Blackmelee here, ok got a level 50 warshade




give me the 4 main power for a human only warshade and what is does from your experince. there is a power i have a question about. Dark detonation. is it knockback or knockdown? and if it is knockback did you take it anyway?

The man
The myth
The legend


The Man
The Myth
The Legend



Stygian Circle -- it's a full health/endurance recharge in the middle of a long fight or at the end of a short fight. Available at 22, if I recall correctly.

Gravity Well -- it's the best attack human-form Warshades have at their disposal, and it's a hold.

Gravitic Emanation (Not positive of the spelling here, I'm talking about the cone disorient) -- fast recharging AoE mez. It's a great control tool and a wonderful way to open up a fight. It does have knockback, so some don't like it. I depended on this power heavily before I got Eclipse.

Eclipse -- there is no reason not to have this power. It usually fully recharges your endurance, if you use it in the middle of a long battle (Although you will usually want to start with it). When slotted, you will cap your resistance when you hit five enemies with it (it has a good radius, so that isn't tough). Such a wonderful power.

I didn't consider taking Dark Detonation 'cause my Warshade is a tri-form and consequently had the squid version.