ok think ill give a real go!! SW it is
ok been reading the forums a lot and Secret World seems to have a lot of backing. I did buy it and up load it but after I got started the graphics seemed so lame I got turned off and uninstalled it. Guess I was expecting more form a new game. graphics didn't seem as good as coh after 8 years. ok everyone give me some help here. I am going to load it up again tonight or tomorrow. the wheel seems a bit complicated, is it? I want to build a tank first off and go melee. from what I can see it is possible to build a tank with a gun without losing a lot a damage. if you know a site that explains the game simple please let me know. I don't like the stuff I see bout going online to solve something, is that stuff a mandatory thing? tell me why I should stick to secret world. and I give up on games with a decent chat like coh's. What is wrong with these game designers!!!!
Does anyone realize that wows chat sucks!!! sheesh quit copying it for the good Lords sake!!! coh has the best chat screen I have seen so far. ok secret world players give me some info why I should stick to it a few months. oh by the way I still have GW2 load at level 30. just cant seem to get the feeling I am in the game and that chat sucks!!!!! sheesh what's wrong with NCsoft???? |
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
The Wheel's intimidating at first, as are the Decks, but a helpful tip I'll pass on is to not be slavish to the Decks. They help immensely if you going for one thing or another (and completing one unlocks cool garb) but they really don't perform as advertised until you have all the pieces. Use them as a guide and worry about completing them as secondary.
Also, before you chose a new power, spend a few minutes in a safe zone figure out what works well with what. Synergy between powers is much more powerful in TSW than in CoH and that minor power you ship, might just be the one power that would make all the others shine.
... Hit it ...

The Wheel's intimidating at first, as are the Decks, but a helpful tip I'll pass on is to not be slavish to the Decks. They help immensely if you going for one thing or another (and completing one unlocks cool garb) but they really don't perform as advertised until you have all the pieces. Use them as a guide and worry about completing them as secondary.
Also, before you chose a new power, spend a few minutes in a safe zone figure out what works well with what. Synergy between powers is much more powerful in TSW than in CoH and that minor power you ship, might just be the one power that would make all the others shine. |
One of the things that Secret World does better than City of Heroes is allow either/both PvE and PvP to be viable for character progression without the exploits that many use here.
"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon
"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight
Allow me to preface this post with: I am not trying to dissuade you from playing the game. I absolutely want you to try the game and see for yourself if it's something you enjoy playing. That said...
I gave the game an honest shot. I played for a little over a month, largely solo (that isn't for lack of teamage; Cobalt, Amy and company have been awesome about including me, despite my progression being far slower than theirs). I tried various builds, but in the end, I don't think the game was for me.
There were aspects I liked. The story was pretty interesting, I liked the graphics, but I just didn't find that I was enjoying myself. I liked the investigation missions (the ones where you can research online). I thought that they added an interesting element, although some of the solutions were incredibly difficult without resorting to Google and ending up with spoilers.
It didn't grab me right away. After a few hours, I just found myself not caring about what was happening and I found it to be a bit repetitive and grindy. After a few days of zombie, faster zombie, sea zombie, female sea zombie, Wendigo, zombie, Ak'ab, zombie, I got bored of it. I know that as the game progresses into Egypt and beyond, the monster variety deepens, but I don't find myself desiring to get to that point. To be honest, I think I clung to it as long as I did because I enjoyed chatting in Shades, and I was desperate for a CoH replacement.
The "holy trinity" thing is alive and well in the game, but since literally every team I played on (save for one Polaris run) was with friends from City of Heroes, that didn't effect me personally.
Quite often, I found myself gearing up to play. Just before opening it, or just after patching, I'd realize that I don't really want to play. I finally pulled the trigger and cancelled my billing literally 20 minutes ago, when it dawned on me that I haven't been in-game since the day after the Halloween Event went live. An entire month, a full billing cycle went by and I didn't want to play once.
Once again, please don't read my opinion and decide it isn't for you. Experiment! Team, play solo, try out Amygdala's patented Fistols™ Deck, but definitely see if the game is for you before writing it off.

Thank you, Champion.
ive been playing TSW myself and enjoy it when i play. but i just have to play in spurts cause it is just too graphic heavy for me. i run everything on low just to be able to play. the 1st game i actually have to turn everything down to play.
but overall i enjoy it very much when i play
@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!
Petition to end shutting down CoH:
There are teams in TSW? Outside of a dungeon, never done anything with anybody. Not once have I ever been asked, or even spammed, to join a cabal. No way to find people, if you don't know them already. Of course, have not got a character past blue mountain, so maybe things pick up after that. I don't really know or understand the power system, haven't seen anything that explains it. The broke missions piss me off. No help from a GM, they can neither auto-complete, or force the spawn of the final boss, so you don't get the mission reward. For all that, the real problem with TSW for me, is I don't feel like I have anything invested in my characters. I just don't care what happens to them. I play it thou, mostly just waiting/looking for something. Whatever something is, TSW is not it for me.
There are teams in TSW? Outside of a dungeon, never done anything with anybody. Not once have I ever been asked, or even spammed, to join a cabal. No way to find people, if you don't know them already. Of course, have not got a character past blue mountain, so maybe things pick up after that. I don't really know or understand the power system, haven't seen anything that explains it. The broke missions piss me off. No help from a GM, they can neither auto-complete, or force the spawn of the final boss, so you don't get the mission reward. For all that, the real problem with TSW for me, is I don't feel like I have anything invested in my characters. I just don't care what happens to them. I play it thou, mostly just waiting/looking for something. Whatever something is, TSW is not it for me.
There aren't many callouts for teams, I agree. Every now and again, there were some calls, but very infrequently.
I can't recall seeing any Cabal advertisements outside of Agartha. I did see some within Agartha, but it wasn't heavy.
Regarding the GM intervention... I had no problem with them. That was a major plus in my experience. On a Saturday at about 4:00pm PST, I came across a bug on one of Sarge's missions. I petitioned it and got a response inside of five minutes. He was able to auto complete the tier for me, which then allowed the baddies to spawn and for me to progress. He even put a little personal touch on the interaction, complimenting me on my dancing (I was emoting while waiting) and when he zoned in, he was doing the same dance I was. He asked if there was anything else he could assist with, right as the first of multiple waves of spawns came in and said "Sorry, I'll just wait till you kill those dudes".
I also had a billing issue, where it didn't auto renew my subscription after the first month. They corrected this within an hour. Again, on a weekend.
That is the ONLY thing I would give TSW the edge over COH. Within COH I can recall waiting for three hours to fix a borked Manticore (which got to the point of us breaking off, reforming and getting the same bug to happen before GM intervention), and waiting for multiple hours to free a stuck spawn.
I liked the personal touches and the super friendly interaction even more than how prompt they were.

Thank you, Champion.
I'll give you that, getting a GM response is better in TSW. And, if the problem is the final boss, tough luck for you. Except the last one, been 3 days, nothing. Which lines up perfectly with Funcon. I have never received any response ever to any question. Particularly I want to know why TSW needs over 37GB of drive space. My win7-64 install does not use that much. Also, had a billing problem, no response, closed my account, and just restarted it, will see. There are thing I like about it. I love listening to the dialog, being a person that lacks imagination, I'm always, wondering who thinks up this stuff.
ok been reading the forums a lot and Secret World seems to have a lot of backing. I did buy it and up load it but after I got started the graphics seemed so lame I got turned off and uninstalled it. Guess I was expecting more form a new game. graphics didn't seem as good as coh after 8 years. ok everyone give me some help here. I am going to load it up again tonight or tomorrow. the wheel seems a bit complicated, is it? I want to build a tank first off and go melee. from what I can see it is possible to build a tank with a gun without losing a lot a damage. if you know a site that explains the game simple please let me know. I don't like the stuff I see bout going online to solve something, is that stuff a mandatory thing? tell me why I should stick to secret world. and I give up on games with a decent chat like coh's. What is wrong with these game designers!!!!
Does anyone realize that wows chat sucks!!! sheesh quit copying it for the good Lords sake!!! coh has the best chat screen I have seen so far.
ok secret world players give me some info why I should stick to it a few months. oh by the way I still have GW2 load at level 30. just cant seem to get the feeling I am in the game and that chat sucks!!!!! sheesh what's wrong with NCsoft????
The Man
The Myth
The Legend