Anyone headed to/currently playing WoW?

Black Zot



Just curious about this

I came to CoH in September 2011 after burning out on WoW (specifically, the Cataclysm expansion, which I hated). But I have an older friend in WoW who is suffering from early-onset Alzheimer's, and I promised him I'd be back for the Mists of Pandaria expansion. And MoP launched about the same time as the CoH shutdown announcement. So, I'm back over there.

Sadly, I've been too depressed about the CoH situation to log in here much lately, so I've been spending my time on WoW. Thankfully, MoP is everything Cataclysm wasn't, and I'm having a good time over there. I'm not an "end-game" player (which is one reason I like CoH so much), and MoP has a lot to offer to non-raiders like myself.

So I thought I'd toss a hello to any other CoH people who might be adventuring in WoW these days. Give me a holler if you have toons on my servers:

Wyrmrest Accord (my Alliance RP server): My main character on WrA is a human rogue named Thelois. I've made her my "main" this expansion, instead of my human paladin on Lightbringer, who has been my main since 2008. Thelois is my only level 90 character so far. She doesn't belong to any guild. She's been a member of four different guilds, but left them all for various reasons.

Cairne, my main Horde server: My main character here is Donoma, a tauren paladin, level 89. She's a member of the <Burning Dog Legion>, a guild made up of members of the Straight Dope Message Board. Donoma started life as a blood elf named Keliraeda, but I race-changed her to tauren some time last year. Tauren paladins don't call themselves "paladins", they call themselves "Sunwalkers". Since the tauren culture is loosely based on that of Native American plains tribes, I wanted a suitable name for her. I found "Donoma", which is an Omaha name that means "sight of the sun". I thought it was perfect.

Alexstrasza: My main character here is Nouveus, a night elf hunter, currently level 88. He's a member of the <Knights Who Say Ja> guild. This is a very small guild (only 9 members). The guild master is my Alzheimer's-suffering friend, who I also know from the Straight Dope Message Board. Everybody in the guild is also a SDMB friend, and we're all there to help him out when we can.

Lightbringer: My main here is Eilyssana, a human paladin. She was the very first WoW character I rolled back in December 2008, and was my main through Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm, and is the guild master of my own personal "vanity" guild, <Order of The Rik>.

Side note: There appear to be 60 guilds (on different servers) called <Ouroboros>! I never understood that name until I started playing CoH. I suspect those guilds were founded by former CoH players

Anyway, if you play WoW and have a character on any of my listed servers, give me a holler - I'll be happy to hear from you



I used to be a big WoWer, then Cata same story as you. I have heard good and bad things about Mists, but I am just not sure that I am going to go back at this point.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



I wrote my final year undergrad dissertation on WoW during the 2011-2012 academic year, so I've already been hanging about on WrA hordeside for a while. I didn't find WoW playable until Cata rebuilt the 1-60 levelling experience, and although I think Mists is pretty fun, I've sidelined it recently for other games.

I'll /wave at any Paragoners if I see ya.



At the request of some friends and against my better judgement, I returned to Warcraft for the new expansion, and I've been pleasantly surprised by it. Coincidentally enough, I am also on Wyrmrest Accord, playing a human paladin. Send a tell to Ravicana sometime



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
At the request of some friends and against my better judgement, I returned to Warcraft for the new expansion, and I've been pleasantly surprised by it. Coincidentally enough, I am also on Wyrmrest Accord, playing a human paladin. Send a tell to Ravicana sometime
Dammit people, you're making it hard for me to stay away.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I used to be a big WoWer, then Cata same story as you. I have heard good and bad things about Mists, but I am just not sure that I am going to go back at this point.
Playing a retribution paladin (DPS spec) as my main, Cataclysm really felt like Blizzard saying, "You wear plate armor? You should be playing a tank!" Most of the plate armor you could earn (outside of dungeons/raids) by earning rep with factions was tank armor. I'm speaking of "visible" pieces of gear, like helms, shoulders, etc. The "DPS" gear seemed to be all gloves, boots, belts, bracers, rings, and necklaces - stuff you really can't see. I had high hopes when they added the Molten Front daily quests ... only to find more rings and such. In a game where you "progress" your character by getting new gear, this meant that, yeah, I was "progressing", but I couldn't "see" it. So I tried the auction house, and discovered that the "bind on equip" plate gear that was dropping in dungeons was showing up 3:1 in favor of tank gear, with the natural result that the DPS gear was priced sky-high and out of my budget. I was reduced to PvPing to earn DPS gear, and I hate PvP almost as much as I hate the idea of spending two hours banging my head against a raid boss with contrived mechanics.

Mists of Pandaria offers multiple routes to progress characters, as opposed to Cataclysm's "raid or die" philosophy. Another improvement: it's nice that, in MoP, my herbalist character can pick flowers without having to kill a crocodile every time. Seriously, I swear that in Cataclysm, every damn herb was being camped by a hostile mob.

Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
At the request of some friends and against my better judgement, I returned to Warcraft for the new expansion, and I've been pleasantly surprised by it. Coincidentally enough, I am also on Wyrmrest Accord, playing a human paladin. Send a tell to Ravicana sometime
Yay! I'll "look" for you there! Hmm, maybe we can form a guild of ex-CoH players and call it "Bluesiders" or something



Burned out in it 4 yrs or 5 ?

Who cares...



Was playing WoW before I tried CoH. Will continue playing it for the forseeable future.

I play on Farstriders, for the record. 'Cause that's where my ingame friends and my sister (who got me into the game) are all holed up.