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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Most of us are trying to forget him.

    I only mention it after seeing this;

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The concept "artist" for Boobs&Sleaze doesn't seem to have ever seen a real woman - which is probably why he was hired, as he shares that status with half the game's target audience.
    Am I the only one who remembers Rob Liefeld or something?
  3. I wrote my final year undergrad dissertation on WoW during the 2011-2012 academic year, so I've already been hanging about on WrA hordeside for a while. I didn't find WoW playable until Cata rebuilt the 1-60 levelling experience, and although I think Mists is pretty fun, I've sidelined it recently for other games.

    I'll /wave at any Paragoners if I see ya.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Not so sure... when I unlocked mine it was after completing Act 1, which is *around* level 30ish. I think I was actually level 32 or something when i got round to completing Act 1.
    The F2P patch changed the legacy system unlock level.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    However, this confusion reminds me of the whole Star Fox getting renamed to Star Wing/Lylat Wars all those years ago....
    Blame this one for that.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Infact, Soul Blade was used *purely* for the 1st game of the series, and even then only in the US/EU and Australia. Sure, that is a lot of potential players, but it looks like they decided on Soul Caliber as the actual franchise name (14 years and counting).

    The reason Soul Edge had to be renamed is thanks to our good friend (read: extremely dishonest crook) Tim Langdell, a notorious trademark troll who persued frivolous lawsuits against anyone who used a name with "Edge" in. Namco decided not to bother with him and just renamed Soul Edge to Soul Blade to avoid problems, and a court eventually ruled that they were totally different and nobody would confuse them anyway.

    Mr. Langdell came unstuck thanks to a combined effort between EA (Over Mirror's Edge, iirc), and Future Publishing.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Terry Rakolta led a boycott against Fox Broadcasting's Married With Children because she was offended by an episode that showed the images of an old man wearing a woman's garter and stockings.

    Her attempts to boycott the show instead caused a dramatic rise in the shows ratings and led to the show being carried for several more years.

    To add insult to injury the shows staff made sure to send Miss Rakolta a gift basket every year thanking her for attempting to get the show cancelled.
    Ah, the Streisand Effect at work
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Mabinogi is known here as Vindictus.

    They're seperate games.
  9. My usual calculation is (Σ(Yearly Salaries * 2)) * Number of employees * Length of development in years

    Multiplying everyone's salary by two allows you to cover the additional expenses of operation, although this might only apply to single player games.
  10. Remember, there's a difference between active subscribers and daily concurrent users. WoW may have 10 million active subscribers, but the DCU is going to be a much smaller fraction of that.

    Galaxies was a different situation because Galaxies was shut down so it wouldn't cannibalize TOR (or so they say). One could argue that it was shut down because of the large size of its player base.
    I thought SWG was closed down due to LucasArts refusing to renew their licence to the Star Wars IP, which was then given to TORtanic.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Nova View Post
    1. The code MUST be COMPLETELY written by you. No code from the original game can be in your code.

    2. You CANNOT charge for access to your server. Period (that is how Blizzard won their suit against that emulator server. Read the first paragraph of the article that was linked).

    3. Players on your server MUST have a legally owned copy of the game client.
    Pretty much what I've heard too.

    The time investment for CoX will be pretty high, imagine having to rewrite every ability, every buff, every NPC, every mission and trial entirely in LUA or XML or something. Sure, you have the assets, but point 1 up there means you have to tell the server how to use every single part of it. From scratch.

    CoX might have a leg up if you can get the AE system running again in some capacity, but I don't feel envious of the coders who have to wrangle with that, or trying to recode the bit of the server that handles SG bases.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
    Loving all the armchair lawyers and the sheeple who believe the tripe they've been fed.

    That is something that is very much hotly disputed right now. Google right of first sale. The license agreement may say that, but that doesn't make it legal or true. If it said that NCSoft owns your firstborn child, don't you think that might run afoul of a few laws?

    Content companies are lobbying very hard to make this a reality, but it wasn't always so and doesn't have to be. The big media players want you to be a good little consumer that has no rights and keeps coming back for more. The EFF is fighting to prevent it. They've lost some battles, but they've also won some.

    There are also certain protections in place due to the risk of companies using DRM and then shutting down the server that lets you access it in order to force you to buy new things. Look up the DMCA exceptions for bypassing technical copy-protection measures in order to access legally purchased works that no longer function due to the manufacturer discontinuing support or no longer making it available.

    TL;DR, depending on which jurisdiction you live in, you may own your copy (subject to the usual restrictions on unauthorized duplication/distribution), or you may merely own a license subject to the whims of a corporation. If you're in one where it's still contested, DO NOT SIMPLY LAY DOWN AND GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS, or you're part of the problem.
    iirc, this is how a few server emulator projects have flown under their respective radars as far as C&Ds are concerned.

    If you can argue via DMCA exception that you have the data needed to run a client, say for example, the data contained on your HDD from a valid City of Heroes installation (Or the original installation disks), if a server is written to interface with this client data from scratch, then you might have a case for avoiding legal heat.
  13. I just want my Rhinemetall EMG-85 dammit.
  14. My "Main" in City of Heroes, Information High, was rolled as a CP2020 netrunner for a recent game. As a GM, though, I run R.Tal's ancient Mekton Zeta ruleset, which is really just CP2020 with rules for giant robots.

    I'm highly anticipating this game, even though I usually don't bother with WRPGs.
  15. I doubt developing points cards for CoX would have been financially viable after the freedom transition. This is the sort of thing that's much easier to set up on the wave of a big launch, rather than several years after box copies of the game disappear from store shelves.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Scorpion View Post
    Allies on missions, rescued and "kidnap" npcs, scientists in Warburg (well technically that was a zone variant but it shared a lot of script), Desdemona. Anything on a mission that followed players around. It was all driven by the same root script - designers just filled out some various parameters. It had several interesting quirks.

    Since it was "one size fits all" it was relatively difficult to change the behavior without possibly breaking all escorts in the game. This happened distressingly often.
    As a programmer far lower on the proverbial totem pole, scripts like this scare the bejeezus out of me, for the reason stated above.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
    I believe WoW's massive popularity took everyone, even Blizzard, by complete surprise.
    WoW's success was "The Perfect Storm", it was released as it was, at just the right time. It will be a long time before the planets align and we see something similar hit the MMORPG scene.
  18. You've not seen tanking until you've seen a bard tank Nidhogg by singing at it (FFXI).
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
    Hm, Question, Hypothetically, If a local version was made, Couldn't something like Heidisql and MYSQL make it like the online version, but make it harder for NCsoft to really catch us?

    I'm more of a program type of person, So i have no idea how stupid/smart the above statement is.
    The private server project I mentioned above uses a MySQL database to mimic the real thing. I don't know how much it copies from the real deal, though. Interestingly, a lot of the actual functionality, everything from NPC scripts to quests and even how abilities work is handled by lua scripting. The servers (login/map/search) can be set to run for localhost.
  20. I think it really depends exactly on what the emulator does. Having looked at another server emulator development project, it's taken it's small development team somewhere between 4-5 years to get the game to operate as it was during it's 2002 release, with some bits from later updates thrown in.

    I don't know what the experience level of the Titan coders is, but these projects do take time, and it could be a while before Emulated!CoX is back up to where the game is today. I'm not sure I could play the game without the QoL improvements made since the original release.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    evolved hardcore gamer
    What in crappity does that even mean?
  22. The early death of Tabula Rasa didn't stop me from continuing to play CoX, and the death of CoX isn't going to stop me from playing FFXI on-and-off until it dies.
  23. Quin

    Online gaming

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
  24. I racechanged my Shammy to Panda. I regret nothing.