Official Cyberpunk video game in development
Too early to comment on it.
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At least it isn't based on CP3. I'm cautiously optimistic. I've heard good things about the Witcher games, but Mike hasn't had a good batting average these past few years.
I'd certainly be interested in a Cyberpunk game (I liked the setting though I was never fond of their "Humanity"), but being from the makers of the Witcher doesn't instill confidence in me as far as gameplay is concerned. I don't know how much better it got in the sequel, but I just did not find combat fun at all in the first game. The story, characters, and setting seemed well done, though - for the short time I was able to put up with the gameplay, anyway.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Heard about this when it was 1st announced (which was actually a few months ago!).
Have liked the cyberpunk setting (both the game *AND* what William Gibson et al have come up with ) for many years. Am intrigued by how it will work out as well as its "similar setting in crime" partner in crime (Shadowrun Returns/Online) as well.
My "Main" in City of Heroes, Information High, was rolled as a CP2020 netrunner for a recent game. As a GM, though, I run R.Tal's ancient Mekton Zeta ruleset, which is really just CP2020 with rules for giant robots.
I'm highly anticipating this game, even though I usually don't bother with WRPGs.

I'm Huge fan of CP2020 so I hope this does well (was R.Tal's volunteer webmaster for a few years), but after CP3 I'm going to take a wait and see approach.
I think CP3s problem were it didn't really build on the popularity of CP2020, (for the reasons it was popular), it changed to the Fuzion system, and Mike made a bad decision on the artwork in CP3 (i.e. Barbiepunk)
I still run the (aging) Rust Never Sleeps CP website @
Who else played the Cyberpunk 2020 pen and paper RPG? I know there's a lot of pen and paper veterans who play/played City of Heroes. When I was a wee lad I actually never got around to playing D&D. No, for me, it was Call of Cthulhu and Cyberpunk. And Warhammer 40,000 Tabletop, even though I never actually got around to playing--I still devoured the lore and art in the rule books and codices.
It won't be an MMO, but Cyberpunk 2077 is being worked on by the same team that brought you Witcher and Witcher 2. As if that wasn't enough, they are working side-by-side with Michael Pondsmith of Cyberpunk fame. (He's almost 60 years old now and still wired for Cyberpunk.) Here's a quote from the dev blog: "While still working on The Witcher 2, we started thinking about creating a huge RPG set in a Sci-Fi world. We wanted to take the universal values we used in the game about Geralt and show them from a different perspective. On top of that, we had plenty of ideas for features that couldnt be implemented in The Witcher simply because they didnt fit in the setting. We were still commited to create a game for mature audiences that dealt with important, thought-provoking matters. We would put in place exactly what weve learned while creating The Witcher 2 with just one difference the game would be set in the future. No elves, no dwarves and no magic. Cyberpunk seemed like a really natural fit. Almost immediately we knew that this is the setting we wanted to adopt." When I first saw this game I thought it was an MMORPG. Who else would want to play an MMO like this? If it were big and filled with enough variety in terms of types of characters, professions and environments, I think that would be awesome. TL;DR? |
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
As I enjoyed both Witchers and played the old pen and paper Cyberpunk, I appreciate the heads up.
Be well, people of CoH.

I've been following this since it was first announced. I played the old PnP as well (ref'd mostly). Heck I still have my self-made Ref-screen with every single rule fromt he main book and all the supplement books, along with the "tweaks" my old gaming group made to the rules.
I wonder how they'll handle Hackers. That imop was the biggest problem with the game, was the virtual world coinciding with the physical world. 1 group of players heading towards the same objective, but the ref had to describe both the real world and virtual world scenes. Then there was all the player-designed programs where a player could create avatars for every program and themselves.
I can't see something like that happening in an MMO, it'd be like creating 2 games. Conceptually its cool, but pulling that off could be rather difficult. I'm betting Hackers will be 'running' with the rest of the team and have programs (attacks / skills) to bypass security, obtain hidden data, take over defense systems, etc...
Another one that'd could be difficult to pull off is the Rocker. Imagine a 'punked out bard with his brain plugged into his guitar and he can mez entire crowds into action. If I recall, it was ultimately possible to entice up to 10k people into doing something.
I just want my Rhinemetall EMG-85 dammit.

Is it just me or does the concept art look like it was made in 1987? With Ron Perlman in the back of the one.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Is it just me or does the concept art look like it was made in 1987? With Ron Perlman in the back of the one.

Oh and speaking of the 80s, I can't frackin believe I forgot to mention the first-ever pen-and-paper RPG I really got into when I was a kid. TSR's Star Frontiers!!! I was probably like 12 when I first played that. Played the heck out of it! It was so awesome, I was even able to get a few of my "cool at school" non-nerdy friends to play a few times and they had a good time (though I wasn't able to persuade them to stop making fun of my nerdy friends).
Oh the nostalgia. I played a Dralasite. "Hooorb!"

Edit: I just looked at Wikipedia's page for Star Frontiers and there's a bunch of off-site links at the bottom of the article. Apparently a lot of people are still playing it and you can buy reprints or legally download the PDF rule books for free. There's even a site where people play games over the Internet.
Star Frontiers would make an excellent MMORPG. Anyway crap, derailing my own thread.
@Captain-Electric � Detective Marvel � The Sapien Spider � Moravec Man � The Old Norseman
Dark-Eyes � Doctor Serpentine � Stonecaster � Skymaiden � The Blue Jaguar
Guide to Altitis � A Comic for New Players � The Lore Project � Intro to extraterrestrials in CoH
Who else played the Cyberpunk 2020 pen and paper RPG? I know there's a lot of pen and paper veterans who play/played City of Heroes. When I was a wee lad I actually never got around to playing D&D. No, for me, it was Call of Cthulhu and Cyberpunk. And Warhammer 40,000 Tabletop, even though I never actually got around to playing--I still devoured the lore and art in the rule books and codices.
It won't be an MMO, but Cyberpunk 2077 is being worked on by the same team that brought you Witcher and Witcher 2. As if that wasn't enough, they are working side-by-side with Michael Pondsmith of Cyberpunk fame. (He's almost 60 years old now and still wired for Cyberpunk.)
Here's a quote from the dev blog: "While still working on The Witcher 2, we started thinking about creating a huge RPG set in a Sci-Fi world. We wanted to take the universal values we used in the game about Geralt and show them from a different perspective. On top of that, we had plenty of ideas for features that couldnt be implemented in The Witcher simply because they didnt fit in the setting. We were still commited to create a game for mature audiences that dealt with important, thought-provoking matters. We would put in place exactly what weve learned while creating The Witcher 2 with just one difference the game would be set in the future. No elves, no dwarves and no magic. Cyberpunk seemed like a really natural fit. Almost immediately we knew that this is the setting we wanted to adopt."
When I first saw this game I thought it was an MMORPG. Who else would want to play an MMO like this? If it were big and filled with enough variety in terms of types of characters, professions and environments, I think that would be awesome.
@Captain-Electric � Detective Marvel � The Sapien Spider � Moravec Man � The Old Norseman
Dark-Eyes � Doctor Serpentine � Stonecaster � Skymaiden � The Blue Jaguar
Guide to Altitis � A Comic for New Players � The Lore Project � Intro to extraterrestrials in CoH