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  1. so basically you don't care if the game closes? you got your wife out of it and you don't care how it affects the rest of us huh buddy!!!! how selfish can you get!!! I got my wife and reconnected with my God and now I don't care, so that's how you are!!! lolololol
  2. good lord if meowtch makes another one of these, loving , kind, sweet and sugar dripping with honey threads again I am going to throw up!!! sheesh quit trying to get another million reply thread again. good lord the game is over!!!
  3. What is blackmelee thankful for you say? ha! that's easy!!


    MY DADDYS GUN!!!!!
  4. I did a clean install of Windows 8 on my computer is there a reason to install coh back on it again???

    some big event going to happen in game or between players at the end. thinking of doing it just so I can broadcast THE MAN THE MYTH THE LEGEND one last time!!

    Going to miss coh and everyone. REMEMBER I WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR KILLING HAMMY THE FIRST TIME ON CHAMPION SERVER SO THERE!!! WHO'S THE MAN!!! it said "hammidon killed by blackmelee" me, me, me, . Face it the server got better after I arrived and got things going.

    boy trying to start some drama isn't so fun anymore. how sad. LS why don't you give it a try you where the best at this. everyone hated you. next was budwiesser, after him cobalt. hahahahaahha........ still not as much fun.
  5. ok been reading the forums a lot and Secret World seems to have a lot of backing. I did buy it and up load it but after I got started the graphics seemed so lame I got turned off and uninstalled it. Guess I was expecting more form a new game. graphics didn't seem as good as coh after 8 years. ok everyone give me some help here. I am going to load it up again tonight or tomorrow. the wheel seems a bit complicated, is it? I want to build a tank first off and go melee. from what I can see it is possible to build a tank with a gun without losing a lot a damage. if you know a site that explains the game simple please let me know. I don't like the stuff I see bout going online to solve something, is that stuff a mandatory thing? tell me why I should stick to secret world. and I give up on games with a decent chat like coh's. What is wrong with these game designers!!!!

    Does anyone realize that wows chat sucks!!! sheesh quit copying it for the good Lords sake!!! coh has the best chat screen I have seen so far.

    ok secret world players give me some info why I should stick to it a few months. oh by the way I still have GW2 load at level 30. just cant seem to get the feeling I am in the game and that chat sucks!!!!! sheesh what's wrong with NCsoft????
  6. Look guys I hate to sound like a addicted desperate mmo junky, but I need some serious help finding a new game to play!! secret world, good way to make game content and play but graphics are lousy and I don't feel like I am part of the game at all. Tera old tech., rift old tech., champion online old tech., and so on and so on. boy if you are playing a new game that makes you feel like coh did like I am part of the game content, good way to build character and good graphics tell me bout it please!!!. If not I guess ill just wait till some of the newer games come out in a few months. MAYBE I'LL JUST KICK THE MMO HABIT ALL TOGETHER AND BE FREEEE!!!!!! doubt it.
  7. ok what new mmo are you playing? what did you try and why you didn't like it? I am playing guild wars 2 right now. it is good but I don't know if I will stay. I am on blackgate server. going to hang in there till highest level. by the way anyone try secret world? utube reviews not good.
  8. hi, I had to do stuff to my computer cant remember how to log onto buds vent how is it done can some one walk me through it?
  9. yo ace email me again, the wife deleted your last one so i cant send you one.
  10. hi everyone

    i know you are used to me and my rebel cant say it serious, mad at devs outburst.
    This will now be done that way. just wanted to say good bye to everyone. I've played with
    some of the best gamers in the world. going to miss the drama. going the hours of gaming.
    After 8 years i probably know more about this game than most, but if you noticed i let others take the lead and just acted like i didnt know as much. that is just the way i learned to get along with just about anyone in the game. you had to be a complete jerk not to get along with me. very interesting watching people who dont know as much think you dont know a thing. anyway when everything is said and done. i had a good time.

    a good time being band from a channel and reinvite the next 5 minutes because i know so many people. a good time being on farms ( against my will of course) . a good time on the early hamidon raids getting yelled at by marut. a good time pling people ( against my will of course i'm no scumbag pler) a good time doing 7 hour trails in the early days and doing 2 back to back like a idiot. and other good times.

    tomorrow i will post how we leveled to 50 back in the day for you newbies.

    last thing today. what game are you going to play after this? lots saying guild wars. please if you know of a good game let me know bout it. send tell to @blackmelee or post here. 2 things i like to know, graphics are they good, and character animation, does it make you feel like its you doing it. content tons of it will be great. let the old guy know please.

    blackmelee out
  11. boy i considered myself a ok farmer, but i am nothing compared to ncsoft. i just got billed for my coh subscription a few days ago. now one knew this was going to happen!!! yeah right. they made it free to play and made million with up buying stuff from market. they farmed us good. ok got that off my chest. boy going to miss everyone. memorys. tracks of death. racing acemace to 50. 9 months of perma-debt getting to 50 on my blaster. killing hammy with my daddys gun on first winning hammy raid on champion server(Admit it!!! you guys couldnt have done it without my daddys gun!! i got shot that killed hammy i take full credit !!!). marut and hammy raid " super tank get out of jello you idot!! if he dies defenders dont rez him maybe a long walk back to zone will teach him a lesson!!" drama on forums. war between pon and strike force. LS the most hated guy on server. cobalt the most hated mod on server. kitty power hands down the greatest farmer and powerleveler in the game. 2of9 showing us the blink glitch and getting xp without being in mission. learning bout farming and getting mad because i spent 9 months getting to 50. thinking i was dumb because guys were doing it in 2 days and i couldnt figure out how. giving away influence to newbies in atlas. ah the memories.
  12. blackmelee

    lose of sound

    i notice after playing a short time my sound goes away. it only happens with this game.
  13. give me the 4 main power for a human only warshade and what is does from your experince. there is a power i have a question about. Dark detonation. is it knockback or knockdown? and if it is knockback did you take it anyway?

    The man
    The myth
    The legend

  14. ok i know nothing bout playing controllers and dominators. can someone give me the info on what controllers main and secondary. and what is that special power controllers have and what it does. and what is differance between controllers and doms. and if and why you prefer one over the other. and what there special powers do that is different. i am reading up but i just want first hand.

    The Man
    The Myth
    The Legend

  15. blackmelee


    There used to be a thing when io's first came out called frankenslotting. that is when you slot, not for set bonuses, but you slotted to put io's of same advantages in a power, example: in a melee attack a slot my have - acc/dam, acc/dam, dam/recharge, dam/recharge, acc/dam, dam/recharge. all of them from different io sets. does anyone still do this? and how do you like it.

    Blackmlee out
  16. ok going to try and get into stalkers, i have one i worked to 50, a ninja , trying to get away from full defense sets. what is the most survivable stalker armor. and can someone tell me how stalker crittical hits work. seems they come not at all or 3 or 4 in a row.
  17. blackmelee

    Macro share

    hey i am after 6 years of playing getting into macros. share your favorite macro with the old man. write it for me, and what it does!!!

    Blackmelee out!!!
  18. blackmelee

    build planners

    that dumb mid build planner doesnt work anyone got a link to one that works
  19. yo umbral, i dont know how do get my build on here without all the tedios typing. i dont have one of those hero planners. i am old school, i do it by experince, watching, asking other players in game, bugging the heck out of tolerant people on global channels, and reading forums. This is the first time i cant get it done by trail and error.

    help a brother out !!! you are the supposed expert on regen and will power. have mercy on a poor old, broken down, vet. think about it, i spent my first 9 months, almost 5 years ago, working to level 50 on a blaster in perma debt the whole way!! i deserve a break today so post that build please!!!

    blackmelee out

    P. S. dont think less of me friends for begging like a little sissy, when it comes to gaming i have no shame.
  20. well instead of posting my build, i have desided to just ask for some builds. give me your favorite regen survival pve builds. i am a old timer money is no object. my regen is katana/regen, i already have tons of recharge on it but i am so frustated with this guy i am ready to delete him, i hardly play it. now i could be spoiled from old toggle day i know, but i think i am over that. i see people farming and doing cimarora wall np. i dont mind the clickyness but dont want to depend to heavy on divine avalanche if i dont have too. please give me a strong armor build if you have one.

    Also haveing problems with my will power scrappers. they are not living up to my expectations at all. need a strong build. my will power scrapper is darkmelee.

    thanks for any help. come on cough up the secrets help the old guy out.

    blackmelee out
  21. ok just concentrating on regen isnt working. i got good regen working and hp is only 15hun right now i will get freedom phalanx, should bring it up to bout 1900, i have permadull pain. tough 4 slotted, IH coming back quick, 1 recharge in MOG. what else do i neeed? i have become a click master before you say it, i do ok but i want better!! i dont see as many regens anymore is that tellign me something? is regen hopeless? give me a good idea for build. and i dont want to just depend on inspirations.

    blackmelee out
  22. yo people was looking at this game on website. does the video there show this game right? It looked really choppy to me, the animation i mean. is it smooth like coh? now i know bout being a tank, range, healer, etc, etc, but tell me more bout this game. is there anything special bout it? can the tank really tank? do the damage doers pour it on for real. what is leveling like. is it hard to get around. what is the biggest server so far? how many servers do they have? is there a difference between a Asmodean tank or mage or etc and a elyos tank or etc. give me some info about the game if you can.
  23. i have one thing to say and everyone to remember about this contest and the winner.

    My Daddys Gun, My Daddys Gun.

    Nuff said

    go vote you know who

    blackmelee out
  24. Ok listen up! when i post it is some serious mostly fun. this is a game to have fun on including forums to me maybe i am wrong for thinking that way. When i talked about old hammy raids i wasnt insulting the ones now, i have been on a few and all of them failed but that was when they first redesigned them. I am sure the new ones are great and fun. but i just like bringing up fun from old days every once in a while. i am sure ill get on a good one sooner or later. I just need to get in quick before group cap.

    After we took down hammy the first time we all got roles a lot. Marut lead most and trained others his way of doing. Metalo was known for his crazy debt fest weekend raids that some how we beat. Angels fist know for aggroing hammy and dying a lot. Genna for cussing and getting mad. me? i was comic relief i would broad cast crazy stuff and threaten to solo hammy. and LS and his sg for, curse them griefing raid.

    As a long time player i was actually getting on myself in that last post for sometimes not even trying to help others. and anyone in game knows since i started i have learned from almost everyone way back when. so i was just wondering if anyone felt they were to hard on others and have even tried to give advice. i like the responses i got. but i am not trying to upset and insult this batch of players. ( at least not all the time lolol)

    oh an by the way i always write bad post lolol i dont feel like editing them.

    i feel like posting so more coming keep looking here if you have a sense of humor, if not please just dont read my stuff ). no being mean just not trying to make enemys. but then again we could use some drama on champion again we are loseing out touch!!

    blackmelee out
  25. I keep seeing everyone complaining bout how the newbies are bad players including me. but i do remember how i was mentored and had teachers from higher levels when i first started playing even though i started about a month after release. i remember logging on and getting invites from players wanting to show me new strategys or higher level friends of theres on a mission. but then again if you were 5 levels higher you looked almost god like to us in those days, because it could take days to get one level then.

    So again i say have you found a newbie with a good attitude you like teaming with but doesnt know game? did you take him or her under your wing?

    again i ask do teachers and mentors still exist.

    Everyone look for a repeat of my favorite post coming!!!

    oh and by the way Acemace it is time to post the first hammy raid defeat for the new "elite" of champion server so they can see what a fun hammy raid is all about. and of course for the none believers in MY DADDYS GUN! to see who was responsible for bringing down hammy, so they can quit calling me a liar. I brought him down the first time thanks to Maruts leadership, vets team work, and the power of My Daddys Gun!!