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  1. Silas

    Guild War 2

    All the more reason to enjoy a game while it's available, no?

    If you had known that CoH would get shut down in 2012, would you never have played it? Nothing lasts forever, you guys. CoH had an excellent run.

    Of course it's a matter of time before GW2 gets shut down, but refusing to play it (or some other NCSoft game) because it could get shut down is some ridiculous paranoid Sword of Damocles ****. CoH ran for what, like 7-8 years? That's a long time, you guys.

    But you know, whatever, play what you wanna play, don't play what you don't want to play. Sure, almost all consumer choices are based off emotion but we should at least try to be rational and reasonable.
  2. Silas

    Guild War 2

    Melodrama up in here.

    Guild Wars 2 is a good game. Arenanet are awesome devs who do good work. Choosing to not reward them because you think that will somehow stick it to NCSoft is silly.

    NCSoft made an incredibly ****** decision. So it goes. I had a lot of fun with CoH, much more than my moneys worth. This isn't the way I'd have liked it to shut down, but all things come to an end.
  3. Oh man, this thread. I'll bite (again). My friend and I being handsome devils in sharp suits. His face has been obscured using highly advanced image editing techniques to hide his identity.

    9 to 17, good grief. I just checked my PlayNC master account thingie, I bought this game on June 24, 2004. Day after my 16th birthday. Wild. Total paid time, 6 years, 4 months.
  4. Hey people.

    Since CoH is going under I just wanted to thank everyone who has read my guides for all your support (hee) and feedback.

    No other game has made me want to write guides and no game probably ever will. I really enjoyed writing these though and I'm glad they were of some use to people.

    So long, and thanks for all the Scourge.
  5. Silas


    Yeah, so this sucks. CoH was my first MMO and to date the only one I’ve really gotten into in a major way. I’ve met a lot of cool people here, made good friends and memories.

    I was just getting back into the game too, wanted to try out the new sets and content. So it goes.

    As several people have said before, it was more about the community than the game. CoH was, in many ways, utterly mundane as a game. It was definitely awesome in many ways, don’t get me wrong, but it was my friends I made in-game that kept me logging in and kept bringing me back.

    So, people.

    First, Constance. For all the times spent chatting about everything and anything, melting everything and anything with Psychic Wail. Then trying to do it faster. And faster. And faster. Too many memories, too many dumb in-jokes. Speed stripes on a turd, chicken, various bizarre noises. All of it. Good times.

    Kahlan. For keeping me humble by example. For being, in my mind, the best player this server has ever seen. Both in skill and attitude. For proving that excellence is not something that one has, but something that one always strives towards. You’re an amazing guy and I’m glad I met you. I hope life has been treating you well and thanks for all the good times.

    Marut, for putting up with my continual abuse of his Defender In all seriousness, thanks for offering me a place to hang my hat. Everyone needs a place to call home, even if I didn’t really realize it or allow myself to settle in, I appreciated it. Thanks.

    Horus, you’re not that guy. You’re the man. Don’t forget it. I don’t know if I ever said as much, (or was aware of it at the time), but you were pretty much the major inspiration for my melee guide. Not all melee is always terrible. You heard it here first, folks.

    Amy, being a ‘pillar of the community’ sounds like one of those super cheesy things that people say about politicians during elections. In your case, it’s true. Thanks for all the good times and putting up with my madness.

    Cobalt, good post. We’ve not seen eye to eye on a couple things, but I always respected your huge contributions to and sacrifices for the community. Go well.

    Hrm. This reminds me of writing in peoples yearbooks at the end of a school year. Fitting, I suppose.

    The Not Vent crew. Arli, Kevin, Shin, Cam, all of you. For being awesome. For all the good times and better memories. I’ve got most of you on various things like Steam or Facebook so more game-breaking can happen. It should.

    The good people at the Earthguard. I always worked from a Groucho Marx kind of view when it came to SGs. Thanks for being warm and welcoming even though I never really felt at home. It was a home, I just didn’t know it. Thank you.

    To all the individuals I’ve met over the years and befriended, it was awesome. Oz, Kali, Stray, all the War Council guys (one of whom passed away last month, rest in peace Travis), Bronx, Carnage, Ice Crack, Jits, Llew, Myr, RAF, all of you, thank you for the memories and your friendship.

    Everyone else who I’ve not mentioned or maybe even met, thank you too. For being part of this server and this game, making it what it is.

    So long, and thanks for all the fish.
  6. Corruptor.

    It is possible that I am biased. But Corruptor for the various reasons already mentioned.
  7. I'd like to like Poison.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
    Crimes of annoyance and rudeness.
    Not everyone strives for artistry, alas.
  9. I took an extended break and thus the carrying out of my duties of calumny, cruelty and general villainy fell to unfortunately less...capable parties.
  10. Another vote for Sonic/Cold. The problem with Time for AV/GM soloing is that the -regen in Time is fairly weak and requires more spamming than most -regen powers. Time can keep you alive against them no problem, but taking them down is a lot harder.
  11. Silas

    Is it just me...

    Besides, Jack Whatshisface didn't work for NCSoft, he works for Cryptic Studios, who at the time had a publishing agreement with NCSoft.

    More to the point, Statesman is a totally boring character. He's like Superman, but without the kryptonite thing, which means at least Superman has the potential to be interesting. So, you know, as loathe as I am to use the phrase, 'meh'.
  12. Hooray! I can't quite put my finger on it, but I can't shake the feeling that I'd feel right at home there.
  13. There's a village in Switzerland called Wankdorf. Every time I drive past it I keep wanting to stop and take a photo.
  14. No build needs Hasten. Almost every build will benefit greatly from the addition of Hasten.

    I would like to think this is not a difficult distinction to grasp.

  15. Be that as it may, I would hope that in RL you take a little more time and care in assessing someone rather than declaring them borderline or bipolar based off of their behaviour in a single event.

    In any case, I'm not disagreeing with the latter half of your...diagnosis, but then I think pretty much everyone can benefit greatly from doing some therapy.
  16. If memory serves I clove him in twain, courtesy of a great big sword I had with me.
  17. Suffice it to say, I flipped my wig.
  18. What really threw me off is when I was playing Skyrim and I came across a dude called Silus, (but pronounced the same way as Silas), and he was living in Dawnstar. When I had a Peacebringer, it was called Silas Dawnstar.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Such lack of being able to read human emotions or to engage in rational conversation or have compassion or a conscience is typical of a manic state of a bipolar disorder or a borderline personality disorder (and self-medicating hormonal exercise regimes surely don't help the situation). He should definitely seek professional help for a diagnosis and then the therapy needed to learn to cope with whatever it is he's suffering from.
    Zombie Man, Professional Internet Psychiatrist.
  20. Silas

    CoX Bucket List?

    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    Modesty kept me quiet for over a year, but I still think I was never properly acknowledged for my potential as an evil overlord in the Vizier thread. <.<
    I'm open to apprenticeship applications.
  21. In fairness, no team does ever need two Tankers.

    They don't ever need two anything-elses either, but still :3
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Tanks the next best thing you can have to a healer anyways