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  1. ill be in AP under the statue with Fiery-Electric that i enjoy to play. i started on champion and im gonna stay on champion till the lights go out.
    and then its off to WoW for awhile before bed.
  2. i love coh, but the only way i would stay put is if PS and the game went to another company.
    I wouldnt even think bout it if it stayed with NCSoft. used to have faith in NCSoft but not anymore.
  3. ive been playing TSW myself and enjoy it when i play. but i just have to play in spurts cause it is just too graphic heavy for me. i run everything on low just to be able to play. the 1st game i actually have to turn everything down to play.
    but overall i enjoy it very much when i play
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyle_Al_Mordu View Post
    Here's my slogan... "To Create a New World where NC Soft doesn't exist"

    ill 2nd that myself
  5. very good article. basically i guess NCSoft enjoys shooting themselves in the foot for pulling the plug on CoH. at least they are helping out the other game companies out there by kicking there current CoH customers to the curb like they have.
  6. i got a few toons on Kirin Tor between my 2 accounts i still play when im not playing SWTOR or Rift.
  7. DeadlyTwilight

    City of Steam

    played some of CoS tonite and i was blown away by how awesome it looked.
    this is the 1st browser game i have ever played and it was very sweet looking and i enjoyed it very much. i definitely gonna stick around for this game.
    also it is very different from what i usually play.
    i think the devs have done an awesome job on the game. got my toon to lvl 5 so far.
    i would recommend giving this game a shot.
  8. maybe somebody should show that to NCSoft. we are breaking records now.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    I admire those players that are putting their efforts together into Plan Z.
    I'm an unemployed graphic design and 3D modeler and I know develop something like a videogame is seriously time consuming, but hey, want to tell those guys:
    You guys rock!
    This may take crazy time, but if u have fun and like what u do in the way, it doesnt matter the final results, and dont care about what people have to say.
    People should encourage them, and cheer them! Not try to get their work and hopes down.

    i got all the faith in the world with the Titan Folks. i lost all faith with ncsoft now. so i wish all the best for TonyV and the Titan network.
  10. there is one im waiting on which starts CB on the 16th this month. called City of Steam. it is a steampunk game. really looking forward to it.
    so far i have to admit that the community there has been a positive so far. i havent played the game yet, but from reading the forums it sounds like a cool game.
  11. that was awesome. good luck on the album. hope u have plenty more in the future.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT... Not that the alert is possible, mind, that's an actuality here, it's the spoiler that might be possible. Reading this might spoil a movie, namely, Ella Enchanted. If you've not seen it, then you need to hit the the big red Nope button under your keyboard... welll, ok, that might be a little harsh if you've seen that Gif, but maybe an eject button or just the 'back' button or such...







    There. Sufficiently warned. Your problem now.

    Ella broke the spell by commanding herself in the mirror.

    Until tonight, I didn't get that. It just slapped me upside the head when I watched the clip where she broke the spell.

    "OH! NOW I get it!" Clever!

    I feel dumb for not seein' it immediately, and several times, but brilliant for figuring it out finally. Heh.

    I seriously thought it was that she just wasn't gonna do that command, wasn't going to kill Charmont, and that defiance broke the spell.

    Such a 'Oh, duh' moment, I hadda share it.

    Carry on folks.
    dont feel bad. ive seen ella enchanted plenty of times and i have never realized that either.
  13. ive been been sub since launch on SWTOR and play now and then when im not playing Coh, WoW, or Rift. ive enjoyed it when i have played it. ill go months and play one game and then switch to another and so on just to keep it fresh.
    just started messing around with TSW and have enjoyed that one too.
    im looking forward to trying CoS this month when it goes into CB.

    they just released their state of the game address today to and it looks like they are just starting to get around postings State of addresses.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    More impartantly: Blue-Ray Holiday Special?
    that would be awesome to happen lol
    just kidding.
    i saw the condensed version on youtube and within the 1st 5 min wanted to blow my brains out it was that bad. nothing could fix that. lol

  16. even if NCSoft did make a CoH2 in the future i would not touch it. dont trust or care for NCSoft now.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    NCSoft is hereby LIFETIME BANNED from *EVER* receiving any money or compensation from me ever again in *MY* lifetime.

    NCSoft killed Tabula Rasa (which I loved playing) and LIED to do it.
    NCSoft has now killed City of Heroes and given the flimsiest of reasons for doing so.

    That's it, NCSoft ... you're done. No more Benefit Of The Doubt ... EVER.

    And I hope that there is an entire segment of the gaming population at large that feels the same way I do.
    ill 2nd this
  18. the only good thing left for G4 now is the MMO Report with Casey.
    if and when it goes im done with G4 for good. MMO Report is the only thing i watch on
    the rest of G4 sucks now since all of the good ones are gone.
  19. DeadlyTwilight

    City of Steam

    im looking forward to CB myself. ive just been excited bout this game for a while now and i dont know why. i guess it just has worked it way into my gaming schedule. lol
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mind Phobia View Post
    I don't post very often, but I am a veteran of the game since open beta. I will admit that I have enjoyed all of you outstanding videos, and this one was no exception. I too found myself sniffling at it.

    We will always have our memories and thanks to you and what you have done, we can visit CoH anytime we watch one of your videos. Thank you for all of them, I am not sure I can say that enough.
    i have to second that also.
    that is your best work so far and am going to miss those wonderful videos you have made over the years.
    got a little tearful with the ending of it. and the music was just over the top and awesome.
    excellent work DR.

  21. DeadlyTwilight

    For video-gamers

    i was in marching band in high school and it was tough then. but after watching that performance, we had it made lol.
    very impressive band and performance. loved the zelda references.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
    Dear NCSoft:

    Get ebola and die, you worthless scumsucking parasites. I hope all of you are left destitute, broken and alone until finally, you choose to end yourselves in a filthy gutter to be eaten by rats.

    All my love,

    ncsoft aint getting no more money from me. they just lost a customer here
  23. i got CO reinstalled. i am a lifetime sub there, but everytime i go to play it just aint the same.
    well i have been looking at city of steam and it looks interesting. in the CB for it and it starts in nov. so looking forward to that.
    been trying secret world and so far i like it, but finally figure out my crashing issue.
    and then tonite when i was finally getting into it, game ran out of memory. running 3gb of ram. but i can see why since it is heavily graphical.
  24. i found baulders gate 1 and 2 on so i might be getting that.
    always wanted to finish it, but never got around to it.
    thanx for the i found a site i will be on for awhile lol
  25. once coh goes out, my stress relief game will be gone. it was an awesome thing to be a hero or villain and forget bout RL in general for awhile.
    now i'm trying to find a game that will help with that.
    rift,wow, and swtor doesnt do cause we all know how they are.
    just wondering if you guys had any recommendations on any good games to play that are fun and interesting.
