Mister Rik

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    I used to be a big WoWer, then Cata hit...so same story as you. I have heard good and bad things about Mists, but I am just not sure that I am going to go back at this point.
    Playing a retribution paladin (DPS spec) as my main, Cataclysm really felt like Blizzard saying, "You wear plate armor? You should be playing a tank!" Most of the plate armor you could earn (outside of dungeons/raids) by earning rep with factions was tank armor. I'm speaking of "visible" pieces of gear, like helms, shoulders, etc. The "DPS" gear seemed to be all gloves, boots, belts, bracers, rings, and necklaces - stuff you really can't see. I had high hopes when they added the Molten Front daily quests ... only to find more rings and such. In a game where you "progress" your character by getting new gear, this meant that, yeah, I was "progressing", but I couldn't "see" it. So I tried the auction house, and discovered that the "bind on equip" plate gear that was dropping in dungeons was showing up 3:1 in favor of tank gear, with the natural result that the DPS gear was priced sky-high and out of my budget. I was reduced to PvPing to earn DPS gear, and I hate PvP almost as much as I hate the idea of spending two hours banging my head against a raid boss with contrived mechanics.

    Mists of Pandaria offers multiple routes to progress characters, as opposed to Cataclysm's "raid or die" philosophy. Another improvement: it's nice that, in MoP, my herbalist character can pick flowers without having to kill a crocodile every time. Seriously, I swear that in Cataclysm, every damn herb was being camped by a hostile mob.

    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    At the request of some friends and against my better judgement, I returned to Warcraft for the new expansion, and I've been pleasantly surprised by it. Coincidentally enough, I am also on Wyrmrest Accord, playing a human paladin. Send a tell to Ravicana sometime
    Yay! I'll "look" for you there! Hmm, maybe we can form a guild of ex-CoH players and call it "Bluesiders" or something
  2. Just curious about this

    I came to CoH in September 2011 after burning out on WoW (specifically, the Cataclysm expansion, which I hated). But I have an older friend in WoW who is suffering from early-onset Alzheimer's, and I promised him I'd be back for the Mists of Pandaria expansion. And MoP launched about the same time as the CoH shutdown announcement. So, I'm back over there.

    Sadly, I've been too depressed about the CoH situation to log in here much lately, so I've been spending my time on WoW. Thankfully, MoP is everything Cataclysm wasn't, and I'm having a good time over there. I'm not an "end-game" player (which is one reason I like CoH so much), and MoP has a lot to offer to non-raiders like myself.

    So I thought I'd toss a hello to any other CoH people who might be adventuring in WoW these days. Give me a holler if you have toons on my servers:

    Wyrmrest Accord (my Alliance RP server): My main character on WrA is a human rogue named Thelois. I've made her my "main" this expansion, instead of my human paladin on Lightbringer, who has been my main since 2008. Thelois is my only level 90 character so far. She doesn't belong to any guild. She's been a member of four different guilds, but left them all for various reasons.

    Cairne, my main Horde server: My main character here is Donoma, a tauren paladin, level 89. She's a member of the <Burning Dog Legion>, a guild made up of members of the Straight Dope Message Board. Donoma started life as a blood elf named Keliraeda, but I race-changed her to tauren some time last year. Tauren paladins don't call themselves "paladins", they call themselves "Sunwalkers". Since the tauren culture is loosely based on that of Native American plains tribes, I wanted a suitable name for her. I found "Donoma", which is an Omaha name that means "sight of the sun". I thought it was perfect.

    Alexstrasza: My main character here is Nouveus, a night elf hunter, currently level 88. He's a member of the <Knights Who Say Ja> guild. This is a very small guild (only 9 members). The guild master is my Alzheimer's-suffering friend, who I also know from the Straight Dope Message Board. Everybody in the guild is also a SDMB friend, and we're all there to help him out when we can.

    Lightbringer: My main here is Eilyssana, a human paladin. She was the very first WoW character I rolled back in December 2008, and was my main through Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm, and is the guild master of my own personal "vanity" guild, <Order of The Rik>.

    Side note: There appear to be 60 guilds (on different servers) called <Ouroboros>! I never understood that name until I started playing CoH. I suspect those guilds were founded by former CoH players

    Anyway, if you play WoW and have a character on any of my listed servers, give me a holler - I'll be happy to hear from you
  3. Well, I'm back to WoW. Which I came here to escape. Like some others, I'm a Mac user, and while bemoaning the lack of MMO options for the Mac in September 2011, somebody mentioned that CoH would run on my Mac.

    I started playing WoW in December, 2008, when I acquired a Mac that was actually capable of running it. I didn't know there were other MMO options for Mac (actually, somebody in another thread told me the Mac version of CoH came out in Jan. 2009, but I never heard about it. Damn you NCSoft marketing!) and since I was already a fan of the WarCraft universe from the RTS games, and being pleased with Blizzard's commitment to Mac users, I was happy to sign up for WoW.

    But, since I'm not a raider (and I suck at PvP too) — aside from the fact that I found raiding completely unfun, my erratic work schedule doesn't allow me to commit to a raiding guild schedule — once I got to max-level on six WoW characters, I found myself with nothing at all to do aside from running the same circuit of daily quests every day, and an inability to advance/improve my characters. On six characters. See, that's the problem with endgame-focused games: the devs forget about the players who aren't into that. Mind-numbing boredom set in, and I was ready for something new.

    So somebody pointed me toward CoH, and I fell in love with the game. I especially liked the fact that end-game raiding was not the be-all, end-all objective. I'm truly one who prefers the journey to the destination, and I never got tired of rolling new characters and doing those same low-level missions over and over. Good grief, I've only played for a little over a year and still managed to create 93+ characters! My total is actually over 100, but there are several I've deleted simply because they didn't work, or I only created them as "joke" characters. I've got a character lurking somewhere named "The Grammar Fifth Columnist" (closest I could get to "Grammar Nazi") whose entire purpose was to sit in Help chat and correct everybody's grammar

    On Virtue, I created 13 characters who all followed a theme: A middle-aged biophysicist developed a method of imbuing ordinary humans with superpowers. She took the name "Mother Sun", and granted superpowers to a group of volunteers from around the world. Each of them took a name that represented a planet or other major feature of our solar system: Girl Mercury (from the UK), Venus Lass (USA), Erdmädchen (Germany), Ms. Mars (an actual Martian), Fille de Jupiter (France), Saturn Signal (USA), Princesa Urana (Mexico), Neptune's Niece (Canada), Notta Planet (USA) Lunagetic (USA), Haylee Comet (USA), and Solar Sail (Brazil). All of them have the Science origin, except for Ms. Mars, who is Natural — Mother Sun's procedure didn't work on her non-human physiology, but she was already a trained warrior.

    On Triumph, I created another themed team. In Galaxy City, there was a school called "Dahlia Danger's International School for Superpowered Girls". On the day the Shivan meteors destroyed Galaxy, Dahlia Danger revealed herself as an Arachnos agent, and her plan to ultimately indoctrinate her students into Arachnos. The girls were having none of that. They formed their own team and sent Dahlia scampering back to the Rogue Isles. These characters have various origins.

    On Defiant, I created a team, all with Natural origins, based on characters I've created over the years in my creative writing. They weren't superheroes in their original incarnations; my original intent was to simply create them in-game to give them "physical form". But several of them ended up being a lot of fun to play.

    *sigh* All for nothing. I only got a bit more than a year in this game. I'm never going to get the chance to continue the stories of my characters and their teams, unless I write them in plain text, offline

    So, I'm back to WoW. Fortunately, with the new Mists of Pandaria expansion, Blizzard seems to have figured out that we "casuals", we non-raiders, need stuff to do, and so far I'm enjoying the expansion. I've only taken three of my (now) seven (and soon to be eight) eligible characters into the new zones so far. I'm taking it very slowly; I'm in no hurry to get to max-level. The journey. I'm especially enjoying the way the panda NPCs keep telling me to "Slow down! Life should be savored!"

    I have a Champions Online account, which I can play on my Windows laptop, along with DnD Online. I also have an Aion account, but I refuse to play that game any more (though I decided that game sucks long before NCSoft decided to cancel CoH). But I really don't enjoy playing on the laptop. I'm too accustomed to playing on my Mac, with its much larger screen. I feel cramped on the laptop.

    I may look into Elder Scrolls Online, which will have a Mac version. I've never played any of the Elder Scrolls games, but I've heard they're good. And I don't think NCSoft has anything to do with them.

    But as far as finding a new game ... I don't really care about genre. I care about gameplay, and philosophy. Do any of my fellow Mac users remember a Mac shareware game called "Escape Velocity"? My god, that game was, in my opinion, the spiritual ancestor of the modern MMOs and "sandbox" games. It was an outer-space "trading" game. You started out as a space pilot with a tiny shuttle with a puny laser cannon. From there, you could do any damn thing you wanted. Make a fortune simply by shuttling cargo between planets, upgrading to better ships as you could afford it. Become a space pirate by attacking "NPC" cargo ships. Do work for the "Galactic Federation" and become aligned with them, or work for the Rebels. The two sequels added even more options. There was constant begging by players for the game to be converted to online, multiplayer, though that never happened. And this was a few years before Everquest. I haven't played EVE Online, but from what I've heard it's the spiritual successor to Escape Velocity. I suspect its creators were inspired by Escape Velocity (called "EV" by the players - c'mon, EV -> EVE?) Man, I got almost 10 years of entertainment and great gameplay out of EV and its sequels!

    In CoH, for me, it wasn't really about being a superhero (though I love superheroes - I've been a comic collector for 25 years). It was about the gameplay. The philosophy behind the game. The customization that let me make my characters look exactly how I wanted them to look. The wonderful community this game has — unless you also came here after a few years in WoW, you won't understand what a breath of fresh air you guys were. I know WoW has a lot of adult players, but you'd never know it from watching the chat channels there. I suspect the "grownups" just keep silent over there. But here in CoH, I've found a community of grownups. I sincerely regret that I never really took the opportunity to get to know more of you. You guys are awesome, and even though I don't really know you, I'm gonna miss you all.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    It was officially released January 7th 2009, so almost 4.5 years after initial release.
    Thanks. That would put it about one month after I got this Mac and signed up for WoW. My previous Mac, which wasn't powerful enough to run MMOs, finally bit the dust in mid-November '08, and I replaced it with this iMac in early December '08.
  5. I've pretty much lived on the Internet since 1996, but I don't remember seeing any advertising for this game. I'm also a comic book collector who purchased the first several issues of the CoH comic, and somehow I never made the connection that the comic was tied into a game. Meanwhile, I'd heard of Everquest, I'd heard of Ultima Online, and of course I heard about WoW.

    Not to mention that, as far as I know, they never put any emphasis on the fact that you could play the game on a Mac. That kind of news gets around the Mac community, where we're accustomed to every new non-Blizzard PC game being "Windows-only". But I don't remember hearing anything. At least nothing that I still remembered by 2008 when I finally got a Mac capable of playing games like this.

    ETA: I guess I should ask - was this game Mac-compatible from Day One? Or was the Cider wrapper thing added later?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
    always seeming to miss after eating a yellow inspiration.
    Heh. I was playing one of my lowbie blasters the other day. Four times in a row I attempted Buildup + sniper attack and missed.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
    Schweet! Thanks!

    Currently: Look for Venus Lass there.
    And actually, /respec didn't work. Button kept popping up over the respec window.

    Originally Posted by Positivity View Post
    Go to AE and initiate(but not enter) a mission there, and then return to City Hall. It works just like a TF, making it so that you will not AFK and log out. That's the method that most everyone else uses, allowing you to still converse and watch for the GMs that show up every so often.
    Okay, I'll try this. Looks like this is what OmniNogard was suggesting as well, though I thought he was instructing me to type something.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    Sure, if you have a freespec just type in /respec and you won't get logged out.
    Schweet! Thanks!

    Currently: Look for Venus Lass there.
  9. So I would like to be able to leave a character holding a torch overnight in Atlas Park 33. Problem is the AFK "timeout" issue.

    Is there any way, via console command or whatever, to allow my character to remain "permanently" logged in without having to click that darn button every 10 minutes (or however long it is)?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
    Note: I was so thrilled when I got ahold of the CC because I could make a female toon withOUT having a pair of basketballs on her chest!
    That's one of my favorite things about the costume creator, too, being one of those "odd" guys who doesn't care for "big 'uns"

    My very first character was an attempt at reproducing a superhero I created some time between 1987 and 1991. Back then I got the idea for a hero tailored to my hometown. I live in an agricultural area where the primary crops are apples and other tree fruit (my city calls itself "The Apple Capitol of the World"). So I came up with Captain Apple. He had no powers, instead relying on training and gadgets, ala Batman (but completely lacking Batman's grimness and dark persona). He was intended to be one of those 4th-wall-breaking, aware-he's-in-a-comic-book type of characters.

    I reproduced his costume as best I could using the parts available in the CC:

    The big "A" on his chest should actually a big red apple, but there was no such symbol available. I also had to call him "Big Apple", as the name "Captain Apple" was already taken (didn't occur to me to try a different server). Being much more familiar with the CC now, I look at this picture and see some things I would do differently if I tried to make him again. He was an electric melee scrapper (can't remember his secondary). As it is, the character just didn't work out and I deleted him fairly quickly.

    My first character to "stick" was my fire/fire blaster, Flaminatrix (earliest picture of her I can find - I think that barbarian chest detail was the first thing I bought from the store):

    She turned out to be a lot of fun, and ended up becoming my only level 50/incarnate character. (I would have more, but I only discovered the game a year ago, and I'm a hopeless altoholic - I think I have 91 characters...)
  11. Just found this one in my screenshots folder - my incarnate fire/fire blaster, Flaminatrix, in Dark Astoria:
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
    • uncorrected drop bug (my record is 28 missions without a single end insp)
    I had sort of the opposite problem with my main character, a fire/fire blaster. At low levels, for whatever reason, Endurance was simply never a issue for her. And yet those Endurance inspirations would drop non-stop, one after another. What she really needed were the green ones, being squishy and all. But did they drop? Nooooooo...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
    There is a handful of us keeping the faith on Triumph. I have contact with some old server regulars out of game and off the forums. I've heard from several that they are just a bit too bummed out each time they log in.
    While my only level 50 is on Justice (I found 50 players logged in there last night), I've found that my favorite characters are some of those that I created on Triumph and Defiant ( *sigh* 2 people, including myself, on Defiant last night, though granted, it was midnight Pacific time).

    I'm mourning the fact that, by Nov. 30, I will have had only 13-1/2 months to play the game. Still managed to roll 89+ characters (probably close to 100 - there have been a number that just didn't work or I just didn't like that got deleted). So right now I've been trying to get as many of them as I can to at least level 20 to get that second costume slot, and moving them around trying to collect as many Day Job badges as possible. I'll "archive" all of them when the final shutdown date approaches.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    I will NOT miss having to wait 30 seconds to log out to switch characters. I hate that. Every time. I wish it wasn't a thing.
    My understanding of the reason for this is that it's intended to prevent people from using a deliberate logout to avoid defeat/death. At least that's the reason in WoW. "Sure, you can log out, but your character will stay behind for a bit." But WoW at least made an exception for logging out in a "safe" location, i.e. an inn or other "safe zone". It would be cool if the same applied in CoH, like logging out in a train station, a store, the University (basically, any Day Job location).
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
    CoH spectrals. Not since Pac-Man have ghosts given me so much trouble in a video game.
    Indeed, I've always wondered what they were thinking, loading up low-level content with multiple-stacking to-hit debuffs. Low-level characters already have enough trouble hitting things. It's why I learned to make sure I got the "Meet Lady Jane" mission (in the first Midnighter arc, where you help her find the chest with the vial of Hero 1's blood) no later than level 12. At level 13 those spectrals would start showing up. More than once I found the whole damn cave full of them, which rendered the mission almost impossible because with six of those things on you, you literally cannot hit anything.

    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    • Idiotic mob AI that can't follow you. Doubly so when you're trying to lead the only Knife of Artemis in the whole faction that can't see your Stalker when Hide is active to the mission door.
    Hah! That struck me as something that wasn't thought through when they came up with Stalkers. "Let's see, why don't we make this one AT finish missions with both hands tied behind its back?" A stalker who can't Hide is at a huge disadvantage.

    OTOH, I do like the fact that CoH escort missions have the hostage follow me, instead of the way most other games do it: you follow the idiot NPC on a pre-programmed, ridiculously-indirect route through a string of ambushes.

    Originally Posted by Turjan View Post
    * Missions that say "defeat Boss X" which (after defeating him) turn out to be "defeat alls" after all.
    That never bothered me - I'm naturally OCD about doing full clears of maps

    * Using Aim and a sniper attack on a mob armed with a pistol 150ft away, missing...and the mob immediately fires back at you over 150ft with his 80ft range pistol - and hits you!
    Related to this: The inconsistency regarding when mobs react to your ranged attack. The game "rolls" as soon as you hit the attack button. If you hit, the mob reacts when the attack hits them. But if you miss, the mob reacts the instant you hit the button (i.e. the instant the "roll" is made), immediately counterattacking and/or charging toward you while you're still stuck going through the entire attack animation.

    * Streakbreaker and the "to hit" mechanic. I need to explain my grievance on that a little more...
    I actually got so irritated once by repeated misses on my main that for a few missions I actually noted down every hit/miss just to see if it tallied with the 95% cap mechanic. That means statistically 1 miss in 20 attacks, if your character's to hit is capped. Being at that cap also means every miss is immediately followed by an autohit from Streakbreaker.
    I had a sequence once with 5 consecutive misses (alternating Miss and Streakbreaker for 10 attacks). I'll leave you to work out what the probability of that is, lol
    And this leads to the one thing that I absolutely won't miss: MISSING ALL THE FREAKING TIME. I honestly believe that this was likely a big turnoff to new players. I saw a new player in Help chat one day semi-joking, "LOL, I'd be dangerous if I could hit anything!" The Accuracy/ToHit issue is something I've griped about since I started playing the game, and I love the game. I have no trouble seeing it being an immediate "no thank you" for somebody who's impatient or wishy-washy about the game.

    If you're used to a game like WoW (as I was before picking up CoH), the fact that a mere +1 level advantage can make an enemy almost impossible to hit is incredibly frustrating. There is a huge psychological difference between "HIT, but for insignificant damage" and "WHIFF! WHIFF! WHIFF! WHIFF!" The former makes you say, "It's gonna be a challenge, but if I can stay alive I can take this guy down!". The latter makes you say, "!@#$% WTF? Why can't I even hit this guy? This sucks!" It's the same principle slot machines are based on - a machine with frequent, small payouts keep people playing longer than a machine with nothing but one big prize.

    I ended up visiting a Hero Corps Analyst/Fateweaver on almost every character I rolled to set my mission difficulty to -1, because at +0 my missions were loaded with +1 mobs. I got tired of walking into missions and running into a string of +1 lieutenants that made me have to stop and rest after every spawn (or rather, after using Rest once, having to just stop and stand around for several minutes waiting for my HP and Endurance to recover). I'm a super-strong, invulnerable superhero. A street punk with a zipgun shouldn't be giving me this much trouble.

    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    4. G.I.R.L.s

    Oh yeah, one other thing I won't miss: Panicked civilians inside missions. I really really wished that civilians inside missions had the same AI as those out on the street: RUN AWAY FROM THE BAD GUYS! Instead, they run straight toward the villains, or run deeper into the map instead of heading for the exits. I've actually had melee characters die because they ended up with a logjam of civilians trapping them into a corner while ranged-attacking enemies stand across the room filling me full of holes.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dethos_Zahrim View Post
    Just logged off for the last time, first time I have logged on in a week and it was just too depressing. No chatter on the usual channels to smile and laugh at, even the epic smart alecs of Help were mostly silent, and Cape Radio also was quiet. The streets were near empty, as well as every place I went, The D, the Ski Chalet, a lot of others with fun memories.
    Yeah, I'm starting to wonder if people are playing anywhere besides Virtue these days. A couple days ago I was on Triumph and did a search, and found a grand total of six characters logged in blueside. Last night (Friday!) on Defiant there were eight ... and at level 20 mine was the second-highest-level character logged in. There was a lvl 50, me, and six others at 19 or lower.

    It didn't change the way I played — I'm a soloist, not a group/team player — but it was still a bummer seeing so few people on.
  17. As a Mac user, my only experience with CO was trying it out on my Windows laptop. And since I find trying to game on a laptop very awkward (much smaller screen than my iMac, having to look down at the screen instead of straight ahead as I do on my iMac), not to mention that laptop is kind of underpowered, I wasn't really able to give it a fair shake.

    I may give it another try, if I manage to get a gaming-quality desktop PC, or get one of the various PC-emulation solutions running on my Mac.

    That said, I've come to realize in the year I've played CoH that the superhero aspect isn't the main thing that makes me love this game. If the game was a fantasy or scifi game, but the other aspects (mechanics, philosophy, gameplay, customization, and community) of the game were as they are now, I'd still love it just as much. Now, I do love superheroes — I've been a comic book fan/collector for 25 years. But I don't feel compelled to specifically seek out a superhero game.
  18. Logged in this morning, and found I'd received my 33rd vet reward token. Assuming I also get tokens in October and November, the November token will be my first into Tier 9.

    Yeah, I only started playing this game last September, but I spent enough money in the Market to earn that many vet rewards
  19. Mister Rik


    Is there at least a list of all the Cybertech parts that I can look at? Just looking at the female options in the costume creator, all I'm finding are 3 tops with skin options, 2 boots options, and 2 back pieces. I'm obviously missing something. Those boots looks like they should match up with something, but I don't see any matching gloves, or leg pieces, or ... anything other than what I listed.
  20. So yesterday I was fooling around in the costume creator, and in the female "Tops with Skin" section I discovered three new Cybertech pieces. They looked cool.

    Of course, they were locked behind the Store, which basically means, "Here, you can look at these, but you can't have them".

    Were these costume pieces simply on some sort of timer to automatically appear on a certain date? Or was this just a glitch? I can't imagine they would deliberately be manually added to the costume creator after the shutdown announcement. That would just be cruel taunting
  21. I would like to create a quick & dirty "mission" purely for the purpose of creating group pictures of my own characters, and I'm looking for suggestions on how best to do this.

    I would prefer a small map, but one that is well-lit or at least provides a few locations with decent lighting.

    Also, are there any other maps like the Vanguard Base map where I can simply place some custom characters without also putting in enemies? If at all possible I'd like to avoid having to fight through a ton of enemies just to get screenshots of my characters. OTOH, the only way I can see to get my characters to follow me is to set them up in "rescue ally" scenarios, in which case combat is unavoidable. The one problem I see with the Vanguard Base map (that is, the one that's used in that crafting table mission) is that any custom NPCs are just wandering around wherever they please. I need to be able to "collect" them and keep them with me.

    Another question: just how many individual custom allies can I place on a map? Is it even possible for me to place 12 unique characters? I ask because all 13 of my characters on Virtue are designed around a unifying theme. I'd like to place 12 of them on the map and then have the 13th gather them all up for the group photo.

    Any help would be appreciated!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Vowing to never buy from someone when they don't have anything you wanted anyways isn't a threat.
    Sad but true. I've already mentioned that, as a Mac user, any personal "boycott" of NCSoft is a rather empty gesture, as I can't play any of their other games anyway. While I do own a Windows laptop, I don't consider it suitable as a gaming machine.

    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    One must know the enemy before trying to figure out his actions.

    Read the part about how South Koreans do business.

    And here is some more information. You'll see that they don't think like 'us'.
    Considering the mutual antipathy between Korea and Japan, those articles very strongly resemble similar articles I've read about doing business in Japan.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remidi View Post
    Just to throw a quick point into the US vs Japanese car issue, I should also point out that it took American car makers a while to realize that not all cars are driven by large American men. When I was shopping in the early 80's for my first car, I gave up on the US models after running into so many that I couldn't drive because I couldn't reach the pedals. I am 5'2", and with the driver's seat run all the way up I was barely touching them with the tips of my toes.
    Back in the '80s I worked with a lady who wasn't even 5 feet tall. She drove a '70s Honda Civic — one of the smallest cars you could buy — and still needed big blocks on the pedals so that she could reach them.
  24. *sigh* Some missions just require too much travel ...

    In case you can't read it, the waypoint says my objective is 43,260.81 miles away.
  25. I guess the upside to this method is that I can play my demos without needing to log into the game servers. I'll be able to watch them when/if the game ends, at least.