened to COh through social media we MIGHT be able to put a little dent int heir projected numbers for Blade and Soul.

    At the least I'd love to show them they can't feed us another sword and sorcercy pile of **** to replace COH.
  5. This was my responce to the press release.

    This is my answer to your question.

  6. NCsoft will not hear the end of this not for years to come. Right now the only way to save face in the gaming world's eyes is to sell the City OF IP, but they couldn't come to an agreement after only a few weeks? I call big piles of ********. At best COH earned them what? 50 million over the last 5ish years they've owned it?So what kind of price were they asking for? If they release that I can be pretty damn sure someone will fork it over unless they were asking for something insane like $200,000,000 +
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    That would be great - maybe Champions would be worth a damn then.
    That's my hope if COH isn't saved somehow. A good enough number of the Devs go over to Champions that it becomes what it could be, a real succesor to COH.
  8. Matthew_Orlock

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    It's surprising to me that there seem to be people who specifically go looking for instances of people being hopeful, happy or at least satisfied with the situation with the express purpose of "tempering expectations." And I don't get that.
    I keep running into that a lot over in Champions online, mostly from people that are fairly well known to this community. All negative Nancy's the lot of them.

    To me, those that are trying to be "realist" are really just coming off as ********. it's like the guy that tells you to shoot your dog instead of taking to the vet because it's "just an animal".
  9. Beautiful video, and everytime I see the gathering of characters like at the end I get choked up. To think that is just a small sampling of people taking part inthe effort and we are still fighting just to be heard.
  10. Matthew_Orlock


    I'm more pissed off about Bio Armor then this. Sure there were osme nice pieces but.. I wanted my new armor set!
  11. Matthew_Orlock

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    You are one of those tl:dr people aren't you.

    I read it, just thought there was more that I missed.
  12. Matthew_Orlock

    Good news all..

    What's everyone going on about? All i see is a post from Mercedes about two Dolls she has..
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    If you have not previously bought a particular retail box version of City of Heroes (Architect Edition, Going Rogue, Going Rogue Complete, Good vs Evil, just to name a few) then you can find a copy on Amazon or Ebay. Buy one ----


    ---- and apply the code that is inside the box. That will re-activate VIP status for you. That's what I've done.

    I initially bought the original City of Heroes box and the City of Villains box sets. (COMPACT DISCS! They were still sets of 5 CDs back then! LOL )

    But after that, all my purchases were digital. So there are plenty of box codes for me to choose from to fill out the final days until November 30th.

    Also - those boxes are going for CHEAP. My GR complete was only $6.75!

    I'm going to be buying the two extra boxes/VIP time I'll need to go VIP all the way to the end in the next few days. I suggest you could do the same.

    (I just hope you didn't buy all the retail boxes, because then you really will be SOL.)

    Good luck!
    I have no money right now..but if anyone has an extra AE code laying around...
  14. I'm sorry Tony but I am with the others in this thread. The new email just for us is most likely just a way for them to funnel all our attempts at being noticed into a e-mail account that will either never be looked at, or just automatically sends everything to the delete pile.

    I feel what you started this thread for was having the most effect, and that's why they shut you down so quickly, because those were personal e-mail addresses and they couldn't just ignore what we're doinganymore by turning away or having someone else deal with it. We where right there flooding there e-mail.
  15. I'm pretty bummed I wont be able to be VIP for the rest of the games life..I was VIP the whole time right up until the 28th of August when I had to cancel my sub until I had money to renew..Of course that never happaned and now I am locked out of some characters I care for very much because of it...

  16. Was this more "we were heard" or "We were told to piss off" type deal? It seems more likely to me that the latter is more likely.
  17. I'd personally like to know how many units sold AFTER the announcment was made.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
    Do you have a source for the CoH2 project?
    We can't link the article on the forums. The times I've seen it up here it's Mod Nuked since it was leaked information.

    But suffice to say PS' tried severeal times to get projects off the ground and NCsoft would refuse to fund them because they didn't fit the narrow Korean market. COH2 with character transfer capability was the major one(Some of the work done on that was what we were seeing added to the game since the incarnate system was added). As was a more dark and gritty hero mmo.
  19. Those comments from former NCsoft Employee's line right up with what a former Paragon Studio member said about PS' attempts to get other projects off the ground.

    Korean headquarters has it's head planeted firmly in it's *** and refuses to see the appeal for any project not solely focused around the Korean gamer culture.

    It's why we never got COH 2 after the name was copyrighted, and why they just up and closed down COH( COH wasn't profitable in Korea or the rest of Asia =to NCsoft it was a failure western and european sucess didn't matter to them in the least). I truley believe they have such little understanding of this game, it's community, and The "western" culture that they never expected any sourt of truley damaging fallout.
  20. Matthew_Orlock

    Where are you?

    Added myself, I'mone of..two people n my state.. yay! *has a sad*
  21. Matthew_Orlock

    Blade and Soul

    Very Strange..a number of my posts have been deleted from this section of the forums..OH WELL! Time to repost.

    Not interested in this game for a number of reasons. One is there are to many fantasy MMO's out there. I'm done with dungeon crawlers. Two I only like Superhero MMOs, Three It's NCsoft, and NCsoft is as dead to me now as the ScyFy channel.
  22. No interest. I can go play better games for a fantasy fix.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    And NCSoft will continue to rake in massive amounts of money.

    Just not anywhere that City of Heroes had a loyal playerbase.
  24. Matthew_Orlock

    AP33 Forever!!

    We could always put those up on Cafepress as a t-shirt to help fund the #SaveCOH efforts.