



So, I log on today, and the cybertech costume bits are in the tailor. On the live servers.


But, I can't use my remaining points to purchase any of it.


Always with the endless teasing.

Well played, guys. You got me again.



Guess Cybertech was gonna be today's release, then?



This is just pissing me off more.



They're semi-available. You can see then in the character creator, but if you try to buy one, you get an unknown sku error. Just like if you try to buy Bio Armor.



Gah that really sucks.

Even more so cause its just a ***** tease.

I was playing with the bits on Beta..I posted some shots if you want a look.



I'm more pissed off about Bio Armor then this. Sure there were osme nice pieces but.. I wanted my new armor set!



I wanted both Armor and the Outfit set.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Is there at least a list of all the Cybertech parts that I can look at? Just looking at the female options in the costume creator, all I'm finding are 3 tops with skin options, 2 boots options, and 2 back pieces. I'm obviously missing something. Those boots looks like they should match up with something, but I don't see any matching gloves, or leg pieces, or ... anything other than what I listed.